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he rendered most impressively , eliciting high encomiums from the brethren . The neiv AA' . M . having appointed and invested his officers , the lodge Avas closed in due form and time , and the brethren re-assembled at four p . m . at the banquet , at ivhieh the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The brethren finally separated at ten o'clock . AIDKESUOTT . —Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) . —The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on Tuesdav evening , December 27 th ,
at Bro . Tilbury ' s , Royal Hotel , Alilershott , Bro . AVood , AA ' . M ., Prov . S . G . D ., presiding , supported by his officers and a large at tendance of the brethren , among whom we noticed the following visitors - —Bros . Money , 67 ; Spink , 211 ; A'ine , 211 ; Beatty , 211 ; Crook , P . M ., 671 ; anil Copeman , 1079 , P . G . S ., Surrey . The lodge having been opened , the minutes read and confirmed , Bros . Campboll , of Lodges 117 and 145 ( Scotland ) AA'atkins , 428 ( England ) and Payne 20 ( Ireland ) ivere hallotted for and admitted joining-
mem-, , bers of the lodge . Bro . How-ard , the AA ' . M . elect , being presented for installation into the chair of K . S ., that impressive ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . AVood , the retiring AV . M ., in the presence of P . M . ' s Crook , " JSTO . 671 , and Simpson , of No . 0 . The customary salutation having been given , the AV . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bro . Downer , S . AV . ; Buckland , Prov . G . S . B . J . W . Dewar , Treas . ; RoAvley , Sec . ; Sheldrake , S . D . ; Shoolbraid , J . D . ; Dobby , I . G . ; Simpson , D . C . ; Roberts and Phillips ,
Steivards ; and AA'allace , Tyler . The business being completed , tho brethren adjourned to the banquet . The W . M . presiding ivas supported by his officers and the undermentioned : —Bros . Hall , Lacy , Kelly , Outtering , Richards , Parrott , Bateman , AVhite , AVilliams , Davies , Bird , Rostall , Shutterlin , Harrington , Brown , Kidney , Yates , and Tilbury , and in proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , hoped that lie should be favoured by the same zealous assistance and support as had been given to his predecessor , Bro . AVood .
--Bro . Cook proposed "The Health of P . "M . Bro . AVood , " who , hi returning thanks , spoke with feeling of the services of his officers during the past year , and alluded especially to the unceasing zeal of the Secretary , AA'IIO had rendered invaluable assistance . —It ivas intimated by Bro . Crook , whilst returning thanks for the visiting brethren , that he and the brethren in the neighbourhood of Farnham contemplated , the formation of a lodge at that ancient toivn . The whole proceedings were of a most satisfactory character , and the evening AA-as spent in a truly Masonic manner .
HEREFORDSHIRE . HEREFORD . —Palladian Lodge ( No . 141 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge aud the festival of St . John ivas hold at the Green Dragon Hotel , in their new lodge-room , on Thursday , 27 th December , I 860 , to install the AV . M . elect ., Bro . Henry Clarkson . The ceremony was performed by Bro . E . Geary , P . M ., Lodge So . 19 , in a very impressive manner . After which the W . M . invested the folloiving brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . AA ' .
Lacey , S . AV . ; J . G . Morris , J . AV . ; II . C . Beddowe , Treas . ; J . Gardiner , Sec ; AV . Phillips , S . D . ; E . George , J . D . ; H . Gntton , I . G . After which the AV . M . initiated Mr . 11 , F . Knight into the mysteries of our order , AA'hich proved to the brethren of the Palladian Lodge that they had chosen a gentlemen to fill the office of AV . M . who is second to none in this proilnce as a working Mason . There is also great credit due to the whole of the officers of the lod as they Avent through duties ivith satisfaction to the lod
ge , ge and credit to themselves . After which the A \ . M . presented a very handsome P . M . 's jewel , in the name of the lodge , to our excellent Bro . the A ' enerable Archdeacon R . L . Freer , D . D ., P . M . of the Palladian Lodge , as a token of the high esteem in which he is held by the brethren of that lodge . The lodge Avas then closed in due form , and the brethren retired to banquet in perfect harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . ROCK -DAM ; . —Hope Lodge ( So . 62 ) . —On AA ' ednesday the members of Lodge 62 met at the lodge-room , Spread Eagle Inn , and P . M . Bro . John Lord installed Bro . John Clegg AV . M . for the ensuing year . The Master-elect appointed the following as his officers : — Bros . Edmund Leach , S . AV . ; S . Jackson , J . W . ; John Leach , S . D . ; AV . Davis , J . D . ; T . Brierly , I . G . ; E . Clegg , Sec ; John Cheatham , Tyler ; George Holmes , SteAvard . Bro . John
Standing Avas elected Treasurer ; Bro . Erhvin CollingAvood was appointed to represent the lodge on the Provincial Comniittce of tho Benevolent Fund ; and a subscri ption was entered into to relieve a distressed local brother . At tho subsequent dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were succeeded by " The A'isiting Brethren , " which was acknoivledged by Bro . S . Brierly ( 375 ) . MONMOUTHSHIRE . A-B . TMOA \ 'VS -SX . —Philanthropic Lodge ( So . 1120 ) . —On Friday , the 2 Sth December , the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , ivhen move than twenty brethren were
present , in spite of the inclemency of the iveather . Bro . Higginson , the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Maund , Prov . G . Reg ., and the other officers passed Bro . Saunders and Macfarlaue to the . Felloiv Craft degree . The lodge ivas then resumed iii the first degree , when Dri S . Steel , and Messrs . Gosden , Evans , AA m . AVilliams - , and E . Tucker , were initiated into Freemasonry . After tho usual routine business the brethren adjourned to refreshment in the ante-room , and separated at their usual early hour . It was mentioned- in the course
of tho evening that Dr . Steel made the fifth brother , of the same family ivho had been cither initiated in , or joined , tfe Philanthropic Lodge , the numbers of ivhieh are so rapidly increasing that the brethren find it necessary to use the utmost circumspection hi the choice of candidates . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( So . 693 ) . — A lodge of e' . Wei'gency was held at the neiv Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th December , to instal Bro . Whitchurch as AV . M . The ceremony was abl'
pery formed by Bro . Ed . AA'ells , P . M . After the appointment of officers , the brethren adjourned to the Vestgate Hotel to the banquet ; the AV . M ., Bro . AVhitchurch , took the chair , and his S . AV ., Bioi Hancon , the vice-chair . The W . M . ivas supported by Bros . West ,-AA ' ells , and Lyne , of the Silurian Lodge ; and Bros . Homfray ,. Leybourne , and Simpson , of the Isca Lodge ; Bro . Higginson , AA ' . M . of the Philanthropic Lodge , AbergavennA' , and about thirty other brethren . —The healths of the AV . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro .
Rolls ) , Bro . Lyne , the Installing Master , the Isca Lodge , Newport , and the Philanthropic Lodge , Abergavenny , Avere especially honoured by the enthusiastic reception with AA-hich they were honoured , and a veiT happy evening was spent .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoimiA-MTTON—Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) . —The brethren of the above Lodge celebrated the festival of St . John in the loclgeroom at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . M . Easton Jones , the Al ' . M . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , the AA ' . M . vacated the chair , to which Br . Motteram AA illiam Floivitt had been unanimously elected . The ceremony of installation was most ably and
efficiently performed by P . M . Bro . Riley , of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford ( 737 ) . Tho AA ' . M . then appointed the following brethren as his officers—namelv , Hinton , S . AV . ; Cotton , J . AV . ; Coglan Green , S . D . ; Parberry , J . D . ; , Jeffs , S . S .: Horsepool . J . S .: Butler AVilkins , LIS-. ; and ltobinson , Sec . Bro . Thomas Marshall , P . M ., was elected Treas . Tho brethren then adjourned to the banquet , provided in a most liberal manner by the Messrs . Higgins . In addition to P . M . Riley , ive noticed as visitors P . M . Inns , and Bros . Tunnard and Davies , of the Lodge of Fidelity , Toivcester ( 652 ) .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXEORD . —Alfred Lodge ( So . 425 ) . —The annual festival of the Alfred Lodge AA-as held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , Avhen tho newly-appointed AVorshipful Master , Brother Rainsford , ivas duly installed by the Dep . Prov . G . M . Brother Spiers , as the presiding officer for the year ensuing , who appointed as his officers as under : —Bros . AA'ilkinson , S . AV . ; C . . 1 . A'ineent , J AY . ; Rev . T . G . Mortimer , Chap . ; H . Houghton , Treas . ; J . G .
Betteris , Sec ; G . Taunton , S . D . ; Steane , J . D ; John Briscoe , Master of Cers . ; AV . Ringrose , Org . ; Emberlin , Inner Guard ; AV . R , Hobbs , Assist . Sec . It was resolved that a . subscription of five guineas should be contributed toivavds the statue of Euclid , to be presented by the Freemasons of the province to the Neiv University Museum . The lodge having been closed m line for ™ , the hrethreii adjourned to banquet , whew the anniversary Avas duly celebrated . 'The Prov . G . M . ( Br . H . A .
Boivyer ) was prevented by illness from attending , as was also the Mayor ( Bro . Sadler ) . The ei-ening ivas spent in a most agreeable manner , and the iieiA-ly-appointed AV . M . presided , and gave the usual 'toasts with considerable tact and ability . Amongst the brethren present wc noticed Bros . Aid . Spiers , Sheriff Thompson ; P . Ms . AVyatt , Owen , Martin , Bevers , AVall-er , IXev . II . A . Pickard ; Bros . Holmes , Plowman , Frazer , Tlmrland , Briscoe , Bruton , & e . The brethren separated about \ half-past ton o ' efock , with the feeling that a more agreeable evening Avas never spent within the Avails of the Masonic Hall .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGTIBRIDGE , BuRXHAAi . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( So . 367 ) . —A lodge of emergency ivas held at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Ilighbridge , on Friday , December , 28 th , 1860 , for the purpose of raising Bro . AV . J . E . Poole , Lieutenant of her Majesty ' s 60 th Royal Rifles , who is about to join his regiment in Ireland . Bro . T . Davies , having been examined , and found duly qualified , was passed to the degree of Felloiv Craft . Bro . Davies having retired , Bro . AV . J . E . Poole ivas examined , and being proved duly qualified , ivas raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . It Avas unanimously resolved to forward a letter of condolence to the family of
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he rendered most impressively , eliciting high encomiums from the brethren . The neiv AA' . M . having appointed and invested his officers , the lodge Avas closed in due form and time , and the brethren re-assembled at four p . m . at the banquet , at ivhieh the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The brethren finally separated at ten o'clock . AIDKESUOTT . —Panmure Lodge ( 1025 ) . —The installation meeting of the above lodge was held on Tuesdav evening , December 27 th ,
at Bro . Tilbury ' s , Royal Hotel , Alilershott , Bro . AVood , AA ' . M ., Prov . S . G . D ., presiding , supported by his officers and a large at tendance of the brethren , among whom we noticed the following visitors - —Bros . Money , 67 ; Spink , 211 ; A'ine , 211 ; Beatty , 211 ; Crook , P . M ., 671 ; anil Copeman , 1079 , P . G . S ., Surrey . The lodge having been opened , the minutes read and confirmed , Bros . Campboll , of Lodges 117 and 145 ( Scotland ) AA'atkins , 428 ( England ) and Payne 20 ( Ireland ) ivere hallotted for and admitted joining-
mem-, , bers of the lodge . Bro . How-ard , the AA ' . M . elect , being presented for installation into the chair of K . S ., that impressive ceremony was most ably performed by Bro . AVood , the retiring AV . M ., in the presence of P . M . ' s Crook , " JSTO . 671 , and Simpson , of No . 0 . The customary salutation having been given , the AV . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bro . Downer , S . AV . ; Buckland , Prov . G . S . B . J . W . Dewar , Treas . ; RoAvley , Sec . ; Sheldrake , S . D . ; Shoolbraid , J . D . ; Dobby , I . G . ; Simpson , D . C . ; Roberts and Phillips ,
Steivards ; and AA'allace , Tyler . The business being completed , tho brethren adjourned to the banquet . The W . M . presiding ivas supported by his officers and the undermentioned : —Bros . Hall , Lacy , Kelly , Outtering , Richards , Parrott , Bateman , AVhite , AVilliams , Davies , Bird , Rostall , Shutterlin , Harrington , Brown , Kidney , Yates , and Tilbury , and in proposing the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , hoped that lie should be favoured by the same zealous assistance and support as had been given to his predecessor , Bro . AVood .
--Bro . Cook proposed "The Health of P . "M . Bro . AVood , " who , hi returning thanks , spoke with feeling of the services of his officers during the past year , and alluded especially to the unceasing zeal of the Secretary , AA'IIO had rendered invaluable assistance . —It ivas intimated by Bro . Crook , whilst returning thanks for the visiting brethren , that he and the brethren in the neighbourhood of Farnham contemplated , the formation of a lodge at that ancient toivn . The whole proceedings were of a most satisfactory character , and the evening AA-as spent in a truly Masonic manner .
HEREFORDSHIRE . HEREFORD . —Palladian Lodge ( No . 141 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge aud the festival of St . John ivas hold at the Green Dragon Hotel , in their new lodge-room , on Thursday , 27 th December , I 860 , to install the AV . M . elect ., Bro . Henry Clarkson . The ceremony was performed by Bro . E . Geary , P . M ., Lodge So . 19 , in a very impressive manner . After which the W . M . invested the folloiving brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . AA ' .
Lacey , S . AV . ; J . G . Morris , J . AV . ; II . C . Beddowe , Treas . ; J . Gardiner , Sec ; AV . Phillips , S . D . ; E . George , J . D . ; H . Gntton , I . G . After which the AV . M . initiated Mr . 11 , F . Knight into the mysteries of our order , AA'hich proved to the brethren of the Palladian Lodge that they had chosen a gentlemen to fill the office of AV . M . who is second to none in this proilnce as a working Mason . There is also great credit due to the whole of the officers of the lod as they Avent through duties ivith satisfaction to the lod
ge , ge and credit to themselves . After which the A \ . M . presented a very handsome P . M . 's jewel , in the name of the lodge , to our excellent Bro . the A ' enerable Archdeacon R . L . Freer , D . D ., P . M . of the Palladian Lodge , as a token of the high esteem in which he is held by the brethren of that lodge . The lodge Avas then closed in due form , and the brethren retired to banquet in perfect harmony .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . ROCK -DAM ; . —Hope Lodge ( So . 62 ) . —On AA ' ednesday the members of Lodge 62 met at the lodge-room , Spread Eagle Inn , and P . M . Bro . John Lord installed Bro . John Clegg AV . M . for the ensuing year . The Master-elect appointed the following as his officers : — Bros . Edmund Leach , S . AV . ; S . Jackson , J . W . ; John Leach , S . D . ; AV . Davis , J . D . ; T . Brierly , I . G . ; E . Clegg , Sec ; John Cheatham , Tyler ; George Holmes , SteAvard . Bro . John
Standing Avas elected Treasurer ; Bro . Erhvin CollingAvood was appointed to represent the lodge on the Provincial Comniittce of tho Benevolent Fund ; and a subscri ption was entered into to relieve a distressed local brother . At tho subsequent dinner , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were succeeded by " The A'isiting Brethren , " which was acknoivledged by Bro . S . Brierly ( 375 ) . MONMOUTHSHIRE . A-B . TMOA \ 'VS -SX . —Philanthropic Lodge ( So . 1120 ) . —On Friday , the 2 Sth December , the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , ivhen move than twenty brethren were
present , in spite of the inclemency of the iveather . Bro . Higginson , the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . Maund , Prov . G . Reg ., and the other officers passed Bro . Saunders and Macfarlaue to the . Felloiv Craft degree . The lodge ivas then resumed iii the first degree , when Dri S . Steel , and Messrs . Gosden , Evans , AA m . AVilliams - , and E . Tucker , were initiated into Freemasonry . After tho usual routine business the brethren adjourned to refreshment in the ante-room , and separated at their usual early hour . It was mentioned- in the course
of tho evening that Dr . Steel made the fifth brother , of the same family ivho had been cither initiated in , or joined , tfe Philanthropic Lodge , the numbers of ivhieh are so rapidly increasing that the brethren find it necessary to use the utmost circumspection hi the choice of candidates . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( So . 693 ) . — A lodge of e' . Wei'gency was held at the neiv Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th December , to instal Bro . Whitchurch as AV . M . The ceremony was abl'
pery formed by Bro . Ed . AA'ells , P . M . After the appointment of officers , the brethren adjourned to the Vestgate Hotel to the banquet ; the AV . M ., Bro . AVhitchurch , took the chair , and his S . AV ., Bioi Hancon , the vice-chair . The W . M . ivas supported by Bros . West ,-AA ' ells , and Lyne , of the Silurian Lodge ; and Bros . Homfray ,. Leybourne , and Simpson , of the Isca Lodge ; Bro . Higginson , AA ' . M . of the Philanthropic Lodge , AbergavennA' , and about thirty other brethren . —The healths of the AV . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro .
Rolls ) , Bro . Lyne , the Installing Master , the Isca Lodge , Newport , and the Philanthropic Lodge , Abergavenny , Avere especially honoured by the enthusiastic reception with AA-hich they were honoured , and a veiT happy evening was spent .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoimiA-MTTON—Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) . —The brethren of the above Lodge celebrated the festival of St . John in the loclgeroom at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . M . Easton Jones , the Al ' . M . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , the AA ' . M . vacated the chair , to which Br . Motteram AA illiam Floivitt had been unanimously elected . The ceremony of installation was most ably and
efficiently performed by P . M . Bro . Riley , of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford ( 737 ) . Tho AA ' . M . then appointed the following brethren as his officers—namelv , Hinton , S . AV . ; Cotton , J . AV . ; Coglan Green , S . D . ; Parberry , J . D . ; , Jeffs , S . S .: Horsepool . J . S .: Butler AVilkins , LIS-. ; and ltobinson , Sec . Bro . Thomas Marshall , P . M ., was elected Treas . Tho brethren then adjourned to the banquet , provided in a most liberal manner by the Messrs . Higgins . In addition to P . M . Riley , ive noticed as visitors P . M . Inns , and Bros . Tunnard and Davies , of the Lodge of Fidelity , Toivcester ( 652 ) .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXEORD . —Alfred Lodge ( So . 425 ) . —The annual festival of the Alfred Lodge AA-as held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , Avhen tho newly-appointed AVorshipful Master , Brother Rainsford , ivas duly installed by the Dep . Prov . G . M . Brother Spiers , as the presiding officer for the year ensuing , who appointed as his officers as under : —Bros . AA'ilkinson , S . AV . ; C . . 1 . A'ineent , J AY . ; Rev . T . G . Mortimer , Chap . ; H . Houghton , Treas . ; J . G .
Betteris , Sec ; G . Taunton , S . D . ; Steane , J . D ; John Briscoe , Master of Cers . ; AV . Ringrose , Org . ; Emberlin , Inner Guard ; AV . R , Hobbs , Assist . Sec . It was resolved that a . subscription of five guineas should be contributed toivavds the statue of Euclid , to be presented by the Freemasons of the province to the Neiv University Museum . The lodge having been closed m line for ™ , the hrethreii adjourned to banquet , whew the anniversary Avas duly celebrated . 'The Prov . G . M . ( Br . H . A .
Boivyer ) was prevented by illness from attending , as was also the Mayor ( Bro . Sadler ) . The ei-ening ivas spent in a most agreeable manner , and the iieiA-ly-appointed AV . M . presided , and gave the usual 'toasts with considerable tact and ability . Amongst the brethren present wc noticed Bros . Aid . Spiers , Sheriff Thompson ; P . Ms . AVyatt , Owen , Martin , Bevers , AVall-er , IXev . II . A . Pickard ; Bros . Holmes , Plowman , Frazer , Tlmrland , Briscoe , Bruton , & e . The brethren separated about \ half-past ton o ' efock , with the feeling that a more agreeable evening Avas never spent within the Avails of the Masonic Hall .
SOMERSETSHIRE . HIGTIBRIDGE , BuRXHAAi . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( So . 367 ) . —A lodge of emergency ivas held at the Masonic Room , Railway Hotel , Ilighbridge , on Friday , December , 28 th , 1860 , for the purpose of raising Bro . AV . J . E . Poole , Lieutenant of her Majesty ' s 60 th Royal Rifles , who is about to join his regiment in Ireland . Bro . T . Davies , having been examined , and found duly qualified , was passed to the degree of Felloiv Craft . Bro . Davies having retired , Bro . AV . J . E . Poole ivas examined , and being proved duly qualified , ivas raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . It Avas unanimously resolved to forward a letter of condolence to the family of