Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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the deceased Prov . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . C . K . IC . Tynte , a copy of which was read and agreed to . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after ivhieh the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Ai-ere given and responded to . A collection was made for the Benevolent Fund , as usual , and the evening spent iu a very agreeable manner .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Royal Brunswick Lodge ( So . 373 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting on Thursday , the 27 th December , when the folloAving brethren Avere present , viz ., Thomas Danby , P . M . 162 and AA' . M . 373 ; Dr . Bartolome , P . M . 162 and 37 * 3 ; AVilliam Longden , P . M . 162 and 373 ; J . Sherwin , P . M . 29 S ; William AVhite , jun ., AV . M . 162 ; H . AA ' . Garnett , 236 ; J . Heivett , H . AVebster ' H . J . Garnett , F . Primrose , E . Drury , G . Stuart , S .
Neivbould , AV . Jackson , & c . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tho last lodge read and confirmed , the AV . M . opened in the second degree , and the W . M . elect , Bro . John Heivett , Avas duly presented by Bro . P . M . BartolemiS for installation . Bro . Danby , the retiring master , then proceeded to perforin the ceremony in that able and impressive manner ivhieh characterises all his Masonic labours , and at its conclusion the W . M . appointed the folloiving as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . " Willis
Dixon , P . M ., S . AV ; W . Longden , P . M ., J . W . ; F . AV . Primrose , See . ; Ensor Drury , S . D . ; Graham Stuart , J . D . ; and AV . Jackson , I . G . At . tho banquet which succeeded , Bro . P . M . Dr . Bartolomd gave some very interesting particulars of the history of the lodge , and of Freemasonry generally in Sheffield . SHEFFIELD . — Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 28 th December , when Bros . Osborn and Claytonof the Scarsrlale Lodge ( No . 981 ) Avere elected joining
, , members . The ball committee reported that they had made arrangements for a grand Masonic ball to be held on the 23 rd of January in the Cutler ' s Hall , and that the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M . the Marquis of Dalhousie , and several noble Prov . G . M . s , aud other distinguished brethren had iiromised to become patrons and steivards . —The AV . M ., Bro . Win . AVhite , jun ., then gave his recently appointed officers and tho other brethren presentinstruction in the several degreesand pointed out the
, , various little discrepancies which he had observed in the working of other lodges in the many different provinces lie had had the pleasure of visiting . — Bro . Hr . AA ' ebster , Sec , gave the lecture on the T . I ! , iu the first degree , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony ; the brethren adjourning to the banquet , ivhere they continued to improve themselves by discussing the various subjects introduced by the W . M .
Royal Arch.
GIBRALTAR . —Calpean Chapter ( So . 345 ) . —A convocation of this chapter AA-as holden on AVednesday , 19 th Dec;—Present , Comps . Ingram , M . E . Z . ; Ellison J ., as H . ; j . Williams , as J . ; Wilkinson , S . E ., Jackman , S . N ., Irivin . P . S ., Martin and Patterson , Asst . Sojs . ; Sivain , P . Z ., and ' an unusual number of others . Bros . Major Dunn , 100 th P . W . R . C , 345 ; Capt . Herbert , 7 th Roval Fusiliers , 17 S ; Capt , Dyer , Sth ( The King ' s ) , 178 ; Lieut . Kitchener , 6 th Royals , and Rennie , 100 th PJV . R . C , Avere regularly exalted to the degree of H . R . A . Four brethren AA-ere proposed as candidates , and no other business being before the council , the companions separated at an early hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
AVooLWlOn . —Invicta Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix — This flourishing Chapter held its first coiwocation for the season at the Freemasons' Hall , AA'illiam-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 21 st ult . The members present were the 111 . Bros . Dr . Hinxman , Shuttleivorth , and Figg , and the excellent brethren the Rev . E . J . AVade , Carter , Schivartzkopft , Read , Matthew Cooke , and Cockcraft . The excellent Bro . AV . Littaur , of the Grand Orient of Paris , was a visitor . The business of the evening was that of admitting to this noble order
Bro . James Steivart , of Lodge ( No . 156 ) , and Captain G . A . Crawford , of Lodge ( No . 728 ) , as Avell as installing the 111 . Bro . Carter as M . W . S . of the Invicta Chapter for tho ensuing twelve mouths . In the unavoidable absence of the M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . Colonel Clark , Dr . Hinxman , the first M . W . S . of the chapter , admitted the neophytes , and ably installed the neAv M . AV . S ., who was pleased to appoint the following members to the respective offices placed against their names : —The 111 . Bro . Colonel Clerk , Prelate ; Figg , First General ; AV . Smith , C . E ., Second General ; Fairlie , Grand Marshall ; Cockcraft , Raphael :
Schwartzkopft , Captain of Lines ; MattheAv Cooke , Organist ; and Henderson , re-appointed Tyler . After which , the solemn and peculiar rites of this , the most beautiful of all degrees in Freemasonry , having heen brought to an end , the Sovereign Princes adjourned to their usual banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern , near the Dockyard Station-After full justice had been done to Bro . De Grey's providing and the cloth had been removed , the 111 . Bro . Carter , M . AV . S ., gave the toast of "The Queen , " which Avas received AA'ith that veneration
which Her Majesty ' s name ahvays elicits from her most faithful subjects the Masons of every degree . The next Avas that of the M . W . S . of the order , Dr . Leeson , followed by the Supreme Grand-Council of the 33 ° . The 111 . Bro . Dr . HINXSTAX then rose and said : He had a high and distinguished privilege , to propose a toast which Avas to him , and every Sovereign Prince present , ono of unbounded satisfaction . They had installed into the chair of M . AA ' . S ., that day , one who lived in the hearts of all . He ( Dr . Hinxman ) was
tempted to wish their M . AV . S . ivasabsent , as lieslioukltlienbe enabled to say more in bis favour than in his presence . But as he ivas there , amongst them , and they had elected him to that high position , they knew he would do his duty to the utmost , and they also kneiv him to be possessed of more than the requisite . ' ability and application to perform that duty . For himself he felt sure that , prosperous as the Invicta Chapter ivas , it Avould continue to progress under theirneAvly installed M . W . S . and he hoped that they miht see him at
, g every meeting . It had given Dr . Hinxman very great pleasure , imperfectly as he had done the ceremony ; but in the absence of the late M . AA ' . S . ho ivas very proud that it had fallen to his share . As he before said , their M . AV . S . lived in the hearts of all , and it AVIIS almostneedless for him to call upon them to fill a bumper in his honour , —The 111 . Bro . CARTER , M . W . S ., said , in rising to return thanks for the very kind expressions made use of towards him , and the ready response given by all present to the toast , he was somewhat at a
loss for proper expressions . Their 111 . Bro . Dr . Hinxman had said that he , the M . AV . S ., would worthily succeed the frivo AA 4 IO had preceded him . This he begged leave to doubt , for of all the Masonshe kneiv they were the most excellent . The hei ght of Dr Hinxman ' s attainments n-ere knoAvn to them all , and it was utterlyimpossible to be a better Mason , friend , or man , than their 111 . Bro . Clerk . He had only one hope for himself , and that ho should strive to realise , in leaving the Invicta Chapter as prosperous , respectable , and happy as ho found it . —The M . W . S . said , they were honoured by the presence of tivo visitors , one a member of the Grand
Orient of France , and the other the 111 . Bro . Shuttleivorth , well known to most of the princes present . He should therefore propose "The Health of the Visiting Princes' ; " coupling the same with the " Supreme Grand Council of the Grand Orient of France . " —Theexcellent Bro ., AV . LITTATJR , had not hoped to have spoken first because he felt that their 111 . Bro . Shuttleivorth should have had precedence . Still , as the toast had been coupled ivith the Grand Orient of France , he could not , as a member under that jurisdiction , refuse
to respond . AVhat he had that day seen could leave an indelible impression on his mind . The degree was not better worked in France than in the Invicta Chapter , and Masonry could never perish whilst such men Avere entrusted with its merits . They wereall , as Rose Croix Masons , too jealous of their privileges to admit tlios lvho Avere not truly eligible , and whose motives Avere not in accordance with honour , brotherly love , and charity . He was quite unknown to them , but they had met him in that spirit of
equality which ahvays distinguished the members of the high degrees ; and for their hospitality and urbanity in his reception he begged to thank them , assuring all present that such feeling would , never be effaced from his memory . —The 111 . Bro . Snui'TLEwoRTir said he lvent to Woolwich for the express purpose of witnessing the working . It was long since he had been in a . Rose Croix Chapter , but he must say , in justice to the Invicta Chapter , he had neverseen the degree worked betterinid seldom so well . His worth
, y Bro . Avished him to speak first , but as he Avas better known amongst them , he could not think of doing so ; but now in his own name , and that of the brother ivho had last addressed them , he begged to tender their thanks for their reception as visitors . —The M . AV . S . said , two brethren had that day been received into the Rose Croix degree . He felt sure that they must be pleased and gratified , although , from a Candida te ' sbeing nervous , and his attention distracted to many things at thc same time , the fullbeauties of the ceremony were
not so apparent to him as they became afterwards , when he could contemplate them calmly . Then it ivas that every one admitted to that degree found that it ivas the most beautiful in Masonry , and t ! n > . j ' none could surpass it . He , the M . W . S ., had very great pleasure , in receiving them , and hoped they would be as constant in their attendance as circumstances would permit ; and ho hoped , yet more , that they AA'ould like the order , and those they met in that chapter , 'The degree Avas one to which very many high privileges Avere attached , and it AA-as gratifying to them to be able to confer its powers on two such brethren as they had that day installed , and whose healths he then begged to propose—The excellent Bro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the deceased Prov . G . M . of Somerset , Bro . C . K . IC . Tynte , a copy of which was read and agreed to . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , after ivhieh the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Ai-ere given and responded to . A collection was made for the Benevolent Fund , as usual , and the evening spent iu a very agreeable manner .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Royal Brunswick Lodge ( So . 373 ) . —This lodge held its annual meeting on Thursday , the 27 th December , when the folloAving brethren Avere present , viz ., Thomas Danby , P . M . 162 and AA' . M . 373 ; Dr . Bartolome , P . M . 162 and 37 * 3 ; AVilliam Longden , P . M . 162 and 373 ; J . Sherwin , P . M . 29 S ; William AVhite , jun ., AV . M . 162 ; H . AA ' . Garnett , 236 ; J . Heivett , H . AVebster ' H . J . Garnett , F . Primrose , E . Drury , G . Stuart , S .
Neivbould , AV . Jackson , & c . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of tho last lodge read and confirmed , the AV . M . opened in the second degree , and the W . M . elect , Bro . John Heivett , Avas duly presented by Bro . P . M . BartolemiS for installation . Bro . Danby , the retiring master , then proceeded to perforin the ceremony in that able and impressive manner ivhieh characterises all his Masonic labours , and at its conclusion the W . M . appointed the folloiving as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . " Willis
Dixon , P . M ., S . AV ; W . Longden , P . M ., J . W . ; F . AV . Primrose , See . ; Ensor Drury , S . D . ; Graham Stuart , J . D . ; and AV . Jackson , I . G . At . tho banquet which succeeded , Bro . P . M . Dr . Bartolomd gave some very interesting particulars of the history of the lodge , and of Freemasonry generally in Sheffield . SHEFFIELD . — Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 28 th December , when Bros . Osborn and Claytonof the Scarsrlale Lodge ( No . 981 ) Avere elected joining
, , members . The ball committee reported that they had made arrangements for a grand Masonic ball to be held on the 23 rd of January in the Cutler ' s Hall , and that the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M . the Marquis of Dalhousie , and several noble Prov . G . M . s , aud other distinguished brethren had iiromised to become patrons and steivards . —The AV . M ., Bro . Win . AVhite , jun ., then gave his recently appointed officers and tho other brethren presentinstruction in the several degreesand pointed out the
, , various little discrepancies which he had observed in the working of other lodges in the many different provinces lie had had the pleasure of visiting . — Bro . Hr . AA ' ebster , Sec , gave the lecture on the T . I ! , iu the first degree , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony ; the brethren adjourning to the banquet , ivhere they continued to improve themselves by discussing the various subjects introduced by the W . M .
Royal Arch.
GIBRALTAR . —Calpean Chapter ( So . 345 ) . —A convocation of this chapter AA-as holden on AVednesday , 19 th Dec;—Present , Comps . Ingram , M . E . Z . ; Ellison J ., as H . ; j . Williams , as J . ; Wilkinson , S . E ., Jackman , S . N ., Irivin . P . S ., Martin and Patterson , Asst . Sojs . ; Sivain , P . Z ., and ' an unusual number of others . Bros . Major Dunn , 100 th P . W . R . C , 345 ; Capt . Herbert , 7 th Roval Fusiliers , 17 S ; Capt , Dyer , Sth ( The King ' s ) , 178 ; Lieut . Kitchener , 6 th Royals , and Rennie , 100 th PJV . R . C , Avere regularly exalted to the degree of H . R . A . Four brethren AA-ere proposed as candidates , and no other business being before the council , the companions separated at an early hour .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
AVooLWlOn . —Invicta Chapter of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix — This flourishing Chapter held its first coiwocation for the season at the Freemasons' Hall , AA'illiam-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 21 st ult . The members present were the 111 . Bros . Dr . Hinxman , Shuttleivorth , and Figg , and the excellent brethren the Rev . E . J . AVade , Carter , Schivartzkopft , Read , Matthew Cooke , and Cockcraft . The excellent Bro . AV . Littaur , of the Grand Orient of Paris , was a visitor . The business of the evening was that of admitting to this noble order
Bro . James Steivart , of Lodge ( No . 156 ) , and Captain G . A . Crawford , of Lodge ( No . 728 ) , as Avell as installing the 111 . Bro . Carter as M . W . S . of the Invicta Chapter for tho ensuing twelve mouths . In the unavoidable absence of the M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . Colonel Clark , Dr . Hinxman , the first M . W . S . of the chapter , admitted the neophytes , and ably installed the neAv M . AV . S ., who was pleased to appoint the following members to the respective offices placed against their names : —The 111 . Bro . Colonel Clerk , Prelate ; Figg , First General ; AV . Smith , C . E ., Second General ; Fairlie , Grand Marshall ; Cockcraft , Raphael :
Schwartzkopft , Captain of Lines ; MattheAv Cooke , Organist ; and Henderson , re-appointed Tyler . After which , the solemn and peculiar rites of this , the most beautiful of all degrees in Freemasonry , having heen brought to an end , the Sovereign Princes adjourned to their usual banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern , near the Dockyard Station-After full justice had been done to Bro . De Grey's providing and the cloth had been removed , the 111 . Bro . Carter , M . AV . S ., gave the toast of "The Queen , " which Avas received AA'ith that veneration
which Her Majesty ' s name ahvays elicits from her most faithful subjects the Masons of every degree . The next Avas that of the M . W . S . of the order , Dr . Leeson , followed by the Supreme Grand-Council of the 33 ° . The 111 . Bro . Dr . HINXSTAX then rose and said : He had a high and distinguished privilege , to propose a toast which Avas to him , and every Sovereign Prince present , ono of unbounded satisfaction . They had installed into the chair of M . AA ' . S ., that day , one who lived in the hearts of all . He ( Dr . Hinxman ) was
tempted to wish their M . AV . S . ivasabsent , as lieslioukltlienbe enabled to say more in bis favour than in his presence . But as he ivas there , amongst them , and they had elected him to that high position , they knew he would do his duty to the utmost , and they also kneiv him to be possessed of more than the requisite . ' ability and application to perform that duty . For himself he felt sure that , prosperous as the Invicta Chapter ivas , it Avould continue to progress under theirneAvly installed M . W . S . and he hoped that they miht see him at
, g every meeting . It had given Dr . Hinxman very great pleasure , imperfectly as he had done the ceremony ; but in the absence of the late M . AA ' . S . ho ivas very proud that it had fallen to his share . As he before said , their M . AV . S . lived in the hearts of all , and it AVIIS almostneedless for him to call upon them to fill a bumper in his honour , —The 111 . Bro . CARTER , M . W . S ., said , in rising to return thanks for the very kind expressions made use of towards him , and the ready response given by all present to the toast , he was somewhat at a
loss for proper expressions . Their 111 . Bro . Dr . Hinxman had said that he , the M . AV . S ., would worthily succeed the frivo AA 4 IO had preceded him . This he begged leave to doubt , for of all the Masonshe kneiv they were the most excellent . The hei ght of Dr Hinxman ' s attainments n-ere knoAvn to them all , and it was utterlyimpossible to be a better Mason , friend , or man , than their 111 . Bro . Clerk . He had only one hope for himself , and that ho should strive to realise , in leaving the Invicta Chapter as prosperous , respectable , and happy as ho found it . —The M . W . S . said , they were honoured by the presence of tivo visitors , one a member of the Grand
Orient of France , and the other the 111 . Bro . Shuttleivorth , well known to most of the princes present . He should therefore propose "The Health of the Visiting Princes' ; " coupling the same with the " Supreme Grand Council of the Grand Orient of France . " —Theexcellent Bro ., AV . LITTATJR , had not hoped to have spoken first because he felt that their 111 . Bro . Shuttleivorth should have had precedence . Still , as the toast had been coupled ivith the Grand Orient of France , he could not , as a member under that jurisdiction , refuse
to respond . AVhat he had that day seen could leave an indelible impression on his mind . The degree was not better worked in France than in the Invicta Chapter , and Masonry could never perish whilst such men Avere entrusted with its merits . They wereall , as Rose Croix Masons , too jealous of their privileges to admit tlios lvho Avere not truly eligible , and whose motives Avere not in accordance with honour , brotherly love , and charity . He was quite unknown to them , but they had met him in that spirit of
equality which ahvays distinguished the members of the high degrees ; and for their hospitality and urbanity in his reception he begged to thank them , assuring all present that such feeling would , never be effaced from his memory . —The 111 . Bro . Snui'TLEwoRTir said he lvent to Woolwich for the express purpose of witnessing the working . It was long since he had been in a . Rose Croix Chapter , but he must say , in justice to the Invicta Chapter , he had neverseen the degree worked betterinid seldom so well . His worth
, y Bro . Avished him to speak first , but as he Avas better known amongst them , he could not think of doing so ; but now in his own name , and that of the brother ivho had last addressed them , he begged to tender their thanks for their reception as visitors . —The M . AV . S . said , two brethren had that day been received into the Rose Croix degree . He felt sure that they must be pleased and gratified , although , from a Candida te ' sbeing nervous , and his attention distracted to many things at thc same time , the fullbeauties of the ceremony were
not so apparent to him as they became afterwards , when he could contemplate them calmly . Then it ivas that every one admitted to that degree found that it ivas the most beautiful in Masonry , and t ! n > . j ' none could surpass it . He , the M . W . S ., had very great pleasure , in receiving them , and hoped they would be as constant in their attendance as circumstances would permit ; and ho hoped , yet more , that they AA'ould like the order , and those they met in that chapter , 'The degree Avas one to which very many high privileges Avere attached , and it AA-as gratifying to them to be able to confer its powers on two such brethren as they had that day installed , and whose healths he then begged to propose—The excellent Bro ,