Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S . IIXRXA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 110 S ) . —At a lodge of emergency , held on the loth ' December , Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., seven of the late Smyrna brethren ivere re-obligated in the second degree , and one in the first degree , by the AA' . M ., in pursuance of the authority conferred on him by tho dispensation of the M . AV . G . M . The lodge likewise considered the report on Constantinople matters , and passed unanimous resolutions accepting the fraternal invitation of co-operation offered by the Oriental Lodge of Constantinople , No . 1108 , tendering thanks to W . Bro . G . Laurie , AV . M ., No . 1101 , for his exertions in this matter , and electing him an honorary member .
MASONIC BANQUET AT LLTGKNWV . The Prince Moomtaz-oo-Doivlah gave a Masonic Banquet on tho 11 th November at the Ameenabab Palace , to commemorate his initiation as a Mason ; as it is the first banquet held in Lucknow since our occupation , an account of it may prove interesting , especially to brother Masons , The palace itself was kindly placed at the disposal of the committee by brothers Hollingberry and Bees . The building itself can be seen from most parts of Lucknoiv ,
and has fine lofty rooms , ivith walls and ceilings handsomely decorated ; fortius occasion , however , it ivas magnificently illuminated , the gateway and avenue , as well as the front of the building ivas one blaze of light , which was visible from all parts of the city ; the Star , the badge of the Lodge , with the transparencies underneath , consisting of the Royal initials , V . B ., radiated over by a star and crow-n ; under this again was the number of the Lodge , 810 , the letter Min honour of the Prince and the word" Welcome" the
, , square and compass typifying the whole . At the four cardinal points , the pillars Avere also festooned and covered with lamps , throwing a bright light on the entrance . The banqueting hall was decorated with flags , wreaths of laurel , and quite a conservatory of choice plants and flowers , reminding one of the saloons of one of our larger metropolitan theatres , on the occasion of a State visit ; the table , with its costly service of plate , glittering il-om thc raja of light thrown down by the handsome eandelabras , the outre but gorgeous
dresses of His Highness , and other members of his family , intermingled with the scarlet , blue , and more sombre black of the civilians , with the Masonic attire of the Craft , combined in producing a most brilliant effect , and the tout ensemble , as-the Prince , preceded by the Deacons , with their wands of office , followed in procession hy the rest of the guests , entered the hall , and took thenseats at table , AA-IIS most picturesque , the fine band of the 23 rd AVelsh Fusiliers , kindly lent for the occasion by Colonel Wells , ( who ivas unable to attend ) at the same time striking up "The
Entered Apprentice ' s Song . " Some seventy gentlemen sat down to dinner ; grace being said by the AVorshipful Master and Chairman , Brother Macgreenan , who was supported on his right by His Highness the Prince Moomtaz , and on his left by Past Master Lieutonent Buckley , & c . Nearly the whole of the representative members of the services were present , every delicacy one could wish for was on the table , and the wines , supplied bMessrs . Dalziel and Co most recherchethe
y ., were , whole of the arrangements reflecting much credit on the Committee , who hail no easy time for tho last week prior to the banquet , Brothers Russell , Young , La Chemette , Mackenzie , Holt ; and Rees . As soon as the cloth ivas removed , the Chairman's voice sounded to order , and the Queen , Royal Family , the Craft , and other toasts usual on such occasions having been responded to ivith Masonic honours , the Chairman rose to propose the toast of the evening . to
He was happy call on the brethren and visitors present to drink to the health of His Hi ghness the Prince Moomtaz-oo-Dowlah , who had the evening before last been admitted an Entered Apprentice Freemason . The strictest examination had been made before the Prince was initiated , and he , the AVAL , was happy to say , had passed through the ordeal with honour to himself As early as May hst His Highness had applied for tho privileges of Freemasonry , but hethe AVorshiful Masterand
, p , other Brethren harl thought it right to make the minutest inquiries into the Prince's character ere he was made a member of the Craft . It ivas not because tho Prince ivas a member of the Royal House of Oudh that he was now amongst us as a brother , but because he was a good and worth y man , liberal in his ideas , and loyal beyond a doubt . The AV . M . hoped in conclusionthat His miht hav
, , Highness g e health and nappincss to rise to the higher decrees of the ' Craft . " Captain Xovso-, Paymaster , 23 rd Welsh Fusiliers , Senior Warden the Lodge , said , in continuation of what had been so ably expressed b y the AVorshipful Master , that Masonry was free and open to all ivorth y men . It was true , like all largo societies where
mon of different characters and dispositions were joined together , this so widely-extended brotherhood must contain some unworthy members , but it would be unjust to condemn Masonry on account of the errors of a fflAV ; but ho AA-as sure the Prince would be an ornament to the Craft . His unobtrusive friendship to all , his gentlemanly behaviour , would have made him conspicuous in any- society . He , Captain Young , had formany years been a Mason , but had never known any brother to have passed through a stricter examination
than His Highness . He , Captain Young , ivas no politician , but could not help taking an interest in anything tending to advance good fellowship and feeling between natives and Europeans . It ivas by such meetings as those , that prejudices of caste , colour , and religion were eradicated . Masonry was not intended to supersede religion , but , on the contrary , was the auxiliary or handmaid of religion .- a good Mason was always a good man . The Prince is the first native of Lueknow who had been initiated in Lodge Morning
Star , and he ivould now call upon all to fill their glasses , and drink the W . M . ' s toast of " Long Life and Happiness to his Highness Prince Moontaz-oo-Dowlah , " ivith Masonic honours . As soon as the cheering and music hud subsided , and silence obtained , the Prince , who spoke in Hindoostanee , returned thanks , ivhichMr . Hollingberry interpreted as follows-. — "That his Highness felt unequal to express in words IIOAV much hefeltthe honour of seeing so many brethren and distinguished visitors at his entertainment . The heart ivas most eloquent when the voice was mute . He wasproud of the honour of having been admitted a member of the Craft , and ivould endeavour to deserve all the encomiums the AV . M . and Bro .
loung had passed on hmi . " His Highness sat down amidst great applause . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of our Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Bayley , the Judicial Commissioner , who expressed ] for himself , and fbr all the guests present , his thanks to his friend the Prince for the kind invitation to the banquet . By the happy faces around him , his conviction was that , ivhatever might be the merits of Freemasonry , there certainly existed among the
members a fueling of fellowship and amity . Lieut , BtfCKXEY , & c , then proposed , " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Macgrennan . " All knew the exertions which he , assisted by a feiv zealous brethren , had used in resuscitating Lodge Morning Star . Bro . Macgrennan had always the interests of that lodge at heart , and in the midst of the perils and privations oftZie siege of the Residency , had acted as a true soldier and Mason . When Havelock entered the garrisonhe found more than three-fourths of the
, members of the lodge killed or wounded . He , Lieut . Buckley , therefore considered that W . M . Macgrennan deserved to be the Master of the lodge , now the most prosperous in the north-west . He had therefore much pleasure in proposing the W . M . 's Health , to be drunk by all with Masonic honours .
The AV . M . and Chairman , in rising to reply , said , in a feAV brief ivords , that he did not deserve what Bro . Buckley had said of his exertions in resuscitating the lodge ; but that was due to the Past Masters and other members of tho lodge . AVith respect to Masonry , the AV . M . observed that it ivas a peculiar duty lie owed to the Craft generally , and he was pledged to do his utmost for its promotion , whenever and wherever opportunities presented themselves . This he ever studied to do , and it was to him a labour of love and
pleasure . As regards services in the Baillie Guard , and his carrying away in safety to Allahabad such of the Government records as he could save , he had done so as a last act of duty to the Government he had the honour of serving . A task had been assigned to him at a critical moment , and he had had the honour of accomplishing it to the satisfaction of his superiors , and of the Government of India , ivhieh had acknowledged its appreciation of his services under the peculiar circumstancesand the difficultand dangers of the times .
, y But he ivas ahvays ready to make himself useful to the State whenever the opportunity presented itself ; although a non-military man , he trusted , if ever his humble services Avere again required in that capacity , he would be again at his post , and not be backward in delivering a few ounces of lead into the ranks of the enemy , with as much hearty goodwill as actuated every one of the unskilled men of his civil , uncovenanteih and non-official companions in arms in the Baillie Guard . "
Senior Bro . AVarden Hoff next rose , and in a telling speech proposed thc health of the Past Masters and Officers , alluded to thc gallant bearing and bravery of one of them , Lieutenant Buckley , & c , of Delhi celebrity . He also said there were few lodges out of Calcutta that could boast of having so many Past Masters as Lodge Morning Star , and that this alone might be pointed out as an indication of the prosperity of the lodge . Lieutenant Buckley & creturned thanksand enlarged on the
, , , principles of Freemasonry , stating that the endeavour of every Mason should be not only to assist the members of his OAVU lodge , but of every felloAV-creature in distress . Before he sat down , however , he , Lieutenant Buckley , desired , on the part of his other brothers , to thank Bro . Hollingberry for his services on this occasion , as , but for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S . IIXRXA . —Homer Lodge ( No . 110 S ) . —At a lodge of emergency , held on the loth ' December , Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., seven of the late Smyrna brethren ivere re-obligated in the second degree , and one in the first degree , by the AA' . M ., in pursuance of the authority conferred on him by tho dispensation of the M . AV . G . M . The lodge likewise considered the report on Constantinople matters , and passed unanimous resolutions accepting the fraternal invitation of co-operation offered by the Oriental Lodge of Constantinople , No . 1108 , tendering thanks to W . Bro . G . Laurie , AV . M ., No . 1101 , for his exertions in this matter , and electing him an honorary member .
MASONIC BANQUET AT LLTGKNWV . The Prince Moomtaz-oo-Doivlah gave a Masonic Banquet on tho 11 th November at the Ameenabab Palace , to commemorate his initiation as a Mason ; as it is the first banquet held in Lucknow since our occupation , an account of it may prove interesting , especially to brother Masons , The palace itself was kindly placed at the disposal of the committee by brothers Hollingberry and Bees . The building itself can be seen from most parts of Lucknoiv ,
and has fine lofty rooms , ivith walls and ceilings handsomely decorated ; fortius occasion , however , it ivas magnificently illuminated , the gateway and avenue , as well as the front of the building ivas one blaze of light , which was visible from all parts of the city ; the Star , the badge of the Lodge , with the transparencies underneath , consisting of the Royal initials , V . B ., radiated over by a star and crow-n ; under this again was the number of the Lodge , 810 , the letter Min honour of the Prince and the word" Welcome" the
, , square and compass typifying the whole . At the four cardinal points , the pillars Avere also festooned and covered with lamps , throwing a bright light on the entrance . The banqueting hall was decorated with flags , wreaths of laurel , and quite a conservatory of choice plants and flowers , reminding one of the saloons of one of our larger metropolitan theatres , on the occasion of a State visit ; the table , with its costly service of plate , glittering il-om thc raja of light thrown down by the handsome eandelabras , the outre but gorgeous
dresses of His Highness , and other members of his family , intermingled with the scarlet , blue , and more sombre black of the civilians , with the Masonic attire of the Craft , combined in producing a most brilliant effect , and the tout ensemble , as-the Prince , preceded by the Deacons , with their wands of office , followed in procession hy the rest of the guests , entered the hall , and took thenseats at table , AA-IIS most picturesque , the fine band of the 23 rd AVelsh Fusiliers , kindly lent for the occasion by Colonel Wells , ( who ivas unable to attend ) at the same time striking up "The
Entered Apprentice ' s Song . " Some seventy gentlemen sat down to dinner ; grace being said by the AVorshipful Master and Chairman , Brother Macgreenan , who was supported on his right by His Highness the Prince Moomtaz , and on his left by Past Master Lieutonent Buckley , & c . Nearly the whole of the representative members of the services were present , every delicacy one could wish for was on the table , and the wines , supplied bMessrs . Dalziel and Co most recherchethe
y ., were , whole of the arrangements reflecting much credit on the Committee , who hail no easy time for tho last week prior to the banquet , Brothers Russell , Young , La Chemette , Mackenzie , Holt ; and Rees . As soon as the cloth ivas removed , the Chairman's voice sounded to order , and the Queen , Royal Family , the Craft , and other toasts usual on such occasions having been responded to ivith Masonic honours , the Chairman rose to propose the toast of the evening . to
He was happy call on the brethren and visitors present to drink to the health of His Hi ghness the Prince Moomtaz-oo-Dowlah , who had the evening before last been admitted an Entered Apprentice Freemason . The strictest examination had been made before the Prince was initiated , and he , the AVAL , was happy to say , had passed through the ordeal with honour to himself As early as May hst His Highness had applied for tho privileges of Freemasonry , but hethe AVorshiful Masterand
, p , other Brethren harl thought it right to make the minutest inquiries into the Prince's character ere he was made a member of the Craft . It ivas not because tho Prince ivas a member of the Royal House of Oudh that he was now amongst us as a brother , but because he was a good and worth y man , liberal in his ideas , and loyal beyond a doubt . The AV . M . hoped in conclusionthat His miht hav
, , Highness g e health and nappincss to rise to the higher decrees of the ' Craft . " Captain Xovso-, Paymaster , 23 rd Welsh Fusiliers , Senior Warden the Lodge , said , in continuation of what had been so ably expressed b y the AVorshipful Master , that Masonry was free and open to all ivorth y men . It was true , like all largo societies where
mon of different characters and dispositions were joined together , this so widely-extended brotherhood must contain some unworthy members , but it would be unjust to condemn Masonry on account of the errors of a fflAV ; but ho AA-as sure the Prince would be an ornament to the Craft . His unobtrusive friendship to all , his gentlemanly behaviour , would have made him conspicuous in any- society . He , Captain Young , had formany years been a Mason , but had never known any brother to have passed through a stricter examination
than His Highness . He , Captain Young , ivas no politician , but could not help taking an interest in anything tending to advance good fellowship and feeling between natives and Europeans . It ivas by such meetings as those , that prejudices of caste , colour , and religion were eradicated . Masonry was not intended to supersede religion , but , on the contrary , was the auxiliary or handmaid of religion .- a good Mason was always a good man . The Prince is the first native of Lueknow who had been initiated in Lodge Morning
Star , and he ivould now call upon all to fill their glasses , and drink the W . M . ' s toast of " Long Life and Happiness to his Highness Prince Moontaz-oo-Dowlah , " ivith Masonic honours . As soon as the cheering and music hud subsided , and silence obtained , the Prince , who spoke in Hindoostanee , returned thanks , ivhichMr . Hollingberry interpreted as follows-. — "That his Highness felt unequal to express in words IIOAV much hefeltthe honour of seeing so many brethren and distinguished visitors at his entertainment . The heart ivas most eloquent when the voice was mute . He wasproud of the honour of having been admitted a member of the Craft , and ivould endeavour to deserve all the encomiums the AV . M . and Bro .
loung had passed on hmi . " His Highness sat down amidst great applause . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of our Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Bayley , the Judicial Commissioner , who expressed ] for himself , and fbr all the guests present , his thanks to his friend the Prince for the kind invitation to the banquet . By the happy faces around him , his conviction was that , ivhatever might be the merits of Freemasonry , there certainly existed among the
members a fueling of fellowship and amity . Lieut , BtfCKXEY , & c , then proposed , " The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Macgrennan . " All knew the exertions which he , assisted by a feiv zealous brethren , had used in resuscitating Lodge Morning Star . Bro . Macgrennan had always the interests of that lodge at heart , and in the midst of the perils and privations oftZie siege of the Residency , had acted as a true soldier and Mason . When Havelock entered the garrisonhe found more than three-fourths of the
, members of the lodge killed or wounded . He , Lieut . Buckley , therefore considered that W . M . Macgrennan deserved to be the Master of the lodge , now the most prosperous in the north-west . He had therefore much pleasure in proposing the W . M . 's Health , to be drunk by all with Masonic honours .
The AV . M . and Chairman , in rising to reply , said , in a feAV brief ivords , that he did not deserve what Bro . Buckley had said of his exertions in resuscitating the lodge ; but that was due to the Past Masters and other members of tho lodge . AVith respect to Masonry , the AV . M . observed that it ivas a peculiar duty lie owed to the Craft generally , and he was pledged to do his utmost for its promotion , whenever and wherever opportunities presented themselves . This he ever studied to do , and it was to him a labour of love and
pleasure . As regards services in the Baillie Guard , and his carrying away in safety to Allahabad such of the Government records as he could save , he had done so as a last act of duty to the Government he had the honour of serving . A task had been assigned to him at a critical moment , and he had had the honour of accomplishing it to the satisfaction of his superiors , and of the Government of India , ivhieh had acknowledged its appreciation of his services under the peculiar circumstancesand the difficultand dangers of the times .
, y But he ivas ahvays ready to make himself useful to the State whenever the opportunity presented itself ; although a non-military man , he trusted , if ever his humble services Avere again required in that capacity , he would be again at his post , and not be backward in delivering a few ounces of lead into the ranks of the enemy , with as much hearty goodwill as actuated every one of the unskilled men of his civil , uncovenanteih and non-official companions in arms in the Baillie Guard . "
Senior Bro . AVarden Hoff next rose , and in a telling speech proposed thc health of the Past Masters and Officers , alluded to thc gallant bearing and bravery of one of them , Lieutenant Buckley , & c , of Delhi celebrity . He also said there were few lodges out of Calcutta that could boast of having so many Past Masters as Lodge Morning Star , and that this alone might be pointed out as an indication of the prosperity of the lodge . Lieutenant Buckley & creturned thanksand enlarged on the
, , , principles of Freemasonry , stating that the endeavour of every Mason should be not only to assist the members of his OAVU lodge , but of every felloAV-creature in distress . Before he sat down , however , he , Lieutenant Buckley , desired , on the part of his other brothers , to thank Bro . Hollingberry for his services on this occasion , as , but for