Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
course there were some case 3 of personal injury , and many narrow escapes . M . Louis Dethier , the projector of a distribution of twelfth cakes by lottery , which the authorities put a stop to on the ground of its illegality , ceased the issue of tickets and closed his office . A plan had also been devised by M . Dethier to meet the requirements of the case and satisfy his subscribers ; but this had been interfered with through his having been adjudicated a bankrupt . On Tuesday morning James Johnson , private of the 41 st Regiment ,
. satisfied the requirements of the law annexed to the crime of murder , by paying the penalty of his life on the scaffold in front of Winchester gaol . The culprit was convicted at the last assizes of the wilful murder of Serjeant Chipp and Corporal Coles , by shooting them ivith a rifle as they sat playing at backgammon in Aldershofc barracks on the 29 th of November . A double execution has taken place at Durham , the wretched culprits being Thomas Smith and Mihier Lockeboth convicted of murder at the late assizes .
. y , The county of Stafford has taken an important step in the formation of an association for tho improvement of musketry practice—a measure ivifchout which the meetings of rifle volunteer companies must be as resultless as child ' s play , and the movement itself but a transient effervesence of national spirit . Lord Hathevton presided over a meeting held for that purpose in Stafford last iveek , when resolutions ivere adopted , and a proper organ isation
instituted for carrying them into effect . Subscriptions are largely promised , and everything seems fair for a successful result . FOREIGN IXTE , T . LIGE > -CE . —The JILonilcur commences the newyear by publishing a daily political rei'ieiv . The principal announcement it contains is that of the pardon of Count Teleki by the Emperor of Austria . This politic and prudent step is confirmed by the IFiener Zeitung , which says that Count Teleki having been summoned to the Emperor ' s presence , his Majesty
accorded to him a cessation of the pending proceedings against him , and set him at liberty , Count Teleki promising to give up all his political connections abroad , and not to cross the Austrian frontiers . The friendly act of the Emperor of the French exempting Englishmen from the annoyance of the passport system has been rendered still more gracious and complete by a circular of M . de Persigny , ordering the prefects to give instructions that English subjects may be received in France on the declaration of their nationality , and affording them the advantage of visitingpublic buildings on tile mere prurluulluii vf a A-irj'ting- card stamper ! b . v the agent at the frontier or a prefect of police . The last
accounts from Home state that it is the general conviction there that the Papal Government will fall . The clerical party is represented as greatly dissatisfied with the Emperor of Austria , for bis liberal concessions . The National party are increasing in boldness . On Sunday , the 23 rd , they assembled at the Cathedral of St . Peter , and made a strong demonstration in favour of annexation to Sardinia , Tho reactionary movements in the Abruzzi were on the increase , the party being reinforced by the discharged
. Neapolitan soldiers . The siege of Gaeta is noiv proceeding ivith great activity . The bombardment is continued day and night , and is causing' great destruction in the city . The King , to be out of the reach of danger , passes the night on board a Spanish frigate in the harbour . The Sardinians are daily receiving additional guns , and an attempt will shortly- be made to breach the walls . The Wiener Zeitung contains tii-o Imperial decrees , which show that that the financial position of Austria is as desperate as ever . The
first orders that , in vieAv of the present extraordinary state of things , the forced ciu'rency of bank notes in Lombardo-Venetia shall be Maintained ; and the second orders that the payment of the interest on the National Loan shall be effected in hank notes ivith the corresponding agio . The Emperor of Austria has addressed an autograph letter to the President of the Imperial Chancery for Transylvania , ordering the immediate organisation of the Chancery and of the Gubernium of the provinceand
, also the assembling of a conference of the most eminent persons of the various classes of the . different nationalities to deliberate on the eariy organisation of the Transylvanian Diet , Other matters of a public nature are also to be brought under the notice of the conference , and the whole terms of the royal letter indicate the intention of the Emperor to confer on thc province independent and liberal institutions . -The JCreu- Zeitung , of Berlin , publishes a telegram received from Vienna , stating that the Emperor has
sanctioned the resolution of the Gran Conference , and will convoke the Hungarian Diet in February . Lieutenant Latour has arrived at Lisbon from Madeira , and from thence has communicated to A'ienna by telegram the gratifying intelligence that tho health of the Empress ivas quite satisfactory . Betters have been received at Trieste from Mostar stating that the inhabitants of Piva , Dropbek , and Banjuno , have revolted against the Turks , with the intention of placing themselves under tlie Government of Montenegro .- Frederick William IV ., King of Prussia , expired at noon yesterday in tho palace of Sans Souci . He was the son of Frederick AVilliam 111 ., and was born in the voar 1795 . His
The Week.
education was carefully attended to , and ho had the advantage of studying under some of the most celebrated instructors in the different branches of literature , science , and the arts . Although too young at the time to be entrusted with any command , he nevertheless took part in the celebrated campaigns of 1813 and 1814 , in which Prussia in a great measure avenged the indignities heaped upon her by the great Napoleou . He was afterwards admitted into the Council of State , and shared in the
direction of public affairs . On the decease of his father , in June , 1840 , he ascended the throne , and commenced his reign hy ameliorating the repressive system of government of Ids' predecessor . In 1848 , when the revolutionary mania extended to the Berlinese , he attempted to lead and direct the movement , placing himself at the head of the National party , and proposed to fuse all the German States into a great federal union under a single Monarch . His schemehoweverwas not successfuland ho finallentered on a
, , , y career of re-action , which exposed him to much ill-will . In the year 1 S 57 he first exhibited symptoms of insanity , which so greatly increased in force that in October , 1858 , his brother , Prince Frederick AVilliain Louis , ivas created Regent , to the general satisfaction of the people . As the late king had no issue , the Regent consesequently succeeds him , whose eldest son , Prince Frederick William , the husband of the Princess Royal of England , is now the heir presumptive to the Prussian throne .
UNITED STATES . — The most important news brought by the American mail is the resignation of General Cass , Secretary of State , caused , it is said , by the refusal of the Cabinet to grant the request of the commandant of Fort Moultrie , Charleston , for reinforcements . Mr . Troscott , the Assistant-Secretary of State , had also resigned . Mr . P . F . Thomas had accepted the Secretaryship of the Treasury , vacated by Mr . Cobb . Several of the members of Congress from the Southern States had issued a manifesto , advising tho slaveholding states to separate from the Union . The debate on
the secession question AA-as continued day by day in both Houses of Congress , and had not concluded when the mail left . In the South the secession movement ivas carried on with great vigour , though there is evidently much reluctance in some of the states to push matters to extremities . The admission of Kansas into the Union ivill meet ivitli no opposition from the democrats . AVEST INDIES AND SOTTTE AMERICA . —By tho arrival of the Seine at Suutfiainpfcoii AVO aro in receipt of intelligence from the
West Indies and tho Pacific . The political aspect of the islands was satisfactory and peaceful , and in Jamaica the anticipated conflict between the legislative bodies had been arrested by the spirit of fair play exhibited by both branches of the legislature towards the executive council . An average amount of commercial transactions at fair prices had taken place , and in most of the islands the weather ivas goorl , and the crops flourishing . From Lima ive hear that another attempt had been made on the life of President
Castilla , and failed . The ch-il war was still raging in Neiv Grenada ; the Liberals had bombarded Santa Martha , but with little effect , and it was thought they ivould soon retreat from want of ammunition . Chili ivas quiet , and the measures taken by Government against the invasion of the Aranconian Indians had been partially successful . INDIA AND CIIISA , —By the arrival of the Overland Mail we are in possession of advices and papers from Calcutta to the 23 rd ult .,
and from Hong-Kong to the loth ult . There is no special neiA-s from Calcutta , and the general Indian news has been anticipatedby the Bambay mail . The China papers confirm the UOAVS arrived by telegram relative to the ratification of the treaty , and its conditions . The fate of Captain Brabazon and Mr . Boivlby is no longer doubtful ; the latter died from exhaustion and mortification , brought on by inhuman treatment ; and the former , ivith Abbe Luc , ivere beheaded by the orders of the Tartar general in whose hands they li-ore , through exasperation at a wound he received in the battle of (" 'h : in-kia-A \ 'an .
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . —AA ' o have news from the Cape to the 21 st ult . Sir G . Grey ivas at Cape'IWn , but great complaint ivas made at the little progress effected in public business . British Kafl ' raria has been proclaimed a separate colony-. The agitation for the separation of the eastern provinces from the west AVIIS gaining ground , and a league had been formed to promote the object . Immigration prospects are reported to be favourable , there being plenty of work in the outlying districts .
Public Amusements.
ASTLEY'S A . MPHITHEATRK . The Christmas novelty at the Royal Amphitheatre rejoices in the suggestive title of "Harlequin aud the AVonderful ' . Horse ; or , Graciosa and Pevcinet , the "C g'ly Duchess and the Greedy King " —a name in itself almost "" as good as a play" to an imaginative mind . The piece is very brilliant and attractive , full " ' , ' fancy and alliuont in fun , ami will endure honourable comp iri-uii with the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
course there were some case 3 of personal injury , and many narrow escapes . M . Louis Dethier , the projector of a distribution of twelfth cakes by lottery , which the authorities put a stop to on the ground of its illegality , ceased the issue of tickets and closed his office . A plan had also been devised by M . Dethier to meet the requirements of the case and satisfy his subscribers ; but this had been interfered with through his having been adjudicated a bankrupt . On Tuesday morning James Johnson , private of the 41 st Regiment ,
. satisfied the requirements of the law annexed to the crime of murder , by paying the penalty of his life on the scaffold in front of Winchester gaol . The culprit was convicted at the last assizes of the wilful murder of Serjeant Chipp and Corporal Coles , by shooting them ivith a rifle as they sat playing at backgammon in Aldershofc barracks on the 29 th of November . A double execution has taken place at Durham , the wretched culprits being Thomas Smith and Mihier Lockeboth convicted of murder at the late assizes .
. y , The county of Stafford has taken an important step in the formation of an association for tho improvement of musketry practice—a measure ivifchout which the meetings of rifle volunteer companies must be as resultless as child ' s play , and the movement itself but a transient effervesence of national spirit . Lord Hathevton presided over a meeting held for that purpose in Stafford last iveek , when resolutions ivere adopted , and a proper organ isation
instituted for carrying them into effect . Subscriptions are largely promised , and everything seems fair for a successful result . FOREIGN IXTE , T . LIGE > -CE . —The JILonilcur commences the newyear by publishing a daily political rei'ieiv . The principal announcement it contains is that of the pardon of Count Teleki by the Emperor of Austria . This politic and prudent step is confirmed by the IFiener Zeitung , which says that Count Teleki having been summoned to the Emperor ' s presence , his Majesty
accorded to him a cessation of the pending proceedings against him , and set him at liberty , Count Teleki promising to give up all his political connections abroad , and not to cross the Austrian frontiers . The friendly act of the Emperor of the French exempting Englishmen from the annoyance of the passport system has been rendered still more gracious and complete by a circular of M . de Persigny , ordering the prefects to give instructions that English subjects may be received in France on the declaration of their nationality , and affording them the advantage of visitingpublic buildings on tile mere prurluulluii vf a A-irj'ting- card stamper ! b . v the agent at the frontier or a prefect of police . The last
accounts from Home state that it is the general conviction there that the Papal Government will fall . The clerical party is represented as greatly dissatisfied with the Emperor of Austria , for bis liberal concessions . The National party are increasing in boldness . On Sunday , the 23 rd , they assembled at the Cathedral of St . Peter , and made a strong demonstration in favour of annexation to Sardinia , Tho reactionary movements in the Abruzzi were on the increase , the party being reinforced by the discharged
. Neapolitan soldiers . The siege of Gaeta is noiv proceeding ivith great activity . The bombardment is continued day and night , and is causing' great destruction in the city . The King , to be out of the reach of danger , passes the night on board a Spanish frigate in the harbour . The Sardinians are daily receiving additional guns , and an attempt will shortly- be made to breach the walls . The Wiener Zeitung contains tii-o Imperial decrees , which show that that the financial position of Austria is as desperate as ever . The
first orders that , in vieAv of the present extraordinary state of things , the forced ciu'rency of bank notes in Lombardo-Venetia shall be Maintained ; and the second orders that the payment of the interest on the National Loan shall be effected in hank notes ivith the corresponding agio . The Emperor of Austria has addressed an autograph letter to the President of the Imperial Chancery for Transylvania , ordering the immediate organisation of the Chancery and of the Gubernium of the provinceand
, also the assembling of a conference of the most eminent persons of the various classes of the . different nationalities to deliberate on the eariy organisation of the Transylvanian Diet , Other matters of a public nature are also to be brought under the notice of the conference , and the whole terms of the royal letter indicate the intention of the Emperor to confer on thc province independent and liberal institutions . -The JCreu- Zeitung , of Berlin , publishes a telegram received from Vienna , stating that the Emperor has
sanctioned the resolution of the Gran Conference , and will convoke the Hungarian Diet in February . Lieutenant Latour has arrived at Lisbon from Madeira , and from thence has communicated to A'ienna by telegram the gratifying intelligence that tho health of the Empress ivas quite satisfactory . Betters have been received at Trieste from Mostar stating that the inhabitants of Piva , Dropbek , and Banjuno , have revolted against the Turks , with the intention of placing themselves under tlie Government of Montenegro .- Frederick William IV ., King of Prussia , expired at noon yesterday in tho palace of Sans Souci . He was the son of Frederick AVilliam 111 ., and was born in the voar 1795 . His
The Week.
education was carefully attended to , and ho had the advantage of studying under some of the most celebrated instructors in the different branches of literature , science , and the arts . Although too young at the time to be entrusted with any command , he nevertheless took part in the celebrated campaigns of 1813 and 1814 , in which Prussia in a great measure avenged the indignities heaped upon her by the great Napoleou . He was afterwards admitted into the Council of State , and shared in the
direction of public affairs . On the decease of his father , in June , 1840 , he ascended the throne , and commenced his reign hy ameliorating the repressive system of government of Ids' predecessor . In 1848 , when the revolutionary mania extended to the Berlinese , he attempted to lead and direct the movement , placing himself at the head of the National party , and proposed to fuse all the German States into a great federal union under a single Monarch . His schemehoweverwas not successfuland ho finallentered on a
, , , y career of re-action , which exposed him to much ill-will . In the year 1 S 57 he first exhibited symptoms of insanity , which so greatly increased in force that in October , 1858 , his brother , Prince Frederick AVilliain Louis , ivas created Regent , to the general satisfaction of the people . As the late king had no issue , the Regent consesequently succeeds him , whose eldest son , Prince Frederick William , the husband of the Princess Royal of England , is now the heir presumptive to the Prussian throne .
UNITED STATES . — The most important news brought by the American mail is the resignation of General Cass , Secretary of State , caused , it is said , by the refusal of the Cabinet to grant the request of the commandant of Fort Moultrie , Charleston , for reinforcements . Mr . Troscott , the Assistant-Secretary of State , had also resigned . Mr . P . F . Thomas had accepted the Secretaryship of the Treasury , vacated by Mr . Cobb . Several of the members of Congress from the Southern States had issued a manifesto , advising tho slaveholding states to separate from the Union . The debate on
the secession question AA-as continued day by day in both Houses of Congress , and had not concluded when the mail left . In the South the secession movement ivas carried on with great vigour , though there is evidently much reluctance in some of the states to push matters to extremities . The admission of Kansas into the Union ivill meet ivitli no opposition from the democrats . AVEST INDIES AND SOTTTE AMERICA . —By tho arrival of the Seine at Suutfiainpfcoii AVO aro in receipt of intelligence from the
West Indies and tho Pacific . The political aspect of the islands was satisfactory and peaceful , and in Jamaica the anticipated conflict between the legislative bodies had been arrested by the spirit of fair play exhibited by both branches of the legislature towards the executive council . An average amount of commercial transactions at fair prices had taken place , and in most of the islands the weather ivas goorl , and the crops flourishing . From Lima ive hear that another attempt had been made on the life of President
Castilla , and failed . The ch-il war was still raging in Neiv Grenada ; the Liberals had bombarded Santa Martha , but with little effect , and it was thought they ivould soon retreat from want of ammunition . Chili ivas quiet , and the measures taken by Government against the invasion of the Aranconian Indians had been partially successful . INDIA AND CIIISA , —By the arrival of the Overland Mail we are in possession of advices and papers from Calcutta to the 23 rd ult .,
and from Hong-Kong to the loth ult . There is no special neiA-s from Calcutta , and the general Indian news has been anticipatedby the Bambay mail . The China papers confirm the UOAVS arrived by telegram relative to the ratification of the treaty , and its conditions . The fate of Captain Brabazon and Mr . Boivlby is no longer doubtful ; the latter died from exhaustion and mortification , brought on by inhuman treatment ; and the former , ivith Abbe Luc , ivere beheaded by the orders of the Tartar general in whose hands they li-ore , through exasperation at a wound he received in the battle of (" 'h : in-kia-A \ 'an .
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . —AA ' o have news from the Cape to the 21 st ult . Sir G . Grey ivas at Cape'IWn , but great complaint ivas made at the little progress effected in public business . British Kafl ' raria has been proclaimed a separate colony-. The agitation for the separation of the eastern provinces from the west AVIIS gaining ground , and a league had been formed to promote the object . Immigration prospects are reported to be favourable , there being plenty of work in the outlying districts .
Public Amusements.
ASTLEY'S A . MPHITHEATRK . The Christmas novelty at the Royal Amphitheatre rejoices in the suggestive title of "Harlequin aud the AVonderful ' . Horse ; or , Graciosa and Pevcinet , the "C g'ly Duchess and the Greedy King " —a name in itself almost "" as good as a play" to an imaginative mind . The piece is very brilliant and attractive , full " ' , ' fancy and alliuont in fun , ami will endure honourable comp iri-uii with the