Article TO OUR READERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND MASTER OF CANADA. Page 1 of 3 →
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To Our Readers.
We this -week publish , a supplement , containing the appointments for the month , in a convenient form for reference , it being our intention , in future , to present a similar supplement to our subscribers on the last Saturday in each month ; and hare to request the
assistance of the brethren in making it as perfect as possible —and a reference to it wil ! show how much Ave stand in need of that assistance . Brethren , not being' subscribers to the l £ xtiMssm ¦ wishing to have the "Remembrancer " may do sofl ^ -far annual subscription of 4 s ., payable in advance / mitKfeli & A which separate copies cannot be issued . pj L O D
The Grand Master Of Canada.
It will be in the -recollection of our readers , Thatabout three months bach , in an article entitled " The Prince of "Wales and the Freemasons of Canada , " we felt it our duty to make some stringent observations on the conduct of the M . W . brother who is placed at the head of the Craft in that country . We were with great
regret ( but not Avithout good reason ) compelled to characterise the proceedings of Bro . Harington as " undignified and injudicious , " with regard to the laying the foundation-stone of the Parliament House at Ottawa , by H . U . H . the Prince of Wales . Tlio abatement b y which Ave were guided appeared in a Toronto journal of good standing , and we Avere justified in supposing the facts therein contained to be true ; and until that
statement has been shown to be distorted or incorrect , we see no reason Avhatever to alter our opinion , then expressed , as to the M . W . Grand Master of Canada . In the article to which Ave allude , Ave expressed a doubt as to Avhether the Canadian Masons , as a body , were likely to stamp with their approval the action taken by their
Grand Master . We have since had abundant proof that our opinion on that head also Avas well-founded . But , although we ourselves ( and , AA e trust , the greater part of our readers ) were at the time conA-inced of the justice and propriety of our remarks , and , having given
a passing notice to this foolish outbreak of iraerility and petulance , should haA e been content to have allowed the whole of the circumstances to fall quickly into oblivion , —such , it appears , was by no means the vieAV of the case taken by our M . W . Bro . Harington . That dignitary , —
" Filled Avith a noble rage , "has rushed into print , and has distributed a " Circular , " containing his version of a portion of the circumstances connected with this matter . A copy of that document was by him fonvardecl to this journal , AA ith a demand for its insertion in our pages;—Ave had already
forestalled his request , as the Circular in question has been embalmed ( as a Masonic curiosity ) in our columns of December 1 st . At the same time , we were favoured ivith the following holograph from the Grand Master ' s hand : —
10 THE EDITOR OF THE FREEH . YSOXS 3 rAGAZIXE AXD MASONIC MIUKOH . Silt AND BROTHER , —AVitli reference to your uncalledfor , and A cry un-Masonic feading article of the 29 th September last , headed , " The Prince of Wales and the Freemasons of Canada , " jierhaps you Avilf be so good as to compare it with the documents hereunto annexed , and then give this note , and the " Masonic " account of Avhat really cfid occura lace in your MAGAZINE . I do not address you
, p at all in any official capacity ; but as ono Brother Freemason Avoufd another . All I desire , as you have indirectly charged me Avitli ' the crime of disloyalty to my Sovereign and her son , H . E . H . the Prince of AVales , is that my brethren on your side of thc Atlantic may haA'e an opportunity of judging mc on my own merits . I shall feet it incumbent on me to submit your remarks to the Grand Lodge of Canada at its
¦ wjsfc meeting . 3 {< S \ I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally . n \ S \ T . D . ILVRIXGTOX . r J ilfilfcET PR 03 I A LETTER TO THE GRAND SECRETARY 01 THE "V /*/ GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . / CE / telegraphed to summon Grand Lodge at Ottawa on
you 3 * ra . for Saturday , 1 st proximo . I only heard conclusively from the Commissioner of Public Works , about noon yesterday , that 1 I . R . H . the Prince of Wales , although he was himself unable , not being a Freemason , to lay the corner-stone of the new Public Buildings Avith . Masonic honours , Avould be pleased to see our body present—which I look as amounting to more than a simple desire .
upon The Commissioner Avill do every thing for us on the ground he can , and . Avill give me some thirty passes ; but he is so hard-Avorked , that he begged me to take upon myself the responsibility of summoning attendance , and trusting to after measures . You haA"e your troubles all to come ; but anything wo can do to support the son of our Queen , must
and will be a labour of love , for he seizes ou all hearts , and is a PUTSCH ! . 'J T . DOWLAS HARTS & TOX , Gr . M . Quebec , August 24 , 1860 . We AA'ill look at this matter , first , as betAveen ourselves and Bro . Harington . While we would make
every alloAvance for the soreness of offended dignity , Ave must express our surprise , at the total misconception of our remarks into Avhich our respected brother has been betrayed by bis temper and want of judgment . With regard to our observations being " uncalled for and
un-Masonic , " AVO are perfectly willing to be judged by the Craft at large . The character of THE FEEEMASOS ' MAGAZINE is too firmly established for it to be accused , at this time of day , of mischief-making by unfair or hasty criticism . Jfor can Ave admit that it is by any
means un-Masonic to point out errors either of excess or short-coming in the conduct of those who hare been called to high . places among us—always provided that the respect due to masters and rulers is preserved , —and Ave deny that fitting respect to the office of Grand Master of Canada has been lost si ght of by us . Bro .
Harington next desires us to compare his note Avith the "documents annexed . " We have done so—as we shall proceed to SIIOAV in clue course . The " Masonic account , " if by that is meant the Circular of Bro . Harington , we beg to say does not tell us " what really did occur . "
Like " The adventure of the cat and fiddle , Begun , but broke off in tho middle , "—
it is wofully incomplete ; for it contains not one word regarding the ceremonial , or the Grand Master ' s proceedings on that auspicious day—nothing , in fact , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Our Readers.
We this -week publish , a supplement , containing the appointments for the month , in a convenient form for reference , it being our intention , in future , to present a similar supplement to our subscribers on the last Saturday in each month ; and hare to request the
assistance of the brethren in making it as perfect as possible —and a reference to it wil ! show how much Ave stand in need of that assistance . Brethren , not being' subscribers to the l £ xtiMssm ¦ wishing to have the "Remembrancer " may do sofl ^ -far annual subscription of 4 s ., payable in advance / mitKfeli & A which separate copies cannot be issued . pj L O D
The Grand Master Of Canada.
It will be in the -recollection of our readers , Thatabout three months bach , in an article entitled " The Prince of "Wales and the Freemasons of Canada , " we felt it our duty to make some stringent observations on the conduct of the M . W . brother who is placed at the head of the Craft in that country . We were with great
regret ( but not Avithout good reason ) compelled to characterise the proceedings of Bro . Harington as " undignified and injudicious , " with regard to the laying the foundation-stone of the Parliament House at Ottawa , by H . U . H . the Prince of Wales . Tlio abatement b y which Ave were guided appeared in a Toronto journal of good standing , and we Avere justified in supposing the facts therein contained to be true ; and until that
statement has been shown to be distorted or incorrect , we see no reason Avhatever to alter our opinion , then expressed , as to the M . W . Grand Master of Canada . In the article to which Ave allude , Ave expressed a doubt as to Avhether the Canadian Masons , as a body , were likely to stamp with their approval the action taken by their
Grand Master . We have since had abundant proof that our opinion on that head also Avas well-founded . But , although we ourselves ( and , AA e trust , the greater part of our readers ) were at the time conA-inced of the justice and propriety of our remarks , and , having given
a passing notice to this foolish outbreak of iraerility and petulance , should haA e been content to have allowed the whole of the circumstances to fall quickly into oblivion , —such , it appears , was by no means the vieAV of the case taken by our M . W . Bro . Harington . That dignitary , —
" Filled Avith a noble rage , "has rushed into print , and has distributed a " Circular , " containing his version of a portion of the circumstances connected with this matter . A copy of that document was by him fonvardecl to this journal , AA ith a demand for its insertion in our pages;—Ave had already
forestalled his request , as the Circular in question has been embalmed ( as a Masonic curiosity ) in our columns of December 1 st . At the same time , we were favoured ivith the following holograph from the Grand Master ' s hand : —
10 THE EDITOR OF THE FREEH . YSOXS 3 rAGAZIXE AXD MASONIC MIUKOH . Silt AND BROTHER , —AVitli reference to your uncalledfor , and A cry un-Masonic feading article of the 29 th September last , headed , " The Prince of Wales and the Freemasons of Canada , " jierhaps you Avilf be so good as to compare it with the documents hereunto annexed , and then give this note , and the " Masonic " account of Avhat really cfid occura lace in your MAGAZINE . I do not address you
, p at all in any official capacity ; but as ono Brother Freemason Avoufd another . All I desire , as you have indirectly charged me Avitli ' the crime of disloyalty to my Sovereign and her son , H . E . H . the Prince of AVales , is that my brethren on your side of thc Atlantic may haA'e an opportunity of judging mc on my own merits . I shall feet it incumbent on me to submit your remarks to the Grand Lodge of Canada at its
¦ wjsfc meeting . 3 {< S \ I remain , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally . n \ S \ T . D . ILVRIXGTOX . r J ilfilfcET PR 03 I A LETTER TO THE GRAND SECRETARY 01 THE "V /*/ GRAND LODGE OF CANADA . / CE / telegraphed to summon Grand Lodge at Ottawa on
you 3 * ra . for Saturday , 1 st proximo . I only heard conclusively from the Commissioner of Public Works , about noon yesterday , that 1 I . R . H . the Prince of Wales , although he was himself unable , not being a Freemason , to lay the corner-stone of the new Public Buildings Avith . Masonic honours , Avould be pleased to see our body present—which I look as amounting to more than a simple desire .
upon The Commissioner Avill do every thing for us on the ground he can , and . Avill give me some thirty passes ; but he is so hard-Avorked , that he begged me to take upon myself the responsibility of summoning attendance , and trusting to after measures . You haA"e your troubles all to come ; but anything wo can do to support the son of our Queen , must
and will be a labour of love , for he seizes ou all hearts , and is a PUTSCH ! . 'J T . DOWLAS HARTS & TOX , Gr . M . Quebec , August 24 , 1860 . We AA'ill look at this matter , first , as betAveen ourselves and Bro . Harington . While we would make
every alloAvance for the soreness of offended dignity , Ave must express our surprise , at the total misconception of our remarks into Avhich our respected brother has been betrayed by bis temper and want of judgment . With regard to our observations being " uncalled for and
un-Masonic , " AVO are perfectly willing to be judged by the Craft at large . The character of THE FEEEMASOS ' MAGAZINE is too firmly established for it to be accused , at this time of day , of mischief-making by unfair or hasty criticism . Jfor can Ave admit that it is by any
means un-Masonic to point out errors either of excess or short-coming in the conduct of those who hare been called to high . places among us—always provided that the respect due to masters and rulers is preserved , —and Ave deny that fitting respect to the office of Grand Master of Canada has been lost si ght of by us . Bro .
Harington next desires us to compare his note Avith the "documents annexed . " We have done so—as we shall proceed to SIIOAV in clue course . The " Masonic account , " if by that is meant the Circular of Bro . Harington , we beg to say does not tell us " what really did occur . "
Like " The adventure of the cat and fiddle , Begun , but broke off in tho middle , "—
it is wofully incomplete ; for it contains not one word regarding the ceremonial , or the Grand Master ' s proceedings on that auspicious day—nothing , in fact , which