Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 5 of 5 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC THUNDER. Page 1 of 1 Article BLUE AND RED MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
of the Law which it contained , was undoubtedly destroyed in the general conflagration , for we read no account of its having been carried to Babylon , but the wisdom and foresight of Solomon had made a provision four hundred and seventy years before , for the safe preservation of an exact image of that sacred chest .
Thus we terminate what may be called the first section of the Eoyal Arch degree . The sound of war has been Upon the nation—the temple is overthrown—the city is become a desert—yet even in its desolation , magnificent in the ruins of its palaces and stupendous edifices—and the people have been dragged in chains as captives to Babylon . ] ( To be continued . )
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed ly Correspontlentt , A MODEST EEQUEST . 10 IKE EDII 0 K or THE EREEIUSONS' MAGAZINE AND HAS 0 NI 0 UTHROE , Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 30 ) ,
Cardiff , March 1 , 1864 . SIR AND BROTHER , —In accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting of this lodge , held ou the 23 rd ult ., I enclose herewith a copy of the circular convening that meeting , and have to request
you will be good enough to furnish this lodge with the name of the brother who forwarded to you the report of a meeting of this lodge held on the 9 th February last , inserted in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of the 26 th of the same month .
I am requested to add that the W . M ., officers , and brethren express a hope that you will in future refrain from publishing any report of the proceedings of this lodge , in compliance with the desire of the Prov . G . M .
I think it right to explain that the delay in communicating the above to you , has been caused by my absence from Cardiff on the night of the lodge meeting , and by subsequent confinement to my home by indisposition .
I am , Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , DAVID EGBERTS , Hon . Sec .
[ We have published the above that we may once more publicly declare that we decline giving up the names of our Correspondents under any circumstances whatever . So long as the lodge acts legally we have no objection to exclude its proceedings from our columns ; but when its again exceeds its Masonic
duties , and acts in contravention of all Masonic rule and laws , we trust to find brethren sufficiently independent to inform us of it , and we shall not shrink from the consequence of making it public ]
Masonic Thunder.
10 IHE EDITOE OE TEE EHEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I rejoice to find that the" Jove-like bolt" hurled at its head by so important a personage as the the Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge ( Eastern Division ) South Wales ,, has not demolished your "MASONIC MIRROR , " but
that you will still be able to hold it up to the un-Masonie proceedings of that or any other province . My object in reverting to the subject is , as a lookeron , to express my surprise that so unwonted a disturbance of the provincial element shall have been
caused by the publication of the anonymous communication referred to ; whilst , if I mistake not , I have lately seen in your columns two letters in one week ' s publication containing reports of the proceedings of the Glamorgan , bearing the sit / natures of an
officer and a Past Master of that lodge . Isn't " Sauce for the goose , sauce for the gander in the " Land of leeks ? " or must Masonic reports be cooked to the particular palate of a Provincial Grand Master and certain of his statellites to render them »
" constitutional ?" The pictures reflected by your MIRROR are , evidently , too true to nature ; cannot you produce , some for that province more - & atteringly Tyniccl ! Excuse the bad joke , and believe me , Yours truly and fraternally , OBSERVES .
Blue And Red Masonry.
10 THE EDIIOE OE IHE MEEJIAS 0 NS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIEEOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Great difference of opinion exists , among Irish Masons , as to whether a Lodge of Past Masters can transact any business , or perform any act , pertaining to the Royal Arch-Chapter . I certainly cannot see how any act
pertaining to the Eoyal Arch Degree can be performed , unless the chapter is duly constituted and opened . In my humble opinion , it is highly improper , and subversive of all Masonic rule for any act of the Eed Lodge to be transacted in the Blue , to which the
degree of Past Master belongs . Yours fraternally , March 1 st , 1 S 64 . H . B . [ Our correspondent is perfectly right . —ED . F . M . ]
MASONIC TKEAX TO WoEKnorrsE INMATES . —A few evenings , since , the inmates of the New Bridge-street workhouse , consisting principally of the old and infirm men and women , and numbering about one thousand persons , were given a treat by the kindness of the members of the Caledonian Lodge of Freemasons , ( No . 20-1 ) . Mr . Johnson , one of the guardians , occupied the chair after tea , and during the evening each person was given an Eccles cake and an orange . The proceedings were
interspersed with singing , by several gentlemen and a choir , who were accompanied on the piano , and who kindly gave theirservices . Short addresses were delivered by Messrs . E . S . Rogers , Hampson , Berry , Bowclifle , & c . The room was decorated very nicely by the inmates , under the direction of the governor . —Manchester Weekly Times .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
of the Law which it contained , was undoubtedly destroyed in the general conflagration , for we read no account of its having been carried to Babylon , but the wisdom and foresight of Solomon had made a provision four hundred and seventy years before , for the safe preservation of an exact image of that sacred chest .
Thus we terminate what may be called the first section of the Eoyal Arch degree . The sound of war has been Upon the nation—the temple is overthrown—the city is become a desert—yet even in its desolation , magnificent in the ruins of its palaces and stupendous edifices—and the people have been dragged in chains as captives to Babylon . ] ( To be continued . )
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed ly Correspontlentt , A MODEST EEQUEST . 10 IKE EDII 0 K or THE EREEIUSONS' MAGAZINE AND HAS 0 NI 0 UTHROE , Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 30 ) ,
Cardiff , March 1 , 1864 . SIR AND BROTHER , —In accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting of this lodge , held ou the 23 rd ult ., I enclose herewith a copy of the circular convening that meeting , and have to request
you will be good enough to furnish this lodge with the name of the brother who forwarded to you the report of a meeting of this lodge held on the 9 th February last , inserted in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of the 26 th of the same month .
I am requested to add that the W . M ., officers , and brethren express a hope that you will in future refrain from publishing any report of the proceedings of this lodge , in compliance with the desire of the Prov . G . M .
I think it right to explain that the delay in communicating the above to you , has been caused by my absence from Cardiff on the night of the lodge meeting , and by subsequent confinement to my home by indisposition .
I am , Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , DAVID EGBERTS , Hon . Sec .
[ We have published the above that we may once more publicly declare that we decline giving up the names of our Correspondents under any circumstances whatever . So long as the lodge acts legally we have no objection to exclude its proceedings from our columns ; but when its again exceeds its Masonic
duties , and acts in contravention of all Masonic rule and laws , we trust to find brethren sufficiently independent to inform us of it , and we shall not shrink from the consequence of making it public ]
Masonic Thunder.
10 IHE EDITOE OE TEE EHEEIIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEBOE , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I rejoice to find that the" Jove-like bolt" hurled at its head by so important a personage as the the Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge ( Eastern Division ) South Wales ,, has not demolished your "MASONIC MIRROR , " but
that you will still be able to hold it up to the un-Masonie proceedings of that or any other province . My object in reverting to the subject is , as a lookeron , to express my surprise that so unwonted a disturbance of the provincial element shall have been
caused by the publication of the anonymous communication referred to ; whilst , if I mistake not , I have lately seen in your columns two letters in one week ' s publication containing reports of the proceedings of the Glamorgan , bearing the sit / natures of an
officer and a Past Master of that lodge . Isn't " Sauce for the goose , sauce for the gander in the " Land of leeks ? " or must Masonic reports be cooked to the particular palate of a Provincial Grand Master and certain of his statellites to render them »
" constitutional ?" The pictures reflected by your MIRROR are , evidently , too true to nature ; cannot you produce , some for that province more - & atteringly Tyniccl ! Excuse the bad joke , and believe me , Yours truly and fraternally , OBSERVES .
Blue And Red Masonry.
10 THE EDIIOE OE IHE MEEJIAS 0 NS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC JIIEEOE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Great difference of opinion exists , among Irish Masons , as to whether a Lodge of Past Masters can transact any business , or perform any act , pertaining to the Royal Arch-Chapter . I certainly cannot see how any act
pertaining to the Eoyal Arch Degree can be performed , unless the chapter is duly constituted and opened . In my humble opinion , it is highly improper , and subversive of all Masonic rule for any act of the Eed Lodge to be transacted in the Blue , to which the
degree of Past Master belongs . Yours fraternally , March 1 st , 1 S 64 . H . B . [ Our correspondent is perfectly right . —ED . F . M . ]
MASONIC TKEAX TO WoEKnorrsE INMATES . —A few evenings , since , the inmates of the New Bridge-street workhouse , consisting principally of the old and infirm men and women , and numbering about one thousand persons , were given a treat by the kindness of the members of the Caledonian Lodge of Freemasons , ( No . 20-1 ) . Mr . Johnson , one of the guardians , occupied the chair after tea , and during the evening each person was given an Eccles cake and an orange . The proceedings were
interspersed with singing , by several gentlemen and a choir , who were accompanied on the piano , and who kindly gave theirservices . Short addresses were delivered by Messrs . E . S . Rogers , Hampson , Berry , Bowclifle , & c . The room was decorated very nicely by the inmates , under the direction of the governor . —Manchester Weekly Times .