Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
- ^— — MASONIC MEMS . THE Albion Lodge of Instruction , No . 9 , have adjourned till the first Sunday in September . TEE Royal Athelstane Lodge , No . 19 , will in future meet every Sunday evening , at Pro . J . W . Adams ' s , the Union
TavernAir-streetRegent-, , street . TUB AVest Kent Lodge ol Instruction held their last meeting this session on Thursday last . Tbe Lodge opens again for instruction in October , and will henceforth take the name of " The St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , " Xo . 164 .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( SO . 22 ) . —The last meeting of the season was held on Thursday , the 26 th of April , at Radley ' s Hotel , Kew Bridge-street . Bro . John Boughey , AA ' . M ., presided , and was attended by his officers , and ten Past Masters , besides a tolerably full number of members . Bros . Gould , Hughes , Levey , Lloyd , and " Worth were passed to the second , and Bro . Pick raised to the third degree . Bro . F . AA . Jackson , P . AI ., No . 225 , was received as a joining member . The AV . M ., after a few remarks on the zeal and ability exhibited by his predecessor in the chairand also the hi
, on gh esteem and respect entertained by all who knew him both as a man and a Mason , presented to Bro . Eobert Farran the Past Master ' s jewel unanimously voted by the Lodge . Bro . Farran in grateful terms acknowledged the gift and said he trusted he might he allowed by the G . A . O . T . U . many years to wear it . There was a motion before the Lod ge to prescribe a limit to its numbers , but at the desire of the AA . M . it was postponed for a Lodge of emergency . The Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to dinner , and spent a coujple of hours in that harmony and happiness to which they are accustomed .
FITZROY LODGE ( No . 880 ) . —The Lodge adopts as its motto , "Finis coronat opus , " the members gave practical force to it in making the last meeting of the season as attractive as possible ; and on these occasions there is generally a good sprinkling of visitors . The Fitzroy , as our readers doubtless know , is a military Lodge , and confined to the members of tho Hon . Artillery Company , the oldest volunteer corps in the country . Its meetings consequently are at the head quarters in the City-road , aud the crowning meeting of the season was held on Friday . 27 thThe volunteer irit ivhich
April . sp pervades Great Britain has of course given additional impetus to this ancient corps , and at every meeting new members are added to the Lodge . The Lodge was opened at five o ' clock , when Bro . J . W . Long , AV . M ., raised to the M . M . ' s degree Bros . C . W . Brown , ofthe Sth company of the Hon . Artillery Company , ancl B . Higgs , of the 2 nd company . He afterwards initiated Mr . Fletcher C . Norton , of the Light Infantry Division . The Secretary ( Bro . Eglese ) read a letter which had been received from a brother formerly a member of the Lodwho time back emi
ge , some grated to Canada , taking with him a good property , whieh he hacl embarked in speculation aud lost . He implored the Lodge to aid him to return to his native land , as ho saw no prospect of help where he was . The Lodge voted a sum of money to the brother , who had been a good member ofthe Lodge ; and as the Hon . Artillery Company have a charitable fund . Bro . Matthew , the worthy Treasurer of the Lodge , said something coulcl bo hacl from that source , and ho should have pleasure in sending out a sufficient sum to enable the distressed brother to return to England . Some remarks were made as to the desirability of some rule by which a case like the one iu
question should be relieved hy the Board of Benevolence when properly vouched for by the Lodge . All business ended , the Lodge was duly closed ^ anil soou after , between fort y and fifty brethren surrounded the V \ orshiptul Master at the hospitable board , whieh was spread with much good taste the entertainment being under the management of Bro . Newton , P . M ., the musical Director of Ceremonies . The dinner ended , as is usual the brethren returned to the Lodge room , where the dessert prOTe dafrIaj 11 8 homage to the toastof The
« m . 3 '? -, r ifn , i s " Queen , " the Grand Master , " & c , Bro . Capt . Hough , the immediate P . M ., rose and said that on the previous occasions he was unable to be present to discharge the pleasing duty of proposing the health of the worthy brother who now presided over the Lodge . So well known as Bro . Long was to them all as a good and most useful member , much eulogy from him was unnecessary , ancl therefore he would simply say "Health ancl happiness to tho AA ' orshipful Master . " The AA'orshipful Master , in responding first tendered his warmest thanks to the Past
Masters and members for the support he had received in conducting the business of tho Lod » e and , referring to the volunteer movement now spreading over our land ' said he could not but feel proud that at such a period in its history he was a member of that most ancient corps . The AVorshipful Master then proposed The Visitors , " ivhich was promptly acknowledged . Tho \\ orshipful Master next proposed the newlinitiated brother
y , whose soldierlike bearing had won the esteem of the whole corps , and he was certain that equal value would be put on his merits as a member of the ; ' , ^? ? i ge- ?? ' Norton after rele ™ S to the step he had taken on cnt-eiing the portal o £ Masonry , said he was much gratified on being
surrounded by so many friends . He was perfectly convinced from the slight insight he had ol the institution that it was founded on the best principles . It was his most earnest desire to become a true and worthy Mason ; to achieve that object his best efforts should be given . The AA . M . then iiroposed "The Past Masters , " ancl in alluding to their services first noticed Bro . Matthews , one of the most energetic Masons , who , independent of so faithfully discharging the duty of Treasurer of the Lodge , in the absence of any officer could supply the vacancy , as ho
had that day taken the Deacon's duty . He next referred to Bro . Hough , who had , as his predecessor , so ably filled tho chair . To Bro . Newton they were all indebted for past services , whilst he hacl now taken upon himself the arduous duties of superintending the dinner , and to Bro . Newton they were indebted for the very excellent entertainment of the day . To this the P . Ms , severally replied , and Bro . Matthews said , seeing it was their last meeting until the autumn , he hoped all those happy faees then present would greet him in October . He could not
help alluding to the admirable management of Bro . Newton , who he was sure would go to the world's end to make a brother Mason happy . Bro . Newton , referring to Bro . Matthews's mention of his services , said the pleasure he felt in seeing the brethren happy compensated for any trouble he might have . Seeing they were a society of private gentlemen , it was his wish they should be as well provided for as any Lodge at the westend , and not dependent on tavern accommodation . The toasfc of " The Officers" was briefly responded to by Bro . Figg . The AV . M . then
proposed " The Charities of the Order , " ancl in connection with it , Bro . Newton and the Girls School . That worthy brother then , after a few remarks on the management of the school , and the girls' good conduct , referred to the support he had already received , ancl he hoped to have additional strength to support him at the ensuing festival . Bro . Matthews said as Bro . Newton had confined his remarks to the Girls School , he considered it his duty to call the attention of the brethren to the other charitable institutions of the Order , all equally deserving their support . The evening was enlivened by some excellent music by Bro . Ganz at the pianoforte , aided by the vocal talents of Bro , Morton and others .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This celebrated Lodge of Instruction met again for the purpose of working the fifteen sections by members of tbe Lodge of Instruction not being members ofthe parent Lodge , this being , as it may be stated , as a sort of trial between the members of the Lodge ancl any other members not being members of the Lodge itself . The officers were Bros . T . A . Adams , G . Purs . ; Tyrrell , P . M . No . 1 ( 38 , S . AV . ; Stacey , AV . M . No . 211 , J . AV . ; Es . all , S . D . No . 169 , S . D . ;
Thorns , S . D , No . 219 , J . D . ; Platt , S . AV . No . 1 CS , I . G . ; Newton , P . M . No . 25 , Sec . Among the visitors were Bros . G . P . Cook , No . 465 ; Thorns , No . 219 ; AA ucst , No . 1046 ; Smith , AV . M . No . 196 ; AA right , No . 227 ; Hoare , No . 29 ; McNally , No . 206 , & e ., & c The Lodge was opened in form iu the three degrees . Tho first lecture was worked by Bros . Exall , S . D . No . 169 ; Boyd , AV . M . No . 169 ; Hoad , No . 1 , 044 ; Bertram , No . 1 , 044 ; Taylor , S . AV . No . 13 ; Kirby , P . M . No . 169 ; Thorns , S . D . No . 219 . The second lecture was worked bBro . JefferyJ . D .
y , No . 237 ; Stacey , P . M . No . 211 ; Smith , AV . M . No . 196 ; AValkley , P . M . No . 367 ; Daly / P . M . No . 37 G . The third lecture was worked by Bros . Cottebrune , AV . M . No . 1 , 035 ; Tyrrell , P . M . No . 168 ; ancl Frost , AV . M . No . 276 . Bro . Le Gassick , P . M . No . 25 , proposed that the thanks of this Lodge of Instruction be tendered to Bro . T . A . Adams , the AV . M . of the evening , for the kind and elaborate manner with which the business of the evening was conducted—a somewhat arduous task , particularlif they looked to the immense numbers of questions
comprey hended in the fifteen sections—ancl that the same be entered on the minutes , ivhich was unanimously agreed to . Bro , Newton , P . M . No . 25 , and Sec . of the Lodge and the Loelge of Instruction , proposed that a special vote of thanks be given to the fifteen brethren who worked the sections , and that the same be recorded upon the minutes ; and at the same time observed that he had heard the fifteen sections worked a
great number of times , but hacl never heard them to such perfection as he had on that evening ; the vote was unanimously agreed to . Tho brethren present , about fifty , one and all agreed that they had bad a treat which few could understand who were not in the habit of attending the meetings ol Lodges of Instruction .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 264 ) . —ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . THE anniversary meeting of this excellent Lodge , the head quarters of tbe Broadfoot system of working , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . Henry Muggeridge presiding as AV . M ., supported by Bros , Pratt , as S . AV . ; Packwood , J . AA . ; Boughey , S . D . ; Myers , J . D . ; Prcsant , I . G . ; and Farran , Sec . ; Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; Perkins , J . G . AV . ; Havers , P . G . D ., President of the Board of General Purposes ; Scott , P . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Jennings , Patten
P . G . D . C ; Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; , P . G . S . B . ; Symonds , Snell , Head , and about one hundred and sixty other brethren . The Lodge was opened at six o ' clock , when the first lecture was worked in sections as follows ;—! . Bro . Presant ; 2 . Bro . Myers ; 3 . Bro . Boughey ; 4 , BrO . Packwood ; 5 and 6 . ( Lodge Board ) Bro . Myers ; 7 . Bro , Pratt . The following votes were made in aid of the Masonic Charities : —to the Girls School , £ 5 5 s . ; Boys School , £ 5 5 s . ; Royal Benevolent Institution—Male Fund , & f >; Ditto , Widows' Fund , -SS ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
- ^— — MASONIC MEMS . THE Albion Lodge of Instruction , No . 9 , have adjourned till the first Sunday in September . TEE Royal Athelstane Lodge , No . 19 , will in future meet every Sunday evening , at Pro . J . W . Adams ' s , the Union
TavernAir-streetRegent-, , street . TUB AVest Kent Lodge ol Instruction held their last meeting this session on Thursday last . Tbe Lodge opens again for instruction in October , and will henceforth take the name of " The St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction , " Xo . 164 .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( SO . 22 ) . —The last meeting of the season was held on Thursday , the 26 th of April , at Radley ' s Hotel , Kew Bridge-street . Bro . John Boughey , AA ' . M ., presided , and was attended by his officers , and ten Past Masters , besides a tolerably full number of members . Bros . Gould , Hughes , Levey , Lloyd , and " Worth were passed to the second , and Bro . Pick raised to the third degree . Bro . F . AA . Jackson , P . AI ., No . 225 , was received as a joining member . The AV . M ., after a few remarks on the zeal and ability exhibited by his predecessor in the chairand also the hi
, on gh esteem and respect entertained by all who knew him both as a man and a Mason , presented to Bro . Eobert Farran the Past Master ' s jewel unanimously voted by the Lodge . Bro . Farran in grateful terms acknowledged the gift and said he trusted he might he allowed by the G . A . O . T . U . many years to wear it . There was a motion before the Lod ge to prescribe a limit to its numbers , but at the desire of the AA . M . it was postponed for a Lodge of emergency . The Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to dinner , and spent a coujple of hours in that harmony and happiness to which they are accustomed .
FITZROY LODGE ( No . 880 ) . —The Lodge adopts as its motto , "Finis coronat opus , " the members gave practical force to it in making the last meeting of the season as attractive as possible ; and on these occasions there is generally a good sprinkling of visitors . The Fitzroy , as our readers doubtless know , is a military Lodge , and confined to the members of tho Hon . Artillery Company , the oldest volunteer corps in the country . Its meetings consequently are at the head quarters in the City-road , aud the crowning meeting of the season was held on Friday . 27 thThe volunteer irit ivhich
April . sp pervades Great Britain has of course given additional impetus to this ancient corps , and at every meeting new members are added to the Lodge . The Lodge was opened at five o ' clock , when Bro . J . W . Long , AV . M ., raised to the M . M . ' s degree Bros . C . W . Brown , ofthe Sth company of the Hon . Artillery Company , ancl B . Higgs , of the 2 nd company . He afterwards initiated Mr . Fletcher C . Norton , of the Light Infantry Division . The Secretary ( Bro . Eglese ) read a letter which had been received from a brother formerly a member of the Lodwho time back emi
ge , some grated to Canada , taking with him a good property , whieh he hacl embarked in speculation aud lost . He implored the Lodge to aid him to return to his native land , as ho saw no prospect of help where he was . The Lodge voted a sum of money to the brother , who had been a good member ofthe Lodge ; and as the Hon . Artillery Company have a charitable fund . Bro . Matthew , the worthy Treasurer of the Lodge , said something coulcl bo hacl from that source , and ho should have pleasure in sending out a sufficient sum to enable the distressed brother to return to England . Some remarks were made as to the desirability of some rule by which a case like the one iu
question should be relieved hy the Board of Benevolence when properly vouched for by the Lodge . All business ended , the Lodge was duly closed ^ anil soou after , between fort y and fifty brethren surrounded the V \ orshiptul Master at the hospitable board , whieh was spread with much good taste the entertainment being under the management of Bro . Newton , P . M ., the musical Director of Ceremonies . The dinner ended , as is usual the brethren returned to the Lodge room , where the dessert prOTe dafrIaj 11 8 homage to the toastof The
« m . 3 '? -, r ifn , i s " Queen , " the Grand Master , " & c , Bro . Capt . Hough , the immediate P . M ., rose and said that on the previous occasions he was unable to be present to discharge the pleasing duty of proposing the health of the worthy brother who now presided over the Lodge . So well known as Bro . Long was to them all as a good and most useful member , much eulogy from him was unnecessary , ancl therefore he would simply say "Health ancl happiness to tho AA ' orshipful Master . " The AA'orshipful Master , in responding first tendered his warmest thanks to the Past
Masters and members for the support he had received in conducting the business of tho Lod » e and , referring to the volunteer movement now spreading over our land ' said he could not but feel proud that at such a period in its history he was a member of that most ancient corps . The AVorshipful Master then proposed The Visitors , " ivhich was promptly acknowledged . Tho \\ orshipful Master next proposed the newlinitiated brother
y , whose soldierlike bearing had won the esteem of the whole corps , and he was certain that equal value would be put on his merits as a member of the ; ' , ^? ? i ge- ?? ' Norton after rele ™ S to the step he had taken on cnt-eiing the portal o £ Masonry , said he was much gratified on being
surrounded by so many friends . He was perfectly convinced from the slight insight he had ol the institution that it was founded on the best principles . It was his most earnest desire to become a true and worthy Mason ; to achieve that object his best efforts should be given . The AA . M . then iiroposed "The Past Masters , " ancl in alluding to their services first noticed Bro . Matthews , one of the most energetic Masons , who , independent of so faithfully discharging the duty of Treasurer of the Lodge , in the absence of any officer could supply the vacancy , as ho
had that day taken the Deacon's duty . He next referred to Bro . Hough , who had , as his predecessor , so ably filled tho chair . To Bro . Newton they were all indebted for past services , whilst he hacl now taken upon himself the arduous duties of superintending the dinner , and to Bro . Newton they were indebted for the very excellent entertainment of the day . To this the P . Ms , severally replied , and Bro . Matthews said , seeing it was their last meeting until the autumn , he hoped all those happy faees then present would greet him in October . He could not
help alluding to the admirable management of Bro . Newton , who he was sure would go to the world's end to make a brother Mason happy . Bro . Newton , referring to Bro . Matthews's mention of his services , said the pleasure he felt in seeing the brethren happy compensated for any trouble he might have . Seeing they were a society of private gentlemen , it was his wish they should be as well provided for as any Lodge at the westend , and not dependent on tavern accommodation . The toasfc of " The Officers" was briefly responded to by Bro . Figg . The AV . M . then
proposed " The Charities of the Order , " ancl in connection with it , Bro . Newton and the Girls School . That worthy brother then , after a few remarks on the management of the school , and the girls' good conduct , referred to the support he had already received , ancl he hoped to have additional strength to support him at the ensuing festival . Bro . Matthews said as Bro . Newton had confined his remarks to the Girls School , he considered it his duty to call the attention of the brethren to the other charitable institutions of the Order , all equally deserving their support . The evening was enlivened by some excellent music by Bro . Ganz at the pianoforte , aided by the vocal talents of Bro , Morton and others .
INSTRUCTION . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This celebrated Lodge of Instruction met again for the purpose of working the fifteen sections by members of tbe Lodge of Instruction not being members ofthe parent Lodge , this being , as it may be stated , as a sort of trial between the members of the Lodge ancl any other members not being members of the Lodge itself . The officers were Bros . T . A . Adams , G . Purs . ; Tyrrell , P . M . No . 1 ( 38 , S . AV . ; Stacey , AV . M . No . 211 , J . AV . ; Es . all , S . D . No . 169 , S . D . ;
Thorns , S . D , No . 219 , J . D . ; Platt , S . AV . No . 1 CS , I . G . ; Newton , P . M . No . 25 , Sec . Among the visitors were Bros . G . P . Cook , No . 465 ; Thorns , No . 219 ; AA ucst , No . 1046 ; Smith , AV . M . No . 196 ; AA right , No . 227 ; Hoare , No . 29 ; McNally , No . 206 , & e ., & c The Lodge was opened in form iu the three degrees . Tho first lecture was worked by Bros . Exall , S . D . No . 169 ; Boyd , AV . M . No . 169 ; Hoad , No . 1 , 044 ; Bertram , No . 1 , 044 ; Taylor , S . AV . No . 13 ; Kirby , P . M . No . 169 ; Thorns , S . D . No . 219 . The second lecture was worked bBro . JefferyJ . D .
y , No . 237 ; Stacey , P . M . No . 211 ; Smith , AV . M . No . 196 ; AValkley , P . M . No . 367 ; Daly / P . M . No . 37 G . The third lecture was worked by Bros . Cottebrune , AV . M . No . 1 , 035 ; Tyrrell , P . M . No . 168 ; ancl Frost , AV . M . No . 276 . Bro . Le Gassick , P . M . No . 25 , proposed that the thanks of this Lodge of Instruction be tendered to Bro . T . A . Adams , the AV . M . of the evening , for the kind and elaborate manner with which the business of the evening was conducted—a somewhat arduous task , particularlif they looked to the immense numbers of questions
comprey hended in the fifteen sections—ancl that the same be entered on the minutes , ivhich was unanimously agreed to . Bro , Newton , P . M . No . 25 , and Sec . of the Lodge and the Loelge of Instruction , proposed that a special vote of thanks be given to the fifteen brethren who worked the sections , and that the same be recorded upon the minutes ; and at the same time observed that he had heard the fifteen sections worked a
great number of times , but hacl never heard them to such perfection as he had on that evening ; the vote was unanimously agreed to . Tho brethren present , about fifty , one and all agreed that they had bad a treat which few could understand who were not in the habit of attending the meetings ol Lodges of Instruction .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 264 ) . —ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . THE anniversary meeting of this excellent Lodge , the head quarters of tbe Broadfoot system of working , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., Bro . Henry Muggeridge presiding as AV . M ., supported by Bros , Pratt , as S . AV . ; Packwood , J . AA . ; Boughey , S . D . ; Myers , J . D . ; Prcsant , I . G . ; and Farran , Sec . ; Hall , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire ; Perkins , J . G . AV . ; Havers , P . G . D ., President of the Board of General Purposes ; Scott , P . G . D . ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Jennings , Patten
P . G . D . C ; Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Evans , P . G . S . B . ; , P . G . S . B . ; Symonds , Snell , Head , and about one hundred and sixty other brethren . The Lodge was opened at six o ' clock , when the first lecture was worked in sections as follows ;—! . Bro . Presant ; 2 . Bro . Myers ; 3 . Bro . Boughey ; 4 , BrO . Packwood ; 5 and 6 . ( Lodge Board ) Bro . Myers ; 7 . Bro , Pratt . The following votes were made in aid of the Masonic Charities : —to the Girls School , £ 5 5 s . ; Boys School , £ 5 5 s . ; Royal Benevolent Institution—Male Fund , & f >; Ditto , Widows' Fund , -SS ,