Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 3 →
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Bno . HALL , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , proposed a vo'te of thanks to the AA . M ., which was seconded by Bro . Perkins , J . G . AA ., and carried unanimously . Bno . JENNINGS , P . G . D . C , proposed a vote of thanks to the working brethren , which was seconded by Bro . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D ., and carried . Eighteen visitors having been elected joining members , the Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to
THE BANQUET ,-which was presided over by Bro . Havers , as WM ., tbe large room of the hotel being densely crowded . FDl , MASTER said that he had to propose a toast whieh was dear to all Masons . They had enjoyed the pleasure on the preceding ' AVednesday of installing the Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the seventeenth time , making the eighteenth year he would have served that
office , for it would be recollected that their late Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , died in the April of the previous year , just after the time fixed for the grand festival . During the course of that long period the noble earl had pursued a wise and conciliatory course of government , and had secured the support of all good Masons by his courtesy , justice , and close attention to the business of the Order . But if they were indebted to the M . AA . G . M . for the manner in whieh he had presided over them , there could be no doubt that the Grand Master was
likewise indebted to the brethren for the support they hacl given him , aud to none more so than to the members of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , who hacl at all times been ready to come forward and ' aid him iu the discharge of bis duties to the Craft . He was convinced that if the noble earl had not secured the support of every member of the Craffc it had been from no want of endeavour on his part to deserve it . ( Cheers ) . The toast having been cordially responded to
, The AA ORSHiPi ? UL MASTER called upon the brethren to drink the health of the D . G . M . ancl the rest of the Grand Officers . He knew that he need not dilate on the sendees of Lord Panmure , as they w-ere too well known , and he was sure that they must all regret that the state of his health for the last few months had prevented him from taking that share in the active duties of the Craft for which his experience in Masonry and enlarged views so eminently fitted him . ( Cheers ) . He
regretted that circumstances had also deprived them that evening of the company of Col . Burlton , Bro , Hervey , Bro . AAllson , and their respected preceptor , Bro . Muggeridge , who hacl promised to honour tbe Lodge with their presence ; but he was happy to observe that there were several other Grand Officers present to add lustre to their meeting . First and foremost , on his right sat Bro . Hall , the Provincial Grancl Master for Cambridgeshire , with whom he had long hacl tho honour to be acquainted . He was always most zealous in the discharge of bis duties , and in his desire to promote the interests of Freemasonry , aud was as popular
in his province as he was valued by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . The next in order was their new Junior Grand AVarden ( Bro . Perkins ) . He helieved that the name of Perkins was known wherever British beer was known — ( laughter)—ancl that a more worth } - man to fill the office could not be found ; but , irrespective of his own claims upon them , he added those of "being the son of an excellent Grand Officer of former days , whose name had always been held in the highest esteem . Then amongst the Past Grancl Officers
there were present their worthy Bro . Potter , whose Masonic qualities were known to all ; Evans , one of the old standards ; Patten , whom everybody knew ; Le Veau , who was always engaged in promoting the cause of charity , and taking an active part in the elections ; Pulteney Scott , a very worthy brother ; and , last not least , their good and excellent Bro . Jennings —( cheers)—who hacl just retired from office . Iu proposing fco them the toast be should couple with it the name of Bro . Perkins as representing the present Grancl Officersand that of Bro . Jennings
, the Past Grand Officers . Bro . Jennings was originally appointed to office by tbe late G . M . the Duke of Sussex , and on AA ednesday last , at his own request , retired from it , after having served the Craft zealously and faithfully for a quarter of a century , ( Cheers ) . The Grand Master hacl given notice of motion for the nest Grand Lodge to present Bro . Jennings with a testimonial on his retirement from office , and ho was convinced the proposal would meet with tho unanimous approval of the Craft , as but a fair reward to a brother who had spent the best part of his life iu their serviceCheers
. ( . ) Bro . ALGERNON PERKINS , J . G . AV ., had some difficulty in acknowledging the toast , owing to his having been so short a time in office . As regarded the Deputy Grand Master , every one who had seen him iu Grancl Lodge and heard how ably he argued the questions which came before him , must have been convinced of his zeal hi fche cause of Masonry , and his fitness for tho distinguished office which he so abl y filled . In returning thanks for the compliment they had beeu leased
p to pay him and the . other Grand Officers , he could only assure them that they would do fcheii- utmost to 2 » rform their duties , and endeavour to equal their predecessors , though they could scarcely hope to do so . He was gratified that the first Lodge he had visited since his elevation to office was the Stability Lodgo of Instruction , as he hacl spent a most delightful evening , ancl witnessed working which every one must admit could not have been surpassed . He bad to return the members of that Lodge his great thanks for the enjoyment tbey had afforded him ,
and the brethren generally for the compliment paid to himself ancl the "tber Grand Officers . ( Cheers . ) . Liro . JENNINGS , P . G . D . C , said that Bro . Perkins had referred to tho early ] ioriod at which he was called upon to address them after becoming a Grand Officer . Now he ( Bro . Jennings ) must to some extent walk iu his footsteps , for this being only the second day of being a Past Grand Officer , he certainly felt some diffidence—though generally that did not enter into his composition —( laughter)—in addressing them iu
the novel position in which he was placed . He was delighted indeed to have the opportunity of acknowledging the kind manner in ivhich they had responded to the last toast . He could assure them on retiring from office—an office the duties of which were somewhat arduous—at the expiration of twenty-five years' service , it was most encouraging to find a toast with which bis name was associated received with such feelings of kindliness and sympathy . It was in meetings like the present that the excellencies and beauties of Masonry were best exhibitedwithout
, restraint on the individual views or feelings of any one . ( Hear . ) In their Lodges there was a kind of tie—a constraint over their actions that rendered meetings like the present better adapted for displaying the excellencies of Freemasonry . He could assure them that the Past Grancl Officers present that evening had enjoyed a high intellectual treat—for he could find no other word to express his meaning—in witnessing the admirable working of the lecture , all the brethren engaged in it being so accurate aucl so perfectly masters of their
duties as to leave nothing to be desired . ( Cheers . ) On behalf of the Past Grand Officers he returned them his sincere and grateful thanks for the compliment paid him ; but as respected himself , pleased as he was at his reception that evening , a time would shortly come when he would have an opportunity of seeing how far bis past services were appreciated , and he hoped that their appreciation would be such that on his retirement a mantle would be thrown over his shoulders which would ever remind him of their kindnessand be most gratifing to his
, y family . ( Cheers ) . The AA ' CRSHIIEUL MASTEB said they would doubtless auticipate tho next toast he was about to propose , because it was one in which they all took the greatest interest— "Prosperity to the Stability Lodge of Instruction " . —and hi doing so , as the evening' was rapidly wearing away , he should confine himself to a very few words , and in those words
he should recommend them steadily to practise only those ceremonies practised within these walls , ancl to be careful of so-called degrees which had only sprung up within a few years . The Grand Lodge oi England was the most influential and wealthy in the world , and the Lodges and Masons of England were more numerous than those of all the other countries in Europe together , a feature with which perhaps but few of those present were acquainted . They hacl from the earliest times granted warrants for Lodges to all other countries , and it became
their privilege ancl their destiny to preserve the antient landmarks of their Order in all their purity and beauty ; they must bo the moro careful to do so because Masonry had made great and unparalleled progress within tho last few years . Only ton years since it was considered extraordinary to issue one thousand seven hundred certificates in the your , whilst from the conimencoment of the present year au average of fully one hundred certificates a week had been issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office . Now the more they increased in numbers the more
careful they must be to preserve their original and antient working—and he believed that nowhere had they better depositories of Masonic lore than in this ancl tho other great Lodge of Instruction— the Emulation—at the AA ' est End of the town . Sorry should he be to see any alterations in thenpresent system of working ; and if they wished to preserve the ancient landmarks of the Order they must persevere in practising the work as laid down , and carefully avoid new degrees . Iu all new countries it appeared that the spirit of invention was rapidly at work—and in none more so than amongst the sons of America . Ho was induced to make these remarks
because bis attention had been called tothe proceedings oia brother who was over here , of whom he wished to speak with respect , ancl who he was glad to see had been kindly received , because it bore testimony thafc the strongest good feelings existed amongst all Freemasons . Thafc brother was over here as au emissary from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , apparently to obtain a knowledge of English Freemasonry , but in truth it would seem to teach them new degrees—for he told them of degrees practised in America—of ancient records—degrees of which they had
never heard in this country . ( Hear , hear ) . Now if some archaeologist were to tell him ( Bro . Havers ) thafc under the foundation of some one of the ancient ecclesiastical buildings or castles of England he bad dug up a pot of gold and some ancient records , he might place faith in them ; but if any one told him that from under the platform of tbe Crystal Palace he hacl dug up the pot of gold , he would pause before ho accepted the coin—he would inquire whether it were the true metal—ho would be careful before he gave currency to what
might at least be a counterfeit . ( Cheers ) , So it was with regard to Freemasonry ; and they might depend upon it it was but little light they would gather from the foreign brethren with regard to it . Ancient Freemasonry consisted only of the three degrees , and he believed that there were no records to prove the existence of any other prior to 1790 . ( Cheers ) . Now he could tell them a story relative to claims to antiquity , and what was sometimes called time immemorial . A short time since a Lotlge applied for permission to wear a centenary jewel—tbe love of jewels , he believed , by the bye , was one of the grounds for multiplying orders , AYell , upon inquiry it appeared that the Lodge had only been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bno . HALL , Prov . G . M . for Cambridgeshire , proposed a vo'te of thanks to the AA . M ., which was seconded by Bro . Perkins , J . G . AA ., and carried unanimously . Bno . JENNINGS , P . G . D . C , proposed a vote of thanks to the working brethren , which was seconded by Bro . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D ., and carried . Eighteen visitors having been elected joining members , the Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to
THE BANQUET ,-which was presided over by Bro . Havers , as WM ., tbe large room of the hotel being densely crowded . FDl , MASTER said that he had to propose a toast whieh was dear to all Masons . They had enjoyed the pleasure on the preceding ' AVednesday of installing the Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the seventeenth time , making the eighteenth year he would have served that
office , for it would be recollected that their late Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , died in the April of the previous year , just after the time fixed for the grand festival . During the course of that long period the noble earl had pursued a wise and conciliatory course of government , and had secured the support of all good Masons by his courtesy , justice , and close attention to the business of the Order . But if they were indebted to the M . AA . G . M . for the manner in whieh he had presided over them , there could be no doubt that the Grand Master was
likewise indebted to the brethren for the support they hacl given him , aud to none more so than to the members of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , who hacl at all times been ready to come forward and ' aid him iu the discharge of bis duties to the Craft . He was convinced that if the noble earl had not secured the support of every member of the Craffc it had been from no want of endeavour on his part to deserve it . ( Cheers ) . The toast having been cordially responded to
, The AA ORSHiPi ? UL MASTER called upon the brethren to drink the health of the D . G . M . ancl the rest of the Grand Officers . He knew that he need not dilate on the sendees of Lord Panmure , as they w-ere too well known , and he was sure that they must all regret that the state of his health for the last few months had prevented him from taking that share in the active duties of the Craft for which his experience in Masonry and enlarged views so eminently fitted him . ( Cheers ) . He
regretted that circumstances had also deprived them that evening of the company of Col . Burlton , Bro , Hervey , Bro . AAllson , and their respected preceptor , Bro . Muggeridge , who hacl promised to honour tbe Lodge with their presence ; but he was happy to observe that there were several other Grand Officers present to add lustre to their meeting . First and foremost , on his right sat Bro . Hall , the Provincial Grancl Master for Cambridgeshire , with whom he had long hacl tho honour to be acquainted . He was always most zealous in the discharge of bis duties , and in his desire to promote the interests of Freemasonry , aud was as popular
in his province as he was valued by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . The next in order was their new Junior Grand AVarden ( Bro . Perkins ) . He helieved that the name of Perkins was known wherever British beer was known — ( laughter)—ancl that a more worth } - man to fill the office could not be found ; but , irrespective of his own claims upon them , he added those of "being the son of an excellent Grand Officer of former days , whose name had always been held in the highest esteem . Then amongst the Past Grancl Officers
there were present their worthy Bro . Potter , whose Masonic qualities were known to all ; Evans , one of the old standards ; Patten , whom everybody knew ; Le Veau , who was always engaged in promoting the cause of charity , and taking an active part in the elections ; Pulteney Scott , a very worthy brother ; and , last not least , their good and excellent Bro . Jennings —( cheers)—who hacl just retired from office . Iu proposing fco them the toast be should couple with it the name of Bro . Perkins as representing the present Grancl Officersand that of Bro . Jennings
, the Past Grand Officers . Bro . Jennings was originally appointed to office by tbe late G . M . the Duke of Sussex , and on AA ednesday last , at his own request , retired from it , after having served the Craft zealously and faithfully for a quarter of a century , ( Cheers ) . The Grand Master hacl given notice of motion for the nest Grand Lodge to present Bro . Jennings with a testimonial on his retirement from office , and ho was convinced the proposal would meet with tho unanimous approval of the Craft , as but a fair reward to a brother who had spent the best part of his life iu their serviceCheers
. ( . ) Bro . ALGERNON PERKINS , J . G . AV ., had some difficulty in acknowledging the toast , owing to his having been so short a time in office . As regarded the Deputy Grand Master , every one who had seen him iu Grancl Lodge and heard how ably he argued the questions which came before him , must have been convinced of his zeal hi fche cause of Masonry , and his fitness for tho distinguished office which he so abl y filled . In returning thanks for the compliment they had beeu leased
p to pay him and the . other Grand Officers , he could only assure them that they would do fcheii- utmost to 2 » rform their duties , and endeavour to equal their predecessors , though they could scarcely hope to do so . He was gratified that the first Lodge he had visited since his elevation to office was the Stability Lodgo of Instruction , as he hacl spent a most delightful evening , ancl witnessed working which every one must admit could not have been surpassed . He bad to return the members of that Lodge his great thanks for the enjoyment tbey had afforded him ,
and the brethren generally for the compliment paid to himself ancl the "tber Grand Officers . ( Cheers . ) . Liro . JENNINGS , P . G . D . C , said that Bro . Perkins had referred to tho early ] ioriod at which he was called upon to address them after becoming a Grand Officer . Now he ( Bro . Jennings ) must to some extent walk iu his footsteps , for this being only the second day of being a Past Grand Officer , he certainly felt some diffidence—though generally that did not enter into his composition —( laughter)—in addressing them iu
the novel position in which he was placed . He was delighted indeed to have the opportunity of acknowledging the kind manner in ivhich they had responded to the last toast . He could assure them on retiring from office—an office the duties of which were somewhat arduous—at the expiration of twenty-five years' service , it was most encouraging to find a toast with which bis name was associated received with such feelings of kindliness and sympathy . It was in meetings like the present that the excellencies and beauties of Masonry were best exhibitedwithout
, restraint on the individual views or feelings of any one . ( Hear . ) In their Lodges there was a kind of tie—a constraint over their actions that rendered meetings like the present better adapted for displaying the excellencies of Freemasonry . He could assure them that the Past Grancl Officers present that evening had enjoyed a high intellectual treat—for he could find no other word to express his meaning—in witnessing the admirable working of the lecture , all the brethren engaged in it being so accurate aucl so perfectly masters of their
duties as to leave nothing to be desired . ( Cheers . ) On behalf of the Past Grand Officers he returned them his sincere and grateful thanks for the compliment paid him ; but as respected himself , pleased as he was at his reception that evening , a time would shortly come when he would have an opportunity of seeing how far bis past services were appreciated , and he hoped that their appreciation would be such that on his retirement a mantle would be thrown over his shoulders which would ever remind him of their kindnessand be most gratifing to his
, y family . ( Cheers ) . The AA ' CRSHIIEUL MASTEB said they would doubtless auticipate tho next toast he was about to propose , because it was one in which they all took the greatest interest— "Prosperity to the Stability Lodge of Instruction " . —and hi doing so , as the evening' was rapidly wearing away , he should confine himself to a very few words , and in those words
he should recommend them steadily to practise only those ceremonies practised within these walls , ancl to be careful of so-called degrees which had only sprung up within a few years . The Grand Lodge oi England was the most influential and wealthy in the world , and the Lodges and Masons of England were more numerous than those of all the other countries in Europe together , a feature with which perhaps but few of those present were acquainted . They hacl from the earliest times granted warrants for Lodges to all other countries , and it became
their privilege ancl their destiny to preserve the antient landmarks of their Order in all their purity and beauty ; they must bo the moro careful to do so because Masonry had made great and unparalleled progress within tho last few years . Only ton years since it was considered extraordinary to issue one thousand seven hundred certificates in the your , whilst from the conimencoment of the present year au average of fully one hundred certificates a week had been issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office . Now the more they increased in numbers the more
careful they must be to preserve their original and antient working—and he believed that nowhere had they better depositories of Masonic lore than in this ancl tho other great Lodge of Instruction— the Emulation—at the AA ' est End of the town . Sorry should he be to see any alterations in thenpresent system of working ; and if they wished to preserve the ancient landmarks of the Order they must persevere in practising the work as laid down , and carefully avoid new degrees . Iu all new countries it appeared that the spirit of invention was rapidly at work—and in none more so than amongst the sons of America . Ho was induced to make these remarks
because bis attention had been called tothe proceedings oia brother who was over here , of whom he wished to speak with respect , ancl who he was glad to see had been kindly received , because it bore testimony thafc the strongest good feelings existed amongst all Freemasons . Thafc brother was over here as au emissary from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , apparently to obtain a knowledge of English Freemasonry , but in truth it would seem to teach them new degrees—for he told them of degrees practised in America—of ancient records—degrees of which they had
never heard in this country . ( Hear , hear ) . Now if some archaeologist were to tell him ( Bro . Havers ) thafc under the foundation of some one of the ancient ecclesiastical buildings or castles of England he bad dug up a pot of gold and some ancient records , he might place faith in them ; but if any one told him that from under the platform of tbe Crystal Palace he hacl dug up the pot of gold , he would pause before ho accepted the coin—he would inquire whether it were the true metal—ho would be careful before he gave currency to what
might at least be a counterfeit . ( Cheers ) , So it was with regard to Freemasonry ; and they might depend upon it it was but little light they would gather from the foreign brethren with regard to it . Ancient Freemasonry consisted only of the three degrees , and he believed that there were no records to prove the existence of any other prior to 1790 . ( Cheers ) . Now he could tell them a story relative to claims to antiquity , and what was sometimes called time immemorial . A short time since a Lotlge applied for permission to wear a centenary jewel—tbe love of jewels , he believed , by the bye , was one of the grounds for multiplying orders , AYell , upon inquiry it appeared that the Lodge had only been