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the Host ; Henry Isaacs , Principal Sojourner ; Isaac Isaacs , Treasurer ; B . D . Lindo , Scribe E . ; Simon Magnus , Royal Arch Captain ; H . A . Alberga , Captain of 1 st Veil ; Alexander Levy , Captain of 2 nd Veil ; Joseph Levy , Captain of 3 rd Veil ; Joseph Lewis , Janitor . Tbe busisiness of the evening having been disposed of , the Companions , in company with several of the brethren of the Blue Lodge , who came up after the closing ofthe Chapter , adjourned to a most excellent supper . The usual loyalMasonicand fraternal toasts given aud responded to
, , were , several of the speeches being far above the usual standard ; many songs ivere sung in capital style , ancl the Companions and brethren separated , well satisfied with the manner in which the evening had been spent ; and feeling that the Masonic institution did more than any other , iu promoting good feeling and social regard throughout the whole community . The new First Principal is a son of fche celebrated oriental traveller of the same name , ancl is collector of the customs at Montego Bav .
Western India.
BENGAL . PROVIHCIAI , GRAND LODGE ( S . C . ) A quarterl y communication was held at No . 1 , Grant Buildings , Colaba , on the 2 nd August , 1 S 59 , there being present the R . AV . Bros , H . D . Cartwright , Prov . G . M . ; C . M . I . Pollock , Prov . G . M . S . AV . ; v . AA . Bros . AV . H . S . Crawford , Officiating Prov . G . J . W . ; J . McKiuIay , Officiating Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Jamieson , Officiating Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Firth , Jordan
Prov . G . Treas . ; A . , Prov . G . See . ; R . C . Rowlands , Prov . G . Architect ; All Mahomed Khan , Prov . G . S . B . ; Ardaseer Jamsetjee , S . AV , Lodge Rising Star ; J . Hodgart , Prov . G . I . G . ; H . Hazells , Prov , G . Tyler , & c . ' The Prov . Grand Lod ge having been opened in ample form , tho proceedings of tbe regular quarterly communication , held on the 19 th April , 1859 , were read ancl confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary submitted to the ProvGrancl Lodge
. a summary of proceedings since the last quarterly communication . The R . AA . the Provincial Grancl Master stated that this being the time of the year in which the list of Officers is submitted to the Provincial Grand Master to fill up vacancies , he would propose the under-mentioned brethren to fill up the appointments now vacant , ivhich was unanimously agreed to by the Provincial Grancl Lodge : — Bros . J . Firth , to succeed Bro . W- T . Roper as Prov . G . Treasurer ; R . H . Firthappointed ProvGBible BearerFDarbappointed
, . . ; . y , Prov . G . Organist ; M . O'Mealy , appointed Prov . G . Marshal ; J . Irvine , appointed Prov . G . Marshall ; T . Carpenter , A . C Gumpert , H . I . AA alton , 0 . Denton , appointed Prov . G . Stewards . The R . AV . the Prov . G . Master then requested Brother Stanley Crawford to bring forward his proposition , of which he hacl given clue notice at the last quarterly meeting . Brother AV . Stanley Crawford proposed : '" That with the view of meeting what appears to be felt as au important requirement bthe brethrena Certificate of Office be framed for issue
y , from the Provincial Grand Lodge to all applicants to hold , or have held , office iu this Lodge or any subordinate Lodge under its jurisdiction ; that this certificate be in suitable form on parchment ; ancl that fees be exigible for the same , in order to increase the funds of the Provincial Grancl Lodge . " This proposition being seconded by tho V . AV . Bro . R . C Rowlands , Prov . G . Architect , and put to the vote , was carried unanimously .
_ the ll . W . the Prov . G . Master , with the concurrence of the Provincial Grand Lodge , appointed the undermentioned brethren to form a committee to regulate a scale of fees to be lovieel for the Certificate of Office : —V . AV . Bros . AA . Stanley Crawford ; A . Jordan : J . Firth . V . AV , Bro . 11 . C . ROWLANDS , after thanking the R . AY the P . G . Master and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the honour done him in appointing him to the office of Prov . G . Architect , expressed a wish that some tangible work miht be iven himancl that it is under
g g ; , as - stood a Masonic Hall is shortly about to be erected in Bombay , he would be very willing , indeed very happy , to draw up plans , & c , for the building gratuitously , and give any assistance in his power hi the erection of the temple . The Prov . G . Secretary was requested to communicate with tbe members of the Building Committee , for the report on the scheme for the erection of a Masonic temple in Bombay Jamieson ol the
. Bro . , one committee , being present , expressed his regret in not being able , from the peculiar nature of his duties , to attend on the other members of the committee ; he would , however , try his best hi the matter . _ There being no further business before the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was closed in harmony and with solemn prayer ,
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN MASSON , P . G . S . B . i ' ms distinguished ancl greatly rejected brother , who had so long filled the office of Grand Chancellor of the Order of Masonic Knights ' Templar , expired ou the 28 th April , at No . 12 , Chapel-place , Cavendishsquare . We shall give a short biographical sketch of the deceased brother next week .
BRO . RICHARD HAZARD . BRO . RICHARD HAZARD , Treasurer ancl P . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 , died at Hampsfcead , ou the 16 th instant , aged sixty-three . Bro . Hazard having expressly desired that his remains should be followed to the grave by the members of the Lodge , Friday , the 20 th instant , at three o ' clock was fixed for the ceremony . A dispensation having beeu granted for the purpose , aboufc forty-five members of tho Lodge assembled in tho Lod Roomat the HollBush Tavernat
ge , y , two o'clock precisely , among whom were present : — -Bros . J . R . Smith , AV . M . ; H . Cornick , immediate P . M . ; P . Ms . Hamilton , Shury , Thos . A . Adams , J . R . Thompson , Samuel Alclrich ( Hon . Sec ); AV . Johnson , F . Adlarcl , D . C . & P . M ., No . 7 ; Hart , S . AV . ; Pritchard , J . AV . ; Jas . Douglas , S . D . ; F . AV . Collins , J . D . ; Bros . Stopher , Purkiss , Dale , Isaac Douglas , Holloway , Caney , J . "Winter , M . D . ; R . "Winter , Houghton , Harman , Bayertz , Mathews , Higman , Slagg , Haward , Muueey ; TYills , AA oolfeGriggBurgoyneClarkeAshbSteerRoweClowser & c
, , , , y , , , , ., Bros . Harding , No . 206 and Healey , No . 206 . The brethren , clothed iu white aprons and gloves , each carrying a sprig of acacia , proceeded to the late Bro . Hazard's residence , ancl in a few minutes tbe procession began to move , the brethren walking before the hearse , which was followed by mourning coaches and private carriages . The clay being fine and the distance short , a large number of the inhabitants followed the remains of their late respected neighbour and friend to Highgate Cemetery . Arrived at the cemetery the brethren halted ,
opening right and left facing inward , allowing the hearse and carriages to pass on , followed by the AA ' orshipful Master , Past Masters , and members in precedence , to the chapel , and from the chapel to the grave , where the final rights of the church were performed amid the tears of many present ancl the sincere sympathy of all . The members of the Lodge then returned to the Holly Bush in procession , headed by the AVorshipful Masters ancl the senior members in succession . The funeral service was performed by the Rev . AV . AVigram , senior curate of the
Hampstead parish church , out of respect to the memory of the deceased brother . Bro . Hazard was initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , on the 3 rd of February , 1851 ; he was proposed by Bro . Alclrich and seconded . by the late Bro . Fox . He joined the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 , on the 11 th October , 1851 , was elected Treasurer on the Sth August , 185-1 , served the office of J . AA . and S . AV ., ancl succeeded Bro . Alclrich iu the chair on the 11 th October , 1856 . Bro . Hazard was presented with a handsome P . M's . jewel , value fifteen guineas , and a handsome
silver goblet , on his retiring from the chair in 1857—not so much , perhaps , for his proficient knowledge of the ceremonies , as for the care and faithfulness with whieh he discharged the duties of Treasurer , Our late brother was a liberal supporter of the local and other charities , and his heart was ever open to assist those who required a " helping hand , " and we are sure that the members of tbe Lodge will long revere his memory and sincerely regret his loss . The Masonic arrangements were under the superintendence of Bros . F . Adlarcl , D . C , and Samuel Aldrioh , P . M . and Hon . See .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen aud the royal family continue in good health at Buckingham Palace aucl daily ride and drive in the Park now the weather has become so fine . There have beeu one or two quiet dinner parties at the Palace , but the Queen does not think proper to go to the theatre just now on account of the death of Prince Hoheiilohe . For the same reason the birthday of Prince Arthur on Tuesday was kept quite privately , though he ancl his little brother Leopold were taken to the Olympic Theatre in the evening by way of a treat ; their
brothers aucl sisters went to the Haymarket . On Tuesday tho Princess Alice honoured the debate hi the Lords with her presence , remaining during the whole of old Lord Lyndhurst's speech on the state of the navy . Prince Alfred goes to sea again at the end of the week ; in tlio meantime he is inspecting ship-builders' yards ancl examining tho latest improvements in steam-machinery . Professor Owen lias beeu again lecturing on natural history for the instruction of the royal children .
IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE of LORDS , on Monday , the Duke of Marlborough gave notice that on the second reading of tho Church Rates Abolition Bill he should move , as an amendment , that it should be read a second time that clay six months . The Earl of Clancarty , in moving for some returns connected with the system of national , education in Ireland , contended that ifcs results hacl been incommensurate with the enormous expense which it hacl entailed upon tho country ; and that it was the duty of parliament fully to consider the
system with a view to its revision . The Earl of Carlisle said that it was the firm intention of the government to adhere to the principle upon whieh they had acted in connection with education bofchiu England aud Ireland . They were desirous of giving a good secular education to all who would receive it , coupled with an opportunity of acquiring religious instruction , without introducing any compulsory measure whatever . On Tuesday Lord Lyndhursfc called attention to the state of the naval reserve , and asked the government for some account of its present condition and probable future progress . He alluded to the generally entertained opinion that since the last great war the English navy had been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the Host ; Henry Isaacs , Principal Sojourner ; Isaac Isaacs , Treasurer ; B . D . Lindo , Scribe E . ; Simon Magnus , Royal Arch Captain ; H . A . Alberga , Captain of 1 st Veil ; Alexander Levy , Captain of 2 nd Veil ; Joseph Levy , Captain of 3 rd Veil ; Joseph Lewis , Janitor . Tbe busisiness of the evening having been disposed of , the Companions , in company with several of the brethren of the Blue Lodge , who came up after the closing ofthe Chapter , adjourned to a most excellent supper . The usual loyalMasonicand fraternal toasts given aud responded to
, , were , several of the speeches being far above the usual standard ; many songs ivere sung in capital style , ancl the Companions and brethren separated , well satisfied with the manner in which the evening had been spent ; and feeling that the Masonic institution did more than any other , iu promoting good feeling and social regard throughout the whole community . The new First Principal is a son of fche celebrated oriental traveller of the same name , ancl is collector of the customs at Montego Bav .
Western India.
BENGAL . PROVIHCIAI , GRAND LODGE ( S . C . ) A quarterl y communication was held at No . 1 , Grant Buildings , Colaba , on the 2 nd August , 1 S 59 , there being present the R . AV . Bros , H . D . Cartwright , Prov . G . M . ; C . M . I . Pollock , Prov . G . M . S . AV . ; v . AA . Bros . AV . H . S . Crawford , Officiating Prov . G . J . W . ; J . McKiuIay , Officiating Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Jamieson , Officiating Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Firth , Jordan
Prov . G . Treas . ; A . , Prov . G . See . ; R . C . Rowlands , Prov . G . Architect ; All Mahomed Khan , Prov . G . S . B . ; Ardaseer Jamsetjee , S . AV , Lodge Rising Star ; J . Hodgart , Prov . G . I . G . ; H . Hazells , Prov , G . Tyler , & c . ' The Prov . Grand Lod ge having been opened in ample form , tho proceedings of tbe regular quarterly communication , held on the 19 th April , 1859 , were read ancl confirmed . The Prov . Grand Secretary submitted to the ProvGrancl Lodge
. a summary of proceedings since the last quarterly communication . The R . AA . the Provincial Grancl Master stated that this being the time of the year in which the list of Officers is submitted to the Provincial Grand Master to fill up vacancies , he would propose the under-mentioned brethren to fill up the appointments now vacant , ivhich was unanimously agreed to by the Provincial Grancl Lodge : — Bros . J . Firth , to succeed Bro . W- T . Roper as Prov . G . Treasurer ; R . H . Firthappointed ProvGBible BearerFDarbappointed
, . . ; . y , Prov . G . Organist ; M . O'Mealy , appointed Prov . G . Marshal ; J . Irvine , appointed Prov . G . Marshall ; T . Carpenter , A . C Gumpert , H . I . AA alton , 0 . Denton , appointed Prov . G . Stewards . The R . AV . the Prov . G . Master then requested Brother Stanley Crawford to bring forward his proposition , of which he hacl given clue notice at the last quarterly meeting . Brother AV . Stanley Crawford proposed : '" That with the view of meeting what appears to be felt as au important requirement bthe brethrena Certificate of Office be framed for issue
y , from the Provincial Grand Lodge to all applicants to hold , or have held , office iu this Lodge or any subordinate Lodge under its jurisdiction ; that this certificate be in suitable form on parchment ; ancl that fees be exigible for the same , in order to increase the funds of the Provincial Grancl Lodge . " This proposition being seconded by tho V . AV . Bro . R . C Rowlands , Prov . G . Architect , and put to the vote , was carried unanimously .
_ the ll . W . the Prov . G . Master , with the concurrence of the Provincial Grand Lodge , appointed the undermentioned brethren to form a committee to regulate a scale of fees to be lovieel for the Certificate of Office : —V . AV . Bros . AA . Stanley Crawford ; A . Jordan : J . Firth . V . AV , Bro . 11 . C . ROWLANDS , after thanking the R . AY the P . G . Master and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the honour done him in appointing him to the office of Prov . G . Architect , expressed a wish that some tangible work miht be iven himancl that it is under
g g ; , as - stood a Masonic Hall is shortly about to be erected in Bombay , he would be very willing , indeed very happy , to draw up plans , & c , for the building gratuitously , and give any assistance in his power hi the erection of the temple . The Prov . G . Secretary was requested to communicate with tbe members of the Building Committee , for the report on the scheme for the erection of a Masonic temple in Bombay Jamieson ol the
. Bro . , one committee , being present , expressed his regret in not being able , from the peculiar nature of his duties , to attend on the other members of the committee ; he would , however , try his best hi the matter . _ There being no further business before the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was closed in harmony and with solemn prayer ,
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN MASSON , P . G . S . B . i ' ms distinguished ancl greatly rejected brother , who had so long filled the office of Grand Chancellor of the Order of Masonic Knights ' Templar , expired ou the 28 th April , at No . 12 , Chapel-place , Cavendishsquare . We shall give a short biographical sketch of the deceased brother next week .
BRO . RICHARD HAZARD . BRO . RICHARD HAZARD , Treasurer ancl P . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 , died at Hampsfcead , ou the 16 th instant , aged sixty-three . Bro . Hazard having expressly desired that his remains should be followed to the grave by the members of the Lodge , Friday , the 20 th instant , at three o ' clock was fixed for the ceremony . A dispensation having beeu granted for the purpose , aboufc forty-five members of tho Lodge assembled in tho Lod Roomat the HollBush Tavernat
ge , y , two o'clock precisely , among whom were present : — -Bros . J . R . Smith , AV . M . ; H . Cornick , immediate P . M . ; P . Ms . Hamilton , Shury , Thos . A . Adams , J . R . Thompson , Samuel Alclrich ( Hon . Sec ); AV . Johnson , F . Adlarcl , D . C . & P . M ., No . 7 ; Hart , S . AV . ; Pritchard , J . AV . ; Jas . Douglas , S . D . ; F . AV . Collins , J . D . ; Bros . Stopher , Purkiss , Dale , Isaac Douglas , Holloway , Caney , J . "Winter , M . D . ; R . "Winter , Houghton , Harman , Bayertz , Mathews , Higman , Slagg , Haward , Muueey ; TYills , AA oolfeGriggBurgoyneClarkeAshbSteerRoweClowser & c
, , , , y , , , , ., Bros . Harding , No . 206 and Healey , No . 206 . The brethren , clothed iu white aprons and gloves , each carrying a sprig of acacia , proceeded to the late Bro . Hazard's residence , ancl in a few minutes tbe procession began to move , the brethren walking before the hearse , which was followed by mourning coaches and private carriages . The clay being fine and the distance short , a large number of the inhabitants followed the remains of their late respected neighbour and friend to Highgate Cemetery . Arrived at the cemetery the brethren halted ,
opening right and left facing inward , allowing the hearse and carriages to pass on , followed by the AA ' orshipful Master , Past Masters , and members in precedence , to the chapel , and from the chapel to the grave , where the final rights of the church were performed amid the tears of many present ancl the sincere sympathy of all . The members of the Lodge then returned to the Holly Bush in procession , headed by the AVorshipful Masters ancl the senior members in succession . The funeral service was performed by the Rev . AV . AVigram , senior curate of the
Hampstead parish church , out of respect to the memory of the deceased brother . Bro . Hazard was initiated in the Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 , on the 3 rd of February , 1851 ; he was proposed by Bro . Alclrich and seconded . by the late Bro . Fox . He joined the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 196 , on the 11 th October , 1851 , was elected Treasurer on the Sth August , 185-1 , served the office of J . AA . and S . AV ., ancl succeeded Bro . Alclrich iu the chair on the 11 th October , 1856 . Bro . Hazard was presented with a handsome P . M's . jewel , value fifteen guineas , and a handsome
silver goblet , on his retiring from the chair in 1857—not so much , perhaps , for his proficient knowledge of the ceremonies , as for the care and faithfulness with whieh he discharged the duties of Treasurer , Our late brother was a liberal supporter of the local and other charities , and his heart was ever open to assist those who required a " helping hand , " and we are sure that the members of tbe Lodge will long revere his memory and sincerely regret his loss . The Masonic arrangements were under the superintendence of Bros . F . Adlarcl , D . C , and Samuel Aldrioh , P . M . and Hon . See .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen aud the royal family continue in good health at Buckingham Palace aucl daily ride and drive in the Park now the weather has become so fine . There have beeu one or two quiet dinner parties at the Palace , but the Queen does not think proper to go to the theatre just now on account of the death of Prince Hoheiilohe . For the same reason the birthday of Prince Arthur on Tuesday was kept quite privately , though he ancl his little brother Leopold were taken to the Olympic Theatre in the evening by way of a treat ; their
brothers aucl sisters went to the Haymarket . On Tuesday tho Princess Alice honoured the debate hi the Lords with her presence , remaining during the whole of old Lord Lyndhurst's speech on the state of the navy . Prince Alfred goes to sea again at the end of the week ; in tlio meantime he is inspecting ship-builders' yards ancl examining tho latest improvements in steam-machinery . Professor Owen lias beeu again lecturing on natural history for the instruction of the royal children .
IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE of LORDS , on Monday , the Duke of Marlborough gave notice that on the second reading of tho Church Rates Abolition Bill he should move , as an amendment , that it should be read a second time that clay six months . The Earl of Clancarty , in moving for some returns connected with the system of national , education in Ireland , contended that ifcs results hacl been incommensurate with the enormous expense which it hacl entailed upon tho country ; and that it was the duty of parliament fully to consider the
system with a view to its revision . The Earl of Carlisle said that it was the firm intention of the government to adhere to the principle upon whieh they had acted in connection with education bofchiu England aud Ireland . They were desirous of giving a good secular education to all who would receive it , coupled with an opportunity of acquiring religious instruction , without introducing any compulsory measure whatever . On Tuesday Lord Lyndhursfc called attention to the state of the naval reserve , and asked the government for some account of its present condition and probable future progress . He alluded to the generally entertained opinion that since the last great war the English navy had been