Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW GEAND CHAPLAIN . —Amongst the appointments ¦ of Grand Officers for the year there is none that has given greater satisfaction than the appointment of Bro . Thomas to the office of Grand Chaplain , Bro . Richard James Francis Thomas , who is vicar of Yeovil , Somersetshire , was initiated , passed , ami raised in 1834 , in the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , of ivbich he is a
subscribing member . He joined the Lodge of Brotherly Love , Yeovil , in 1856 , of ivbich lie is P . M . He held the office of Provincial Grand Chaplain for Somersetshire in 1857 and 1862 , He was first W . M . of tbe Parrott and Axe Lodge , Crewkei-ne . Somersetshire , in 1860 . He Avas M . E . Z . of the Yeovil Chapter in 1365 and 1866 , and Provincial Grand Prelate ot Knight
Templars for Bristol from 1864 to 1865 . He ivas very warmly congratulated on receiving the reward of his long services by Ills appointment in the Grand Lodge of England . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP IN'STIUTCTKO * . — We have pleasure in drawing the attention of our Eoyal Arch readers to a letter , which will be found in another page , announcing the
opening and consecration , by Comp . Watson , P . Z ., of this chapter of instruction , on the 15 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The M . W . G . M . having granted a Avarrant for a new lodge at Reading , to be called the Grey Friars Lodge ( So . 1101 ) , the E . W . the acting Prov . G . M ., Bro . JE . Mclntyre , has kindly
consented to perform the ceremony of consecration , which he has ordered to take place at the Masonic Hall in that town on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., AA-hen a goodly muster of tho brethren is expected , further particulars of Avhich will appeal- in our next impression .
PYTHAGOBEAK' LODGE ( So . 78 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge Avas held on Monday , the 30 th ult ., at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . F . W . Ward , WM ., presided , and did the initiation ; Bro .-J . Hasler , I . P . M ., did the raisings . All tbe the work ivas ivell done . There ivas a good full lodge , and several visitors were present . LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( ISTO . 765 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., the monthl
regular y meeting of this lodge was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermondsey . The AV . M ., Bro . Montagu Scott , assisted by his officers , opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting ivere read and confirmed . There being no candidates present , the W . M . presented to Bro . Thomas Blakeley , I . P . M ., a handsome gold Past Master ' s jeivelvoted bthe members of the lod
, y ge for the able manner in which he hail presided over them as W . M . Bro . Blakeley returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The jeAvel Avas of a very neat design , and ivas supplied by Bro . Loeiveiistark and Sons , of Devereux-eourt , Strand , The lodge ivas then closed ivith solemn prayer , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The following brethren were present : BrosDrParkerHowesand Blakeley
. . , , , P . M . 's j Boyce , White , Pridmore , Hide , and several others . Visitor : Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , I . G . 7 . 3 EOYAL OAK LODGE ( MO . 871 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , ( Bro . G . Ellis ' s ) . Bro . H . A .
Collington , W . M ., presided . He Avas supported by nearly all his officers , viz .: Bros . W . Andrews , S . AV . ; J . Truelove , J . W . pro . tern . ; J . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Hawker , S . D . ; W . Jeffery . J . D . ; G . Holman , I . G . ; S . Garrett , P . M ., Tyler ; G . Wilton , P . M . ; W . H . Truelove , S . G . Cooke , G . F . Honey , H . Whittle , J . W . Sampson , W . J . Honey , and many others . The visitors ivere , Bros . J . Whiften , W . Dalziel , C . G . Dilley , 1-1-7 ; and T . Beaton , 467 . The lodge AA-as duly
opened at five p . m ., and the minutes of the last lodge meeting read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots ivere taken for the folloAving gentlemen , and declared to be unanimous iu favour of their admission , viz .: Messrs . G . Ellis , S . 0 . Lewin , G . S . Ditton , W . Poyer , and J . W . T . Barrett . Tiie lodge Avas opened in the second degree . Bro . S . G . Cook being a candidate for passing , ivas interrogated , entrusted , ancl withdrew .-. The lodge ivas opened in the third degree . Bro . S . G . Cook ivas
introduced and raised to tbe sublime degree of a Master Mason . The whole of the ceremony ivas given , including the traditional history and the tracing board . The lodge ivas closed both in the third and second degrees . Messrs . G . Ellis , G . S . Ditton , S . 0 . Lewin , W . Poyer , ancl J . W . T . Barrett being in attendance were intiodueed and initiated into Ancient Freemasonry . These ceremonies were most beautifully and impressively given ,
which elicited the praise and admiration of all present . Bros . W . Billington , 73 , and W . Dalziel , 147 , ivere proposed as joining members for the next lodge meeting , subject to the ballot . A gentleman Avas proposed for initiation . The sums of five guineas ivas voted from the Charity Fund of this lodge for the Boys' School ; and five pounds from the Charity Fund to the iviuoAA * of a deceased member . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M ., ivas elected the Treasurerhis father having resigned that office . Bro . F
, Walters , Sec , presented Bro . G . Wilton , with a Past Master's jewel , which had been subscribed for him by about a dozen members of the lodge . As this was a private gift , there ivas not any speech made , either in giving or receiving it . The jewel bears this inscription — "Presented to Bro . G . Wilton ,
P . M ., the father and founder of the lodge , by voluntary subscriptions of the members of the Royal Oak Lodge , No . S 71 , as a mark of respect and gratitude for the able , talented , and efficient manner he presided as AV . M . during his year of office 1 S 63 . " The jeivel was made by Messrs . A . D . Loeivenstarl * . and Sons . Business being ended , the lodge ivas closed until Wednesday , July 25 th . VICTORIA ' LODGE ( So . 1056 ) . —The installation meeting of
this young lodge ivas held at the Sir John Cass tavern , South Hackney , on the 26 th ult . The lodge ivas opened bv the W . M . Bro " . Wrenn , assisted by Bros . Pendlebury , S . W . ' ; Turner , J . W . ; Snow * , S . D . ; Soilleux , J . D . ; Morris , I . G . ; and many other brethren . The minutes ivere duly confirmed and after the usual preliminaries Bro . Bobbins ivas raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Pendlebury , the W . M . elect ,
ivas then presented to Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., 192 , who assumed the chair for the purpose of performing the ceremony of installation , and in a most impressive manner lie discharged the duties devolving upon him , and regularly installed Bro . Pendlebury as W . M . The appointment of officers for the ensuing year ivas tbe next businsss , lvhcn the following brethren ivere investedviz . W . TurnerS . W . ; G . M . E . Snoiv
, , , , J . W . j W . Wrenn , I . P . M ., Treas . ( elected ) , J . Bobottom , Sec . ; G . Roberts , S . D . ; J . W . Williams , J . D . ; TJ . Latreille , I . G . ; P . Y . Latrielle , Wine Steward ; W . Morris , Dir . of Cers . ; Johnson , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous repast , under the presidency of the neiv AV . M ., when a very pleasant evening was spent . Bro . Wrenn , the retiring Master , AA-as presented ivith a handsome P . M . 's jeivel
and expressed his grateful acknowledgements in appropriate terms . There ivas a large number of visitors present ., anil they expressed themselves highly pleased Avith the Avorking of the lodge , and also ivith the hospitable treatment they experienced at the social board . The proceedings of the evening ivere agreeably diversified by several capital songs anil also a recitation by Comp . Terry , P . M ., 228 , ivho was one of the visitors .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OF INST - UJCTIOI * . The forty-ninth anniversary of the Lodge of Instruction under sanction of the Lodge of Stability , No . 217 , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., under the precedency of the distinguished and respected
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE NEW GEAND CHAPLAIN . —Amongst the appointments ¦ of Grand Officers for the year there is none that has given greater satisfaction than the appointment of Bro . Thomas to the office of Grand Chaplain , Bro . Richard James Francis Thomas , who is vicar of Yeovil , Somersetshire , was initiated , passed , ami raised in 1834 , in the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , of ivbich he is a
subscribing member . He joined the Lodge of Brotherly Love , Yeovil , in 1856 , of ivbich lie is P . M . He held the office of Provincial Grand Chaplain for Somersetshire in 1857 and 1862 , He was first W . M . of tbe Parrott and Axe Lodge , Crewkei-ne . Somersetshire , in 1860 . He Avas M . E . Z . of the Yeovil Chapter in 1365 and 1866 , and Provincial Grand Prelate ot Knight
Templars for Bristol from 1864 to 1865 . He ivas very warmly congratulated on receiving the reward of his long services by Ills appointment in the Grand Lodge of England . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP IN'STIUTCTKO * . — We have pleasure in drawing the attention of our Eoyal Arch readers to a letter , which will be found in another page , announcing the
opening and consecration , by Comp . Watson , P . Z ., of this chapter of instruction , on the 15 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The M . W . G . M . having granted a Avarrant for a new lodge at Reading , to be called the Grey Friars Lodge ( So . 1101 ) , the E . W . the acting Prov . G . M ., Bro . JE . Mclntyre , has kindly
consented to perform the ceremony of consecration , which he has ordered to take place at the Masonic Hall in that town on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., AA-hen a goodly muster of tho brethren is expected , further particulars of Avhich will appeal- in our next impression .
PYTHAGOBEAK' LODGE ( So . 78 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge Avas held on Monday , the 30 th ult ., at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . F . W . Ward , WM ., presided , and did the initiation ; Bro .-J . Hasler , I . P . M ., did the raisings . All tbe the work ivas ivell done . There ivas a good full lodge , and several visitors were present . LODGE OP ST . JAMES ( ISTO . 765 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., the monthl
regular y meeting of this lodge was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-street , Bermondsey . The AV . M ., Bro . Montagu Scott , assisted by his officers , opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting ivere read and confirmed . There being no candidates present , the W . M . presented to Bro . Thomas Blakeley , I . P . M ., a handsome gold Past Master ' s jeivelvoted bthe members of the lod
, y ge for the able manner in which he hail presided over them as W . M . Bro . Blakeley returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him . The jeAvel Avas of a very neat design , and ivas supplied by Bro . Loeiveiistark and Sons , of Devereux-eourt , Strand , The lodge ivas then closed ivith solemn prayer , after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The following brethren were present : BrosDrParkerHowesand Blakeley
. . , , , P . M . 's j Boyce , White , Pridmore , Hide , and several others . Visitor : Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , I . G . 7 . 3 EOYAL OAK LODGE ( MO . 871 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Eoyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , ( Bro . G . Ellis ' s ) . Bro . H . A .
Collington , W . M ., presided . He Avas supported by nearly all his officers , viz .: Bros . W . Andrews , S . AV . ; J . Truelove , J . W . pro . tern . ; J . Stevens , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Hawker , S . D . ; W . Jeffery . J . D . ; G . Holman , I . G . ; S . Garrett , P . M ., Tyler ; G . Wilton , P . M . ; W . H . Truelove , S . G . Cooke , G . F . Honey , H . Whittle , J . W . Sampson , W . J . Honey , and many others . The visitors ivere , Bros . J . Whiften , W . Dalziel , C . G . Dilley , 1-1-7 ; and T . Beaton , 467 . The lodge AA-as duly
opened at five p . m ., and the minutes of the last lodge meeting read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots ivere taken for the folloAving gentlemen , and declared to be unanimous iu favour of their admission , viz .: Messrs . G . Ellis , S . 0 . Lewin , G . S . Ditton , W . Poyer , and J . W . T . Barrett . Tiie lodge Avas opened in the second degree . Bro . S . G . Cook being a candidate for passing , ivas interrogated , entrusted , ancl withdrew .-. The lodge ivas opened in the third degree . Bro . S . G . Cook ivas
introduced and raised to tbe sublime degree of a Master Mason . The whole of the ceremony ivas given , including the traditional history and the tracing board . The lodge ivas closed both in the third and second degrees . Messrs . G . Ellis , G . S . Ditton , S . 0 . Lewin , W . Poyer , ancl J . W . T . Barrett being in attendance were intiodueed and initiated into Ancient Freemasonry . These ceremonies were most beautifully and impressively given ,
which elicited the praise and admiration of all present . Bros . W . Billington , 73 , and W . Dalziel , 147 , ivere proposed as joining members for the next lodge meeting , subject to the ballot . A gentleman Avas proposed for initiation . The sums of five guineas ivas voted from the Charity Fund of this lodge for the Boys' School ; and five pounds from the Charity Fund to the iviuoAA * of a deceased member . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M ., ivas elected the Treasurerhis father having resigned that office . Bro . F
, Walters , Sec , presented Bro . G . Wilton , with a Past Master's jewel , which had been subscribed for him by about a dozen members of the lodge . As this was a private gift , there ivas not any speech made , either in giving or receiving it . The jewel bears this inscription — "Presented to Bro . G . Wilton ,
P . M ., the father and founder of the lodge , by voluntary subscriptions of the members of the Royal Oak Lodge , No . S 71 , as a mark of respect and gratitude for the able , talented , and efficient manner he presided as AV . M . during his year of office 1 S 63 . " The jeivel was made by Messrs . A . D . Loeivenstarl * . and Sons . Business being ended , the lodge ivas closed until Wednesday , July 25 th . VICTORIA ' LODGE ( So . 1056 ) . —The installation meeting of
this young lodge ivas held at the Sir John Cass tavern , South Hackney , on the 26 th ult . The lodge ivas opened bv the W . M . Bro " . Wrenn , assisted by Bros . Pendlebury , S . W . ' ; Turner , J . W . ; Snow * , S . D . ; Soilleux , J . D . ; Morris , I . G . ; and many other brethren . The minutes ivere duly confirmed and after the usual preliminaries Bro . Bobbins ivas raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Pendlebury , the W . M . elect ,
ivas then presented to Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., 192 , who assumed the chair for the purpose of performing the ceremony of installation , and in a most impressive manner lie discharged the duties devolving upon him , and regularly installed Bro . Pendlebury as W . M . The appointment of officers for the ensuing year ivas tbe next businsss , lvhcn the following brethren ivere investedviz . W . TurnerS . W . ; G . M . E . Snoiv
, , , , J . W . j W . Wrenn , I . P . M ., Treas . ( elected ) , J . Bobottom , Sec . ; G . Roberts , S . D . ; J . W . Williams , J . D . ; TJ . Latreille , I . G . ; P . Y . Latrielle , Wine Steward ; W . Morris , Dir . of Cers . ; Johnson , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous repast , under the presidency of the neiv AV . M ., when a very pleasant evening was spent . Bro . Wrenn , the retiring Master , AA-as presented ivith a handsome P . M . 's jeivel
and expressed his grateful acknowledgements in appropriate terms . There ivas a large number of visitors present ., anil they expressed themselves highly pleased Avith the Avorking of the lodge , and also ivith the hospitable treatment they experienced at the social board . The proceedings of the evening ivere agreeably diversified by several capital songs anil also a recitation by Comp . Terry , P . M ., 228 , ivho was one of the visitors .
INSTRUCTION . STABILITY LODGE OF INST - UJCTIOI * . The forty-ninth anniversary of the Lodge of Instruction under sanction of the Lodge of Stability , No . 217 , was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., under the precedency of the distinguished and respected