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S . Hibbert , Dr . Noble , Jones Taylor , Dr . Seeming , Samuel Gawith , T . Wilson , George B . Grcenall , and D . Cleady , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Jesse Banning , 3-13 . The lodge was opened in due and solemn form , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The W . M . announced the receipt from Bro . C . Pettitt ( a former member ancl S . W . of the lodge ) of three Knights Templar certificates belonging to the lodge , and Bro . Secretary ivas requested to acknowledge that these certificates were of
considerable interest , and were given verbatiou by Bro . Yarker in his history of the Jerusalem encampment , Manchester . Considerable discussion then took place on the subject of a centenary jeivel , after which it was unanimously resolved to apply to the M . W . G . M . for permission to wear one , and a committee " was appointed to decide upon a design and arrange the matter . A variety of sketches were submitted to the lodge by Bro . James W . Scott . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for the
mysteries . As the brethren wno claimed advancement ivere unable to attend , the remainder of the evening was devoted to instruction , the 3 rd degree being the subject . After spending a profitable evening the W . M . closed the lodge in ancient form at nine o ' clock .
DURHAM . DPBHAJI . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge ivas held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet . Present : Bros . Fitzgerald , W . M . ; Blackett , S . W . ; Young , J . AV . ; Stoker and Jones , P . M . 's ; Eaine , Treas . ; T . Sarsfield , Sec ; Eoulandson , S . D . ; W . Brignall , Jan ., J . D . ; G . J . Stimpson , Org . ; Ebdy , I . G . ; Carter , Tyler ; and about twenty others . The lodge was opened
in due form , and , after the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . W . R . AA ' addingham Avas examined as to his proficiency in Masonry , and , having acquitted himself satisfactorily , was dismissed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when lie ivas readmitted , and passed according to ancient form . The lodge was then closed in the second , ancl resumed in the first degree , when Messrs . George Moor and Henry Carr ivere severally introduced ancl made E . A . 's . Gro . StokerP . M .
, , having stated the result of the meetings of the Building Committee , and , no further business being brought forward , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M . only gave the formal toasts , the brethren having decided to leave early in consequence of the sudden death of Bro . Thomas Turner , whose funeral ivas appointed for the following morning . On the morning of the 2 nd inst ., between forty and fifty brethren attended to pay their last mark of respect to Bro . Turner .
The deceased brother became a joining member of this lodge or . the 7 th of July , 1863 , and from that period down to the time of his sudden death on the 28 th ult . he enjoyed the esteem and respect of the entire lodge .
ESSEX . BHiGiiTLixCtSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( So . 433 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Sivan Inn ; the lodge ivas opened by the W . M ., Bro . Lake , with Bros . G . Riches , and York , Wardens ; Bro . Francis and Bro . Bragg , Deacons ; Bros . Ames , Bishop , Blyth , and Claney , Past Masters ; Bro . Minter , I . G . ; Bro . Wiseman Seo . There were also present Bros . Ling
, E . Stammers , Wenlock , Griggs , and Harmer , Tyler . The minutes of the last meetings having been read ancl confirmed , the balloting papers for the Aged Freemasons and Widows were read over and discussed . Ultimately it Avas proposed by Bro . Francis , and seconded by Bro . Bishop , that Ave give ten votes to Bros . James Pattison Munro , of Hermitage , St . Evanton , Rossshire , North Britain , late a commercial clerk in London ; and
ten votes to Thomas Shearer , of Rye , Sussex . It ivas proposed by Bro . . Ames , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . E . Stammers , that we give eight votes to Mary Marson , of Writtle Green , near Chelmsford , Essex , widow of AVilliam Marson , late Governor of the House of Correction , at Colchester . It was also proposed by Bro . Francis , and seconded by Bro . Bishop , that we hold a lodge of instruction at the Anchor Inn , this night fortnight . The
business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in clue form and the brethren repaired to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given , and most cordially received . " The Health of the Visitors" was then given , which was most ably responded to by Bro . Wright , of the Prince of Wales Lodge , Ipswich , Prov . G . S . D ., Suffolk . A most agreeable evening was spent . In consequence of the host , Bro . Havmer , being very ill songs ivere dispensed with .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . PRESTON . —Lodge of Peace and Unity , No . 314—On Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the usu-il monthly meeting of this lodge , he'd in the spacious lodge room , in the Wildings of the Preston Literary ancl Philosophical Society , a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . T . Moss Shuttleworth , Prov . G . S ., ivho occupied the chair as Master of the lodge for two yearsconseeutively 1864 aud 1865 . At the termination oftlie general
, business of the lodge , Bro . John AValker , AV . M . expressed to-Bro . Shuttleworth the pleasure which he felt in having been deputed on behalf of the members of the lodge to present to him that jewel as a mark of their esteem . For his own part he did dot fully approve of the principle of presentations of this nature , but , knowing the valuable services which Bro . Shuttleworth had rendered to the lodge be thought it a case for departure
from the general rule , and noiv performed the duty which devolved upon him with much pleasure . That testimonial was not intended as any reward for services rendered to the lodge , but was a mark of the high esteem of the members for Bro . Shuttleworth ancl of their appreciation of his untiring exertions for a space of tivo years for the good of Masonry in general , ancl also of their sense of the advantages which they themselves had derived from the admirable manner in ivhich he had filled the
chair , and had on so many occasions ( he believed on every lodge night but one during the tivo years ) performed one or more of the ceremonies of initiating , passing , and raising , in so instructive and impressive a manner . He trusted that that jewel would be handed down as an heirloom in Bro . Shuttleivorth ' s
family and that , if in course of time any of his sons should occupy a similar position , they might perform the duties in as satisfactory a manner as Bro . Shuttleivorth had done . The "W . M . then placed the jeivel on Bro . Shuttleivorth ' s breast , and thus addressed him , " I have great pleasure , Bro . Shuttleworth . in presenting you with this Past Master ' s jewel ; long may yoo live to wear it , and when it shall please the Great Architect of the Universe to remove you from this earth may you ascend
tothe Grand Lodge ; above , where the Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . " Bro . Shuttleivorth in feeling terms acknowledged the compliment thus paid him . He expressed the pride with which he had filled the high position in which they placed him when elected as Master of the lodge in 1864 , and stated that when re-elected for a second year he looked upon it as an acknowledgment that his services had met with their approval . He would ever treasure that jewel himself , and would wear it
on every occasion ivhen he entered a Masonic lodge ; and his . family ivould , he ivas certain , feel highly gratified ivith the compliment that the brethren had paid him . He could assure them that it ivould always be his endeavour . ' still to attend all meetings of the lodge and to give every assistance in his poiver in furtherance of its success . After the presentation of the jewel , the brethren partook of refreshments and the health of Bro . Shuttleworth was drank with suitable honours . The jewel , ivhich was a magnificent one , was supplied by Bro . Bragg , of Birmingham , and bore the following inscription— "From the
Brethren of the Lodge of Peace ancl Unity , ( No . 314 ) , to Bro Thomas Moss Shuttleworth , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of his services as Worshipful Master , during the years 1864 ancl 1865 . " WASEIJ * GTOI * . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday evening , last at the Masonic rooms , Sankey-street , at half-past six . In the absence of the W . M . Bro . Gilbert GreenallMPSenior
, , .., G . W " ., the lodge was opened by Bro . H . B . White , IS " , P . M . Prov . G . Steward ; ivho was supported by Bros . Robert Stevenson , as S . W . ; Eev . John Porter , 1 S ° , as J . W . ; John Bowes , P . M . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Finney , J . D . ; James Hamer , P . M . Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Waring , Captain Eeynolds , W . Richardson , Christophe Ekkert , Org . ; Thomas Jones , W . Savage , Jabez PlinstonH . CunninghamA . S . L . LeonhardtP . PearseW .
, , , , Mossop , W . AVoods , Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , aud Jos . Eobinson , and James Johnson , Tylers . The lodge was opened solemn form and the minutes were read ancl confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . William Mossop , of 119 , Whitehaven , as a joining member which was unanimous in his favour . The chair ivas now assumed by Bro . Boives , P . M . Bros . Captain EeynoldsA . WaringJabez Plinstonand H . Cunningham
, , , , being candidates for advancement , and having proved their claim were entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree when the candidates were readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . At the conclusion of the ceremony Bro , H . B . White delivered an address explaining the difference
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S . Hibbert , Dr . Noble , Jones Taylor , Dr . Seeming , Samuel Gawith , T . Wilson , George B . Grcenall , and D . Cleady , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Jesse Banning , 3-13 . The lodge was opened in due and solemn form , when the minutes were read and confirmed . The W . M . announced the receipt from Bro . C . Pettitt ( a former member ancl S . W . of the lodge ) of three Knights Templar certificates belonging to the lodge , and Bro . Secretary ivas requested to acknowledge that these certificates were of
considerable interest , and were given verbatiou by Bro . Yarker in his history of the Jerusalem encampment , Manchester . Considerable discussion then took place on the subject of a centenary jeivel , after which it was unanimously resolved to apply to the M . W . G . M . for permission to wear one , and a committee " was appointed to decide upon a design and arrange the matter . A variety of sketches were submitted to the lodge by Bro . James W . Scott . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for the
mysteries . As the brethren wno claimed advancement ivere unable to attend , the remainder of the evening was devoted to instruction , the 3 rd degree being the subject . After spending a profitable evening the W . M . closed the lodge in ancient form at nine o ' clock .
DURHAM . DPBHAJI . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge ivas held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Old Elvet . Present : Bros . Fitzgerald , W . M . ; Blackett , S . W . ; Young , J . AV . ; Stoker and Jones , P . M . 's ; Eaine , Treas . ; T . Sarsfield , Sec ; Eoulandson , S . D . ; W . Brignall , Jan ., J . D . ; G . J . Stimpson , Org . ; Ebdy , I . G . ; Carter , Tyler ; and about twenty others . The lodge was opened
in due form , and , after the confirmation of the minutes , Bro . W . R . AA ' addingham Avas examined as to his proficiency in Masonry , and , having acquitted himself satisfactorily , was dismissed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when lie ivas readmitted , and passed according to ancient form . The lodge was then closed in the second , ancl resumed in the first degree , when Messrs . George Moor and Henry Carr ivere severally introduced ancl made E . A . 's . Gro . StokerP . M .
, , having stated the result of the meetings of the Building Committee , and , no further business being brought forward , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M . only gave the formal toasts , the brethren having decided to leave early in consequence of the sudden death of Bro . Thomas Turner , whose funeral ivas appointed for the following morning . On the morning of the 2 nd inst ., between forty and fifty brethren attended to pay their last mark of respect to Bro . Turner .
The deceased brother became a joining member of this lodge or . the 7 th of July , 1863 , and from that period down to the time of his sudden death on the 28 th ult . he enjoyed the esteem and respect of the entire lodge .
ESSEX . BHiGiiTLixCtSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( So . 433 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Sivan Inn ; the lodge ivas opened by the W . M ., Bro . Lake , with Bros . G . Riches , and York , Wardens ; Bro . Francis and Bro . Bragg , Deacons ; Bros . Ames , Bishop , Blyth , and Claney , Past Masters ; Bro . Minter , I . G . ; Bro . Wiseman Seo . There were also present Bros . Ling
, E . Stammers , Wenlock , Griggs , and Harmer , Tyler . The minutes of the last meetings having been read ancl confirmed , the balloting papers for the Aged Freemasons and Widows were read over and discussed . Ultimately it Avas proposed by Bro . Francis , and seconded by Bro . Bishop , that Ave give ten votes to Bros . James Pattison Munro , of Hermitage , St . Evanton , Rossshire , North Britain , late a commercial clerk in London ; and
ten votes to Thomas Shearer , of Rye , Sussex . It ivas proposed by Bro . . Ames , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . E . Stammers , that we give eight votes to Mary Marson , of Writtle Green , near Chelmsford , Essex , widow of AVilliam Marson , late Governor of the House of Correction , at Colchester . It was also proposed by Bro . Francis , and seconded by Bro . Bishop , that we hold a lodge of instruction at the Anchor Inn , this night fortnight . The
business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in clue form and the brethren repaired to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given , and most cordially received . " The Health of the Visitors" was then given , which was most ably responded to by Bro . Wright , of the Prince of Wales Lodge , Ipswich , Prov . G . S . D ., Suffolk . A most agreeable evening was spent . In consequence of the host , Bro . Havmer , being very ill songs ivere dispensed with .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . PRESTON . —Lodge of Peace and Unity , No . 314—On Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the usu-il monthly meeting of this lodge , he'd in the spacious lodge room , in the Wildings of the Preston Literary ancl Philosophical Society , a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . T . Moss Shuttleworth , Prov . G . S ., ivho occupied the chair as Master of the lodge for two yearsconseeutively 1864 aud 1865 . At the termination oftlie general
, business of the lodge , Bro . John AValker , AV . M . expressed to-Bro . Shuttleworth the pleasure which he felt in having been deputed on behalf of the members of the lodge to present to him that jewel as a mark of their esteem . For his own part he did dot fully approve of the principle of presentations of this nature , but , knowing the valuable services which Bro . Shuttleworth had rendered to the lodge be thought it a case for departure
from the general rule , and noiv performed the duty which devolved upon him with much pleasure . That testimonial was not intended as any reward for services rendered to the lodge , but was a mark of the high esteem of the members for Bro . Shuttleworth ancl of their appreciation of his untiring exertions for a space of tivo years for the good of Masonry in general , ancl also of their sense of the advantages which they themselves had derived from the admirable manner in ivhich he had filled the
chair , and had on so many occasions ( he believed on every lodge night but one during the tivo years ) performed one or more of the ceremonies of initiating , passing , and raising , in so instructive and impressive a manner . He trusted that that jewel would be handed down as an heirloom in Bro . Shuttleivorth ' s
family and that , if in course of time any of his sons should occupy a similar position , they might perform the duties in as satisfactory a manner as Bro . Shuttleivorth had done . The "W . M . then placed the jeivel on Bro . Shuttleivorth ' s breast , and thus addressed him , " I have great pleasure , Bro . Shuttleworth . in presenting you with this Past Master ' s jewel ; long may yoo live to wear it , and when it shall please the Great Architect of the Universe to remove you from this earth may you ascend
tothe Grand Lodge ; above , where the Great Architect lives and reigns for ever . " Bro . Shuttleivorth in feeling terms acknowledged the compliment thus paid him . He expressed the pride with which he had filled the high position in which they placed him when elected as Master of the lodge in 1864 , and stated that when re-elected for a second year he looked upon it as an acknowledgment that his services had met with their approval . He would ever treasure that jewel himself , and would wear it
on every occasion ivhen he entered a Masonic lodge ; and his . family ivould , he ivas certain , feel highly gratified ivith the compliment that the brethren had paid him . He could assure them that it ivould always be his endeavour . ' still to attend all meetings of the lodge and to give every assistance in his poiver in furtherance of its success . After the presentation of the jewel , the brethren partook of refreshments and the health of Bro . Shuttleworth was drank with suitable honours . The jewel , ivhich was a magnificent one , was supplied by Bro . Bragg , of Birmingham , and bore the following inscription— "From the
Brethren of the Lodge of Peace ancl Unity , ( No . 314 ) , to Bro Thomas Moss Shuttleworth , P . M ., to mark their appreciation of his services as Worshipful Master , during the years 1864 ancl 1865 . " WASEIJ * GTOI * . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Monday evening , last at the Masonic rooms , Sankey-street , at half-past six . In the absence of the W . M . Bro . Gilbert GreenallMPSenior
, , .., G . W " ., the lodge was opened by Bro . H . B . White , IS " , P . M . Prov . G . Steward ; ivho was supported by Bros . Robert Stevenson , as S . W . ; Eev . John Porter , 1 S ° , as J . W . ; John Bowes , P . M . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; D . Finney , J . D . ; James Hamer , P . M . Prov . G . Treas . ; A . Waring , Captain Eeynolds , W . Richardson , Christophe Ekkert , Org . ; Thomas Jones , W . Savage , Jabez PlinstonH . CunninghamA . S . L . LeonhardtP . PearseW .
, , , , Mossop , W . AVoods , Dr . Spinks , Dr . Pennington , aud Jos . Eobinson , and James Johnson , Tylers . The lodge was opened solemn form and the minutes were read ancl confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . William Mossop , of 119 , Whitehaven , as a joining member which was unanimous in his favour . The chair ivas now assumed by Bro . Boives , P . M . Bros . Captain EeynoldsA . WaringJabez Plinstonand H . Cunningham
, , , , being candidates for advancement , and having proved their claim were entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree when the candidates were readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . At the conclusion of the ceremony Bro , H . B . White delivered an address explaining the difference