Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The following is the list of the officers appointed to the Phoenix Lodge : —Bros , P . J . Perron , W . M . ; Jacob Alveranga , S . W . ; Edward Bolton , J . W . ; Henry Darby , Treas . ; Edward W . Pursell , Sec ; Theodore De Pass , S . D . ; Jacob Hinds , " J . D . ; David Earned , I . G . ; Jules Desnoes , Tyler .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL . —One of the effects of the removal of St . Thomas's Hospital has been to cast a greater amount of work upon the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshire-square , Bishopsgate . During the past year the aggregate number of attendances of patients was 103 , 983 , an increase of nearly 11 , 000 as compared with the previous year . In the two months immediately succeeding the closing of the establishment at London-bridgethere was an increase in the attendance of
, patients at the Metropolitan of 3397 , being at the rate of upwards of 20 , 000 per annum . The excellent working staff attached to the hospital are not at all disconcerted by this increase ; the only cause for regret is , that tbe additional burden is not accompanied by corresponding means of support . Heavy liabilities were incurred to provide for the extra pressure , and special appeals made to the public ; but thesealthough in some
, instances handsomely responded to , have proved insufficient to relieve the hospital of the incubus of a debt amounting to nearly £ 2000 . The hospital differs , as its name implies , from other hospitals in this respect , that no letters of recommendation are necessary ; the applicant need but be destitute and sick to ensure obtaining medical or surgical treatment . This promptitude of action is very frequently the means of checking the
development of contagious diseases , and thereby preventing an incalculable amount of misery and suffering . The hospital is unendowed , and dependent entirely upon voluntary contributions for its support . Its income is therefore ever fluctuating , and easily influenced by circumstances of an extraordinary character ; such , for instance , as the heavy claims upon public benevolence occasioned by the Hartley Colliery accidentand
, still more recently , the distress in Lancashire . The hospital , situated as it is in one of tbe most densely populated portions of the City , and contiguous to the overcrowded and notoriously poor parishes of Whitechapel , Betlnial-green , Spitalfields , and Sboreditch , possesses great claims upon the wealth and liberality of the fellow-citizens .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty still remains at the Castle of Rosenau , in Germany . The King of Prussia visited the Queen on Tuesday , and on Thursday the Emperor of Austria visited her Majesty . Prince Alfred ' s visit to Potsdam terminated on Saturday , when his Royal Highness , accompanied by the Prince of Leiningen , returned to the Castle of Rosenau . The Crown
Prince and Princess of Prussia saw their Royal relatives off from the Anhalt station . Prince Arthur has been inspecting some military waggons which can at once he converted into boats , at Woolwich . The Prince and Princess of Wales still remain in Scotland . The Queen is expected to return to Windsor on tbe 10 th inst .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of London stil lcontinues high , though it is considerably lower than it was a month ago . The deaths last week were 1331 ; the corrected average for tire ten years is 1191 , being an increase on the average of 143 . The births for the week were 1705 ; the corrected average is 1859 . The Gazelle announces that the colonelcy of the
Coldstream Guards , vacant by the death of Lord Clyde , has been conferred on Sir William Gomiii , and that Major General M'Pherson has succeeded to the colonelcy of Sir William's old regiment , the 13 th Foot . The report presented by Mr . Farnall to the weekly meeting of the Central Relief Committee presents another important and favourable variation in the number of persons receiving relief in the cotton manufacturing districts . Compared with the previous week , there is the very considerable decrease of 1251 paupers . Since the Gth of
December tbe decrease is 127 , 000 . The amount of money in the hands of the treasurers of the 27 unions comprising the cotton district is £ 90 , 126 , and the balance in the bank is £ 307 , 297 . In the course of the meeting it was stated that £ 200 , 000 would probably be required for Manchester under the provisions of the Public Works Act . According to all accounts the harvest is
turning out most satisfactorily . Everywhere the yield of wheat is extraordinarily abundant . In the southern counties the greater part of the crop has been well secured . In the north , however , there is a great deal yet to be done , and the rain which has fallen during the last few days is causing some fear in the minds of the farmers . A few hot dry clays would put all
to rights , and ensure the ingathering of the crop in fine condition . For root crops the rain is all that could be desired . Mr . Heygate , M . P ., has been strongly recommending the collection of agricultural statistics to the farmers of Leicestershire . He contrasted the condition of England in this respect with that of some of the European states , and of our colonies ,
and the sister isle . He said that in Ireland statistics were collected from 60 , 000 holdings , without a dissentient voice , and the system was becoming more popular every clay . " It might not he a matter of very great consequence in time of peace , but they might depend upon it that such information would be of vital importance in the event of a war . " The Bristol
Association for obtaining an alteration of the Convict System have laid before the Home Secretary a petition , praying that four of the recommendations of the Royal Commission , who have just made their report , may be carried into effect . The recommendations are , that remission of punishment shall only be obtained by strenuous industry ; that the treatment shall commence with low diet , separate confinement , and monotonous labour ; that when the ticket of leave is granted , there shall be
still a supervision until the end of the term ; anel tnat such supervision , while it furnishes a refuge against unfounded charges , shall hold the convict to strict responsibility . The returns of the emigration officials at Liverpool show that , notwithstanding the condition of America , the United States continue to receive a larger number of emigrants than any other country . It is also stated that the total number of emigrants
who have left Liverpool during the past eight months is 93 , 90-1 The last of the wooden ships which is ever likely to be added to the British navy was launched at Woolwich on Saturday . The Wolverine , of 21 guns , was laid on the slip some years ago , and when the necessity for iron casing became visible her progress was suspended with the view to her
conversion . The Admiralty , however , finally determined to finish her as she had been begun , and her launch has taken place . The Wolverine is a sister ship to the unfortunate Orpheus . On the same day other magnificent launches took place on the riverthe Baroda , by the Millwail Company , and the Goleonda , by the Thames Iron Company . Both of them aro beautiful vessels .
Tho three launches of such splendid vessels in the course of one flood tide attracted an unusual number of persons down the river . One of the two iron steam rams which are being constructed by Messrs . Laird , of Birkenhead , and whieh led to a petition from the Emancipation Society to Earl Russell , was launched on Saturday , in the presence of a considerable number
of spectators . No secret seems to have been made of the event . A curious case of sudden blindness is recorded as having occurred at Peckhara , which , if true , would serve to illustrate the passage of the Psalmist , "The sun shall not smite thee b y day , nor the moon by night . " Injury from exposure to the moonbeams is not now recorded for the first time . An inquest has been held on the body of a little boy who was poisoned by mistake . A chemist at Moxloy , near Wolverhampton , appears
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The following is the list of the officers appointed to the Phoenix Lodge : —Bros , P . J . Perron , W . M . ; Jacob Alveranga , S . W . ; Edward Bolton , J . W . ; Henry Darby , Treas . ; Edward W . Pursell , Sec ; Theodore De Pass , S . D . ; Jacob Hinds , " J . D . ; David Earned , I . G . ; Jules Desnoes , Tyler .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL . —One of the effects of the removal of St . Thomas's Hospital has been to cast a greater amount of work upon the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Devonshire-square , Bishopsgate . During the past year the aggregate number of attendances of patients was 103 , 983 , an increase of nearly 11 , 000 as compared with the previous year . In the two months immediately succeeding the closing of the establishment at London-bridgethere was an increase in the attendance of
, patients at the Metropolitan of 3397 , being at the rate of upwards of 20 , 000 per annum . The excellent working staff attached to the hospital are not at all disconcerted by this increase ; the only cause for regret is , that tbe additional burden is not accompanied by corresponding means of support . Heavy liabilities were incurred to provide for the extra pressure , and special appeals made to the public ; but thesealthough in some
, instances handsomely responded to , have proved insufficient to relieve the hospital of the incubus of a debt amounting to nearly £ 2000 . The hospital differs , as its name implies , from other hospitals in this respect , that no letters of recommendation are necessary ; the applicant need but be destitute and sick to ensure obtaining medical or surgical treatment . This promptitude of action is very frequently the means of checking the
development of contagious diseases , and thereby preventing an incalculable amount of misery and suffering . The hospital is unendowed , and dependent entirely upon voluntary contributions for its support . Its income is therefore ever fluctuating , and easily influenced by circumstances of an extraordinary character ; such , for instance , as the heavy claims upon public benevolence occasioned by the Hartley Colliery accidentand
, still more recently , the distress in Lancashire . The hospital , situated as it is in one of tbe most densely populated portions of the City , and contiguous to the overcrowded and notoriously poor parishes of Whitechapel , Betlnial-green , Spitalfields , and Sboreditch , possesses great claims upon the wealth and liberality of the fellow-citizens .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty still remains at the Castle of Rosenau , in Germany . The King of Prussia visited the Queen on Tuesday , and on Thursday the Emperor of Austria visited her Majesty . Prince Alfred ' s visit to Potsdam terminated on Saturday , when his Royal Highness , accompanied by the Prince of Leiningen , returned to the Castle of Rosenau . The Crown
Prince and Princess of Prussia saw their Royal relatives off from the Anhalt station . Prince Arthur has been inspecting some military waggons which can at once he converted into boats , at Woolwich . The Prince and Princess of Wales still remain in Scotland . The Queen is expected to return to Windsor on tbe 10 th inst .
GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The mortality of London stil lcontinues high , though it is considerably lower than it was a month ago . The deaths last week were 1331 ; the corrected average for tire ten years is 1191 , being an increase on the average of 143 . The births for the week were 1705 ; the corrected average is 1859 . The Gazelle announces that the colonelcy of the
Coldstream Guards , vacant by the death of Lord Clyde , has been conferred on Sir William Gomiii , and that Major General M'Pherson has succeeded to the colonelcy of Sir William's old regiment , the 13 th Foot . The report presented by Mr . Farnall to the weekly meeting of the Central Relief Committee presents another important and favourable variation in the number of persons receiving relief in the cotton manufacturing districts . Compared with the previous week , there is the very considerable decrease of 1251 paupers . Since the Gth of
December tbe decrease is 127 , 000 . The amount of money in the hands of the treasurers of the 27 unions comprising the cotton district is £ 90 , 126 , and the balance in the bank is £ 307 , 297 . In the course of the meeting it was stated that £ 200 , 000 would probably be required for Manchester under the provisions of the Public Works Act . According to all accounts the harvest is
turning out most satisfactorily . Everywhere the yield of wheat is extraordinarily abundant . In the southern counties the greater part of the crop has been well secured . In the north , however , there is a great deal yet to be done , and the rain which has fallen during the last few days is causing some fear in the minds of the farmers . A few hot dry clays would put all
to rights , and ensure the ingathering of the crop in fine condition . For root crops the rain is all that could be desired . Mr . Heygate , M . P ., has been strongly recommending the collection of agricultural statistics to the farmers of Leicestershire . He contrasted the condition of England in this respect with that of some of the European states , and of our colonies ,
and the sister isle . He said that in Ireland statistics were collected from 60 , 000 holdings , without a dissentient voice , and the system was becoming more popular every clay . " It might not he a matter of very great consequence in time of peace , but they might depend upon it that such information would be of vital importance in the event of a war . " The Bristol
Association for obtaining an alteration of the Convict System have laid before the Home Secretary a petition , praying that four of the recommendations of the Royal Commission , who have just made their report , may be carried into effect . The recommendations are , that remission of punishment shall only be obtained by strenuous industry ; that the treatment shall commence with low diet , separate confinement , and monotonous labour ; that when the ticket of leave is granted , there shall be
still a supervision until the end of the term ; anel tnat such supervision , while it furnishes a refuge against unfounded charges , shall hold the convict to strict responsibility . The returns of the emigration officials at Liverpool show that , notwithstanding the condition of America , the United States continue to receive a larger number of emigrants than any other country . It is also stated that the total number of emigrants
who have left Liverpool during the past eight months is 93 , 90-1 The last of the wooden ships which is ever likely to be added to the British navy was launched at Woolwich on Saturday . The Wolverine , of 21 guns , was laid on the slip some years ago , and when the necessity for iron casing became visible her progress was suspended with the view to her
conversion . The Admiralty , however , finally determined to finish her as she had been begun , and her launch has taken place . The Wolverine is a sister ship to the unfortunate Orpheus . On the same day other magnificent launches took place on the riverthe Baroda , by the Millwail Company , and the Goleonda , by the Thames Iron Company . Both of them aro beautiful vessels .
Tho three launches of such splendid vessels in the course of one flood tide attracted an unusual number of persons down the river . One of the two iron steam rams which are being constructed by Messrs . Laird , of Birkenhead , and whieh led to a petition from the Emancipation Society to Earl Russell , was launched on Saturday , in the presence of a considerable number
of spectators . No secret seems to have been made of the event . A curious case of sudden blindness is recorded as having occurred at Peckhara , which , if true , would serve to illustrate the passage of the Psalmist , "The sun shall not smite thee b y day , nor the moon by night . " Injury from exposure to the moonbeams is not now recorded for the first time . An inquest has been held on the body of a little boy who was poisoned by mistake . A chemist at Moxloy , near Wolverhampton , appears