Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
years , and he had over found mm an earnest and true Mason , and lie considered that a man who had honourably and justly earned that compliment had won the proudest title this world could bestow upon him . The toast was most heartily responded to by the brethren with musical honours . The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Dr . Taylor for the very kind manner in which he had spoken of him . He said that he was not given to making long speechesbut he hoped and trusted they would find him a
, " good working Mason , " ever ready to assist his brethren by every means in his power , and he trusted that when it came to his turn to vacate that chair that all the brethren of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge would be able conscientiously to say of him what had already been said of his past conduct by Bro . Dr . Taylor that evening . The next toast was " The Past Blaster , " which was right heartily responded to by the brethren . Past
Master Bro . John Thornton thanked the brethren for the very flattering manner in which they had responded to the toast . He was very happy to congratulate them on the great success which had attended the lodge and the satisfactory state of its finances . He said that there had been during the past twelve months thirty-one initiations , and that at the present time the lodge numbered sixty members , which he considered was a very
flattering commencement . He was glad that his efforts in establishing tbe lodge had met with their approbation and concluded by assuring the brethren that his heart would be ever with them , and that so long as he lived he should ever take au active interest in the success of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge . The next toast , " The Visiting Brethren , " having been given , Bro . the Rev . W . Ireson in responding spoke in a very beautiful
and impressive manner of the many beauties of Freemasonry ; its intimate connection with religion ; its tendency to elevate its members and to make them better men and better Christians . On behalf of the other visiting brethren present and himself he begged to offer them his sincere thanks and best wishes for their future succes ? . The next toast "The Musical Brethren , " Bros . Wood , Yeatman , Naylor , and Flynn , having been given and duly responded to , the lodge was closed by the W . M . in due form and solemn prayer .
BENGAL . DISTRICT GRJIND LODGE . At a quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Wednesday , the 24 th June , 1868 , there were present : —R . W . Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , D . G . M . ; William J . Judge , Dep . D . G . M . ; W . Bros . F . PowellM . D . D . J . G . W . as D . S . G . W . JII
, , , ; . . Matthews , P . D . J . G . D . as D . J . G . W . ; P . Anderson , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . P . Kennedy , D . G . Reg . ; H . H . Locke , D . G . S . ; J . Mackintosh , D . S . D . G . ; D . M . Folkard , D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Lindley , as D . G . S . B . ; Von Ernsthausen , as D . G . Org . ; C . H . Wilson , D . J . G . D ., as D . G . P . ; L . A . Goodeve ; J . Conway , G . F . D . Sutton , W . G . Amos , D . G . Stewards , Bros . DavisonLe TourneuxActius D . G . StewardsBroDJ .
, , , . . Daniel , D . G . Tyler . Representatives of Lodges .- —Star in the East , 67 , Bros . T . McKelvey , Sec . as W . M . ; J . Moore , P . J . W . as J . W . Industry and Perseverance , 109 , Bros . W . Parry Davis , S . W . as W . M . ; W . B . Maefcavisb , Sec . as S . W . True Friendship , 218 , Bro . J . Lindley , J . W . as W . M . Humility with Fortitude , 229 , W . Bro . W . F . Westfield , W . M . Marine , 232 , W . Bro . H . B . Lewis ,
W . M . ; Bros . R . C . Lepage , S . W . ; F . Rodriguez , J . W . Anchor and Hope , 234 , one delegate attended , but his signature in the D . G . Tyler ' s book is quite illegible . Courage with Humanity , 392 , W . Bro . A . J . Sharpe , W . M . Himalayan Brotherhood , 459 , W . Bro . J . E . Cooke , P . M . St . John , 480 , Bro . A . W . Carpenter , J . W . as S . W . Excelsior , 825 , Bros . C . Halford , J . W . as W . M . ; H . J . Frew , Sec . as S . W . ; J . Metherall , S . D . as J . W . St . Luke , 48
8 , Bros . W . F . Tucker , Sec . as S . W . ; Cotton , as J . W . Temperance and Benevolence , 1160 , W . Bros . J . Andrews , W . M . ; E . B . Toussaint , P . M . ; Bros . P . E . Clague , S . W . ; G . Alexander , J . W . Visitors : —W . Bro . Smith , W . M ' . of Lodge St . Andrew in the East , 401 , of Scotland . Bro . H . H . G . Tippet , of Lodge St . Georgo , 549 , Bombay . Bro . A . J . Meyer , M . D ., of Lodge Temperance and Benevolence , 1160 . The D . G . Lodge was opened at 6 ' 45 P . ir . Apologies were , recorded from the following Brethren : —W Bros . Capt , H
Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; W . H . Hoff , P . D . S . G . W . ; S . Fenn P . D . S . G . W . ; J . H . Linton , D . G . Treas . ; Geo . Keighly , P . D . S . G . D . ; J . Bennett , P . D . G . D . ; Dr . Mouat . D . G . Supt . of Works ; W . H . Sandeman , D . G . Asst . D . of C . ; J . D . Maclean , C . S ., D . G . P . ; G . M . Goodricke , F . F . J . Toke , D . G . Stewards ; Liebenhals , P . M . 392 ; Taylor , P . M . 392 ; Jacquemin , Consul General for France ; Mitchell Iunes , 60 th Rifles ; Major MacdonaldR . E .
, The D . G . Master observed , with reference to the unusually large number of apologies , that the heat of the weather was so intense as to preclude many from attending , and he thought it a matter for congratulation that there was so large an attendance in Grand Lodge in spite of such a deterring cause . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 21 st March . 1863 having been printed and circulatedwere taken as read
, , , put to the vote , and confirmed . The Right Worshipful the D . G . Master addressed the D . G . Lodge as follows : — W . Brethren : —The reports of the Finance Committee and of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , which are ordinarily published in extenso in our agenda paper , have been on this occasion unavoidably omitted . They are , however , with the District Grand Secretary , and will be read during the evening .
The Finance Committee have met for the transaction nf business three times during the quarter , and have rendered us real service by their exertions . Your finances are in a better position than they have been for years , indeed they bave never , within my recollection , been in so prosperous a condition as they now are ; and I have no hesitation in saying that this satisfactory state of things is mainly owing to the very great energy with which our worthy Bro . in the Grand Secretary's Chair has
worked his office . You will recollect that for a considerable time we were suffering from a chronic deficit , and were compelled to borrow money from the Benevolent Fund to meet our engagements . Now , owing to the regularity with ivhich Lodges have paid in their dues , we have not only no debt to record , but a substantial balance in hand of nearly £ 300 , while the Fund of Benevolence has at its credit a sum of £ 560 . I mention prominently the name of our Bro . Locke in this matter , and the services which he has rendered to this District Grand Lodge , because I think that it is especially due to him with reference to
the frequently invidious , as well as the arduous nature of the duties which he has to perform , and which be does perform so conscientiously and laboriously , and with such manifest advantage to our interests . I hope , however , that tho present satisfactory state of our funds will not induce the Finance Committee , or other Members of Grand Lodge , to suppose that we can safely discontinue our present system of rigid economy , or of closely watching the dues and fees of private Lodges . We
have urgent need for all our money , and shall shortly have to bear heavy expenses when tlie Masonic Hall is repaired . It has undergone no repairs for upwards of four years , aud we may at any time bave notice from our landlords to vacate the building for a season , in order that repairs may be effected ; and you are aware that the expenses that are incidental at such times are always such as to absorb the whole of the small funds which are at our command . It is for this causepartlythat the Finance
, , Committee have felt obliged to turn a deaf ear to the renewed application from the sub-tenants of our ground-floor for a decrease of rent , though I have no doubt that tbey are of opinion that the sum which is now charged for the use of the floor is no more than is equitable with reference to the gross rent ivhich is paid for the whole of the building . In like manner , the District Grand Lodge will , I am confident , agree
with the Finance Committee that it would have been out ot ' place to have voted away a donation to the Grand Lodge at Trinidad towards the re-erection of their Masonic Hall , when our funds are sufficient only for our own wants , and we are still laboring under the disadvantage of working in a hired building . The Committee have been engaged in examining the system upon which your accounts are kept , aud have directed certain
improvements in detail , which they hope to carry out with the assistance of the District Grand Treasurer , whose name I regret to see does not appear among those who were present at any of tbe Finance Committee ' s meetings under notice . With reference to the Committee's remark on the proceeds of the sale of " Bro . Sandeman's Almanack , " I can but regret that the proceeds are so insignificant . The circumstance is owing partly to some-Masters not taking the very small trouble of circulating the preliminary notices of its publication among their Brethren , and partly from Brethren that have seen the notices uot thinking it worth their while to contribute . Tlie Almanack , is now ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
years , and he had over found mm an earnest and true Mason , and lie considered that a man who had honourably and justly earned that compliment had won the proudest title this world could bestow upon him . The toast was most heartily responded to by the brethren with musical honours . The W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Dr . Taylor for the very kind manner in which he had spoken of him . He said that he was not given to making long speechesbut he hoped and trusted they would find him a
, " good working Mason , " ever ready to assist his brethren by every means in his power , and he trusted that when it came to his turn to vacate that chair that all the brethren of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge would be able conscientiously to say of him what had already been said of his past conduct by Bro . Dr . Taylor that evening . The next toast was " The Past Blaster , " which was right heartily responded to by the brethren . Past
Master Bro . John Thornton thanked the brethren for the very flattering manner in which they had responded to the toast . He was very happy to congratulate them on the great success which had attended the lodge and the satisfactory state of its finances . He said that there had been during the past twelve months thirty-one initiations , and that at the present time the lodge numbered sixty members , which he considered was a very
flattering commencement . He was glad that his efforts in establishing tbe lodge had met with their approbation and concluded by assuring the brethren that his heart would be ever with them , and that so long as he lived he should ever take au active interest in the success of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge . The next toast , " The Visiting Brethren , " having been given , Bro . the Rev . W . Ireson in responding spoke in a very beautiful
and impressive manner of the many beauties of Freemasonry ; its intimate connection with religion ; its tendency to elevate its members and to make them better men and better Christians . On behalf of the other visiting brethren present and himself he begged to offer them his sincere thanks and best wishes for their future succes ? . The next toast "The Musical Brethren , " Bros . Wood , Yeatman , Naylor , and Flynn , having been given and duly responded to , the lodge was closed by the W . M . in due form and solemn prayer .
BENGAL . DISTRICT GRJIND LODGE . At a quarterly communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Wednesday , the 24 th June , 1868 , there were present : —R . W . Bros . Hugh D . Sandeman , D . G . M . ; William J . Judge , Dep . D . G . M . ; W . Bros . F . PowellM . D . D . J . G . W . as D . S . G . W . JII
, , , ; . . Matthews , P . D . J . G . D . as D . J . G . W . ; P . Anderson , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . P . Kennedy , D . G . Reg . ; H . H . Locke , D . G . S . ; J . Mackintosh , D . S . D . G . ; D . M . Folkard , D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Lindley , as D . G . S . B . ; Von Ernsthausen , as D . G . Org . ; C . H . Wilson , D . J . G . D ., as D . G . P . ; L . A . Goodeve ; J . Conway , G . F . D . Sutton , W . G . Amos , D . G . Stewards , Bros . DavisonLe TourneuxActius D . G . StewardsBroDJ .
, , , . . Daniel , D . G . Tyler . Representatives of Lodges .- —Star in the East , 67 , Bros . T . McKelvey , Sec . as W . M . ; J . Moore , P . J . W . as J . W . Industry and Perseverance , 109 , Bros . W . Parry Davis , S . W . as W . M . ; W . B . Maefcavisb , Sec . as S . W . True Friendship , 218 , Bro . J . Lindley , J . W . as W . M . Humility with Fortitude , 229 , W . Bro . W . F . Westfield , W . M . Marine , 232 , W . Bro . H . B . Lewis ,
W . M . ; Bros . R . C . Lepage , S . W . ; F . Rodriguez , J . W . Anchor and Hope , 234 , one delegate attended , but his signature in the D . G . Tyler ' s book is quite illegible . Courage with Humanity , 392 , W . Bro . A . J . Sharpe , W . M . Himalayan Brotherhood , 459 , W . Bro . J . E . Cooke , P . M . St . John , 480 , Bro . A . W . Carpenter , J . W . as S . W . Excelsior , 825 , Bros . C . Halford , J . W . as W . M . ; H . J . Frew , Sec . as S . W . ; J . Metherall , S . D . as J . W . St . Luke , 48
8 , Bros . W . F . Tucker , Sec . as S . W . ; Cotton , as J . W . Temperance and Benevolence , 1160 , W . Bros . J . Andrews , W . M . ; E . B . Toussaint , P . M . ; Bros . P . E . Clague , S . W . ; G . Alexander , J . W . Visitors : —W . Bro . Smith , W . M ' . of Lodge St . Andrew in the East , 401 , of Scotland . Bro . H . H . G . Tippet , of Lodge St . Georgo , 549 , Bombay . Bro . A . J . Meyer , M . D ., of Lodge Temperance and Benevolence , 1160 . The D . G . Lodge was opened at 6 ' 45 P . ir . Apologies were , recorded from the following Brethren : —W Bros . Capt , H
Howe , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; W . H . Hoff , P . D . S . G . W . ; S . Fenn P . D . S . G . W . ; J . H . Linton , D . G . Treas . ; Geo . Keighly , P . D . S . G . D . ; J . Bennett , P . D . G . D . ; Dr . Mouat . D . G . Supt . of Works ; W . H . Sandeman , D . G . Asst . D . of C . ; J . D . Maclean , C . S ., D . G . P . ; G . M . Goodricke , F . F . J . Toke , D . G . Stewards ; Liebenhals , P . M . 392 ; Taylor , P . M . 392 ; Jacquemin , Consul General for France ; Mitchell Iunes , 60 th Rifles ; Major MacdonaldR . E .
, The D . G . Master observed , with reference to the unusually large number of apologies , that the heat of the weather was so intense as to preclude many from attending , and he thought it a matter for congratulation that there was so large an attendance in Grand Lodge in spite of such a deterring cause . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 21 st March . 1863 having been printed and circulatedwere taken as read
, , , put to the vote , and confirmed . The Right Worshipful the D . G . Master addressed the D . G . Lodge as follows : — W . Brethren : —The reports of the Finance Committee and of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , which are ordinarily published in extenso in our agenda paper , have been on this occasion unavoidably omitted . They are , however , with the District Grand Secretary , and will be read during the evening .
The Finance Committee have met for the transaction nf business three times during the quarter , and have rendered us real service by their exertions . Your finances are in a better position than they have been for years , indeed they bave never , within my recollection , been in so prosperous a condition as they now are ; and I have no hesitation in saying that this satisfactory state of things is mainly owing to the very great energy with which our worthy Bro . in the Grand Secretary's Chair has
worked his office . You will recollect that for a considerable time we were suffering from a chronic deficit , and were compelled to borrow money from the Benevolent Fund to meet our engagements . Now , owing to the regularity with ivhich Lodges have paid in their dues , we have not only no debt to record , but a substantial balance in hand of nearly £ 300 , while the Fund of Benevolence has at its credit a sum of £ 560 . I mention prominently the name of our Bro . Locke in this matter , and the services which he has rendered to this District Grand Lodge , because I think that it is especially due to him with reference to
the frequently invidious , as well as the arduous nature of the duties which he has to perform , and which be does perform so conscientiously and laboriously , and with such manifest advantage to our interests . I hope , however , that tho present satisfactory state of our funds will not induce the Finance Committee , or other Members of Grand Lodge , to suppose that we can safely discontinue our present system of rigid economy , or of closely watching the dues and fees of private Lodges . We
have urgent need for all our money , and shall shortly have to bear heavy expenses when tlie Masonic Hall is repaired . It has undergone no repairs for upwards of four years , aud we may at any time bave notice from our landlords to vacate the building for a season , in order that repairs may be effected ; and you are aware that the expenses that are incidental at such times are always such as to absorb the whole of the small funds which are at our command . It is for this causepartlythat the Finance
, , Committee have felt obliged to turn a deaf ear to the renewed application from the sub-tenants of our ground-floor for a decrease of rent , though I have no doubt that tbey are of opinion that the sum which is now charged for the use of the floor is no more than is equitable with reference to the gross rent ivhich is paid for the whole of the building . In like manner , the District Grand Lodge will , I am confident , agree
with the Finance Committee that it would have been out ot ' place to have voted away a donation to the Grand Lodge at Trinidad towards the re-erection of their Masonic Hall , when our funds are sufficient only for our own wants , and we are still laboring under the disadvantage of working in a hired building . The Committee have been engaged in examining the system upon which your accounts are kept , aud have directed certain
improvements in detail , which they hope to carry out with the assistance of the District Grand Treasurer , whose name I regret to see does not appear among those who were present at any of tbe Finance Committee ' s meetings under notice . With reference to the Committee's remark on the proceeds of the sale of " Bro . Sandeman's Almanack , " I can but regret that the proceeds are so insignificant . The circumstance is owing partly to some-Masters not taking the very small trouble of circulating the preliminary notices of its publication among their Brethren , and partly from Brethren that have seen the notices uot thinking it worth their while to contribute . Tlie Almanack , is now ,