Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Pearce and AVestou to the sublime degree of Master Mason , in that impressive manner which reminded the brethren of the pleasure they so often experienced by the efficient working of Bro . Abraham during the two years of his Alastership . He was supported by Bro . Fletcher , AV . AI . of Lodge of Peace and Harmony , and Bro . J . It . Stebbing , AV . AL of tho Lodge of Twelve Brethren , and a numerous attendance of members of the Lodge , of Past Masters , and visiting brethren . Bro . Fletcher , the AA . AI . of the Lodge of Peace ancl Harmonyin a speech full of the most Alasonic
, expressions , invited the AVorshipful Alaster , officers , aud brethren of the Royal Gloster Lodge to a banquet of the Lodge over whicli he presided , which invitation was accepted in language equally pleasing by tho acting AVorshipful Alaster . Tho Lodge was then closed , and a large number of brethren dined together . Tho usual toasts were given , ami some very happy and Afasonie responses made . STAFFORDSHIRE .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 1 , 028 ) . —This Lodge , though only founded iu 1858 , is making very satisfactory progress , having now twenty-seven members . The monthly meeting was held at the Grand . 5 miction Railway Hotel , Stafford , on Tuesday , October 10 th , Bro . Chas . Trubshaw , AV . AL ( P . AI . No . 67-1 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . Staffordshire ) , presiding , supported by the whole of his officers aud eight members of the Lodge , who were honoured by the presence of Bro . Charles Stuart Law , one of the Grand Stewards of Scotland , and also AVorshipful Alaster of Lodge
No . -18 , of Edinburgh . After a successful and unanimous ballot had been taken for Messrs . G . C . Bancroft ; J . Loxdale AVarren , jun ., and G . Gordon AVarren , they were severally initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order . Bros , the Rev . G . F . Clark , and Capt . Salt , M . P ., were then duly passed to the second degree . Bro . Thomas Aston was also raised to the sublime degree of Master Alason . The whole of those ceremonies wero performed by the esteemed AALAL , iu his usual impressive aud masterly manner . He expressed himself much pleased with the attention of the several candidates . The business of the Lodge being concluded , and the Lodge duly closed , the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a happy evening .
Royal Arch.
A 1 ETEOPOL 1 TAN . ROBERT BUIIXS CHAPTER ( No . -25 ) . —This Chapter held its first convocation for the season on Tuesday , the 25 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Comps . Allen , Z . ; Hewlett , II . ; Harrison , J . ; aud the other oflicers being present . The business of the evening consisted in exalting Bros . Clements , P . AL , No . 25 ; Nicholls , No . 25 ; Clark , No . 715 . The Chapter was tlieu closed , and the Companions afterwards dined together , Comp . AllenAI . E . Z . presiding . The customary toasts having been iven
, , g , Comp . J . Savage , S . G . D ., returned thanks , and , for himself and the other Graud Officers , thanked the Companions for the compliment that had been paid them . The AI . E . Z . then proposed " The A 1 sitors , " including among them Comp . Dr . Nolan , who had so kindly honoured them with his presence . Comp . Dr . Nolan remarked that tbe visitors could not but feel honoured by the good wishes of the ALE . Z . He heartil y congratulated the Chapter on the events of that day . For himself he would say it gave him great pleasure to be present , aud , with the other
visitors , could not but be pleased with the auspicious prospect which the Robert Burns Chapter presented , and gratified with the hospitality with which they been received , for which , through him , they returned their most grateful thanks . The AI . E . Z . then proposed " The newly exalted Companions . " Comp . Clements , for himself and Comps . Nicholls and Clark , thanked them for the hearty response with which their healths had been drunk ; he could but very inadequately express the pleasure ho experienced at having taken another step in
Freemasonry . He felt grateful for that brotherly feeling in admitting them to a participation in the privileges of their exalted degree , and their most earnest endeavours would be stimulated to deserve tho honour of being admitted amongst them by a constant desire to preserve that good name in the Chapter whicli they had hitherto maintained in the Craft , whether as Companions of the white or Companions of the red . After the other usual routine toasts the Companions separated . UNITED Pu . cau . vs CHAPTER ( NO . 7-15 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter
was held at tbe Manor House , Walworth , on the 20 th ult . The ceremonies of installing the Principals , and exalting a candidate , were performed by Comp . T . Alex . Adams , P . Z ., of Chapter No . 206 , in his usual able , impressive , ancl solemn manner . Comp . C . Ireland ( AV . M . of No . -05 ) was installed First Principal ; Comp . D . R . Farmer ( AV . AL No . 25 ) , Second Principal ; and J . Ii . AVarren , Third Principal ; a , committee of Companions was appointed to select and report a suitable place of meeting , circumstances having arisen to necessitate the removal of the Chapter .
GRANGEAIOUTH . I'HOV . GBA 5 D LODGE OF STIRLINGSHIRE . TUESDAY , the 18 th inst ., having been appointed by Colonel Sir Alexander Gibson Maitland , Prov , G . AI . ol Stirlingshire , for tbe consecration
of the Zetland Lodge , Grangemouth , No . 391 , ancl the installation of its office bearers , the Prov . Grand Lodge assembled there ou that day . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Alaster , the It . AV . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Dyson , presided , supported among others by Bros . J . Peebles , Prov . S . W . ; It Rutherford , J . AV . ; D . Stewart , Treasurer ; AVm . M'Leay , Secretary ; Rev . Andrew R . Bonar , G . Chaplain ; Peter Gardner , S . D . ; J . Alurphi , J . D . ; Alexander Ale Ewan , Sword Bearer ; Stembridge Rae , Grand Organist ; W . AL Bryce , Graud Marshal ; Thomas Robertson , Grand Tyler .
Among the acting Prov . Grand Stewards , we observed Bros . Charles Stuart 'Law , Charles Donaldson , J . Murr , A . Robertson , and J . AV . Storrer . The Prov . Grand Lodge being opened in duo . form by tbe Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , the consecration ceremony was ably performed by the Rev . Prov . Grand Chaplain ; the Grand Organist conducting the chanting of the various anthems in ; i manner we have seldom heard equalled . At the conclusionof the consecrationthe following office bearers
, , wore installed bv the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster : —Bros . Simpson , AA . AL ; Lang , IXAL ; Donovan , S . AI . ; AVatson , S . AV . ; Allan , J . AV . ; AA * alker , Treas .: Clarke , Sec . ; Hodge , S . D . ; Dalrymple , J . D , ; Mitchell , I . G . ; Clarke , Tyler . These brethren lieing invested with the various insignia of their respective offices by Bro . Chas . Stuart Law , AALAL , No . -IS , who delivered an appropriate charge to each , the Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , the brethren proceeding to the church , where divine service was conducted by the Rev . Andrew Bonar .
At five P . M . tho brethren returned to the hall , where dinner was prepared for about one hundred aud fifty , presided over by Bro . Dyson , R . W . AI . of the " Ancient , " supported by Bro . Simpson , the newly installed Alaster of the Lodge ; the Rev . Bro . Bonar , acting G . Chaplain ; Bro . Law , G . Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Bro . Downing Bruce , 11 . AV . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , Alloa . Bro . J . Peebles , of the Ancient , occupied the chair of the S . AA . ; and Bro . Rutherford , of the Ancient , that of the S . AA . After the usual loyal toasts had been gone through ,
Tbe chairman craved as the next toast , the " Grand Lodge of England ; " ancl the way w-hich he alluded to tho M . AV . G . M . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , as a nobleman and a brother Alason , found its way to the hearts of all the assembled brethren ; the " Grand Lodge of Ireland , " coupled with the name of the Duke of Leiuster , came next in rotation , followed by the " Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Duke of Athole . " Tho next toast was given from the chairmanthe •' ¦ ' Army and Navy "
, , and which was very ably replied to by Bro . Downing Bruce , who , after a very enthusiastic allusion to the daring deeds of our soldiers in the Crimea , the noble aud successful struggle they had in India , and the recent operations in China , wound up in a very quiet and telling maimer how the spread of Alasonry had been , accomplished throughout the world through tho influence of the British arm } -. Bro . Law then rose to propose tho health of the Prov . G . ALCol . Sir
, Alexander Gibson Maitland , Bart ., and after passing several eulogiums upon him as a man and as a soldier , lie congratulated the brethren of the province in having as their head one of the best Masons in Scotland , whose military duties at Aldershott alone prevented his presiding on the present occasion . ( The toast was received with immense cheering ) . Tho chairman afterwards gave what may be considered the toast of the evening— " The Prosperity of the Lodge Zetland , " and enlarged on the duties that devolved on n Freemason , not only in the Lodgo , but
also in his outward walk aud conversation through life ; and m continuation said , " it must have been very gratifying to the brethren assembled to witness the inauguration of a Lodge which promises to be one of the most successful in the district . Aly brother officers and myself have derived the greatest pleasure from assisting at the ceremony of the consecration of this Lodge—a Lodge which wa . s founded in the purest spirit of Freemasonry , and which offers every prospect of being conducted on these high and benevolent principles , which may be
denominated the corner stone of the great temple of Freemasonry . I am sure I only speak the sentiments of the brethren assembled when I say that wc wish the Zetland Lodge every prosperity ; may its officers be animated with tho love of 'light , ' that they may be able to dispense information to the brethren , and to convince them that all science and art aro but lilies that radiate to the Great Architect of the universe ; and the gratification he would feel in meeting with them in the Lodge Ancient , No . 30 , either as a- body , a deputation , or individually , he hoped to be able
to express at an early day . " The toast was received with great applause . Bro . Denovan , S . AL , in reply , said — Right AA'orshipful Sir and Brethren—I feel proud of tho honour that has fallen to my lot in receiving the commands of our Right AA ' orshipful Alaster to reply to this toast , and I beg to thank you ancl the brethren most cordially for tho kind maimer in which success to the Zetland was given and responded to . It had long been felt that there ought to be a Lodge of Freemasons in Grangemouth . Numerous communications were held by the brethreu
, who , being few in number , for a long time the obstacles to such au institution were deemed insurmountable ; but , though few in number , the brethren were very enthusiastic , and animated by the fact that Alasonry is in possession of "light , a "light" whose universal diffusion over the world is rapidly hastening the time predicted by our immortal , bard , when" Man to mau the world o ' er Shall brothers be and » ' that , "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Pearce and AVestou to the sublime degree of Master Mason , in that impressive manner which reminded the brethren of the pleasure they so often experienced by the efficient working of Bro . Abraham during the two years of his Alastership . He was supported by Bro . Fletcher , AV . AI . of Lodge of Peace and Harmony , and Bro . J . It . Stebbing , AV . AL of tho Lodge of Twelve Brethren , and a numerous attendance of members of the Lodge , of Past Masters , and visiting brethren . Bro . Fletcher , the AA . AI . of the Lodge of Peace ancl Harmonyin a speech full of the most Alasonic
, expressions , invited the AVorshipful Alaster , officers , aud brethren of the Royal Gloster Lodge to a banquet of the Lodge over whicli he presided , which invitation was accepted in language equally pleasing by tho acting AVorshipful Alaster . Tho Lodge was then closed , and a large number of brethren dined together . Tho usual toasts were given , ami some very happy and Afasonie responses made . STAFFORDSHIRE .
STAFFORD . —Staffordshire Knot Lodge ( No . 1 , 028 ) . —This Lodge , though only founded iu 1858 , is making very satisfactory progress , having now twenty-seven members . The monthly meeting was held at the Grand . 5 miction Railway Hotel , Stafford , on Tuesday , October 10 th , Bro . Chas . Trubshaw , AV . AL ( P . AI . No . 67-1 , P . Prov . S . G . AV . Staffordshire ) , presiding , supported by the whole of his officers aud eight members of the Lodge , who were honoured by the presence of Bro . Charles Stuart Law , one of the Grand Stewards of Scotland , and also AVorshipful Alaster of Lodge
No . -18 , of Edinburgh . After a successful and unanimous ballot had been taken for Messrs . G . C . Bancroft ; J . Loxdale AVarren , jun ., and G . Gordon AVarren , they were severally initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Order . Bros , the Rev . G . F . Clark , and Capt . Salt , M . P ., were then duly passed to the second degree . Bro . Thomas Aston was also raised to the sublime degree of Master Alason . The whole of those ceremonies wero performed by the esteemed AALAL , iu his usual impressive aud masterly manner . He expressed himself much pleased with the attention of the several candidates . The business of the Lodge being concluded , and the Lodge duly closed , the brethren retired to refreshment , and spent a happy evening .
Royal Arch.
A 1 ETEOPOL 1 TAN . ROBERT BUIIXS CHAPTER ( No . -25 ) . —This Chapter held its first convocation for the season on Tuesday , the 25 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Comps . Allen , Z . ; Hewlett , II . ; Harrison , J . ; aud the other oflicers being present . The business of the evening consisted in exalting Bros . Clements , P . AL , No . 25 ; Nicholls , No . 25 ; Clark , No . 715 . The Chapter was tlieu closed , and the Companions afterwards dined together , Comp . AllenAI . E . Z . presiding . The customary toasts having been iven
, , g , Comp . J . Savage , S . G . D ., returned thanks , and , for himself and the other Graud Officers , thanked the Companions for the compliment that had been paid them . The AI . E . Z . then proposed " The A 1 sitors , " including among them Comp . Dr . Nolan , who had so kindly honoured them with his presence . Comp . Dr . Nolan remarked that tbe visitors could not but feel honoured by the good wishes of the ALE . Z . He heartil y congratulated the Chapter on the events of that day . For himself he would say it gave him great pleasure to be present , aud , with the other
visitors , could not but be pleased with the auspicious prospect which the Robert Burns Chapter presented , and gratified with the hospitality with which they been received , for which , through him , they returned their most grateful thanks . The AI . E . Z . then proposed " The newly exalted Companions . " Comp . Clements , for himself and Comps . Nicholls and Clark , thanked them for the hearty response with which their healths had been drunk ; he could but very inadequately express the pleasure ho experienced at having taken another step in
Freemasonry . He felt grateful for that brotherly feeling in admitting them to a participation in the privileges of their exalted degree , and their most earnest endeavours would be stimulated to deserve tho honour of being admitted amongst them by a constant desire to preserve that good name in the Chapter whicli they had hitherto maintained in the Craft , whether as Companions of the white or Companions of the red . After the other usual routine toasts the Companions separated . UNITED Pu . cau . vs CHAPTER ( NO . 7-15 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter
was held at tbe Manor House , Walworth , on the 20 th ult . The ceremonies of installing the Principals , and exalting a candidate , were performed by Comp . T . Alex . Adams , P . Z ., of Chapter No . 206 , in his usual able , impressive , ancl solemn manner . Comp . C . Ireland ( AV . M . of No . -05 ) was installed First Principal ; Comp . D . R . Farmer ( AV . AL No . 25 ) , Second Principal ; and J . Ii . AVarren , Third Principal ; a , committee of Companions was appointed to select and report a suitable place of meeting , circumstances having arisen to necessitate the removal of the Chapter .
GRANGEAIOUTH . I'HOV . GBA 5 D LODGE OF STIRLINGSHIRE . TUESDAY , the 18 th inst ., having been appointed by Colonel Sir Alexander Gibson Maitland , Prov , G . AI . ol Stirlingshire , for tbe consecration
of the Zetland Lodge , Grangemouth , No . 391 , ancl the installation of its office bearers , the Prov . Grand Lodge assembled there ou that day . In the absence of the Prov . Grand Alaster , the It . AV . D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Dyson , presided , supported among others by Bros . J . Peebles , Prov . S . W . ; It Rutherford , J . AV . ; D . Stewart , Treasurer ; AVm . M'Leay , Secretary ; Rev . Andrew R . Bonar , G . Chaplain ; Peter Gardner , S . D . ; J . Alurphi , J . D . ; Alexander Ale Ewan , Sword Bearer ; Stembridge Rae , Grand Organist ; W . AL Bryce , Graud Marshal ; Thomas Robertson , Grand Tyler .
Among the acting Prov . Grand Stewards , we observed Bros . Charles Stuart 'Law , Charles Donaldson , J . Murr , A . Robertson , and J . AV . Storrer . The Prov . Grand Lodge being opened in duo . form by tbe Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , the consecration ceremony was ably performed by the Rev . Prov . Grand Chaplain ; the Grand Organist conducting the chanting of the various anthems in ; i manner we have seldom heard equalled . At the conclusionof the consecrationthe following office bearers
, , wore installed bv the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster : —Bros . Simpson , AA . AL ; Lang , IXAL ; Donovan , S . AI . ; AVatson , S . AV . ; Allan , J . AV . ; AA * alker , Treas .: Clarke , Sec . ; Hodge , S . D . ; Dalrymple , J . D , ; Mitchell , I . G . ; Clarke , Tyler . These brethren lieing invested with the various insignia of their respective offices by Bro . Chas . Stuart Law , AALAL , No . -IS , who delivered an appropriate charge to each , the Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , the brethren proceeding to the church , where divine service was conducted by the Rev . Andrew Bonar .
At five P . M . tho brethren returned to the hall , where dinner was prepared for about one hundred aud fifty , presided over by Bro . Dyson , R . W . AI . of the " Ancient , " supported by Bro . Simpson , the newly installed Alaster of the Lodge ; the Rev . Bro . Bonar , acting G . Chaplain ; Bro . Law , G . Steward of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Bro . Downing Bruce , 11 . AV . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , Alloa . Bro . J . Peebles , of the Ancient , occupied the chair of the S . AA . ; and Bro . Rutherford , of the Ancient , that of the S . AA . After the usual loyal toasts had been gone through ,
Tbe chairman craved as the next toast , the " Grand Lodge of England ; " ancl the way w-hich he alluded to tho M . AV . G . M . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , as a nobleman and a brother Alason , found its way to the hearts of all the assembled brethren ; the " Grand Lodge of Ireland , " coupled with the name of the Duke of Leiuster , came next in rotation , followed by the " Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Duke of Athole . " Tho next toast was given from the chairmanthe •' ¦ ' Army and Navy "
, , and which was very ably replied to by Bro . Downing Bruce , who , after a very enthusiastic allusion to the daring deeds of our soldiers in the Crimea , the noble aud successful struggle they had in India , and the recent operations in China , wound up in a very quiet and telling maimer how the spread of Alasonry had been , accomplished throughout the world through tho influence of the British arm } -. Bro . Law then rose to propose tho health of the Prov . G . ALCol . Sir
, Alexander Gibson Maitland , Bart ., and after passing several eulogiums upon him as a man and as a soldier , lie congratulated the brethren of the province in having as their head one of the best Masons in Scotland , whose military duties at Aldershott alone prevented his presiding on the present occasion . ( The toast was received with immense cheering ) . Tho chairman afterwards gave what may be considered the toast of the evening— " The Prosperity of the Lodge Zetland , " and enlarged on the duties that devolved on n Freemason , not only in the Lodgo , but
also in his outward walk aud conversation through life ; and m continuation said , " it must have been very gratifying to the brethren assembled to witness the inauguration of a Lodge which promises to be one of the most successful in the district . Aly brother officers and myself have derived the greatest pleasure from assisting at the ceremony of the consecration of this Lodge—a Lodge which wa . s founded in the purest spirit of Freemasonry , and which offers every prospect of being conducted on these high and benevolent principles , which may be
denominated the corner stone of the great temple of Freemasonry . I am sure I only speak the sentiments of the brethren assembled when I say that wc wish the Zetland Lodge every prosperity ; may its officers be animated with tho love of 'light , ' that they may be able to dispense information to the brethren , and to convince them that all science and art aro but lilies that radiate to the Great Architect of the universe ; and the gratification he would feel in meeting with them in the Lodge Ancient , No . 30 , either as a- body , a deputation , or individually , he hoped to be able
to express at an early day . " The toast was received with great applause . Bro . Denovan , S . AL , in reply , said — Right AA'orshipful Sir and Brethren—I feel proud of tho honour that has fallen to my lot in receiving the commands of our Right AA ' orshipful Alaster to reply to this toast , and I beg to thank you ancl the brethren most cordially for tho kind maimer in which success to the Zetland was given and responded to . It had long been felt that there ought to be a Lodge of Freemasons in Grangemouth . Numerous communications were held by the brethreu
, who , being few in number , for a long time the obstacles to such au institution were deemed insurmountable ; but , though few in number , the brethren were very enthusiastic , and animated by the fact that Alasonry is in possession of "light , a "light" whose universal diffusion over the world is rapidly hastening the time predicted by our immortal , bard , when" Man to mau the world o ' er Shall brothers be and » ' that , "