Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . WALLACE wished to know if he had committed an error ? The R . W . D . G . MASTER said there was no charge against him of having done anything wrong . Bro . WALLACE wished to read a document which had not been produced with the other correspondence . Bro . HAVERS said it would not be wise to enter into personal
questions , for , if they were once to do so , there was no telling where it would stop , aud he would advise Bro . Wallace to let the matter drop . The R . W . D . G . MASTER having looked at the paper proposed to be read by Bro . Wallace , said he found iu it nothing of a Masonic , but a good deal of matter of a private character ,
and , therefore , he could not accept it . A Brother moved that Bro . Fleming ' s decision be confirmed . The G . REGISTRAR remarked that nothing hacl been said against Bro . Wallace ' s character . If Bro . Way had black-balled him over and over again , ancl refused to give any reasons fordoing it , he had a perfect right to do so . The lodge had
adjucated upon the question ; they had sent the result to the Prov . G . M ., and he had received the thanks of the lodge for the way in which he had dealt with it . He seconded tho motion that the decision of the Prov . G . M . be confirmed . Bro . MASON sympathised with Bro . Wallace , in his desire to vindicate his character ; but as no charge hacl been made against him , he should move , as an amendment , that he bo requested to withdraw his appeal , and rest satisfied with the decision of the Pi-ov . G . M .
The R . W . D . G . MASTER said he could not agree that Grand Lodge should malce any recommendation to Bro . Wallace . The motion was then put and carried , with but one dissentient . THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . Twelve Past Masters were nominated to serve on tho Board of Benevolence , and there being no other proposition , they were
declared to be unanimously elected . R EPORT OF THE B OARD OF B ENEVOLENCE . On the motion of Bro . SAVAGE , the report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was received and entered on tlie minutes . It contained recommendations for the following grants : —
Bro . J . S ., of the Domatic Loclge ( No . 177 ) , Loudon ... £ 50 „ T . G ., of tho Loclge of Prudence ( No . 388 ) , Halesworth 30 „ J . D ., of the Vitruvian Lodge ( No . 87 ) , London 50 The whole of these recommendations were agreed to , but some conditions were , after a discussion , attached to the first . The
other recommendations contained in the report were agreed to . To the report was subjoined a statement ol the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 13 th November instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 2855 10 * . Sd ., ancl in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 713 8 s . Id ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 1710 lis . Gd . ; and there is in tho unappropriated account £ » 18110 s . 8 c * .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES moved that the report of the Board be received and entered on the minutes . The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES said there was one paragraph in the report which he wished to refer to , in which it was stated that the Board had had under their consideration the great increase of work in the office of the Grand
Secretary , in consequence of the continuing extension of the Craft ; and therefore the Board were of opinion that an increase in the staff of clerks was absolutely necessary . He moved " That Grand Lodge do sanction the appointment of an additional clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , at a salary not exceeding £ 100 per annum . " The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed to . ¦
The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES said it was with great regret he had to bring under the notice of Grand Lodge the fact that the Wear Loclge ( No . 427 ) , Chester-• 4 e-stveet , Durham , and the Sefton Lodge ( No 680 ) , Waterloo , Liverpool , hacl made no returns since September , 1859 , although repeatedly applied to . He was therefore compelled under the
law to move that they be summoned to attend the meeting of Grand Lodge in March next , to show cause why they should not respectively be erased . The D . G . M . put the motion , which was carried unanimously .
THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY . On the motion of Bro . HAVERS , the report was taken as read . Bro . HAVERS , in moving that the report be received and entered on the minutes , wished to draw the attention of the brethren to the last paragraph of it , as there appeared to bean impression that some part of the present building was about to be pulled down , and that the brethren would be put to
inconvenience . Now , he wished to state that it was not intended to remove any part of the present buildings until the first section of the new building is completed , when a temporary entrance will he made to it , so that the Craft will be put to as little in . convenience as possible . He should move that the report he received , and then he should make a statement of some pleasing
circumstances which had occurred since the printing of the report . The motion was put and agreed to . Bro . HAVERS then said that the Craft was entitled to the earliest information from the committee who hud been appointed to act on their behalf . They had submitted their specifications
for the work to nine or ten of the leading builders , ancl the tender of Mi-. Ryder had been accepted for £ 2 » 1 , 170 . He would explain these tenders—which was £ 15 , 280 for tho first section aud £ 8090 for the second section . It would be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that twelve months ago the estimats for the new buildings was between £ 35 , 000 and £ 10 , 000 , but he
was happy to say that the two first sections had been taken for the sum he had named , £ 2 » i » , l 70 , and in tho five lowest tenders there was barely a difference of £ 1000 . It was intended in a few days to proceed with the work , ancl he hoped in a short time to ask the Grand Master to lay the foundation-stone of a building which should do honour to the Craft , and he an ornament to the metropolis . ( Hear , hear . )
APPEAL FROM JERSEY . The following notices of appeals from Jersey appeared on the paper : — "Appeal of Bro . Philip Baudains , of Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " " Appeal of Bro . Charles A . Rondeux , of Loclge La Cesaree
( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " "Appeal of Bro . E . Alavoine , of Loclge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " "Appeal of Bro . A . Desmoulins , and eight others of the Lodge La Cesaree ( Mo . 590 ) , Jersey , against their suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " The G . SECRETARY read a long correspondence which had taken place between Bro . Hammond , Prov . G . M . of Jersey , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Bro . WALLACE wished to know if he had committed an error ? The R . W . D . G . MASTER said there was no charge against him of having done anything wrong . Bro . WALLACE wished to read a document which had not been produced with the other correspondence . Bro . HAVERS said it would not be wise to enter into personal
questions , for , if they were once to do so , there was no telling where it would stop , aud he would advise Bro . Wallace to let the matter drop . The R . W . D . G . MASTER having looked at the paper proposed to be read by Bro . Wallace , said he found iu it nothing of a Masonic , but a good deal of matter of a private character ,
and , therefore , he could not accept it . A Brother moved that Bro . Fleming ' s decision be confirmed . The G . REGISTRAR remarked that nothing hacl been said against Bro . Wallace ' s character . If Bro . Way had black-balled him over and over again , ancl refused to give any reasons fordoing it , he had a perfect right to do so . The lodge had
adjucated upon the question ; they had sent the result to the Prov . G . M ., and he had received the thanks of the lodge for the way in which he had dealt with it . He seconded tho motion that the decision of the Prov . G . M . be confirmed . Bro . MASON sympathised with Bro . Wallace , in his desire to vindicate his character ; but as no charge hacl been made against him , he should move , as an amendment , that he bo requested to withdraw his appeal , and rest satisfied with the decision of the Pi-ov . G . M .
The R . W . D . G . MASTER said he could not agree that Grand Lodge should malce any recommendation to Bro . Wallace . The motion was then put and carried , with but one dissentient . THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE . Twelve Past Masters were nominated to serve on tho Board of Benevolence , and there being no other proposition , they were
declared to be unanimously elected . R EPORT OF THE B OARD OF B ENEVOLENCE . On the motion of Bro . SAVAGE , the report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was received and entered on tlie minutes . It contained recommendations for the following grants : —
Bro . J . S ., of the Domatic Loclge ( No . 177 ) , Loudon ... £ 50 „ T . G ., of tho Loclge of Prudence ( No . 388 ) , Halesworth 30 „ J . D ., of the Vitruvian Lodge ( No . 87 ) , London 50 The whole of these recommendations were agreed to , but some conditions were , after a discussion , attached to the first . The
other recommendations contained in the report were agreed to . To the report was subjoined a statement ol the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on the 13 th November instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 2855 10 * . Sd ., ancl in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 713 8 s . Id ., to the Fund of General Purposes £ 1710 lis . Gd . ; and there is in tho unappropriated account £ » 18110 s . 8 c * .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES moved that the report of the Board be received and entered on the minutes . The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES said there was one paragraph in the report which he wished to refer to , in which it was stated that the Board had had under their consideration the great increase of work in the office of the Grand
Secretary , in consequence of the continuing extension of the Craft ; and therefore the Board were of opinion that an increase in the staff of clerks was absolutely necessary . He moved " That Grand Lodge do sanction the appointment of an additional clerk in the Grand Secretary ' s office , at a salary not exceeding £ 100 per annum . " The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed to . ¦
The PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES said it was with great regret he had to bring under the notice of Grand Lodge the fact that the Wear Loclge ( No . 427 ) , Chester-• 4 e-stveet , Durham , and the Sefton Lodge ( No 680 ) , Waterloo , Liverpool , hacl made no returns since September , 1859 , although repeatedly applied to . He was therefore compelled under the
law to move that they be summoned to attend the meeting of Grand Lodge in March next , to show cause why they should not respectively be erased . The D . G . M . put the motion , which was carried unanimously .
THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY . On the motion of Bro . HAVERS , the report was taken as read . Bro . HAVERS , in moving that the report be received and entered on the minutes , wished to draw the attention of the brethren to the last paragraph of it , as there appeared to bean impression that some part of the present building was about to be pulled down , and that the brethren would be put to
inconvenience . Now , he wished to state that it was not intended to remove any part of the present buildings until the first section of the new building is completed , when a temporary entrance will he made to it , so that the Craft will be put to as little in . convenience as possible . He should move that the report he received , and then he should make a statement of some pleasing
circumstances which had occurred since the printing of the report . The motion was put and agreed to . Bro . HAVERS then said that the Craft was entitled to the earliest information from the committee who hud been appointed to act on their behalf . They had submitted their specifications
for the work to nine or ten of the leading builders , ancl the tender of Mi-. Ryder had been accepted for £ 2 » 1 , 170 . He would explain these tenders—which was £ 15 , 280 for tho first section aud £ 8090 for the second section . It would be in the recollection of Grand Lodge that twelve months ago the estimats for the new buildings was between £ 35 , 000 and £ 10 , 000 , but he
was happy to say that the two first sections had been taken for the sum he had named , £ 2 » i » , l 70 , and in tho five lowest tenders there was barely a difference of £ 1000 . It was intended in a few days to proceed with the work , ancl he hoped in a short time to ask the Grand Master to lay the foundation-stone of a building which should do honour to the Craft , and he an ornament to the metropolis . ( Hear , hear . )
APPEAL FROM JERSEY . The following notices of appeals from Jersey appeared on the paper : — "Appeal of Bro . Philip Baudains , of Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " " Appeal of Bro . Charles A . Rondeux , of Loclge La Cesaree
( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " "Appeal of Bro . E . Alavoine , of Loclge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , against his suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " "Appeal of Bro . A . Desmoulins , and eight others of the Lodge La Cesaree ( Mo . 590 ) , Jersey , against their suspension from Masonic privileges by the Provincial Grand Master of Jersey . " The G . SECRETARY read a long correspondence which had taken place between Bro . Hammond , Prov . G . M . of Jersey , and