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and impressive manner , which will doubtless he long remembered by the brethren who were present . The newly-installed W . M ., having taken the chair , proceeded to appoint the following officers , who were invested by Bro . Collinson with the jewels of their respective offices , ancl who at the same time addressed to each officer a few kind and appropriate remarks in relation to his duties : —Bros . J . Stone , S . W . ; J . J . Staley , . T . W . ; W . G . Whoatcroft , Sec ; Walter Kirkland , S . D . ; J .
Kinder , J . D . ; W . Smith , I . G . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for Mr . Edward Lacy , who was unanimously approved , ancl was forthwith duly initiated , with all the solemnities of the Craft , into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony of initiation being performed by Bro . Pratt , W . M . of the Beaureper Lodge , in an admirable manner . The lodge was then closed in ancient and solemn form , aud the brethrenfortin numbersat clown to a sumptuous banquet .
, y , The W . M . presided , ancl the following brethren were present -. —Bros . J . Gamble , Prov . S . G . W . ; S . Collinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Leacroft ancl B . Leacroft , of tho Tyrian Loclge ; Merchant and Jones , of the Arboretum Lodge ; Sutton anclBentley , of the Moria Lodge , Staley bridge ; Pratt , W . M ., S . Stone , Sec , Pring ancl Watson , of the Beaureper Loclge , Belper ; and I . Bowmer , P . M ., W . J . Neale , P . M ., J . Stone , S . W ., J . J . Staley , J . W ., B . Street , Treas ., W . G . Wheatcroft , Sec , Walter
Kirkland , S . D ., J . Kinder , J . D ., W . Smith , I . G ., C . Walker , S . D ., G-. J . Smith , S . W ., C . Wright , J . W ., Allsop , J . Pickard , W . Shaw , W . Brooker , T . H . Newbold , J . W . Lee , G . Kuowles , H . Tomlinson , Dr . Webb , N . Wheateroft , J . C . Taylor , F . Barton , W . L . Hall , J . North , and E . Lacy , of the Derwent Lodge . After the cloth was drawn , " The Queen and the Craft" was proposed in . appropriate terms , by the AV . M . —The W . MASTER next proposed "The Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master of England . " —Bro . J . STONE , S . W ., proposed "The Right Worshipful the Earl cle Grey ancl Ripon , Deputy Grand Master of
England . "—Bro . J . J . STALEY , J . W ., gave "The Blost Noble the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , " whom he regretted , as he was sure all his brethren did , that he was not that day able to be amongst ihein . —Bro . W . G . WHEATCROFT , Sec , in appropriate terms , proposed "Bro . C . R . Colville , D . Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , and the Officers of the Provincial Gravid Lodge . "—Bro . Alderman JOHN GAMBLE , P . Prov . S . G . W ., responded in a neat and
feeling speech . — -Bro . I . BOWMER , P . M ., proposed in complimentary terms " The Worshipful Master of the Derwent Lodge . "—Bro . HINDLE , W . M ., responded to the toast in a sensible speech , ancl gave " The Immediate P . M . "—Bro . BOWMER appropriately replied . —Bro . "WALTER KIRKLAND , S . D ., gave in complimentary terms " The Installing Officer , Bro . Collinson , " who had that day performed so ably the imposing of the installation of their W . M . —Bro . COLLINSON
ceremony , P . Prov . S . G . D ., responded , ancl expressed the pleasure he always felt in meeting ancl assisting his Masonic brethren . —The AV . MASTER proposed " The W . M . of the Beaureper Lodge , " whom he complimented for the admirable manner in which he performed the ceremony of initiation . —Bro . PRATT , AV . M . of the BeaureperLodge , responded in an excellent speech . —The WM . of the Tyrian Lodge was next proposed ancl appropriately responded
to by Bro . F . Leacroft . —Bro . AV . L . HALL proposed " The Past Officers of the Derwent Lodge , " and Bro . Walker , S . D ., in . a neat speech , responded . —The W . MASTER proposed " The newly initiated Brother , " to which Bro . Lucy duly responded . — "Our Visiting Brethren , " responded to by Bros . SUTTON and BENTIEY , and " Our Absent Brethren , " proposed by Bro . NEWBOLD , closed the listand it is scarcely necessary to say that a more
deliht-, g ful gathering was never witnessed in AA'irksworth . The game was kindly furnished by Bro . Capt . A . F . Hurt and Bro . AV . G . AVheatcroft , and the dinner was admirably served by Bro . North . The proceedings were greatly enlivened by the excellent singing of Bro . Eennolf , of Chesterfield .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 202 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Lodge Room , No . 2 , St . Stephen's-street , Devonport , on Thursday , the 26 th November . This being the night for the election of a W . M . for the ensuing term , there was a full attendance of the brethren . Present—Bros . S . Crocker , AV . M . ; John Rogers , as P . M . ; Fox , P . M ., as S . W ., in the place of Bro . Mui-ch , S . W ., who was unwell ; Ash , J . AV . ; J . R . Eickell , P . M ., Sec ; Copplestone , P . M ., Treas . ; AVelch , S . D . ; Hawkins , J . D . ; Ryall , I . G . j Price , Steward ;
Radmore , Tyler ; Murch , S . AV . ; Earle , D . Sale , R . Sale , Rockett , Mackay , Carling , Nankwell , Nichols , Simpson , Woodrow , Strathon , Collins , and others . A'isitors—Bros . W . G . Davis , 190 ; M . Bentley and C . Stockman , 387 , and Heath , 954 . The minutes of the last regular lodge night , and of an emergency meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge then proceeded to ballot for Messrs . W . Paul and Thomas Richards , as candidates for
initiation , and for Bro . John Sutton , of Lodges Nos . 182 ancl 954 , as a joining member ; and the ballot having been declared all clear , Messrs . W . Paul and T . Richards were admitted in due form , ancl initiated into the E . A . degree by the W . M ., the charge appertaining to this degree being separately delrvered to each of the newly initiated brethren by Bro . Rogers , P . M . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bros . AA"bodrow and Strathon were examinedancl the lodge was
, opened in- the third degree , when they were introduced and raised tothesublime degree of M . M ., this ceremony heingably performed by Bro . Bickell , P . M . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , ancl the brethren having voted £ 11 * . as relief to the widow of a deceased brother , and the AV . M . having announced the remaining business for which the lodge had been convened , viz ., to elect a W . M ., Treasurer , aucl Tyler for the ensuing year , John Rogers , P . M ., suggested the propriety of
electing a P . M . as the AV . M . This evoked a spirited discussion , after which he proposed Bro . Bickell , P . M ., as W . M . This was duly seconded , ancl Bro . Copplestone , P . M ., proposed Bro . Murch , S . W ., as the AV . M . ; this was also duly seconded , and , upon a ballot being taken , Bro . Murch was declared elected the AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Copplestone , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas ., as was also Bro . Radnor as Tyler . Some routine business having been disposed of , the business of
the lodge was brought to a close by a gentleman being duly proposed and seconded as a candidate for initiation . Lodge was then closed , and some of the brethren retired from labour to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . H . B . White , was assisted by the various officers of the lodge , and an excellent attendance of members . The lodge being opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , Bro . W .
Robinson was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., in a most precise ancl effective manner . The lodge was closed down , and a ballot was taken for a AV . M . for the ensuing year , which proved unanimously in favour of Bro . John Bowes , the present J . AV . and See . Bro . H . B . AVhite was unanimously elected Treasurer ; the Tyler , Bro . Joseph Robinson , was re-elected . Auditors having been appointed ancl several communications readthe loclge was closed ancl the brethren separated in
har-, mony . The Festival of St . John will be celebrated on Tuesday , December 29 th . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 302 ) . —On Monday , the 23 rd ult ., an elegant and richly chased tea and coffee service was presented to Bro . John Thomas Robinson . The tea-pot had
beautifully engraved upon it : — " This silver service presented to Jno . Thomas Robinson , P . M ., by his Masonic brethren of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , as a testimonial of esteem and gratitude for his valuable services rendered to the loclge , Nov . 23 , 1863 . " The presentation , on behalf of the lodge , was made by the AV . M ., Bro . Manoah Rhodes , who , in a lengthened and eloquent speech , addressed Bro . Robinson in the most gratifying
and affectionate terms , thanking him for the long continued , varied , and important services which he had rendered , and which the brethren of the lodge—by this voluntary token of their approval—wished to acknowledge . Bro . Robinson , in a suitable reply , feelingly thanked the lodge for the kind and indulgent manner in which they had been pleased to recognise his services . There was a full attendance , a most agreeable evening was spent , interesting speeches were delivered , interspersed with glees , & c „ and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and warmly responded to .
Too much asseveration gives a ground of suspicion . Truth and honesty have no need of loud protestations .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and impressive manner , which will doubtless he long remembered by the brethren who were present . The newly-installed W . M ., having taken the chair , proceeded to appoint the following officers , who were invested by Bro . Collinson with the jewels of their respective offices , ancl who at the same time addressed to each officer a few kind and appropriate remarks in relation to his duties : —Bros . J . Stone , S . W . ; J . J . Staley , . T . W . ; W . G . Whoatcroft , Sec ; Walter Kirkland , S . D . ; J .
Kinder , J . D . ; W . Smith , I . G . The brethren then proceeded to ballot for Mr . Edward Lacy , who was unanimously approved , ancl was forthwith duly initiated , with all the solemnities of the Craft , into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry ; the ceremony of initiation being performed by Bro . Pratt , W . M . of the Beaureper Lodge , in an admirable manner . The lodge was then closed in ancient and solemn form , aud the brethrenfortin numbersat clown to a sumptuous banquet .
, y , The W . M . presided , ancl the following brethren were present -. —Bros . J . Gamble , Prov . S . G . W . ; S . Collinson , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Leacroft ancl B . Leacroft , of tho Tyrian Loclge ; Merchant and Jones , of the Arboretum Lodge ; Sutton anclBentley , of the Moria Lodge , Staley bridge ; Pratt , W . M ., S . Stone , Sec , Pring ancl Watson , of the Beaureper Loclge , Belper ; and I . Bowmer , P . M ., W . J . Neale , P . M ., J . Stone , S . W ., J . J . Staley , J . W ., B . Street , Treas ., W . G . Wheatcroft , Sec , Walter
Kirkland , S . D ., J . Kinder , J . D ., W . Smith , I . G ., C . Walker , S . D ., G-. J . Smith , S . W ., C . Wright , J . W ., Allsop , J . Pickard , W . Shaw , W . Brooker , T . H . Newbold , J . W . Lee , G . Kuowles , H . Tomlinson , Dr . Webb , N . Wheateroft , J . C . Taylor , F . Barton , W . L . Hall , J . North , and E . Lacy , of the Derwent Lodge . After the cloth was drawn , " The Queen and the Craft" was proposed in . appropriate terms , by the AV . M . —The W . MASTER next proposed "The Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master of England . " —Bro . J . STONE , S . W ., proposed "The Right Worshipful the Earl cle Grey ancl Ripon , Deputy Grand Master of
England . "—Bro . J . J . STALEY , J . W ., gave "The Blost Noble the Marquis of Hartington , Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , " whom he regretted , as he was sure all his brethren did , that he was not that day able to be amongst ihein . —Bro . W . G . WHEATCROFT , Sec , in appropriate terms , proposed "Bro . C . R . Colville , D . Prov . G . M . of Derbyshire , and the Officers of the Provincial Gravid Lodge . "—Bro . Alderman JOHN GAMBLE , P . Prov . S . G . W ., responded in a neat and
feeling speech . — -Bro . I . BOWMER , P . M ., proposed in complimentary terms " The Worshipful Master of the Derwent Lodge . "—Bro . HINDLE , W . M ., responded to the toast in a sensible speech , ancl gave " The Immediate P . M . "—Bro . BOWMER appropriately replied . —Bro . "WALTER KIRKLAND , S . D ., gave in complimentary terms " The Installing Officer , Bro . Collinson , " who had that day performed so ably the imposing of the installation of their W . M . —Bro . COLLINSON
ceremony , P . Prov . S . G . D ., responded , ancl expressed the pleasure he always felt in meeting ancl assisting his Masonic brethren . —The AV . MASTER proposed " The W . M . of the Beaureper Lodge , " whom he complimented for the admirable manner in which he performed the ceremony of initiation . —Bro . PRATT , AV . M . of the BeaureperLodge , responded in an excellent speech . —The WM . of the Tyrian Lodge was next proposed ancl appropriately responded
to by Bro . F . Leacroft . —Bro . AV . L . HALL proposed " The Past Officers of the Derwent Lodge , " and Bro . Walker , S . D ., in . a neat speech , responded . —The W . MASTER proposed " The newly initiated Brother , " to which Bro . Lucy duly responded . — "Our Visiting Brethren , " responded to by Bros . SUTTON and BENTIEY , and " Our Absent Brethren , " proposed by Bro . NEWBOLD , closed the listand it is scarcely necessary to say that a more
deliht-, g ful gathering was never witnessed in AA'irksworth . The game was kindly furnished by Bro . Capt . A . F . Hurt and Bro . AV . G . AVheatcroft , and the dinner was admirably served by Bro . North . The proceedings were greatly enlivened by the excellent singing of Bro . Eennolf , of Chesterfield .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPORT . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 202 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Lodge Room , No . 2 , St . Stephen's-street , Devonport , on Thursday , the 26 th November . This being the night for the election of a W . M . for the ensuing term , there was a full attendance of the brethren . Present—Bros . S . Crocker , AV . M . ; John Rogers , as P . M . ; Fox , P . M ., as S . W ., in the place of Bro . Mui-ch , S . W ., who was unwell ; Ash , J . AV . ; J . R . Eickell , P . M ., Sec ; Copplestone , P . M ., Treas . ; AVelch , S . D . ; Hawkins , J . D . ; Ryall , I . G . j Price , Steward ;
Radmore , Tyler ; Murch , S . AV . ; Earle , D . Sale , R . Sale , Rockett , Mackay , Carling , Nankwell , Nichols , Simpson , Woodrow , Strathon , Collins , and others . A'isitors—Bros . W . G . Davis , 190 ; M . Bentley and C . Stockman , 387 , and Heath , 954 . The minutes of the last regular lodge night , and of an emergency meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge then proceeded to ballot for Messrs . W . Paul and Thomas Richards , as candidates for
initiation , and for Bro . John Sutton , of Lodges Nos . 182 ancl 954 , as a joining member ; and the ballot having been declared all clear , Messrs . W . Paul and T . Richards were admitted in due form , ancl initiated into the E . A . degree by the W . M ., the charge appertaining to this degree being separately delrvered to each of the newly initiated brethren by Bro . Rogers , P . M . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bros . AA"bodrow and Strathon were examinedancl the lodge was
, opened in- the third degree , when they were introduced and raised tothesublime degree of M . M ., this ceremony heingably performed by Bro . Bickell , P . M . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , ancl the brethren having voted £ 11 * . as relief to the widow of a deceased brother , and the AV . M . having announced the remaining business for which the lodge had been convened , viz ., to elect a W . M ., Treasurer , aucl Tyler for the ensuing year , John Rogers , P . M ., suggested the propriety of
electing a P . M . as the AV . M . This evoked a spirited discussion , after which he proposed Bro . Bickell , P . M ., as W . M . This was duly seconded , ancl Bro . Copplestone , P . M ., proposed Bro . Murch , S . W ., as the AV . M . ; this was also duly seconded , and , upon a ballot being taken , Bro . Murch was declared elected the AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Copplestone , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas ., as was also Bro . Radnor as Tyler . Some routine business having been disposed of , the business of
the lodge was brought to a close by a gentleman being duly proposed and seconded as a candidate for initiation . Lodge was then closed , and some of the brethren retired from labour to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankey-street , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . H . B . White , was assisted by the various officers of the lodge , and an excellent attendance of members . The lodge being opened in solemn form according to ancient custom , Bro . W .
Robinson was passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., in a most precise ancl effective manner . The lodge was closed down , and a ballot was taken for a AV . M . for the ensuing year , which proved unanimously in favour of Bro . John Bowes , the present J . AV . and See . Bro . H . B . AVhite was unanimously elected Treasurer ; the Tyler , Bro . Joseph Robinson , was re-elected . Auditors having been appointed ancl several communications readthe loclge was closed ancl the brethren separated in
har-, mony . The Festival of St . John will be celebrated on Tuesday , December 29 th . YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 302 ) . —On Monday , the 23 rd ult ., an elegant and richly chased tea and coffee service was presented to Bro . John Thomas Robinson . The tea-pot had
beautifully engraved upon it : — " This silver service presented to Jno . Thomas Robinson , P . M ., by his Masonic brethren of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , as a testimonial of esteem and gratitude for his valuable services rendered to the loclge , Nov . 23 , 1863 . " The presentation , on behalf of the lodge , was made by the AV . M ., Bro . Manoah Rhodes , who , in a lengthened and eloquent speech , addressed Bro . Robinson in the most gratifying
and affectionate terms , thanking him for the long continued , varied , and important services which he had rendered , and which the brethren of the lodge—by this voluntary token of their approval—wished to acknowledge . Bro . Robinson , in a suitable reply , feelingly thanked the lodge for the kind and indulgent manner in which they had been pleased to recognise his services . There was a full attendance , a most agreeable evening was spent , interesting speeches were delivered , interspersed with glees , & c „ and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and warmly responded to .
Too much asseveration gives a ground of suspicion . Truth and honesty have no need of loud protestations .