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Mother Kilwinning.
certain brethren in Mauchline , debtors to the Box : if upon inquiry instituted by the Master , the circumstances of the said defaulters were found to be " necessitous" and unfavourable to the upliftment of their hills , it was agreed that " operation for payment " should not be proceeded with , and a number of these
protested bills seem eventuall y to have been consigned to oblivion , and the debtors forgiven . The mention of this trait in the character of the Mother Lodge , in contradistinction to their previously-recorded readiness to adopt harsh measures against their debtors , recalls to our recollection an equally pleasing feature
in the Masonic character of Burns , brought out in a letter addressed by him to the Tarbolton Kilwinning St . James , a copy of which , through the kindness of the Past Master of that Lodge ( James Brown , Esq ., ) we were permitted to take . Like Mother Kilwinning , Burn ' s Lodge had been victimised by brethren borrowing money upon the guarantee of bills the acceptance of which resulted iu loss to the funds of the lodge . While suffering from such cause the
Tarbolton brethren had in 1786 resolved to press for the payment of their lent money ; and it is iu reference to that resolution that the poet thus feelingly interposed to prevent its being rigorously put in execution : "MEN AND BRETHREN , —I am truly sorry it is not in my power to be at your quarterly meeting . If I must be absent in bodybelieve me I shall be
pre-, sent in spirit . I suppose those who owe us monies by bills , or otherwise , will appear . I mean those we summoned . If you please , I wish you would delay prosecuting defaulters till I come home . The Court is up , and I will be home before it sits down . In the meantime , to take a note of who appear and who do
not of our faulty debtors , will be right , in my humble opinion , and those who confess debt and crave days , I think we should spare them . —Farewell . " Within your clear Mansion May wayward contention , Or withered envy ne ' er enter—May Secrosy round
Be the mystical bound , And Brotherly Love be the centre ' . !! "ROBERT BURNS . " Ednr . 23 Augt ., 1787 . "
Manchester Masonic Relief Committee.
The following report of the Manchester Masonic Relief 'Committee , established solely for the purpose of relieving itinerant brethren , and non in any way interfering with relief which lodges may feel disposed to grant either to their own members or otherwise , has just been issued . The committee is formed of representatives from each lodge in Manchester , and the necessary funds are raised
by calls pro rata as often as necessary . Much imposition has been detected by the means adopted of communicating with similar committees in Liverpool and Birmingham , and it is worthy of consideration how far the system might be advantageously adopted in other towns . The committee have much pleasure in presenting their Fourth Report to the contributing lodges to this fund
, being satisfied with the results which have been achieved since its organisation in March , 1861 , and which have fully realised their most sanguine expectations . Believing iu the permanent establishment of the relief fund as one of the most useful institutions connected with the Order , and that lodges and individual members also acquiesce in this view , the committee ( desirous to
Manchester Masonic Relief Committee.
save expense ) have resolved to confine themselves , in future , to annual reports . Out of 92 applications for relief , since the last report was issued in September of last year , 82 have been relieved in sums varying from 2 s . 6 d . to £ 3 , and 9 only have been refused ; and although in some cases , subsequently to relief being granted , it has come to the
knowledge of the committee that the recipients have been unworthy Masons , yet the committee are convinced that they have been instrumental in . rendering timely and substantial assistance to many really distressed and deserving brethren . The Committees of Liverpool and Manchester , having experienced the value of a weekly interchange of reports
of cases relieved by each , felt desirous to lay this important matter before the Birmingham brethren , and a circular was posted to each of the lodges in that town , calling their attention to the subject , and expressing a desire for a conference . In May last a meeting was accordingly convened in Birmingham , over which Lord Leigh , Prov . G-. M . for "Warwickshire , presided ;
deputations from both committees attended , and , having explained their views , the meeting unanimously approved of the scheme , and resolutions were passed establishing a relief committee in that town ; the first report which
this committee received from them prevented a sum of money being thrown away upon an impostor . The committee tender their thanks to Bros . Marsh and Hine , the Hon . Secretaries , for the promptitude with which reports of cases have been exchanged ; to Bro . Blackburn , their Treasurer , and to the deputation to Birmingham , consisting of the Secretaries , Bros . J .
W . Petty and Lyons Wright , for their exertions in bringing to a successful issue the union of Birmingham , with the two committees . Three calls have been made upon contributing lodges during the past 12 mouths , amounting to £ 59 lis . cash received from other sources , £ 25 , amounting altogether ( with the balance brought forward from the last report )
to £ 85 Os . 7 c ? . ; the disbursements are , relief granted , £ 92 16 s . 6 d . ; other expenses , £ 5 18 s . Qd ., leaving a balance due to the Treasurer of £ 13 15 s . 3 d . A call of Is . per member was made on the 20 th day of October last , and , to save delay in the collection of this and all future calls , it was resolved that Messrs . Bradley and Percy be requested to collect the same .
On behalf of the Committee , J . L . HIKE , Hon . Sec . Masonic Lodge Rooms , Cross-street , Manchester , Nov . 17 th , 18 G 3 .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
Tho following reports have been issued , aucl stand for consideration on Wednesday next : —• At a meeting of the Committee of Management , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the llth day of February , 1863 . It was Resolved , — " That a Sub-Committee , consisting of the members of the Finance Committee of Auditwith and
, Bros . E . Cox R . H . Giraud , he appointed to consider the duties and emoluments of the collector , and to report to the next meeting of the Committee of Management . " At the meeting of the Committee of Management , on Wednesday , the llth Mai-jh , 18 G 3 , The following report of the Sub-Committee was read
viz .: — REPOET 01 ? THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CONSIDEB THE DUTIES AND EMOLUMENTS or COILECTOB TO THE ROYAI , BENEVOLENT 1 INSTITUTION JOB AGED FBEEHASONS AND TIIEIE WIDOWS . Your committee , having taken into their consideration the matters referred to them at the last meeting of the committee ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mother Kilwinning.
certain brethren in Mauchline , debtors to the Box : if upon inquiry instituted by the Master , the circumstances of the said defaulters were found to be " necessitous" and unfavourable to the upliftment of their hills , it was agreed that " operation for payment " should not be proceeded with , and a number of these
protested bills seem eventuall y to have been consigned to oblivion , and the debtors forgiven . The mention of this trait in the character of the Mother Lodge , in contradistinction to their previously-recorded readiness to adopt harsh measures against their debtors , recalls to our recollection an equally pleasing feature
in the Masonic character of Burns , brought out in a letter addressed by him to the Tarbolton Kilwinning St . James , a copy of which , through the kindness of the Past Master of that Lodge ( James Brown , Esq ., ) we were permitted to take . Like Mother Kilwinning , Burn ' s Lodge had been victimised by brethren borrowing money upon the guarantee of bills the acceptance of which resulted iu loss to the funds of the lodge . While suffering from such cause the
Tarbolton brethren had in 1786 resolved to press for the payment of their lent money ; and it is iu reference to that resolution that the poet thus feelingly interposed to prevent its being rigorously put in execution : "MEN AND BRETHREN , —I am truly sorry it is not in my power to be at your quarterly meeting . If I must be absent in bodybelieve me I shall be
pre-, sent in spirit . I suppose those who owe us monies by bills , or otherwise , will appear . I mean those we summoned . If you please , I wish you would delay prosecuting defaulters till I come home . The Court is up , and I will be home before it sits down . In the meantime , to take a note of who appear and who do
not of our faulty debtors , will be right , in my humble opinion , and those who confess debt and crave days , I think we should spare them . —Farewell . " Within your clear Mansion May wayward contention , Or withered envy ne ' er enter—May Secrosy round
Be the mystical bound , And Brotherly Love be the centre ' . !! "ROBERT BURNS . " Ednr . 23 Augt ., 1787 . "
Manchester Masonic Relief Committee.
The following report of the Manchester Masonic Relief 'Committee , established solely for the purpose of relieving itinerant brethren , and non in any way interfering with relief which lodges may feel disposed to grant either to their own members or otherwise , has just been issued . The committee is formed of representatives from each lodge in Manchester , and the necessary funds are raised
by calls pro rata as often as necessary . Much imposition has been detected by the means adopted of communicating with similar committees in Liverpool and Birmingham , and it is worthy of consideration how far the system might be advantageously adopted in other towns . The committee have much pleasure in presenting their Fourth Report to the contributing lodges to this fund
, being satisfied with the results which have been achieved since its organisation in March , 1861 , and which have fully realised their most sanguine expectations . Believing iu the permanent establishment of the relief fund as one of the most useful institutions connected with the Order , and that lodges and individual members also acquiesce in this view , the committee ( desirous to
Manchester Masonic Relief Committee.
save expense ) have resolved to confine themselves , in future , to annual reports . Out of 92 applications for relief , since the last report was issued in September of last year , 82 have been relieved in sums varying from 2 s . 6 d . to £ 3 , and 9 only have been refused ; and although in some cases , subsequently to relief being granted , it has come to the
knowledge of the committee that the recipients have been unworthy Masons , yet the committee are convinced that they have been instrumental in . rendering timely and substantial assistance to many really distressed and deserving brethren . The Committees of Liverpool and Manchester , having experienced the value of a weekly interchange of reports
of cases relieved by each , felt desirous to lay this important matter before the Birmingham brethren , and a circular was posted to each of the lodges in that town , calling their attention to the subject , and expressing a desire for a conference . In May last a meeting was accordingly convened in Birmingham , over which Lord Leigh , Prov . G-. M . for "Warwickshire , presided ;
deputations from both committees attended , and , having explained their views , the meeting unanimously approved of the scheme , and resolutions were passed establishing a relief committee in that town ; the first report which
this committee received from them prevented a sum of money being thrown away upon an impostor . The committee tender their thanks to Bros . Marsh and Hine , the Hon . Secretaries , for the promptitude with which reports of cases have been exchanged ; to Bro . Blackburn , their Treasurer , and to the deputation to Birmingham , consisting of the Secretaries , Bros . J .
W . Petty and Lyons Wright , for their exertions in bringing to a successful issue the union of Birmingham , with the two committees . Three calls have been made upon contributing lodges during the past 12 mouths , amounting to £ 59 lis . cash received from other sources , £ 25 , amounting altogether ( with the balance brought forward from the last report )
to £ 85 Os . 7 c ? . ; the disbursements are , relief granted , £ 92 16 s . 6 d . ; other expenses , £ 5 18 s . Qd ., leaving a balance due to the Treasurer of £ 13 15 s . 3 d . A call of Is . per member was made on the 20 th day of October last , and , to save delay in the collection of this and all future calls , it was resolved that Messrs . Bradley and Percy be requested to collect the same .
On behalf of the Committee , J . L . HIKE , Hon . Sec . Masonic Lodge Rooms , Cross-street , Manchester , Nov . 17 th , 18 G 3 .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
Tho following reports have been issued , aucl stand for consideration on Wednesday next : —• At a meeting of the Committee of Management , holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the llth day of February , 1863 . It was Resolved , — " That a Sub-Committee , consisting of the members of the Finance Committee of Auditwith and
, Bros . E . Cox R . H . Giraud , he appointed to consider the duties and emoluments of the collector , and to report to the next meeting of the Committee of Management . " At the meeting of the Committee of Management , on Wednesday , the llth Mai-jh , 18 G 3 , The following report of the Sub-Committee was read
viz .: — REPOET 01 ? THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CONSIDEB THE DUTIES AND EMOLUMENTS or COILECTOB TO THE ROYAI , BENEVOLENT 1 INSTITUTION JOB AGED FBEEHASONS AND TIIEIE WIDOWS . Your committee , having taken into their consideration the matters referred to them at the last meeting of the committee ,