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Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
of the above institution , and been attended by the secretary and collector , beg to report as follows : — 1 . That the duties of collector have never been defined by any resolution of the committee ; it has , however , been hitherto the custom of the collector to give receipts for all sums of money contributed to the funds of this institution , whether by way of annual subscriptions or donations at the Festivals . 2 . They further consist of waiting upon donors and
subscribers for such sums as have been announced as annual contributions , and for such sums as remain unpaid by the stewards after announcement at the Festivals . 3 . It has hitherto been the custom for the secretary to receive various sums of money at the anniversary festivals . These sums are either handed over to the collector , or paid into the bankers' hands by the secretary , and receipts for the separate amounts are forwarded bthe collector to the various donors
y and subscribers . 4 . The secretary has also , from time to time , received donations and annual subscriptions sent to him from provincial and other brethren , for which he has given receipts in the usual manner ; the amount so received being paid by him into the hankers to the credit of the institution without the intervention of the collector , a commission of 5 per cent , being nevertheless allowed to the collector on such portions thereof as consist of
annual subscriptions . 5 . The emoluments of the collector have likewise never yet been determined on by resolution of the committee ; a remuneration of 5 per cent , has , however , since the appointment of a collector in 18-13 , been awarded on all sums received , whether collected by himself from annual subscribers , or paid by the
stewards of the Annual Festivals , or annua ! subscriptions received by the secretary . 6 . Your committee , in order to guide them in their determination , have calculated the aggregate sum received by the institutions in the years 1860 , 1861 , and 1862 ; and also how much of those sums were received by the secretary , and how much " b y the collector . 7 . In I 860 , the gross sum received ( inclusive of the annual
grants from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter ancl the dividends on funded property ) was £ 4158 11 * . 9 cL , of which sum £ 2634 Os . 9 c * . was received by the secretary , and £ 1524 lis . by the collector . 8 . In 1861 , the receipts amounted to £ 4509 7 s . 9 d . ; £ 2628 18 s . Sd . being paid into the hankers by the secretary , and £ 1880 9 s . 6 r * . by the collector . 9 In 1862 £ 5115 149 * receivedfor which
. , s . c . was , sum £ 3262 8 s . 9 c * . was paid to the secretary , and £ 1853 6 s . to the collector . 10 . Of the above amounts received by the collector , a large proportion consists of sums below 20 s .,- there having been paid to him , in 1860 , the sum of £ 452 15 s . 6 c " ., in 1509 payments averaging 6 s . each . In 1861 the sum of £ 343 14 s ., in 1106 payments averaging 6 s . 2 ic " . each ; and in 1862 , the sum of
£ 412 19 s . Gd ., in 1351 payments averaging 6 s . lid . each . 11 . Your committee have also calculated the sums paid to the collector , during the three before years , which are as follows : — £ s . d . For the year ending July , 1860 108 12 0 Do . do . 1861 126 12 3 Do . do . 1862 92 13 5
Making a total of 327 17 8 Being an average annual payment of £ 109 5 s . 10 d ., or Q \ per cent , on the sums received by the collector . 12 . Taking the before recited facts into consideration , and bearing in remembrance that many of the donations and subscriptions to this iustitution are in small sums , your committee
" beg to recommend : — 1 . That the duties of the collector be determined as consisting of the collecting the annual subscriptions to the funds of the institution , and of the outstanding donations at the Annual Festivals . 2 . That he be also empowered and directed to give receipts to the various donors and subscribers for such sums of
money as may be paid to tbe secretary on the occasion of the Anniversary Festivals . 3 . That be be paid a commission of 10 per cent , on all sums collected by himself under 20 s . each , and 5 per cent , on all
collections made by him of sums amounting to 20 s , and upwards . 4 . That the question of remuneration to be made to the collector on sums paid to the secretary be postponed until your committee , or a deputation to be appointed for that purpose , have had an opportunity of conferring with the committees of the other Masonic Charities upon the subject .
13 . This scale will ( if adopted ) , in the opinion of your committee , increase the amount of the receipts of the institution , whilst at the same time they calculate that the services of the collector will be rewarded by an annual payment of about 100 guineas . 14 . Your committee have also to report , that they have taken into their earnest consideration a letter from Bro . L . Newall , P . M . 273 and Prov . S . G . W . for East Lancashire , dated the 18 th
February last , recommending the appointment of provincial collectors , their recompense being limited to votes ; but viewing the suggestion as one not likely to benefit the institution , they refrain from advising the adoption of the suggestion , but would recommend to the committee a consideration of the question whether the institution ' s prosperity would or would not be promoted by awarding the rank of Vice-President to such stewards as bring to its funds a sum amounting to £ 100 and upwards , but without an addition to the number of votes they may be entitled to by virtue of their own subscriptions or donations .
( Signed ) J OHN TJDALL , RICHARD HEEYE GIEATJD , E . Cox , BENJAMIN HEAD . WILLIAM YOUNG-. March Xlth , 1863 . Resolved ,
" That the Sub-Committee appointed at the meeting in February , in reference to the duties and emoluments of the collector , be retained in office , until they make a report , on the suggestions contained in the foregoing report . " At the meeting of the Committee of Management , on Wednesday , the llth November , The following report , as requested hy the resolution of the Committee of Management of the llth March , was read , viz .:
—REPOET OE THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CONSIDER THE DUTIES AND EMOLUMENTS OE THE RESPECTIVE COLLECTOES TO THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOE BOYS , AND THE ROYAL FBEEHASONS' SCHOOL TOE FEMALE CHILDEEN . Your committee having met and deliberated upon the several matters connected with the duties and emoluments of the collectors to the above Charities , beg to report as follows -. — That the duties of collector to either Charity do not appear
to have ever been clearly defined by resolution of the Committee or General Meeting of either Charity . Each officer has been simply appointed to collect subscriptions and donations . That it has been the custom of the Secretaries of the above Charities to hand over any monies confided to their care on behalf of the respective Charities to the collectors , whose duties it has been to pay the same into the bankers and to forward receipts to the various subscribers and donors . This custom
has , however , been at times departed from , one or other of the Secretaries having occasionally paid the monies received by him to the bankers of the Institution to which he was immediately associated . That pursuant to a resolution of the House Committee , at a meeting held on the 21 st day of October , 1856 , it has been the habit of the collector to the Girls' School to attend at the office for four hours on two days in each week ; but such an
arrangement does not exist in the office of the Boys' School , the collector to that charity attending when and as often as he may desire to communicate with the Secretary . Your Committee have likewise to report , that in addition to the dnties of the collector to the Girls' School , Bro . Muggeridge has , for some years past , been paid a sum of £ 10 yearly as messenger to the Institution ; but your Committee are unable to report further this headthe duties of messenger never
upon , having been defined . The Secretary to the Girls' School , in the absence of such definition , declining to avail of Bro . Muggeridge's services in such a capacity , the payment has become an annual charge upon the funds of the Institution without any services being rendered as an equivalent .
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Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Their Widows.
of the above institution , and been attended by the secretary and collector , beg to report as follows : — 1 . That the duties of collector have never been defined by any resolution of the committee ; it has , however , been hitherto the custom of the collector to give receipts for all sums of money contributed to the funds of this institution , whether by way of annual subscriptions or donations at the Festivals . 2 . They further consist of waiting upon donors and
subscribers for such sums as have been announced as annual contributions , and for such sums as remain unpaid by the stewards after announcement at the Festivals . 3 . It has hitherto been the custom for the secretary to receive various sums of money at the anniversary festivals . These sums are either handed over to the collector , or paid into the bankers' hands by the secretary , and receipts for the separate amounts are forwarded bthe collector to the various donors
y and subscribers . 4 . The secretary has also , from time to time , received donations and annual subscriptions sent to him from provincial and other brethren , for which he has given receipts in the usual manner ; the amount so received being paid by him into the hankers to the credit of the institution without the intervention of the collector , a commission of 5 per cent , being nevertheless allowed to the collector on such portions thereof as consist of
annual subscriptions . 5 . The emoluments of the collector have likewise never yet been determined on by resolution of the committee ; a remuneration of 5 per cent , has , however , since the appointment of a collector in 18-13 , been awarded on all sums received , whether collected by himself from annual subscribers , or paid by the
stewards of the Annual Festivals , or annua ! subscriptions received by the secretary . 6 . Your committee , in order to guide them in their determination , have calculated the aggregate sum received by the institutions in the years 1860 , 1861 , and 1862 ; and also how much of those sums were received by the secretary , and how much " b y the collector . 7 . In I 860 , the gross sum received ( inclusive of the annual
grants from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter ancl the dividends on funded property ) was £ 4158 11 * . 9 cL , of which sum £ 2634 Os . 9 c * . was received by the secretary , and £ 1524 lis . by the collector . 8 . In 1861 , the receipts amounted to £ 4509 7 s . 9 d . ; £ 2628 18 s . Sd . being paid into the hankers by the secretary , and £ 1880 9 s . 6 r * . by the collector . 9 In 1862 £ 5115 149 * receivedfor which
. , s . c . was , sum £ 3262 8 s . 9 c * . was paid to the secretary , and £ 1853 6 s . to the collector . 10 . Of the above amounts received by the collector , a large proportion consists of sums below 20 s .,- there having been paid to him , in 1860 , the sum of £ 452 15 s . 6 c " ., in 1509 payments averaging 6 s . each . In 1861 the sum of £ 343 14 s ., in 1106 payments averaging 6 s . 2 ic " . each ; and in 1862 , the sum of
£ 412 19 s . Gd ., in 1351 payments averaging 6 s . lid . each . 11 . Your committee have also calculated the sums paid to the collector , during the three before years , which are as follows : — £ s . d . For the year ending July , 1860 108 12 0 Do . do . 1861 126 12 3 Do . do . 1862 92 13 5
Making a total of 327 17 8 Being an average annual payment of £ 109 5 s . 10 d ., or Q \ per cent , on the sums received by the collector . 12 . Taking the before recited facts into consideration , and bearing in remembrance that many of the donations and subscriptions to this iustitution are in small sums , your committee
" beg to recommend : — 1 . That the duties of the collector be determined as consisting of the collecting the annual subscriptions to the funds of the institution , and of the outstanding donations at the Annual Festivals . 2 . That he be also empowered and directed to give receipts to the various donors and subscribers for such sums of
money as may be paid to tbe secretary on the occasion of the Anniversary Festivals . 3 . That be be paid a commission of 10 per cent , on all sums collected by himself under 20 s . each , and 5 per cent , on all
collections made by him of sums amounting to 20 s , and upwards . 4 . That the question of remuneration to be made to the collector on sums paid to the secretary be postponed until your committee , or a deputation to be appointed for that purpose , have had an opportunity of conferring with the committees of the other Masonic Charities upon the subject .
13 . This scale will ( if adopted ) , in the opinion of your committee , increase the amount of the receipts of the institution , whilst at the same time they calculate that the services of the collector will be rewarded by an annual payment of about 100 guineas . 14 . Your committee have also to report , that they have taken into their earnest consideration a letter from Bro . L . Newall , P . M . 273 and Prov . S . G . W . for East Lancashire , dated the 18 th
February last , recommending the appointment of provincial collectors , their recompense being limited to votes ; but viewing the suggestion as one not likely to benefit the institution , they refrain from advising the adoption of the suggestion , but would recommend to the committee a consideration of the question whether the institution ' s prosperity would or would not be promoted by awarding the rank of Vice-President to such stewards as bring to its funds a sum amounting to £ 100 and upwards , but without an addition to the number of votes they may be entitled to by virtue of their own subscriptions or donations .
( Signed ) J OHN TJDALL , RICHARD HEEYE GIEATJD , E . Cox , BENJAMIN HEAD . WILLIAM YOUNG-. March Xlth , 1863 . Resolved ,
" That the Sub-Committee appointed at the meeting in February , in reference to the duties and emoluments of the collector , be retained in office , until they make a report , on the suggestions contained in the foregoing report . " At the meeting of the Committee of Management , on Wednesday , the llth November , The following report , as requested hy the resolution of the Committee of Management of the llth March , was read , viz .:
—REPOET OE THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO CONSIDER THE DUTIES AND EMOLUMENTS OE THE RESPECTIVE COLLECTOES TO THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION TOE BOYS , AND THE ROYAL FBEEHASONS' SCHOOL TOE FEMALE CHILDEEN . Your committee having met and deliberated upon the several matters connected with the duties and emoluments of the collectors to the above Charities , beg to report as follows -. — That the duties of collector to either Charity do not appear
to have ever been clearly defined by resolution of the Committee or General Meeting of either Charity . Each officer has been simply appointed to collect subscriptions and donations . That it has been the custom of the Secretaries of the above Charities to hand over any monies confided to their care on behalf of the respective Charities to the collectors , whose duties it has been to pay the same into the bankers and to forward receipts to the various subscribers and donors . This custom
has , however , been at times departed from , one or other of the Secretaries having occasionally paid the monies received by him to the bankers of the Institution to which he was immediately associated . That pursuant to a resolution of the House Committee , at a meeting held on the 21 st day of October , 1856 , it has been the habit of the collector to the Girls' School to attend at the office for four hours on two days in each week ; but such an
arrangement does not exist in the office of the Boys' School , the collector to that charity attending when and as often as he may desire to communicate with the Secretary . Your Committee have likewise to report , that in addition to the dnties of the collector to the Girls' School , Bro . Muggeridge has , for some years past , been paid a sum of £ 10 yearly as messenger to the Institution ; but your Committee are unable to report further this headthe duties of messenger never
upon , having been defined . The Secretary to the Girls' School , in the absence of such definition , declining to avail of Bro . Muggeridge's services in such a capacity , the payment has become an annual charge upon the funds of the Institution without any services being rendered as an equivalent .