Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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United Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was then opened in due form and with solemn prayer , Bro . the Eev . E . J . F . Thomas , Senior Grand Chaplain , invoking a blessing upon the proceedings . THE MINUTES or THE LAST QUARTERLY COMUUXICATIOK . Bro . G . Hervey , the G . Sec , read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 2 nd of September , which were confirmed .
THE EAETHQITAKE iy PERU . The Acting Grand Master said : Brethren , it now becomes my duty , on behalf of tho Most Worshi pful the Grand Master , whom I regret is not present with us on this occasion , to make to you a proposition which I am sure will command the assent of every brother in Grand Lodge , because we all know that the foremost
principles of Masonry aro that Masons will readily aid distressed humanity ill whatever part of the world ft may bo found to bo suffering . Our Most Worshipful G . Master has received a communication from tho Grand Orient of Peru in reference to tho disastrous earthquake which , as you all know , has taken place in that country . I need not recapitulate those events , for you have
no doubt read them in the public journals , and I feel confident that there is no man so dull of imagination who does not feel it his duty to relieve those who have suffered from the horrors of that great catastrophe from which we in our happy clime have been preserved . The Grand Orient of Peru asks , as one Masonic body should ask another , to relieve the sufferings of the
Peruvians , and I cannot doubt that , acting in accordance with precedents which I will not now recapitulate , that you will readily give them your aid iu the horn of their distress . I , therefore , move that the sum of one hundred guineas bo granted towards the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake of Peru , and that it bo paid through the fund of which the Lord Mayor of London is the chairman .
Bro . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . Master for Cheshire , said : I rise to second the motion which has been so eloquently proposed by the Deputy Grand Master . Wo aro ready at all times to respond to the call of charity to suffering humanity in our own country , but there are great occasions upon which we do render assistance to some who to a certain extent may be deemed
outside the pale . Our charity , however , is universal , aud the calamity certainly cannot be overrated that has fallen upon this country , whicli has suffered so terribly by this earthquake . As Freemasons , then , it becomes our duty to devote somo portion of ¦ our funds to that object . I have much pleasure in seconding the motion .
Bro . Raynham Stewart , said he rose for the purpose of moving an amendment . They had voted £ 1 , 000 for the Crimean war and they had more recently voted £ 1 , 000 for the relief of the sufferers by the cotton famine in Lancashire , and therefore ho did not think that one hundred guineas was sufficient for this object . He moved as an amendment that the sum be two
hundred guineas . The acting G . Master said according to the regulations , it was not competent for the brother to propose a larger sum than was recommended without notice , but at the same time he was sure that every brother would appreciate the motives he had in making the proposition .
Tho motion was then put and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Tomkins , G . Treasurer , said he should feel extremel y happy to pay the grant that Grand Lodge had made for these unhappy sufferers at once , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes , aud by so doing facilitate tlie wishes of the Grand Lodge .
THE LN - AUGUEATIOH - OE THE N EW BUILDINGS AT F KEESIASOS ' S HAM . The acting G . Master said , I have now to make a communication from the M . W . the G . Master in reference to the inauguration of the new buildings of this Hall , which is a subject of great interest to all Masons . This is a matter which has
necessarilyengaged much of the attention of the G . Master , and be has decided that this inauguration shall take place on Wednesday , the 14 th of April next . The G . Master is of opinion that it would not he convenient to hold the inauguration on the same day as the Grand Festival , or he made part of the proceedings ot it . Ho thinks that the inauguration of the new buildings ought
not to take place then , but that a special day should be appointed for the purpose . The M . W . tho G . Master proposes to name a certain number of stewards , and he will invite the lodges generally to send others- to carry out the arrangements . It is also the intention of the G . Master that a jewel should be struck commemorative of this occasion , and that all who serve as
stewards shall he entitled to wear that jewel , all the details of which he will take care shall be made publicly known at the earliest possible period . I have also to inform Grand Lodge that the G . Master has nominated Bro . Fraser to he President of the Colonial Board ; Bro . Bennoeh to be Vice President , aud Bro . Mason to fill up the vacancy caused by the death of Bro .
Hopwood . I have also to inform Grand Lodge that a commuuication has heen received from the Grand Lodge of Ireland appointing Colonel Burdett as its representative at this Grand Lodge , and I now request that Colonel Burdett may he formally introdu ced . Bro . Colonel Burdett was then introduced hy Bro . A . Woods , Dir . of Cers ., and having received the congratulation of the Grand Master , took his seat on the dais .
. NoiriirATiOJr OF G EAND MASTER . Bro . Sharpe , D . C . L ., said : I now beg to nominate the Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the ensuing year . THE BOARD OE B ENEVOLENCE . The following Past Masters were appointed to serve on the Board of Benevolence for the year ensuing : —Bros . Adlard , 7 ;
Brett , 19 ; Cottebrune , 732 ; Frost , 704 ; Gale , 19 ; Kirk 144 ; Lambert , 198 ; Nunn , 134 ; Sheen , 201 ; J . G . Thompson , 862 ; Tyrrell , 144 ; and F . Walters , 73 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter ' was presented , in which wore recommendations for the following grants , viz .: —The widow of the late Bro . William IL , of the
Eoyal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , Loudon , £ 20 ; Bra . John L ., of the Lodge of Industry , 18 G , London , £ 50 ; Bro . Dr . James T ., of the Royal Sussex Lodge , 53 , Bath , £ 50 ; Bro . James Josiah H ., of the Lodge of Fidelity , 3 , London , £ 50 ; the widow of Bro . John Price K ., of the Beaufort Lodge , 103 , Bristol , £ 50 ; Bro . Henry W ., of the Lodge Truth , 941 , Bombay , £ 30 ; Bro . John G ., of tbe Caledonian Lodge , 134 , London , £ 30 .
In reference to the first of these recommendations , Bro . Savage moved hy way of amendment— "That in consequence of Diana H ., the widow of the late Bro . William H ., of the Royal Athelstan Loclge ( No . 19 ) , being ineligible to be elected an annuitant on the Widows' Fund , or to receive one-half of her deceased husband's annuity for three years , although for ten .
years his wife , a grant of £ 40 be made to her from the Fund of Benevolence . This led to a long and tedious discussion , and there were two divisions upon it , but eventually the original recommendation of the Board was put and agreed to . Tlie other recommendations were agreed to without discussion .
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United Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge was then opened in due form and with solemn prayer , Bro . the Eev . E . J . F . Thomas , Senior Grand Chaplain , invoking a blessing upon the proceedings . THE MINUTES or THE LAST QUARTERLY COMUUXICATIOK . Bro . G . Hervey , the G . Sec , read the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 2 nd of September , which were confirmed .
THE EAETHQITAKE iy PERU . The Acting Grand Master said : Brethren , it now becomes my duty , on behalf of tho Most Worshi pful the Grand Master , whom I regret is not present with us on this occasion , to make to you a proposition which I am sure will command the assent of every brother in Grand Lodge , because we all know that the foremost
principles of Masonry aro that Masons will readily aid distressed humanity ill whatever part of the world ft may bo found to bo suffering . Our Most Worshipful G . Master has received a communication from tho Grand Orient of Peru in reference to tho disastrous earthquake which , as you all know , has taken place in that country . I need not recapitulate those events , for you have
no doubt read them in the public journals , and I feel confident that there is no man so dull of imagination who does not feel it his duty to relieve those who have suffered from the horrors of that great catastrophe from which we in our happy clime have been preserved . The Grand Orient of Peru asks , as one Masonic body should ask another , to relieve the sufferings of the
Peruvians , and I cannot doubt that , acting in accordance with precedents which I will not now recapitulate , that you will readily give them your aid iu the horn of their distress . I , therefore , move that the sum of one hundred guineas bo granted towards the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake of Peru , and that it bo paid through the fund of which the Lord Mayor of London is the chairman .
Bro . Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . Master for Cheshire , said : I rise to second the motion which has been so eloquently proposed by the Deputy Grand Master . Wo aro ready at all times to respond to the call of charity to suffering humanity in our own country , but there are great occasions upon which we do render assistance to some who to a certain extent may be deemed
outside the pale . Our charity , however , is universal , aud the calamity certainly cannot be overrated that has fallen upon this country , whicli has suffered so terribly by this earthquake . As Freemasons , then , it becomes our duty to devote somo portion of ¦ our funds to that object . I have much pleasure in seconding the motion .
Bro . Raynham Stewart , said he rose for the purpose of moving an amendment . They had voted £ 1 , 000 for the Crimean war and they had more recently voted £ 1 , 000 for the relief of the sufferers by the cotton famine in Lancashire , and therefore ho did not think that one hundred guineas was sufficient for this object . He moved as an amendment that the sum be two
hundred guineas . The acting G . Master said according to the regulations , it was not competent for the brother to propose a larger sum than was recommended without notice , but at the same time he was sure that every brother would appreciate the motives he had in making the proposition .
Tho motion was then put and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Tomkins , G . Treasurer , said he should feel extremel y happy to pay the grant that Grand Lodge had made for these unhappy sufferers at once , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes , aud by so doing facilitate tlie wishes of the Grand Lodge .
THE LN - AUGUEATIOH - OE THE N EW BUILDINGS AT F KEESIASOS ' S HAM . The acting G . Master said , I have now to make a communication from the M . W . the G . Master in reference to the inauguration of the new buildings of this Hall , which is a subject of great interest to all Masons . This is a matter which has
necessarilyengaged much of the attention of the G . Master , and be has decided that this inauguration shall take place on Wednesday , the 14 th of April next . The G . Master is of opinion that it would not he convenient to hold the inauguration on the same day as the Grand Festival , or he made part of the proceedings ot it . Ho thinks that the inauguration of the new buildings ought
not to take place then , but that a special day should be appointed for the purpose . The M . W . tho G . Master proposes to name a certain number of stewards , and he will invite the lodges generally to send others- to carry out the arrangements . It is also the intention of the G . Master that a jewel should be struck commemorative of this occasion , and that all who serve as
stewards shall he entitled to wear that jewel , all the details of which he will take care shall be made publicly known at the earliest possible period . I have also to inform Grand Lodge that the G . Master has nominated Bro . Fraser to he President of the Colonial Board ; Bro . Bennoeh to be Vice President , aud Bro . Mason to fill up the vacancy caused by the death of Bro .
Hopwood . I have also to inform Grand Lodge that a commuuication has heen received from the Grand Lodge of Ireland appointing Colonel Burdett as its representative at this Grand Lodge , and I now request that Colonel Burdett may he formally introdu ced . Bro . Colonel Burdett was then introduced hy Bro . A . Woods , Dir . of Cers ., and having received the congratulation of the Grand Master , took his seat on the dais .
. NoiriirATiOJr OF G EAND MASTER . Bro . Sharpe , D . C . L ., said : I now beg to nominate the Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the ensuing year . THE BOARD OE B ENEVOLENCE . The following Past Masters were appointed to serve on the Board of Benevolence for the year ensuing : —Bros . Adlard , 7 ;
Brett , 19 ; Cottebrune , 732 ; Frost , 704 ; Gale , 19 ; Kirk 144 ; Lambert , 198 ; Nunn , 134 ; Sheen , 201 ; J . G . Thompson , 862 ; Tyrrell , 144 ; and F . Walters , 73 . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter ' was presented , in which wore recommendations for the following grants , viz .: —The widow of the late Bro . William IL , of the
Eoyal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , Loudon , £ 20 ; Bra . John L ., of the Lodge of Industry , 18 G , London , £ 50 ; Bro . Dr . James T ., of the Royal Sussex Lodge , 53 , Bath , £ 50 ; Bro . James Josiah H ., of the Lodge of Fidelity , 3 , London , £ 50 ; the widow of Bro . John Price K ., of the Beaufort Lodge , 103 , Bristol , £ 50 ; Bro . Henry W ., of the Lodge Truth , 941 , Bombay , £ 30 ; Bro . John G ., of tbe Caledonian Lodge , 134 , London , £ 30 .
In reference to the first of these recommendations , Bro . Savage moved hy way of amendment— "That in consequence of Diana H ., the widow of the late Bro . William H ., of the Royal Athelstan Loclge ( No . 19 ) , being ineligible to be elected an annuitant on the Widows' Fund , or to receive one-half of her deceased husband's annuity for three years , although for ten .
years his wife , a grant of £ 40 be made to her from the Fund of Benevolence . This led to a long and tedious discussion , and there were two divisions upon it , but eventually the original recommendation of the Board was put and agreed to . Tlie other recommendations were agreed to without discussion .