Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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United Grand Lodge.
of the committee he should make one or two remarks . In the second paragraph of it they said , " Tlie greatest possible care leas been taken in reference to tho warming , ventilation , and the improvement of the acoustic properties of this magnificent room . The Committee trust that they have been successful , at the same time it must be home in mind
that some modifications iu tbe admission or exclusion of air , & c . ( all of which have been provided for ) , may be required , in order to make the Hall perfect in these respects , and that this can be tested by experience and actual practice only . "
Now he apprehended that there were few who on looking round the walls of that hall would not say that it was truly magnificent . As regarded the acoustic properties a , series of experiments had been resorted to , to meet the difficulty . As an instance he mentioned that they had suspendeuded pieces of cloth from the roof ; but they found that the echo was just as bad as it was before , and it
was believed that the failure in acoustics was in somo measure due to imperfect ventilation . This they had endeavoured to meet by trying experiments to admit a largo or small quantity of air , for he might tell tho brethren behind each of the pictures they saw on both sides of the hall was an air shaft by which air could be admitted , and he might say that there was no subject
which bad been so much handled by quacks and charlatans as that of ventilation ; they had endeavoured to accomplish it by a series of valves which could he opened and shut , and so the amount of air admitted could be regulated . At the same time he said
that as regarded some voices , place them where they would they could not hear them , and if they could hear them they could not understand what they said . He would then draw- the attention of Grand Lodgo to the next paragraph . After the committee bad concluded their works in the new- hall , they asked Grand Lodge for powers to restore tlie other hall to its pristine
beauty , for they felt that tho committee would not have properly discharged their duty unless they had restored that hall to a proper condition , but when they asked for permission to decorate the ball , which they estimated would cost £ 400 , they forgot to ask tor the money . At present they had not overdrawn the amount of £ 19 , 000 , they were empowered to borrow from the
Board of Benevolence , they having only borrowed £ 17 , 500 , but they still required about £ 3 , 000 to complete what they required . Ho moved "That the Building Committee bo authorised to draw upon the Bankers of the Grand Treasurer for a sum not exceeding £ 3 , 000 .
This motion was put and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Havers thou had next to submit the necessity of properly furnishing the Grand Lodge , and alluded to tho discovery of three curious chairs . Those who were in the habit of visiting the Grand Secretary ' s office would remember that there were three pictures of the Prince of Wales aud the Senior and
Junior Grand Wardens , and they were represented as sittingin very peculiar chairs . Now , those very chairs had been dugout of the debris , and the Committee had had them restored , for there was no doubt that they had originally cost about £ 250 each , aud would in future be used . He moved— " That the Building Committee be directed to furnish the Great Hail for the use of Grand Lodge , aud that they be authorised to spend a sum not exceeding £ 400 .
The Grand Master congratulated the Building Committee on the very successful manner in which they had conducted the restoration of that Hall , as it was worthy of the Craft . They had restored it to its pristine magnificence in a way of which none might be ashamed , and they were most fortunate in reovering those relics of the past , so that future Grand Masters
might havo the pleasure of sitting in the chairs which had been so well occupied by their illustrious predecessors . Tho motion was put and carried . Bro . Havers then moved that tho rest of the report be entered on the minutes . Bro . Dawson wished to move a vote of thanks to the Building
Committee , but—The Acting Grand Master said that it would more properly come when the Committee had completed their work .
FUKD OE BENEVOLENCE . The following report was presented from the committee of the Fund of Benevolence : — "To the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The committee appointed to consider Bro . Clabon ' s
propositions as to dealing with part of the annual surplus of the Fund of Benevolence , with instructions to report to Grand Lodge in December , 1868 , upon tho proposed scheme , and generally as to the advisability of making any , and ( if any ) what alteration in the appropriation of the Fund of Benevolence , or in tbe mode of dealing therewith , beg to report as follows .
" At the time of confirmation by Grand Lodge of the minutes of the Quarterly Communication , at which the above reference was made , the members of the committee bad begun to disperse for the vacation , and it was not deemed advisable to summon
them until the middle of October . They have had several meetings , and have proceeded diligently to consider the matters referred to them . "Thoy have discussed and passed resolutions as to many matters connected with the appropriation of the Fund of Benevolence , and the mode of dealing therewith ; and have
considered and formed an opinion as to the scheme . "Their report is in draft , and they determined at one time to sit de die in diem , in the hope of completing it before the meeting of the Board of Masters , on the 18 th instant . But they found that many of their members could not have attended on account of tlie Election ? , and it was thought best to present this
intermediate report to Grand Lodge , and to beg that tho time for presenting the principal report may he deferred until the Grand Lodge in March , 1 SG 9 . " ( Signed ) JOHN M . Cuasox , " Freemasons' Hall , " Chairman . " " llth November , 1868 . "
Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., moved the adoption of this report , which was agreed to . APPEAL EEO - TRINIDAD . The next item on the agenda was an appeal of Bro . Antonio G . Julia , P . M . of the Eoyal Phoenix Lodge ( No . 911 ) , Trinidad , against his suspension from his Masonic functions by the District
Grand Master of Trinidad . Tlio G . Registrar said they could not entertain an appeal unless notice had been previously given to the Masonic authority against whom the appeal was to be made . A letter had been received by the G . Sec . from the District G . M . of Trinidad , stating that he had not received any copy of this appeal , and
expressing bis regret that it was not made known when he was in England in July last , which would have saved much trouble , and bo should have been able to give any explanation . The consideration of this appeal was postponed until the necessary notice had been given .
SITTING- oi' GRAND LODGE . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . M ., No . 108 and 453 moved : — "That the business of the quarterly communication of Grand Lod' ^ -e shall iu future commence at Seven o ' clock instead of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
of the committee he should make one or two remarks . In the second paragraph of it they said , " Tlie greatest possible care leas been taken in reference to tho warming , ventilation , and the improvement of the acoustic properties of this magnificent room . The Committee trust that they have been successful , at the same time it must be home in mind
that some modifications iu tbe admission or exclusion of air , & c . ( all of which have been provided for ) , may be required , in order to make the Hall perfect in these respects , and that this can be tested by experience and actual practice only . "
Now he apprehended that there were few who on looking round the walls of that hall would not say that it was truly magnificent . As regarded the acoustic properties a , series of experiments had been resorted to , to meet the difficulty . As an instance he mentioned that they had suspendeuded pieces of cloth from the roof ; but they found that the echo was just as bad as it was before , and it
was believed that the failure in acoustics was in somo measure due to imperfect ventilation . This they had endeavoured to meet by trying experiments to admit a largo or small quantity of air , for he might tell tho brethren behind each of the pictures they saw on both sides of the hall was an air shaft by which air could be admitted , and he might say that there was no subject
which bad been so much handled by quacks and charlatans as that of ventilation ; they had endeavoured to accomplish it by a series of valves which could he opened and shut , and so the amount of air admitted could be regulated . At the same time he said
that as regarded some voices , place them where they would they could not hear them , and if they could hear them they could not understand what they said . He would then draw- the attention of Grand Lodgo to the next paragraph . After the committee bad concluded their works in the new- hall , they asked Grand Lodge for powers to restore tlie other hall to its pristine
beauty , for they felt that tho committee would not have properly discharged their duty unless they had restored that hall to a proper condition , but when they asked for permission to decorate the ball , which they estimated would cost £ 400 , they forgot to ask tor the money . At present they had not overdrawn the amount of £ 19 , 000 , they were empowered to borrow from the
Board of Benevolence , they having only borrowed £ 17 , 500 , but they still required about £ 3 , 000 to complete what they required . Ho moved "That the Building Committee bo authorised to draw upon the Bankers of the Grand Treasurer for a sum not exceeding £ 3 , 000 .
This motion was put and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Havers thou had next to submit the necessity of properly furnishing the Grand Lodge , and alluded to tho discovery of three curious chairs . Those who were in the habit of visiting the Grand Secretary ' s office would remember that there were three pictures of the Prince of Wales aud the Senior and
Junior Grand Wardens , and they were represented as sittingin very peculiar chairs . Now , those very chairs had been dugout of the debris , and the Committee had had them restored , for there was no doubt that they had originally cost about £ 250 each , aud would in future be used . He moved— " That the Building Committee be directed to furnish the Great Hail for the use of Grand Lodge , aud that they be authorised to spend a sum not exceeding £ 400 .
The Grand Master congratulated the Building Committee on the very successful manner in which they had conducted the restoration of that Hall , as it was worthy of the Craft . They had restored it to its pristine magnificence in a way of which none might be ashamed , and they were most fortunate in reovering those relics of the past , so that future Grand Masters
might havo the pleasure of sitting in the chairs which had been so well occupied by their illustrious predecessors . Tho motion was put and carried . Bro . Havers then moved that tho rest of the report be entered on the minutes . Bro . Dawson wished to move a vote of thanks to the Building
Committee , but—The Acting Grand Master said that it would more properly come when the Committee had completed their work .
FUKD OE BENEVOLENCE . The following report was presented from the committee of the Fund of Benevolence : — "To the United Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The committee appointed to consider Bro . Clabon ' s
propositions as to dealing with part of the annual surplus of the Fund of Benevolence , with instructions to report to Grand Lodge in December , 1868 , upon tho proposed scheme , and generally as to the advisability of making any , and ( if any ) what alteration in the appropriation of the Fund of Benevolence , or in tbe mode of dealing therewith , beg to report as follows .
" At the time of confirmation by Grand Lodge of the minutes of the Quarterly Communication , at which the above reference was made , the members of the committee bad begun to disperse for the vacation , and it was not deemed advisable to summon
them until the middle of October . They have had several meetings , and have proceeded diligently to consider the matters referred to them . "Thoy have discussed and passed resolutions as to many matters connected with the appropriation of the Fund of Benevolence , and the mode of dealing therewith ; and have
considered and formed an opinion as to the scheme . "Their report is in draft , and they determined at one time to sit de die in diem , in the hope of completing it before the meeting of the Board of Masters , on the 18 th instant . But they found that many of their members could not have attended on account of tlie Election ? , and it was thought best to present this
intermediate report to Grand Lodge , and to beg that tho time for presenting the principal report may he deferred until the Grand Lodge in March , 1 SG 9 . " ( Signed ) JOHN M . Cuasox , " Freemasons' Hall , " Chairman . " " llth November , 1868 . "
Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., moved the adoption of this report , which was agreed to . APPEAL EEO - TRINIDAD . The next item on the agenda was an appeal of Bro . Antonio G . Julia , P . M . of the Eoyal Phoenix Lodge ( No . 911 ) , Trinidad , against his suspension from his Masonic functions by the District
Grand Master of Trinidad . Tlio G . Registrar said they could not entertain an appeal unless notice had been previously given to the Masonic authority against whom the appeal was to be made . A letter had been received by the G . Sec . from the District G . M . of Trinidad , stating that he had not received any copy of this appeal , and
expressing bis regret that it was not made known when he was in England in July last , which would have saved much trouble , and bo should have been able to give any explanation . The consideration of this appeal was postponed until the necessary notice had been given .
SITTING- oi' GRAND LODGE . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . M ., No . 108 and 453 moved : — "That the business of the quarterly communication of Grand Lod' ^ -e shall iu future commence at Seven o ' clock instead of