Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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24 th ult . The W . M . Bro . G . J . Sharpe presiding , supported by a large number of the brethren . Three gentlemen viz : Messrs . P . Greaves , Albert Hunt and Pitts were ballotted for successfully , and duly initiated into the order Bros . Jones , Milligan ancl King were considered worthy of advancement , and accordingly entrusted with the second degree in Freemasonry . This was followed by the introduction of Bros . Smith , Chinnery and
Thillery as candidates for the third degree , they proving good workmen were favoured with the degree of M . M . Tho whole of the ceremonies were impressively rendered . After this an election took place for a new W . M . to act for the next twelve months , which resulted in Bro . W . Phipps Allender , S . W . being declared W . U . elect , aud who will be installed at the next meeting- Bro . Boyd P . M . was unanimously re-elected
treasurer , who had for a long period held that onerous office to tho great satisfaction of the lodge . Business ended the brethren adjourned to refreshment which was highly satisfactory . Among tho visitors were Bros- Binckes , Sec , of the Boys ' School , Arthur White , Dawson , Potter , Gibbon , & c .
UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 181 ) . —The usual monthly meeting took place on Friday , the 27 tU ult ., at the Ish-ecmason ' s Hall , Bro , F . Eachus Wilkinson , . U . D ., in the chair of K . S . Lodge being opened in the usual manner tho minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The business of the evening commenced with the initiation of three candidates , the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were severally presented . Tiie W . M . initiated George R . FreelingEsq . ; Bro .
, Beale , P . M ., John C . Muller , Esq . ; and Bro . Roberts , Henry D . Wood , Esq . These ceremonies were all admirably performed . The W . M . then raised Bro . Sack and passed Bro . Morris to the second degree . This being the night for the election of W . M ., and the choice being unanimous in favour of Bro . the Rev . W . S . Jones , S . W ., he was duly elected . No other matter of importance being before the lodgeit was duly closedand the
, , brethren retired to a splendid banquet . The chair was occupied by Bro . Beale , P . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a very able and efficient manner , eliciting the warmest eneoniums of the brethren and visitors . At the toast of the visitors Bro . Prideaux made an excellent speech . Some very excellent singing took place during the evening by Bros . Seymour Smith , Elmore , and Young , giving great satisfaction to
all present . A very delightful evening was passed , and the brethren separated iu harmonv . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . Hyde Clarke , D . D ., G . M . Turkey , 10 ; Rae , P . G . S . 2 ; Massey , 619 ; Prideaux , P . M . 107 ; Major Maclean , D . Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Dumas , 46 ; Levorsc . ni , 19 ; Godson , 1 , 097 ; White , 21 ; Charlton , P . M . 227 ; Williams , P . M . Calcutta ; Sharp , P . M . 112 ; Palmer , 742 ; Hutton , 1219 ; and several others .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( NO . 760 ) . A very interesting ancl important meeting oi this lodgo was held at the Clarendon Hotel , Anerley , on Thursday , the 26 th ult . This lodge had previously held its meetings at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Putney , but owing to an unfortunate combination of untoward events the number of its members had dwindled down to so low an ebb that serious thoughts began to
be entertained by the remaining members as to their being able to keep the lodge in existence . At this juncture , through the efforts of Bro . Newton , the W . M ., and Bro . Kain , P .. M . and Sec . of the lodge , negociutions were entered into with a number of brethren in the neighbourhood of Upper Norwood and Anerley ; the result of which has been the transfer of tho lodge from Putney to Anerley , and the immediate addition of a large
number of young members . The meeting on Thursday was the first that had taken place at Anerly , and may fairly be looked upon as tho first move in the resuscitation of an expiring lodge- It is , therefore , with a great deal of pleasure that we find space for a roport of the proeeedinga on such an auspicious occasion . There was a good attendance of the old members of the
lodge , and of the new joining members , also several visitors . Those present of the officers and members of the lodge , as now re-organised , were—Bros . Newton , W . M . ; Dr . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Cur-son , J . W . ; Roberts , S . D . ; Miller , J . D . ; Harper , I . G . ; Hamilton , Dir . of Cers . ; Abbott , P . M . ; Dr . Whiteman , P . M . ; Cox , P . M . 18 ; Mopekirk , P . M . 179 ; King , W . J . Newman , Jeffrey , G . Smith , Brann , Steiierwald , Gooclerham , G . Newman . Among the visitors were—Bros . Anslow , P . M . 15 and 141 ; II . T . Thompson , P . M . and Sec . 742 ; and Oliver , P . M . 742 . In the absence of Bro . Rain , P . M . and Sec . ( owing to a severe
domestic affliction ) , Bro . W . J . Newman undertook the duties of Secretary . Tho lodge having been opened in clue form , the members resolved themselves into a committee to revise the bylaws to suit the proposed alteration of times of meeting ; it having been resolved to convert tho lodgo into a winter one . Several alterations were made , among others the insertion of a new by-law , which we cannot but wish not only formed a regulation in every lodgebut was in all cases strictly carried out
, , viz .: — " That no member should be eligible to be elected as W . M . until after he shall have passed a satisfactory examinationbeforo a Board of Installed Masters . " This proves that the now members are determined to render their lodge thoroughly efficient , and we wish them eve . iy success in their laudable endeavours . Mr . G . Lanian having been ballotted for and unanimously elected as a candidate for initiationwas regularly
, initiated as a Mason . The loclge business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was capitally served by Bro . Leman , to whom very great credit is due for the excellent manner in which the viands were served , and elicited warm approbation from the whole of the members . It fully evidenced the great care that had been taken by the brethren iu the selection of their new
place of meeting , as the lodge room , the banquetting room , and the banquet were perfect , and left nothing to bo desired . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , followed by that of tho M . W . G . M . of Masons . The toast of the D . G . M . and the rest of tho Grand Officers was given , coupled with the name of Bro . Cox , who responded in suitable terms . The next toast was that of the initiate , Bro . Leman
who , in his reply , said that he had for a long period earnestly desired to be admitted into the honourable Crafr , and had joyfully embraced the opportunity afforded him by tlie location of the Preston Loclge in his neighbourhood ; he trusted that ho should become a worthy member of the lodge , and should avail himself of every opportunity of gaining instruction in the practical part of Freemasonry . He had always looked forward to
that day with an earneft and reverent respect , and the impression made upon his mind by the ceremony he had just passed through was , ho sincerely felt , a deep and lasting one . In response to the toast of the visitors Bro . Anslow , P . M ..
15 and 141 remarked , that on looking round him and perceivingamong the members so many of those with whom he was personally acquainted as members of the Sydney Lodge of Instruction , in Upper Norwood ; and the majority of whom he knew were thoroughly efficient to enter at once upon any office , even that ot W . M ., he must sincerely congratulate the Preston Loclge upon the proud position in which they stood that evening , ancl he could confidently anticipate for the lodge a great and glorious
future . Bro . Thompson , P . M , and Sec . 741 said , it gave him a great deal of pleasure to be a visitor that evening , not only as affording him the the gratification of seeing the lodge provided with , a most efficient staff of officers ; but also as giving him the opportunity of assuring them on behalf of the W . M . and brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge that the advent of the Peston
Lodge iu the immediate neighbourhood of the Crystal Palace ,, was hailed by them with great delight ; and he could assure them on behalf of his own lodge , that the close proximity of the two lodges was considered as calculated to produce a most beneficial result . Bro . Oliver , P . M . 742 , said he could endorse all that had been stated as to the feelings of the Crystal Palace lodgeand he
, would take that opportunity of making a few remarks upon the necessity of all Masons attending ledges of instruction . In looking round him he could see many faces that he had met iu lodges of instruction , and knew that many members then present , were thoroughly well versed in the practical working of Masonrv . He knew that they had made such progress , under the able instruction of Bro . Anslow , as would enable them to perform the
duties of any office in a , most efficient manner , and it was most gratifying to know this was the case ; as an old . Mason , he had been in tbe habit of attending the working of many lodges , and nothing could be more distressing than to be present at a loclge where the officers were imperfectly acquainted with the duties . His advice to all the brethren was , that to acquire a knowledge of Masonrythey must frequent lodges of instruction ;
, and thus render themselves capable of holding any office , or taking tho duties of any officer in cases of absence or emergency . " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " was given by Bro Abbott , P . M ., who in a most eloquent and impressive speech
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
24 th ult . The W . M . Bro . G . J . Sharpe presiding , supported by a large number of the brethren . Three gentlemen viz : Messrs . P . Greaves , Albert Hunt and Pitts were ballotted for successfully , and duly initiated into the order Bros . Jones , Milligan ancl King were considered worthy of advancement , and accordingly entrusted with the second degree in Freemasonry . This was followed by the introduction of Bros . Smith , Chinnery and
Thillery as candidates for the third degree , they proving good workmen were favoured with the degree of M . M . Tho whole of the ceremonies were impressively rendered . After this an election took place for a new W . M . to act for the next twelve months , which resulted in Bro . W . Phipps Allender , S . W . being declared W . U . elect , aud who will be installed at the next meeting- Bro . Boyd P . M . was unanimously re-elected
treasurer , who had for a long period held that onerous office to tho great satisfaction of the lodge . Business ended the brethren adjourned to refreshment which was highly satisfactory . Among tho visitors were Bros- Binckes , Sec , of the Boys ' School , Arthur White , Dawson , Potter , Gibbon , & c .
UNIVERSAL LODGE ( NO . 181 ) . —The usual monthly meeting took place on Friday , the 27 tU ult ., at the Ish-ecmason ' s Hall , Bro , F . Eachus Wilkinson , . U . D ., in the chair of K . S . Lodge being opened in the usual manner tho minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The business of the evening commenced with the initiation of three candidates , the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were severally presented . Tiie W . M . initiated George R . FreelingEsq . ; Bro .
, Beale , P . M ., John C . Muller , Esq . ; and Bro . Roberts , Henry D . Wood , Esq . These ceremonies were all admirably performed . The W . M . then raised Bro . Sack and passed Bro . Morris to the second degree . This being the night for the election of W . M ., and the choice being unanimous in favour of Bro . the Rev . W . S . Jones , S . W ., he was duly elected . No other matter of importance being before the lodgeit was duly closedand the
, , brethren retired to a splendid banquet . The chair was occupied by Bro . Beale , P . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a very able and efficient manner , eliciting the warmest eneoniums of the brethren and visitors . At the toast of the visitors Bro . Prideaux made an excellent speech . Some very excellent singing took place during the evening by Bros . Seymour Smith , Elmore , and Young , giving great satisfaction to
all present . A very delightful evening was passed , and the brethren separated iu harmonv . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . Hyde Clarke , D . D ., G . M . Turkey , 10 ; Rae , P . G . S . 2 ; Massey , 619 ; Prideaux , P . M . 107 ; Major Maclean , D . Prov . G . M . Warwickshire ; Dumas , 46 ; Levorsc . ni , 19 ; Godson , 1 , 097 ; White , 21 ; Charlton , P . M . 227 ; Williams , P . M . Calcutta ; Sharp , P . M . 112 ; Palmer , 742 ; Hutton , 1219 ; and several others .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( NO . 760 ) . A very interesting ancl important meeting oi this lodgo was held at the Clarendon Hotel , Anerley , on Thursday , the 26 th ult . This lodge had previously held its meetings at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Putney , but owing to an unfortunate combination of untoward events the number of its members had dwindled down to so low an ebb that serious thoughts began to
be entertained by the remaining members as to their being able to keep the lodge in existence . At this juncture , through the efforts of Bro . Newton , the W . M ., and Bro . Kain , P .. M . and Sec . of the lodge , negociutions were entered into with a number of brethren in the neighbourhood of Upper Norwood and Anerley ; the result of which has been the transfer of tho lodge from Putney to Anerley , and the immediate addition of a large
number of young members . The meeting on Thursday was the first that had taken place at Anerly , and may fairly be looked upon as tho first move in the resuscitation of an expiring lodge- It is , therefore , with a great deal of pleasure that we find space for a roport of the proeeedinga on such an auspicious occasion . There was a good attendance of the old members of the
lodge , and of the new joining members , also several visitors . Those present of the officers and members of the lodge , as now re-organised , were—Bros . Newton , W . M . ; Dr . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Cur-son , J . W . ; Roberts , S . D . ; Miller , J . D . ; Harper , I . G . ; Hamilton , Dir . of Cers . ; Abbott , P . M . ; Dr . Whiteman , P . M . ; Cox , P . M . 18 ; Mopekirk , P . M . 179 ; King , W . J . Newman , Jeffrey , G . Smith , Brann , Steiierwald , Gooclerham , G . Newman . Among the visitors were—Bros . Anslow , P . M . 15 and 141 ; II . T . Thompson , P . M . and Sec . 742 ; and Oliver , P . M . 742 . In the absence of Bro . Rain , P . M . and Sec . ( owing to a severe
domestic affliction ) , Bro . W . J . Newman undertook the duties of Secretary . Tho lodge having been opened in clue form , the members resolved themselves into a committee to revise the bylaws to suit the proposed alteration of times of meeting ; it having been resolved to convert tho lodgo into a winter one . Several alterations were made , among others the insertion of a new by-law , which we cannot but wish not only formed a regulation in every lodgebut was in all cases strictly carried out
, , viz .: — " That no member should be eligible to be elected as W . M . until after he shall have passed a satisfactory examinationbeforo a Board of Installed Masters . " This proves that the now members are determined to render their lodge thoroughly efficient , and we wish them eve . iy success in their laudable endeavours . Mr . G . Lanian having been ballotted for and unanimously elected as a candidate for initiationwas regularly
, initiated as a Mason . The loclge business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was capitally served by Bro . Leman , to whom very great credit is due for the excellent manner in which the viands were served , and elicited warm approbation from the whole of the members . It fully evidenced the great care that had been taken by the brethren iu the selection of their new
place of meeting , as the lodge room , the banquetting room , and the banquet were perfect , and left nothing to bo desired . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , followed by that of tho M . W . G . M . of Masons . The toast of the D . G . M . and the rest of tho Grand Officers was given , coupled with the name of Bro . Cox , who responded in suitable terms . The next toast was that of the initiate , Bro . Leman
who , in his reply , said that he had for a long period earnestly desired to be admitted into the honourable Crafr , and had joyfully embraced the opportunity afforded him by tlie location of the Preston Loclge in his neighbourhood ; he trusted that ho should become a worthy member of the lodge , and should avail himself of every opportunity of gaining instruction in the practical part of Freemasonry . He had always looked forward to
that day with an earneft and reverent respect , and the impression made upon his mind by the ceremony he had just passed through was , ho sincerely felt , a deep and lasting one . In response to the toast of the visitors Bro . Anslow , P . M ..
15 and 141 remarked , that on looking round him and perceivingamong the members so many of those with whom he was personally acquainted as members of the Sydney Lodge of Instruction , in Upper Norwood ; and the majority of whom he knew were thoroughly efficient to enter at once upon any office , even that ot W . M ., he must sincerely congratulate the Preston Loclge upon the proud position in which they stood that evening , ancl he could confidently anticipate for the lodge a great and glorious
future . Bro . Thompson , P . M , and Sec . 741 said , it gave him a great deal of pleasure to be a visitor that evening , not only as affording him the the gratification of seeing the lodge provided with , a most efficient staff of officers ; but also as giving him the opportunity of assuring them on behalf of the W . M . and brethren of the Crystal Palace Lodge that the advent of the Peston
Lodge iu the immediate neighbourhood of the Crystal Palace ,, was hailed by them with great delight ; and he could assure them on behalf of his own lodge , that the close proximity of the two lodges was considered as calculated to produce a most beneficial result . Bro . Oliver , P . M . 742 , said he could endorse all that had been stated as to the feelings of the Crystal Palace lodgeand he
, would take that opportunity of making a few remarks upon the necessity of all Masons attending ledges of instruction . In looking round him he could see many faces that he had met iu lodges of instruction , and knew that many members then present , were thoroughly well versed in the practical working of Masonrv . He knew that they had made such progress , under the able instruction of Bro . Anslow , as would enable them to perform the
duties of any office in a , most efficient manner , and it was most gratifying to know this was the case ; as an old . Mason , he had been in tbe habit of attending the working of many lodges , and nothing could be more distressing than to be present at a loclge where the officers were imperfectly acquainted with the duties . His advice to all the brethren was , that to acquire a knowledge of Masonrythey must frequent lodges of instruction ;
, and thus render themselves capable of holding any office , or taking tho duties of any officer in cases of absence or emergency . " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " was given by Bro Abbott , P . M ., who in a most eloquent and impressive speech