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said that to the efforts of the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Kain , See . ( who was unavoidably absent ) , was due the proud position in which the Preston Lodge stood that evening . The loclge had passed through some strange vicissitudes , but , thanks be to the Grent Architect of the Universe , had surmounted its difficulties so far ; and he could but regard it at present as riding peacefully in a haven of rest ; ancl Hope whispered within his bosom that their future progress would be a steady advance , until they had
gained a proud and eminent position in the Craft The W . Master , in responding , said that he felt with the last brother that the step they had happily taken was the right one ; and he could not but feel proud of the part he had taken in it , ancl grateful to the joining brethren for their prompt support . In proposing the toast of "The Past Masters , " the W . M . said that he considered the presence of the Past Masters iu a
lodge stamped it with a prestige and standing in the Craft . He trusted that the old Past Masters would not fail to be punctual in their attendance . It was more especially necessary ii : a lodge like the Preston—it being a banner lodge—that the Past Masters should be present ; their respective banners serving not only to distinguish their presence but also to denote their absence . Bro . Whiteman , as the Senior P . M ., responded to the toast in appropriate terms . The toast of "The Officers" was then given , ancl responded to by Bro . Roberts .
Several appropriate songs were sung hy Bros . Hopekirk , Miller , Harper , and others ; ancl the meeting finally broke up in the most satisfactory manner , after a most pleasant evening of good fellowship and brotherly love . SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( No . 1158 ) . — -The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 24 th ult ., at the Montpelier TavernWalworth . Bro . T . II . PulsfordW . M . presided .
, , , Bros . Robert Clarke , S . W . ; Huddlestou , Acting J . W . ; II . Thompson ancl H . Potter , P . M . 's ; C . E- Thompson , Sec , and several visitors , amongst whom was Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., ancl P . M . of the Domatic Loclge , 177 , and several other lodges . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the preceding lodge were read ancl confirmed . Mr . Frederick Home was a candidate , and
being introduced was impressively initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business was to raise Bro . Prince to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being admirably performed by the W . Master . The lodge was lowered to the second degree , and Bro . Hooker was passed to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Taylor , of the Domatic Lodge , 177 , was balloted for and admitted as joining member of this lodge . Bro . H . Thompson
, I . P . M ., then brought under tbe notice of the brethren , the proposed commemoration in honour of the Marl of Zetland having served twenty-five years as G . Master , ancl the loclge unanimously agreed to contribute thereto . An alteration iu the by-laws , on the motion of Bro . R . Clarke , S . W ., was agreed to . Some propositions for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was
closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and a very plentiful banquet was provided by Bro . Allatt , the host of the Montpelier Tavern , and it gave general satisfaction . On the cloth being withdrawn , the AV . M . gave the usual formal toasts , which were cordially received , Bro . Joseph Smith responding on behalf of the Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers . The W . M . then iu forcible terms gave the health of their newly-initiated
brother , Bro . Home , and expressed the pleasure he had iu initiating him into the ancient Order of Freemasonry , and said from the great attention he had paid to the ceremony he had gone through , he felt assured he would become a good Mason and an honour to the Craft . Bro Home returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt iu being enrolled in the Order of Freemasonry , assuring them that he would do all in his
power to do credit to the Order , and particularly to the lodge in whicli he had been initiated . The W . M . proposed the health of their brother visitors , ancl saicl it gave him great pleasure to welcome them to the Southern Star Lodge . He was pleased to see amongst them Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . of the Grand Lodge of England , and although it was his first visit he hoped that it would not be his last . He was the esteemed Treasurer of
the Domatic Lodge , to which be also belonged , aud his presence amongst them was most gratifying to himself and to all who were also members of the same lodge . He gave '• ' The Visitors , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Smith . Bro . Smith returned thanks and iu very flattering terms alluded to Bro . Henry Thompson as the founder of the loclge , he also being a
P . M . of tbe Domatic Lodge , and congratulated the brethren ou the state of prosperity at which the lodge had arrived . The other visiting brethren also severally returned thanks , and expressed the gratification they had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of tbe Southern Star Lodge . Bro . H . Thompson , I . P . M ., having assumed the W . M . 's emblem of power , proposed the healih of the W . M ., and saicl it always gave him great
pleasure to perform that task , inasmuch as be was indeed a pet of bis own . He had the privilege of introducing him into Frcemssonry , passing him through his different degrees , and final ] y installing him into the chair as W . M . of the Southern Star Lodge . Such being the case ho felt a peculiar interest in their W . M . The brethren knew well how he discharged the duties of his office . As long as they had such a Master this loclge
would continue to be a great ancl opening light in Freemasonry . He was a hard-working , pains-taking Mason , thoroughly conversant not only with the ceremonies , but the lectures in which those ceremonies were illustrated and explained . It was especially gratifying to find that the Southern Star Lodge was so well worked and with such a preceptor there was no fear that in future masters its high reputation would be fully maintained . He asked the brethren to fill a bumper and join with him in drinking the health of their W . M . It is almost needless to say that this request was immediately and cordially responded
to . The W . M . in acknowledging the toast , said their Bro . Thompson in proposing his health had spoken of him in terms he did not deserve , ( a general dissent followed this remark ) but he had endeavoured to discharge his duty to the best of his ability and would continue to do so . He thanked the brethren for the very cordial way in whicli the toast of his health had been received , and he would do his best to merit their approbation . After ii song by one of the brethren , the W . M . said tho
next toast he had to propose was " The Health of Bro . Thompson , I . P . M . and founder of the loclge , " and at some length alluded to the services he had performed to the loclge . Bro . Thompson , I . P . M . and Treas . in reply said he hardly knew what terms to employ adequately to express his thanks to the brethren for tho very kind way in which on all occasions he was received amongst them . Their W . M . had alluded to him as the founder of the
lodge , hut that was only in common with the W . M . and others , and he felt delighted to see the degree of prosperity which it had attained . Although he was at a loss in a suitable way to possess their good opinion , every time he received a renewal of it was to him most gratifying , and he could assure tbem that on all occasions he would do his utmost to promote the comfort and happiness of the brethren . " The health of the officers of the loclge" was given , for which Bros . Clarke and C . E . Thompson returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and the evening was spent in complete harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNE 3 . — -Pleiades Lodye ( No . 710 ) . —This lodge met on the 26 th ult ., for the first time under Bro . George Heath , the new W . M ., and his officers . , who performed their work in a highly creditable manner , and on a uniform system , this being the result of a regular course of instruction which has been carried on for somo months . The duties commenced soon after six o'clock .
There were present , Bros . G . Heath , W . M . ; J . Heath , I . P . M .: Dr . Hopkins , Marks , and Watson , P . M . 's ; Pridham , S . W . ; W , Cuming , J . W . j Adams , Sec ; Niner , S . D . ; Stafford , J . D . ; Stephens , I . G . ; with many other brethren and visitors , among the latter being Bro . John Elliot , of the Topeka Loclge , United States of America . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and
confirmed , an announcement was made as recorded in the summons that there were two candidates for initiation , notice of which had been given iu writing at seven days , Before a ballot was taken , the I . P . M , asked for information with respect to them , which was amply afforded by the W . M ., S . W ., and I . G . Bro . Dr . Hopkins reminded the W . M . of the caution iven bcircular by the M . W . tbe Grand Master against
g y admitting to the privileges of Masonry persons residing in localities distant from that in which they sought them , and asked for the reason of the application to the Pleiades Loclge . This was given very fully by tbe proposers , to whom the candidates had applied from motives of private friendship and a desir ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
said that to the efforts of the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Kain , See . ( who was unavoidably absent ) , was due the proud position in which the Preston Lodge stood that evening . The loclge had passed through some strange vicissitudes , but , thanks be to the Grent Architect of the Universe , had surmounted its difficulties so far ; and he could but regard it at present as riding peacefully in a haven of rest ; ancl Hope whispered within his bosom that their future progress would be a steady advance , until they had
gained a proud and eminent position in the Craft The W . Master , in responding , said that he felt with the last brother that the step they had happily taken was the right one ; and he could not but feel proud of the part he had taken in it , ancl grateful to the joining brethren for their prompt support . In proposing the toast of "The Past Masters , " the W . M . said that he considered the presence of the Past Masters iu a
lodge stamped it with a prestige and standing in the Craft . He trusted that the old Past Masters would not fail to be punctual in their attendance . It was more especially necessary ii : a lodge like the Preston—it being a banner lodge—that the Past Masters should be present ; their respective banners serving not only to distinguish their presence but also to denote their absence . Bro . Whiteman , as the Senior P . M ., responded to the toast in appropriate terms . The toast of "The Officers" was then given , ancl responded to by Bro . Roberts .
Several appropriate songs were sung hy Bros . Hopekirk , Miller , Harper , and others ; ancl the meeting finally broke up in the most satisfactory manner , after a most pleasant evening of good fellowship and brotherly love . SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( No . 1158 ) . — -The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 24 th ult ., at the Montpelier TavernWalworth . Bro . T . II . PulsfordW . M . presided .
, , , Bros . Robert Clarke , S . W . ; Huddlestou , Acting J . W . ; II . Thompson ancl H . Potter , P . M . 's ; C . E- Thompson , Sec , and several visitors , amongst whom was Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., ancl P . M . of the Domatic Loclge , 177 , and several other lodges . The lodge having been opened in due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the preceding lodge were read ancl confirmed . Mr . Frederick Home was a candidate , and
being introduced was impressively initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The next business was to raise Bro . Prince to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being admirably performed by the W . Master . The lodge was lowered to the second degree , and Bro . Hooker was passed to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Taylor , of the Domatic Lodge , 177 , was balloted for and admitted as joining member of this lodge . Bro . H . Thompson
, I . P . M ., then brought under tbe notice of the brethren , the proposed commemoration in honour of the Marl of Zetland having served twenty-five years as G . Master , ancl the loclge unanimously agreed to contribute thereto . An alteration iu the by-laws , on the motion of Bro . R . Clarke , S . W ., was agreed to . Some propositions for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was
closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and a very plentiful banquet was provided by Bro . Allatt , the host of the Montpelier Tavern , and it gave general satisfaction . On the cloth being withdrawn , the AV . M . gave the usual formal toasts , which were cordially received , Bro . Joseph Smith responding on behalf of the Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the Grand Officers . The W . M . then iu forcible terms gave the health of their newly-initiated
brother , Bro . Home , and expressed the pleasure he had iu initiating him into the ancient Order of Freemasonry , and said from the great attention he had paid to the ceremony he had gone through , he felt assured he would become a good Mason and an honour to the Craft . Bro Home returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure he felt iu being enrolled in the Order of Freemasonry , assuring them that he would do all in his
power to do credit to the Order , and particularly to the lodge in whicli he had been initiated . The W . M . proposed the health of their brother visitors , ancl saicl it gave him great pleasure to welcome them to the Southern Star Lodge . He was pleased to see amongst them Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . of the Grand Lodge of England , and although it was his first visit he hoped that it would not be his last . He was the esteemed Treasurer of
the Domatic Lodge , to which be also belonged , aud his presence amongst them was most gratifying to himself and to all who were also members of the same lodge . He gave '• ' The Visitors , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Smith . Bro . Smith returned thanks and iu very flattering terms alluded to Bro . Henry Thompson as the founder of the loclge , he also being a
P . M . of tbe Domatic Lodge , and congratulated the brethren ou the state of prosperity at which the lodge had arrived . The other visiting brethren also severally returned thanks , and expressed the gratification they had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of tbe Southern Star Lodge . Bro . H . Thompson , I . P . M ., having assumed the W . M . 's emblem of power , proposed the healih of the W . M ., and saicl it always gave him great
pleasure to perform that task , inasmuch as be was indeed a pet of bis own . He had the privilege of introducing him into Frcemssonry , passing him through his different degrees , and final ] y installing him into the chair as W . M . of the Southern Star Lodge . Such being the case ho felt a peculiar interest in their W . M . The brethren knew well how he discharged the duties of his office . As long as they had such a Master this loclge
would continue to be a great ancl opening light in Freemasonry . He was a hard-working , pains-taking Mason , thoroughly conversant not only with the ceremonies , but the lectures in which those ceremonies were illustrated and explained . It was especially gratifying to find that the Southern Star Lodge was so well worked and with such a preceptor there was no fear that in future masters its high reputation would be fully maintained . He asked the brethren to fill a bumper and join with him in drinking the health of their W . M . It is almost needless to say that this request was immediately and cordially responded
to . The W . M . in acknowledging the toast , said their Bro . Thompson in proposing his health had spoken of him in terms he did not deserve , ( a general dissent followed this remark ) but he had endeavoured to discharge his duty to the best of his ability and would continue to do so . He thanked the brethren for the very cordial way in whicli the toast of his health had been received , and he would do his best to merit their approbation . After ii song by one of the brethren , the W . M . said tho
next toast he had to propose was " The Health of Bro . Thompson , I . P . M . and founder of the loclge , " and at some length alluded to the services he had performed to the loclge . Bro . Thompson , I . P . M . and Treas . in reply said he hardly knew what terms to employ adequately to express his thanks to the brethren for tho very kind way in which on all occasions he was received amongst them . Their W . M . had alluded to him as the founder of the
lodge , hut that was only in common with the W . M . and others , and he felt delighted to see the degree of prosperity which it had attained . Although he was at a loss in a suitable way to possess their good opinion , every time he received a renewal of it was to him most gratifying , and he could assure tbem that on all occasions he would do his utmost to promote the comfort and happiness of the brethren . " The health of the officers of the loclge" was given , for which Bros . Clarke and C . E . Thompson returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and the evening was spent in complete harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNE 3 . — -Pleiades Lodye ( No . 710 ) . —This lodge met on the 26 th ult ., for the first time under Bro . George Heath , the new W . M ., and his officers . , who performed their work in a highly creditable manner , and on a uniform system , this being the result of a regular course of instruction which has been carried on for somo months . The duties commenced soon after six o'clock .
There were present , Bros . G . Heath , W . M . ; J . Heath , I . P . M .: Dr . Hopkins , Marks , and Watson , P . M . 's ; Pridham , S . W . ; W , Cuming , J . W . j Adams , Sec ; Niner , S . D . ; Stafford , J . D . ; Stephens , I . G . ; with many other brethren and visitors , among the latter being Bro . John Elliot , of the Topeka Loclge , United States of America . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and
confirmed , an announcement was made as recorded in the summons that there were two candidates for initiation , notice of which had been given iu writing at seven days , Before a ballot was taken , the I . P . M , asked for information with respect to them , which was amply afforded by the W . M ., S . W ., and I . G . Bro . Dr . Hopkins reminded the W . M . of the caution iven bcircular by the M . W . tbe Grand Master against
g y admitting to the privileges of Masonry persons residing in localities distant from that in which they sought them , and asked for the reason of the application to the Pleiades Loclge . This was given very fully by tbe proposers , to whom the candidates had applied from motives of private friendship and a desir ^