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the chair as acting G . M ., proceeded to open Grand Loclge . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed and other preliminary business got through , the acting G . M . requested the deputation to withdraw for the purpose of conducting the M . W . the G . M . elect into Grand Lodge . The Right Hon . tho Earl of Dalhousie , accompanied by tbe deputation having entered , was addressed by the R . W . Bro . Melville , aud was by hiin re-obligated and installed , ancl he was then saluted by the
brethren present . A list of officers recommended by the Grand Committee for election was then read , and the names having been severally approved of , they were elected ancl called upon by the M . W . the G . M . to present themselves , and were addressed hy him iu suitable terms , aud after being obligated , retired to their respective places in Grand Loclge . Tho following is the list of appointments made and which now constitutes the Grand Office-Bearers
for 186 S-9 -. — Bros . J . Whyte-Melville , P . G . Master ; the Right Honourable Earl Haddington , R . W . D . G . . Master ; Henry Inglis , R . W . Substitute Grand alaster ; Eight Hon . Earl of Dunniore , S . G . W . ; W . Mann , 65 , J . G . W : Samuel Hay , G . Treas . ; W . A . Laurie , W . S ., G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , W . S ., G . Clerk ; David Ariiot , D . D ., and Rev . V . G . Faithful , JZU ., joint V . W . Grand Chaps . ; Col . A . Campbell , S . G . D . ; Right Hon . Lord Erskiue
, J . G . D . ; David Bryce , Architect to Grand Lodge ; Alexander Hay , G . Jeweller ; Daniel Robertson , G . Bible Bearer ; Captain P . Deuehar , S . JSz , ancl Charles S . Law , G . Dirs . of Cers . ; James Ballantine , G . Bard . ; Col . Houstoun , G . Sword Bearer ; C . W . M . Miller , G . Dir . of Mus i c ; R . Davidson , Org . ; John Coghill , Chief Grand . Mareschal ; John Laurie , G . Mareschal ; William Miller BryceTler : James BaikieOuter Guard .
, y , Other business having been transacted the Grand Lodge was closed by the Grand Master , and the brethren , in procession , adjourned to the banquet which was held at seven o ' clock in the great hall , under the presidency of the Earl of Dalhousie , the M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Dunniore , S . W . ; Bro . Manu , . J . W . Upon the dais the G . M . was supported by the R . W . Bro . Whyte-Melville , P . G . M .: Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , R . W . Subs . G . M . ;
Capt . Speirs , P . G . W . of England , and Prov . G . M . for Glasgow ; J . S . Oswald , of Dunnikeir , D . Prov . G . M " . Fife ; Rev . V . 6 . Faithful , M . A ., V . W . G . Chap . ; Col . Houstoun , G . S . B . ; Dr . S . Somerville , Dr . McGowan ; William Smith , G . B ., P . G . S . England ; W . A . Laurie , G . Sec . ; A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk , aud other brethren ; and in the body of the hall , at tables arranged at right angles with the dais , many present and past Grand Officers and Prov .
G . Officers , and representatives from all the Edinburgh lodges , ancl many of the private lodges throughout Scotland , as also several representatives of foreign lodges aud other Masonic bodies .
After tho banquet , Grand Lodge was again opened in the usual manner by tlie Grand Master , when the following toasts were consecutively put and responded to : — 1 . " Holy Lodge of St . John , " proposed by tho Chair . 2 . "The Queen , - ' by the Chair . National Anthem , with full accompaniment . 3 . "The Prince Steward of Scotland , the Princess of Wales , the Duke of Edinburghand toe rest of the Royal Famil" b
, y , y the Chair . Organ Solo , by Bro . Davison , G . Org . 4 . " The Navy , Army , Militia , and Volunteers , " by the Chair . 5 . "The Craft ancl Freemasonry over the World , " by the Chair . Song . 0 . " The Grand Loclge of England and Earl of Zetland , " by the Chair .
7 . "The Grand Ledge of Ireland and the Duke of Leinster , ' by the Chair . ' 8 . "The Grand Master , " by the Past Grand Muster . Song , by Bro . 'J ' . Brown . ( Written for the occasion bv the G . Bard . ) 9 . " Past Grand Master . " Presentation of Bust , by the Chair . 10 . "The Foreign Grand Lodges , " by the Chair .
11 . "The Depute Grand Master , tiie Earl of Haddington , " by the chair . Song , by Bro . II . E . Kay . 12 . "Substitute Grand Master , Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , " by the Chair . 13 . " The Deputations from Daughter Lodges , " ( as per list apart ) , by the Chair . Song .
14 . "The Provincial Grand Lodges of Scotland , " by the Chair . 15 . " The Grand Wardens , " by the Chair . 16 . "The Grand Treasurer , the Grand Secretary , and other Office-bearers of Grand Loclge , " by the Chair . 17 . " Lady Catherine Whyte-Melville , " by the Earl of Haddington . Song .
IS . " Countess of Haddington , " by tbe Chair 19 . " The Memory of tho deceased Grand Officers and Members during past year , " bv the Chair . 20 . " The Memory of St . Clair of Rosslyn , " by the Chair . These last two toists were drunk in silence . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form . As it will be observed , after tbe usual loyal toasts had been
proposed the M ' . W . G . Master rose and said that he had a pleasing duty to perform—a duty which , he was sure , would commend itself to all present—munch " , the presentation of a bust iu marble to Bro . John Whyte-Melville , P . G . M . M . for Scotland . For a great many years Bro . Melville held the office of D . G . M ., and by his zeal and integrity he had raised the dignity of the craft in Scotland ; ami the brethren throughout the kingdom wished to
mark their appreciation of his services by presenting him with a marble bust , to be permanently placed in the Masonic Hall , and another bust to be given to Lady Catherine Whyte-Melville . The bust was thereafter uncovered amid great applause . In acknowledging the presentation , Bro . John Whyte-Melville saicl that he coulcl not express too highly what he felt for the honour that had just been paid him . The bust which was to be
given to Lady Melville would be handed clown to his heirs , not only as an excellent likeness , but as an admirable work of art , which reflected sjreat credit on the sculptor , Bro . lohn Hutchison , U . S . A . During the evening a song , composed for the occasion by the Grand Bard Bro . James Ballantine , was sung by Bro . T . Brown . The orchestra was filled by Bro . Hoffman ' s band , ancl tho G . Org ., Bro . Davidson , presided at the organ . The dinner was provided by Bro . lmrie , South Bridge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . BELGRAVE CHAPTER ( NO . 749 . )—The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Piesent , Comps- W . Ough , P . Z ., Assist . G . Purst . ; 11 . Watkinson , A . Lefeber , S . Homewood , Dr . T . E . Edwards , M . D ., W . Johnson , C . Tuekett , J . Zahensdorf , & c . Comps . II . Garrod . M . E . Z . ; C . BondH . ; Dr . II . Johnson
, , M . D ., J . ; W . Bourne , Scribe E .: G . Pymm , Scribe N . ; G . W . Porter , Prin . Soj . ; II . Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; H . Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . The chapter being declared open , tlio minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . Alter this a ballot was taken for Bros . E . Harper aud W : E . Macrill . both of the Belgrave Loclge ( No . 749 ) , which proving unanimous in their favourthey were both introduced in clue form ancl exalted into
, this high and supreme degree . Comp . Johnson gave the historical lecture ; Comp . Ough , the prophetical ; and the M . E . Z . the symbolical , in the style for which each companion is so noted .. After the usual business tbe companions adjourned to the banquet room where twenty-eight companions sat down to a most sumptuous dinner , excellently well superintended by Comp .. Smith , After the usual toasts , the M . E . Z . gave " The Health
of tiie two newly-exalted Companions , " congratulating them upon their admission into Royal Arch Masonry . Comps . Macrill ancl Harper thanked the companions for the honour they had conferred on them that day , ami hoped to prove that their industry in Masonry would show that their confidence had not been misplaced . The next toast , that of " The Visitors , " Comp . R . Johnson , Strict Benevolence ( Xo . 97 ) , of Sunderland , nnd
Comp . Verry , Yarborongh , 554 , the M . E . Z . saicl was a most pleasing one to him and the chapter generally . They were fortunate in having two such celebrated Arch Masons as their two guests . Comps . Johnson and Verry both thanked the M . E . Z . for the kind way that he w " as pleased to speak of tbem , and trusted that the companions would visit tbem in return . The next toast , that of Past Principal , the M . E . Z . said that every companion present knew what Comp . Ough had done for the Belgrave Chapter in particular and Masonry in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the chair as acting G . M ., proceeded to open Grand Loclge . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed and other preliminary business got through , the acting G . M . requested the deputation to withdraw for the purpose of conducting the M . W . the G . M . elect into Grand Lodge . The Right Hon . tho Earl of Dalhousie , accompanied by tbe deputation having entered , was addressed by the R . W . Bro . Melville , aud was by hiin re-obligated and installed , ancl he was then saluted by the
brethren present . A list of officers recommended by the Grand Committee for election was then read , and the names having been severally approved of , they were elected ancl called upon by the M . W . the G . M . to present themselves , and were addressed hy him iu suitable terms , aud after being obligated , retired to their respective places in Grand Loclge . Tho following is the list of appointments made and which now constitutes the Grand Office-Bearers
for 186 S-9 -. — Bros . J . Whyte-Melville , P . G . Master ; the Right Honourable Earl Haddington , R . W . D . G . . Master ; Henry Inglis , R . W . Substitute Grand alaster ; Eight Hon . Earl of Dunniore , S . G . W . ; W . Mann , 65 , J . G . W : Samuel Hay , G . Treas . ; W . A . Laurie , W . S ., G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , W . S ., G . Clerk ; David Ariiot , D . D ., and Rev . V . G . Faithful , JZU ., joint V . W . Grand Chaps . ; Col . A . Campbell , S . G . D . ; Right Hon . Lord Erskiue
, J . G . D . ; David Bryce , Architect to Grand Lodge ; Alexander Hay , G . Jeweller ; Daniel Robertson , G . Bible Bearer ; Captain P . Deuehar , S . JSz , ancl Charles S . Law , G . Dirs . of Cers . ; James Ballantine , G . Bard . ; Col . Houstoun , G . Sword Bearer ; C . W . M . Miller , G . Dir . of Mus i c ; R . Davidson , Org . ; John Coghill , Chief Grand . Mareschal ; John Laurie , G . Mareschal ; William Miller BryceTler : James BaikieOuter Guard .
, y , Other business having been transacted the Grand Lodge was closed by the Grand Master , and the brethren , in procession , adjourned to the banquet which was held at seven o ' clock in the great hall , under the presidency of the Earl of Dalhousie , the M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Dunniore , S . W . ; Bro . Manu , . J . W . Upon the dais the G . M . was supported by the R . W . Bro . Whyte-Melville , P . G . M .: Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , R . W . Subs . G . M . ;
Capt . Speirs , P . G . W . of England , and Prov . G . M . for Glasgow ; J . S . Oswald , of Dunnikeir , D . Prov . G . M " . Fife ; Rev . V . 6 . Faithful , M . A ., V . W . G . Chap . ; Col . Houstoun , G . S . B . ; Dr . S . Somerville , Dr . McGowan ; William Smith , G . B ., P . G . S . England ; W . A . Laurie , G . Sec . ; A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk , aud other brethren ; and in the body of the hall , at tables arranged at right angles with the dais , many present and past Grand Officers and Prov .
G . Officers , and representatives from all the Edinburgh lodges , ancl many of the private lodges throughout Scotland , as also several representatives of foreign lodges aud other Masonic bodies .
After tho banquet , Grand Lodge was again opened in the usual manner by tlie Grand Master , when the following toasts were consecutively put and responded to : — 1 . " Holy Lodge of St . John , " proposed by tho Chair . 2 . "The Queen , - ' by the Chair . National Anthem , with full accompaniment . 3 . "The Prince Steward of Scotland , the Princess of Wales , the Duke of Edinburghand toe rest of the Royal Famil" b
, y , y the Chair . Organ Solo , by Bro . Davison , G . Org . 4 . " The Navy , Army , Militia , and Volunteers , " by the Chair . 5 . "The Craft ancl Freemasonry over the World , " by the Chair . Song . 0 . " The Grand Loclge of England and Earl of Zetland , " by the Chair .
7 . "The Grand Ledge of Ireland and the Duke of Leinster , ' by the Chair . ' 8 . "The Grand Master , " by the Past Grand Muster . Song , by Bro . 'J ' . Brown . ( Written for the occasion bv the G . Bard . ) 9 . " Past Grand Master . " Presentation of Bust , by the Chair . 10 . "The Foreign Grand Lodges , " by the Chair .
11 . "The Depute Grand Master , tiie Earl of Haddington , " by the chair . Song , by Bro . II . E . Kay . 12 . "Substitute Grand Master , Bro . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , " by the Chair . 13 . " The Deputations from Daughter Lodges , " ( as per list apart ) , by the Chair . Song .
14 . "The Provincial Grand Lodges of Scotland , " by the Chair . 15 . " The Grand Wardens , " by the Chair . 16 . "The Grand Treasurer , the Grand Secretary , and other Office-bearers of Grand Loclge , " by the Chair . 17 . " Lady Catherine Whyte-Melville , " by the Earl of Haddington . Song .
IS . " Countess of Haddington , " by tbe Chair 19 . " The Memory of tho deceased Grand Officers and Members during past year , " bv the Chair . 20 . " The Memory of St . Clair of Rosslyn , " by the Chair . These last two toists were drunk in silence . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form . As it will be observed , after tbe usual loyal toasts had been
proposed the M ' . W . G . Master rose and said that he had a pleasing duty to perform—a duty which , he was sure , would commend itself to all present—munch " , the presentation of a bust iu marble to Bro . John Whyte-Melville , P . G . M . M . for Scotland . For a great many years Bro . Melville held the office of D . G . M ., and by his zeal and integrity he had raised the dignity of the craft in Scotland ; ami the brethren throughout the kingdom wished to
mark their appreciation of his services by presenting him with a marble bust , to be permanently placed in the Masonic Hall , and another bust to be given to Lady Catherine Whyte-Melville . The bust was thereafter uncovered amid great applause . In acknowledging the presentation , Bro . John Whyte-Melville saicl that he coulcl not express too highly what he felt for the honour that had just been paid him . The bust which was to be
given to Lady Melville would be handed clown to his heirs , not only as an excellent likeness , but as an admirable work of art , which reflected sjreat credit on the sculptor , Bro . lohn Hutchison , U . S . A . During the evening a song , composed for the occasion by the Grand Bard Bro . James Ballantine , was sung by Bro . T . Brown . The orchestra was filled by Bro . Hoffman ' s band , ancl tho G . Org ., Bro . Davidson , presided at the organ . The dinner was provided by Bro . lmrie , South Bridge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . BELGRAVE CHAPTER ( NO . 749 . )—The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Piesent , Comps- W . Ough , P . Z ., Assist . G . Purst . ; 11 . Watkinson , A . Lefeber , S . Homewood , Dr . T . E . Edwards , M . D ., W . Johnson , C . Tuekett , J . Zahensdorf , & c . Comps . II . Garrod . M . E . Z . ; C . BondH . ; Dr . II . Johnson
, , M . D ., J . ; W . Bourne , Scribe E .: G . Pymm , Scribe N . ; G . W . Porter , Prin . Soj . ; II . Finch , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; H . Crabtree , 2 nd Assist . Soj . The chapter being declared open , tlio minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . Alter this a ballot was taken for Bros . E . Harper aud W : E . Macrill . both of the Belgrave Loclge ( No . 749 ) , which proving unanimous in their favourthey were both introduced in clue form ancl exalted into
, this high and supreme degree . Comp . Johnson gave the historical lecture ; Comp . Ough , the prophetical ; and the M . E . Z . the symbolical , in the style for which each companion is so noted .. After the usual business tbe companions adjourned to the banquet room where twenty-eight companions sat down to a most sumptuous dinner , excellently well superintended by Comp .. Smith , After the usual toasts , the M . E . Z . gave " The Health
of tiie two newly-exalted Companions , " congratulating them upon their admission into Royal Arch Masonry . Comps . Macrill ancl Harper thanked the companions for the honour they had conferred on them that day , ami hoped to prove that their industry in Masonry would show that their confidence had not been misplaced . The next toast , that of " The Visitors , " Comp . R . Johnson , Strict Benevolence ( Xo . 97 ) , of Sunderland , nnd
Comp . Verry , Yarborongh , 554 , the M . E . Z . saicl was a most pleasing one to him and the chapter generally . They were fortunate in having two such celebrated Arch Masons as their two guests . Comps . Johnson and Verry both thanked the M . E . Z . for the kind way that he w " as pleased to speak of tbem , and trusted that the companions would visit tbem in return . The next toast , that of Past Principal , the M . E . Z . said that every companion present knew what Comp . Ough had done for the Belgrave Chapter in particular and Masonry in