Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
general . The fact of his being a Grand Officer was in itself sufficient to meet with a good reception , but , added to that all his other good qualities and that of their first M . E . Z ., must have a double influence with them . Comp . Ough , P . Z ., Assist . G . Purst ., thanked the companions for the kind manner in which they ahvays received this toast , and he begged to assure them that he should always be willing to do all that he could for the prosperity of both the chapter and the lodgeand he
, hoped that he might be spared many years to do all that in him lay for the benefit of the companions at large , and while he was on his legs he should propose a toast that he was certain would meet with all their approval , that toast was " Tbe M . E . Z . " ancl every Mason in that room was deeply indebted to him for the indefatigable manner in which he performed the duties of his office , and for the assistance he was always ready to afford to
others when ever he could be of service to tbem . Comp . Garrod , M . E . Z ., said if he deserved all that had been said of him by the last companion he should become vain , but this he would say , that if ever he coulcl do anything in his power to serve any companion of the chapter or brother of the lodge , be should always feel the greatest happiness in so doing , for he thought it was only his duty to do so for a return of their kindness to
him on all occasions . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Health of Scribes E . and N . " and was pleased to eulogise their exertions in a most fluent manner . Comp . Bourne saicl that he should at all times be ready to give any assistance in his power to further the ends of the chapter . Comp . Pymm replied briefly ; he said ,
that for any trouble the founders had been put to , they saw the reward of their labours before them in the goodly company in that room . "The Officers of the Chapter" was noxt on tho list , and Comp . Garrod said that every companion that hail been present that evening must have been forcibly impressed with the masterly manner in which Comp . Porter had gone through his duties . He assured the officers that it was their efficiency that gave him so much confidenceand without their assistance
, and cordial co-operation , the chapter might lose much of its beauty ancl effect , and he was in a position to say that the Prin . Soj . had excelled himself by his working that evening . Comp . Porter said that on behalf of the officers of the Belgrave Chapter he wished to say a few , a very few words . Having at the last meeting of the Belgrave Lodge received an invitation , he was surprised and delighted to see that every officerwithout
, an exception , was perfect in his duties , and he trusted that the chapter was nearly as well officered , and nothing should be wanted on his part to try and equal the lodge if it was possible . He had only done his duty , and if the companions were pleased to approve of what he and his oflicers had clone , the kind words and approbation of the M . E . Z . was a most ample compensation for their humble exertions . The Janitor ' s toast brought a most
happy evening to a close . We must not forget to mention that Comp . E . W . Mackney came up from Liverpool that afternoon specially to be present , and by bis great exertions , instrumentally and vocally , assisted by Comps . Garrod , Finch , Verry , Pymm , & c , brought a very happy afternoon to a close .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The regular ' quarterly meeting of this Mark loclge was held on the 24 th ult . Present , Bros- Rev . W . Kay Robinson , D . Prov . G . M ., W . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , S . W . ; II . Douglas , Prov . S . G . W ., J . W ., and the other officers of the lodge . Bro . Turville , Tyler of the Craft lodge was advanced to the degree of Mark Master , to act
as a serving brother under a dispensation from tbe Prov , G . M . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Kelly , who being in attendance was advanced to this honourable degree . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to refreshment , ancl a very pleasant evening was spent . NORTHUMBERLAND .
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . — Northumberland and BerwicTc upon Tweed Lodge of Mark Master Masons . —On Wednesday the 2 oth ult ., the members of this Ancient Mark Lodge held their annual installation at their lodge room , Newgate-street , Newcastle . After the lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Foulsbam , and the minutes confirmed , the financial repoit was
Mark Masonry.
read and adopted showing a balance in hand of £ 8 . The W . M . then proceeded to instill his successor Bro . John Stokoe , S . W ., which be performed in an able and impressive manner . The following is the list of officers invested h y the new W . M ., Bros . W . Foulsbam , I . P . M . ; A . Clapham , S . W . ; T . Y . Strachan , J . W . f R . B . Reed , M . M . O . ; R . F . Cook , S . O . ; J . Ridsdale , J . O . ; R . Lvle , Treas . ; B . Hugill , Sec . and Reg . ; E . Lyle , S . D . ; W . J . HowardJ . D . ; HolbollI . G . ; W . EnglishSteward ; J . S .
, , , Trotter , Tyler . Bro . S . Dunn of Loclge No . 541 was proposed fcir advancement at the next regular meeting , aud after the loclge was closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . E . Brown ' s Turks Head Hotel , Grey-street , to hold tlieirfestival and sat down to a bountiful and excellent supper , placed before them in a style for which Bro . Brown is especially noted . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ancl cordiallresponded to . The
y W . M . iu pioposing the health of tlie present officers , stated his intention to conform to the ritual of Grand Mark Lodge in all respects , and expressed his belief that in the officers invested that clay , he would find able and billingas .-istants in carrying out his views in that respect . A pleasant ancl liarmmius evening was spent , ancl the brethren separated at a reasonable hour .
Masonic Festivities.
"WARWICKSHIRE . On Friday evening , the 27 th tilt ., a soiree was held at tho Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , in connexion with tho Fletcher Lodge , 10 : 31 . The lodgo room was tastefully decorated with the Royal Arch aud Templar banners . A dais was placed in the cast for the singers . The
company assembled about 8 p . m ., and numbered about CO ladies and gentlemen . Permission having been obtained from the D-Pi-ov . G . M ., the brethren appeared in Masonic clothing , and each degree' from E . A . up to ; 32 ' , was represented . The different dresses of the ladies and gentlemen had a pretty effect , and ot the commencement of the musical entertainment the room had a very animated
appearance- The 'following programme was then gone through . - The singing of the brethren , tho reading of Bro . Glydon , and the overture from "Zampa " by Bro . T . Belcher , all gave great delight to those who were fortunate enough to be present .
PllOGRAintE . 1 . Solo . Organ . Bro . T . Belcher , Music Bac . Oxon . 2 . Glee . " With sighs sweet Eose . " Callcott- Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 3 . Song . " Love ' s Request . " Reichardfc . Bro . Kennedy .
I . Glee . "Tho Soldier ' s Love . " Kucken . Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 5 . Solo—Pianoforte . Bro . Gaul , Mus . Bac . Oxon . 6 . Duet , "Love and War- " Cooke . Bros . Glydon aud Davis . 7 . Song . " Alice , where art thou ? " Ascher . Bro .
Kennedy . 8 . Reading . "Sergeant Buzfuz . " T \ :, . 'kens . Bro . Glydon . - 0- Glee . "Hungarian Serenade Polka . " Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis , 10 . Song . "Kitty Tyrrell . " Glover . Bro . Glydon . II . Glee . "The young Recruit . " Bros-Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 12 . Solo—Organ . Bro . Belcher .
At the conclusion of the concert , dancing began in the banquet-room , which had been prettily decorated for the occasion , and the floor was covered with a diaper cloth . Those who were fond of this amusement had every opportunity of enjoying themselves to their heart ' s content , and Bro . Fullam ' s excellent management as M . O . gave great satisfaction . This , one of the first meetings of the kind in Birmingham , proved a great success , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
general . The fact of his being a Grand Officer was in itself sufficient to meet with a good reception , but , added to that all his other good qualities and that of their first M . E . Z ., must have a double influence with them . Comp . Ough , P . Z ., Assist . G . Purst ., thanked the companions for the kind manner in which they ahvays received this toast , and he begged to assure them that he should always be willing to do all that he could for the prosperity of both the chapter and the lodgeand he
, hoped that he might be spared many years to do all that in him lay for the benefit of the companions at large , and while he was on his legs he should propose a toast that he was certain would meet with all their approval , that toast was " Tbe M . E . Z . " ancl every Mason in that room was deeply indebted to him for the indefatigable manner in which he performed the duties of his office , and for the assistance he was always ready to afford to
others when ever he could be of service to tbem . Comp . Garrod , M . E . Z ., said if he deserved all that had been said of him by the last companion he should become vain , but this he would say , that if ever he coulcl do anything in his power to serve any companion of the chapter or brother of the lodge , be should always feel the greatest happiness in so doing , for he thought it was only his duty to do so for a return of their kindness to
him on all occasions . The M . E . Z . then proposed "The Health of Scribes E . and N . " and was pleased to eulogise their exertions in a most fluent manner . Comp . Bourne saicl that he should at all times be ready to give any assistance in his power to further the ends of the chapter . Comp . Pymm replied briefly ; he said ,
that for any trouble the founders had been put to , they saw the reward of their labours before them in the goodly company in that room . "The Officers of the Chapter" was noxt on tho list , and Comp . Garrod said that every companion that hail been present that evening must have been forcibly impressed with the masterly manner in which Comp . Porter had gone through his duties . He assured the officers that it was their efficiency that gave him so much confidenceand without their assistance
, and cordial co-operation , the chapter might lose much of its beauty ancl effect , and he was in a position to say that the Prin . Soj . had excelled himself by his working that evening . Comp . Porter said that on behalf of the officers of the Belgrave Chapter he wished to say a few , a very few words . Having at the last meeting of the Belgrave Lodge received an invitation , he was surprised and delighted to see that every officerwithout
, an exception , was perfect in his duties , and he trusted that the chapter was nearly as well officered , and nothing should be wanted on his part to try and equal the lodge if it was possible . He had only done his duty , and if the companions were pleased to approve of what he and his oflicers had clone , the kind words and approbation of the M . E . Z . was a most ample compensation for their humble exertions . The Janitor ' s toast brought a most
happy evening to a close . We must not forget to mention that Comp . E . W . Mackney came up from Liverpool that afternoon specially to be present , and by bis great exertions , instrumentally and vocally , assisted by Comps . Garrod , Finch , Verry , Pymm , & c , brought a very happy afternoon to a close .
Mark Masonry.
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The regular ' quarterly meeting of this Mark loclge was held on the 24 th ult . Present , Bros- Rev . W . Kay Robinson , D . Prov . G . M ., W . M . ; Rev . W . Langley , S . W . ; II . Douglas , Prov . S . G . W ., J . W ., and the other officers of the lodge . Bro . Turville , Tyler of the Craft lodge was advanced to the degree of Mark Master , to act
as a serving brother under a dispensation from tbe Prov , G . M . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Kelly , who being in attendance was advanced to this honourable degree . The lodge being closed the brethren adjourned to refreshment , ancl a very pleasant evening was spent . NORTHUMBERLAND .
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . — Northumberland and BerwicTc upon Tweed Lodge of Mark Master Masons . —On Wednesday the 2 oth ult ., the members of this Ancient Mark Lodge held their annual installation at their lodge room , Newgate-street , Newcastle . After the lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Foulsbam , and the minutes confirmed , the financial repoit was
Mark Masonry.
read and adopted showing a balance in hand of £ 8 . The W . M . then proceeded to instill his successor Bro . John Stokoe , S . W ., which be performed in an able and impressive manner . The following is the list of officers invested h y the new W . M ., Bros . W . Foulsbam , I . P . M . ; A . Clapham , S . W . ; T . Y . Strachan , J . W . f R . B . Reed , M . M . O . ; R . F . Cook , S . O . ; J . Ridsdale , J . O . ; R . Lvle , Treas . ; B . Hugill , Sec . and Reg . ; E . Lyle , S . D . ; W . J . HowardJ . D . ; HolbollI . G . ; W . EnglishSteward ; J . S .
, , , Trotter , Tyler . Bro . S . Dunn of Loclge No . 541 was proposed fcir advancement at the next regular meeting , aud after the loclge was closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . E . Brown ' s Turks Head Hotel , Grey-street , to hold tlieirfestival and sat down to a bountiful and excellent supper , placed before them in a style for which Bro . Brown is especially noted . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given ancl cordiallresponded to . The
y W . M . iu pioposing the health of tlie present officers , stated his intention to conform to the ritual of Grand Mark Lodge in all respects , and expressed his belief that in the officers invested that clay , he would find able and billingas .-istants in carrying out his views in that respect . A pleasant ancl liarmmius evening was spent , ancl the brethren separated at a reasonable hour .
Masonic Festivities.
"WARWICKSHIRE . On Friday evening , the 27 th tilt ., a soiree was held at tho Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , in connexion with tho Fletcher Lodge , 10 : 31 . The lodgo room was tastefully decorated with the Royal Arch aud Templar banners . A dais was placed in the cast for the singers . The
company assembled about 8 p . m ., and numbered about CO ladies and gentlemen . Permission having been obtained from the D-Pi-ov . G . M ., the brethren appeared in Masonic clothing , and each degree' from E . A . up to ; 32 ' , was represented . The different dresses of the ladies and gentlemen had a pretty effect , and ot the commencement of the musical entertainment the room had a very animated
appearance- The 'following programme was then gone through . - The singing of the brethren , tho reading of Bro . Glydon , and the overture from "Zampa " by Bro . T . Belcher , all gave great delight to those who were fortunate enough to be present .
PllOGRAintE . 1 . Solo . Organ . Bro . T . Belcher , Music Bac . Oxon . 2 . Glee . " With sighs sweet Eose . " Callcott- Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 3 . Song . " Love ' s Request . " Reichardfc . Bro . Kennedy .
I . Glee . "Tho Soldier ' s Love . " Kucken . Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 5 . Solo—Pianoforte . Bro . Gaul , Mus . Bac . Oxon . 6 . Duet , "Love and War- " Cooke . Bros . Glydon aud Davis . 7 . Song . " Alice , where art thou ? " Ascher . Bro .
Kennedy . 8 . Reading . "Sergeant Buzfuz . " T \ :, . 'kens . Bro . Glydon . - 0- Glee . "Hungarian Serenade Polka . " Bros . Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis , 10 . Song . "Kitty Tyrrell . " Glover . Bro . Glydon . II . Glee . "The young Recruit . " Bros-Gaul , Bragg , Glydon , Pursall , and Davis . 12 . Solo—Organ . Bro . Belcher .
At the conclusion of the concert , dancing began in the banquet-room , which had been prettily decorated for the occasion , and the floor was covered with a diaper cloth . Those who were fond of this amusement had every opportunity of enjoying themselves to their heart ' s content , and Bro . Fullam ' s excellent management as M . O . gave great satisfaction . This , one of the first meetings of the kind in Birmingham , proved a great success , and