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Masonic Festivities.
will no doubt be continued annually . Many thanks are due to the committee of management for the excellent arrangements , and to Bros . Grinsell and Bourne for the beautiful works of art arranged on tho centre table in the lodge room , also to Bro . Field for several scientific toys , etc . We understand that the dancing was kept up till 4 a . m ., when tho party separated , having spent a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
WEST INDIES . ST . THOMAS . —The Harmonic Lodgo ( No . 3-50 ) . celebrated on Monday evening , the 26 th October , the fiftieth anniversary of its charter . Agreeably to invitations which had been issued , a large concourse of members of the Craft assembled at the appointed hour in the saloon
of the Masonic Hall , to assist in the celebration of tho jubilee- After the usual ceremony of opening the lodge , the brother visitors were admitted within tho temple , and when all the brethren were together Bro . E . V . Lavergne , the W . M ., asked Bro . SI . N . Nathan to offer the customary prayer , and having declared the labours of the lodge suspended , he requested Bros . I . Fortune
and A . Leon , C , M ., to introduce the ladies who had been invited to participate in the festivities of the day ; soon after the doors ol' the temple were thrown open to admit them—their presence giving an additional lustre to the happy event which was being celebrated . Bro . Lavergne in kind and befitting terms welcomed tho ladies within the precincts of the lodge , and assured them of the gratification which their presence afforded ; he subsequently requested our worthy Bro . Dl . Pretto , P . M ., to
accept tbe mallet from mm and preside over the assembly . Bro . Pretto , in taking the chair , alluded in glowing style to the satisfaction which he felt in being spared to see this day . Ho then gave an historical sketch of the lodge ; after this Bro . G . A . Philips addressed the assembly in his well known elegant style . He dwelt in lengthy terms on the beauties of our time-honoured
institution , and amply demonstrated that Masonry was not such as slanderers represent it . Bro . D . Pretto next resumed tho word , and delivered a Masonic oration , at the conclusion of- which ho resigned tho "W . M . ' s scat which bad been kindly given to him . Bro . M . P „ . A . Correa spoke next . He congratulated the lodge on the auspicious event , ancl beautifully alluded to the sublime
teachings of the institution . lie , as well as tbo other speakers , was vehemently applauded . Bro . W \ R . Bull in tbe name of tho lodge thanked the speakers , and he nicely profited of the opportunity to express tlie hope that what had been said might produce good effects on all assembled . He spoke of tiie Craft , and made a favourable impression on the audience .
The ladies having retired , after giving their mite towards the poor , the lodge was closed iu ancient and due form . A sumptuous supper was prepared with which to close the entertainments of the night . The company being assembled around the table , tho demolition of viands soon began , and wines of all kinds abundantly flowed .
With bumpers filled , Bro . Lavergne proposed "The Health of tho Ladies , " which was warmly accepted by all present . Bro . l'bilips proposed "The Health of Bro . Dl . Pretto , P . M . " Bro . Bull asked tho company to join with him in drinking to the health of Bro . Lavergne . Master of tho lodge , who in his turn thanked the assembly for their readiness to join in good wishes to him ; ho closed
bis speech by proposing " The continued Prosperity of the W-L . Occurs Siucures , " to which Bro . Feron responded in a few and expressive words . Wo had almost forgotten to mention that during tho course of tlie evening , the sweet sounds of music executed by Bro . Levy and others , considerably contributed to the enjoyments of the occasion .
Masonic Festivities.
MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED SOCIETIES . TUESDAY , December Sth . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , December 9 th . —Geological , at S .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending December 12th, 1868.
MOXBAY , December 7 th . —Lodges : Robert Burns , 25 , Freemasons' Hall . Unity , 69 , London Tavern , Bishopsgatc-street . Royal Jubilee , 72 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleetstreet . St . John ' s , 90 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke's , 14 k Pier Hotel , Cheyno Walk , Chelsea . Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Unions , 2-56 , Freemasons' Hall .
TUESDAY , December Sth . —Lodges : Burlington , 96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street- Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . St . James ' s Union , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Michael ' s , 211 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . United Strength 22 SOld Jerusalem
, , Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwell . Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington , 51-8 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . Ranelagh , S 3-1-, Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith . Doric , 933 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter : Jerusalem , 185 . Freemasons Hall .
WEDNESDAY , December 9 th . —Com . R . M . B . Inst ., at 3 . Lodges : Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' Hall . Enoch , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , "Woolwich : Kent , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vitruvian , 87 , W hite Hart Tavern , Collegestreet , Lambeth . Justice , 14-7 , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . Euphrates , 212 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Pilgrim , 238 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street Merchant Navy , 781 , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . Montefiore , 1 , 107 , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY , December 10 th . —Lodges : Royal Athelstan , 19 , City Teminns Hotel , Cannon-street . Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars .
Polish National , 53-1 , Freemasons' Hall . Oanonbury , 657 , Haxell's Hotel , West Strand . Lily of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound , Eichmond . Dalhousie , S 60 , Andertons ' Hotel , Fleet-street . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . Chapter -. Itoyal Jubilee , 72 , Horns Tavern , Kennington . FRIDAYDecember llth . —Lod : Caledonian 134
, ges , , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Bedford , 157 , Freemasons' Hall . Domatic , 177 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . SATURDAY , December 12 th . —Lodges : London , 108 ' Freemasons' Hall . Phcenix , 173 , Freemasons' Hall
To Correspondents.
* \ j . . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . Is consequence of the length of Grand Lodge reports , several notices of meetings of Provincial Lodges must stand over until next week . The several brethren who have favoured us with such reports will thus understand tho reason of their noniiisertion . WE must again call the attention of our numerous correspondents to the necessity of writing only ou one side of the paper .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
will no doubt be continued annually . Many thanks are due to the committee of management for the excellent arrangements , and to Bros . Grinsell and Bourne for the beautiful works of art arranged on tho centre table in the lodge room , also to Bro . Field for several scientific toys , etc . We understand that the dancing was kept up till 4 a . m ., when tho party separated , having spent a very pleasant and agreeable evening .
WEST INDIES . ST . THOMAS . —The Harmonic Lodgo ( No . 3-50 ) . celebrated on Monday evening , the 26 th October , the fiftieth anniversary of its charter . Agreeably to invitations which had been issued , a large concourse of members of the Craft assembled at the appointed hour in the saloon
of the Masonic Hall , to assist in the celebration of tho jubilee- After the usual ceremony of opening the lodge , the brother visitors were admitted within tho temple , and when all the brethren were together Bro . E . V . Lavergne , the W . M ., asked Bro . SI . N . Nathan to offer the customary prayer , and having declared the labours of the lodge suspended , he requested Bros . I . Fortune
and A . Leon , C , M ., to introduce the ladies who had been invited to participate in the festivities of the day ; soon after the doors ol' the temple were thrown open to admit them—their presence giving an additional lustre to the happy event which was being celebrated . Bro . Lavergne in kind and befitting terms welcomed tho ladies within the precincts of the lodge , and assured them of the gratification which their presence afforded ; he subsequently requested our worthy Bro . Dl . Pretto , P . M ., to
accept tbe mallet from mm and preside over the assembly . Bro . Pretto , in taking the chair , alluded in glowing style to the satisfaction which he felt in being spared to see this day . Ho then gave an historical sketch of the lodge ; after this Bro . G . A . Philips addressed the assembly in his well known elegant style . He dwelt in lengthy terms on the beauties of our time-honoured
institution , and amply demonstrated that Masonry was not such as slanderers represent it . Bro . D . Pretto next resumed tho word , and delivered a Masonic oration , at the conclusion of- which ho resigned tho "W . M . ' s scat which bad been kindly given to him . Bro . M . P „ . A . Correa spoke next . He congratulated the lodge on the auspicious event , ancl beautifully alluded to the sublime
teachings of the institution . lie , as well as tbo other speakers , was vehemently applauded . Bro . W \ R . Bull in tbe name of tho lodge thanked the speakers , and he nicely profited of the opportunity to express tlie hope that what had been said might produce good effects on all assembled . He spoke of tiie Craft , and made a favourable impression on the audience .
The ladies having retired , after giving their mite towards the poor , the lodge was closed iu ancient and due form . A sumptuous supper was prepared with which to close the entertainments of the night . The company being assembled around the table , tho demolition of viands soon began , and wines of all kinds abundantly flowed .
With bumpers filled , Bro . Lavergne proposed "The Health of tho Ladies , " which was warmly accepted by all present . Bro . l'bilips proposed "The Health of Bro . Dl . Pretto , P . M . " Bro . Bull asked tho company to join with him in drinking to the health of Bro . Lavergne . Master of tho lodge , who in his turn thanked the assembly for their readiness to join in good wishes to him ; ho closed
bis speech by proposing " The continued Prosperity of the W-L . Occurs Siucures , " to which Bro . Feron responded in a few and expressive words . Wo had almost forgotten to mention that during tho course of tlie evening , the sweet sounds of music executed by Bro . Levy and others , considerably contributed to the enjoyments of the occasion .
Masonic Festivities.
MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED SOCIETIES . TUESDAY , December Sth . —Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , December 9 th . —Geological , at S .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending December 12th, 1868.
MOXBAY , December 7 th . —Lodges : Robert Burns , 25 , Freemasons' Hall . Unity , 69 , London Tavern , Bishopsgatc-street . Royal Jubilee , 72 , Anderton's Hotel , Fleetstreet . St . John ' s , 90 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . St . Luke's , 14 k Pier Hotel , Cheyno Walk , Chelsea . Joppa , 188 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Unions , 2-56 , Freemasons' Hall .
TUESDAY , December Sth . —Lodges : Burlington , 96 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street- Union , 166 , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . St . James ' s Union , 180 , Freemasons' Hall . Percy , 198 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . St . Michael ' s , 211 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . United Strength 22 SOld Jerusalem
, , Tavern , St . John ' s-gate , Clerkenwell . Nine Muses , 235 , Clarendon Hotel , Bond-street . Wellington , 51-8 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . Ranelagh , S 3-1-, Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith . Doric , 933 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Chapter : Jerusalem , 185 . Freemasons Hall .
WEDNESDAY , December 9 th . —Com . R . M . B . Inst ., at 3 . Lodges : Fidelity , 3 , Freemasons' Hall . Enoch , 11 , Freemasons' Hall . Union Waterloo , 13 , Masonic Hall , William-street , "Woolwich : Kent , 15 , Three Tuns Tavern , Southwark . Vitruvian , 87 , W hite Hart Tavern , Collegestreet , Lambeth . Justice , 14-7 , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . Euphrates , 212 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Pilgrim , 238 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street Merchant Navy , 781 , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . Montefiore , 1 , 107 , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY , December 10 th . —Lodges : Royal Athelstan , 19 , City Teminns Hotel , Cannon-street . Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars .
Polish National , 53-1 , Freemasons' Hall . Oanonbury , 657 , Haxell's Hotel , West Strand . Lily of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound , Eichmond . Dalhousie , S 60 , Andertons ' Hotel , Fleet-street . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . Chapter -. Itoyal Jubilee , 72 , Horns Tavern , Kennington . FRIDAYDecember llth . —Lod : Caledonian 134
, ges , , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Bedford , 157 , Freemasons' Hall . Domatic , 177 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . SATURDAY , December 12 th . —Lodges : London , 108 ' Freemasons' Hall . Phcenix , 173 , Freemasons' Hall
To Correspondents.
* \ j . . * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . Is consequence of the length of Grand Lodge reports , several notices of meetings of Provincial Lodges must stand over until next week . The several brethren who have favoured us with such reports will thus understand tho reason of their noniiisertion . WE must again call the attention of our numerous correspondents to the necessity of writing only ou one side of the paper .