Article A MASONIC SCANDAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Masonic Scandal.
the walls of the Holy Sepulchre , rather than the prosaic nineteenth century and the wordy war of Bedford-row and the Court of Chancery . For ^ instance , among the hierarchy of grand maresehals , grand priors , grand chancellors , & c . ( every one was grand something or other and ' Sir Kni ght' ) , appeared one gentlemana provisional directorwhose address
, , was somewhat princely , for purpose of service , described as ' Mount Calvary Encampment . ' We ought , however , in justice to the promoters , to state that , although another of the Knights and provisional directors was , according to tbe prospectus , only to he found at the 'Royal Kent Encampment in the East '
, intending shareholders would be reassured by finding that all the provisional directors were not fighting the Saracen in Palestine , but that at least one of them was to be met with in Bedford-row . Possibly from the absence in the Holy Laud of so many of these gallant Knightsthe company had not proved
suc-, cessful and was now unable to pay the debt of the petitioning creditor . " Mr . W . W . Cooper appeared in support of the petition ; no one appeared to oppose . " The Vice-Ohancellor made an order for winding-up the company . "
From the Dail y News of January 2 . " IN EE THE MASONIC UNION COMPANY . " On the application of Mr . W . W . Cooper , an order was made for the winding-up of this company , on a creditor ' s petition , under the 79 th section of the Companies Act , 18 G 2 , which provides that a company may be wound up , after a claim to the extent of £ 50 has been made by a creditor against the company , and has remained unsatisfied for three weeks .
" The prospectus stated the capital of the company at £ 5 , 000 in £ 5 shares ; £ 2 10 s . to be paid as allotment . The patrons were announced as follows : — Sir Knight William Stuart , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of Knights Templars , Aldenham Abbey , Watford , Herts , and Hill-street , Berkeley-square ; Sir Knight Col . VernonVery High and
,, Eminent Deputy Grand Master of Kni ghts Templars , Harefield-park , Uxbridge ; Sir Knight Lieut .-Colonel U . Clerk , Member of the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd Degree , Royal Arsenal , Woolwich ; Viscount Hohnesdale , M . P ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Mark MastersBerkeley-square ; Sir Kniht the
, g Right Hon . Lord Londesborough , Grand Seneschal , Berkeley-square . Then followed a list of seven provisional directors , bankers , architect , and honorary solicitor , and secrefary . "The petitioners wjre John Laud , a decorator , whose claim was for a sum of £ 223 lis . 2 d . expended
in decorating offices and premises at 14 , Bedford-row , and James Middleton ( Storey & Son ) , glass and china manufacturer , a creditor for £ 22 4 s . 6-kl . for goods supplied . Upon service of this petition at 14 , Bedford-row , the housekeeper returned the document , stating that he knew nothing of any Masonic Company
beyond having heard casually that there was a company in the house who had sold everythiuo- to a Mr . Stuart ; aud accordingly he returned the petition . "The petition was unopposed . " Pray , dear Sir and Brother , allow space in your next issue for insertion of this letter , as really such scandals tend to bring everlasting discredit upon the Craft . Yours fraternally , A . L . S .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . s * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CAI / EXDAE , DIAES . POCKET BOOK FOR 1 S 69 . —This useful and comprehensive publication is now issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FEEE - MASOXS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents . BRETHREN' are reminded that the Lodge Music published a
few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . — "We are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will bo glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve
upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions receivedjwill be published . MASONIC AEC ___ -EOI . OG . ICAI ; INSTITUTE . —OH another page will be found an account of the Inaugural meeting upon the 29 fch ult . The next meeting will take place upon Friday , the 26 th inst ., when Bro . George Lambert will read a paper upon .
" The Ritual of the Three Degrees , used by King Frederick of Prussia . " Applications for cards of admission by non-members , must be sent to the Honorary Secretaries not later than Saturday , the 20 th inst . Brethren who may wish to exhibit MSS ., & c , at this meeting , are requested to intimate their intention to the Honorary Secretaries , also by the 20 th inst .
THE Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Claiaen ' s , "Dubourg ' s Hotel , voted one guinea to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , and Bro . Pigall , of the same lodge , gave a donation of 5 s . A MEETING of the Supreme Grand Council will be held at 33 , Golden-square , AV . C , on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., at 2 p . m .
NEPTUNE LODGB ( NO . 22 ) . —This ancient lodge met on Thursday evening , the 28 fch ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars , and it was very numerously attended . Bro . Charles L . Marshall , AV . M ., presided , and opened the lodge . Afterwards he gave up the chair to Bro . Partridge , P . M ., who almost claims it as a prescriptive right on this occasion . The other P . M . 's present were Bros . Wilcox , Treas . ; Goodwin , AshwellOsborneClarkAllinghamNormanPrattand
, , , , , , Greatrex ; and the following visitors : —Bros . Jervis , Enoch , 10 ; Maples , P . M ., and Pierce , St . Luke's , 14-1 ; Oxford , AV . M ., Dodson , S . AV . ; Wright , S . D . ; and E . Radford—all of the Jubilee , 72 ; Gluckstein , P M . 51 ; Garland , G 19 ; H . Thompson , P . M . Domatie 177 , iind Southern Star , 1 , 158 ; Francisco , St . John ' s , ' 135 ; Hester , Crescent , 788 ; Cornish , Honour and Generosity , 155 ; and Donaldson , Albion , 9 . There was a large muster of the members of the lodge . The lodge having been
opened in the second degree , Bro . Salter , S . W . and AV . M . elect , was presented to receive from tlia pvesiding W . M ., Bro . Partridge , the benefit of installation . The ancient charges having been rehearsed , the lodge was opened in the third degree , when all below that cf an Installed Master were requested to retire . A Board of Installed Afasterg ( twentyone in number ) was then formed , and Bro . Salter was in duo form installed into the chair as W . M . of the Neptune Lodge for the ensuing year . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and the customary salutes were given , after which the AV . M . appointed his officers as follow ) : —Bros . Thredder ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Masonic Scandal.
the walls of the Holy Sepulchre , rather than the prosaic nineteenth century and the wordy war of Bedford-row and the Court of Chancery . For ^ instance , among the hierarchy of grand maresehals , grand priors , grand chancellors , & c . ( every one was grand something or other and ' Sir Kni ght' ) , appeared one gentlemana provisional directorwhose address
, , was somewhat princely , for purpose of service , described as ' Mount Calvary Encampment . ' We ought , however , in justice to the promoters , to state that , although another of the Knights and provisional directors was , according to tbe prospectus , only to he found at the 'Royal Kent Encampment in the East '
, intending shareholders would be reassured by finding that all the provisional directors were not fighting the Saracen in Palestine , but that at least one of them was to be met with in Bedford-row . Possibly from the absence in the Holy Laud of so many of these gallant Knightsthe company had not proved
suc-, cessful and was now unable to pay the debt of the petitioning creditor . " Mr . W . W . Cooper appeared in support of the petition ; no one appeared to oppose . " The Vice-Ohancellor made an order for winding-up the company . "
From the Dail y News of January 2 . " IN EE THE MASONIC UNION COMPANY . " On the application of Mr . W . W . Cooper , an order was made for the winding-up of this company , on a creditor ' s petition , under the 79 th section of the Companies Act , 18 G 2 , which provides that a company may be wound up , after a claim to the extent of £ 50 has been made by a creditor against the company , and has remained unsatisfied for three weeks .
" The prospectus stated the capital of the company at £ 5 , 000 in £ 5 shares ; £ 2 10 s . to be paid as allotment . The patrons were announced as follows : — Sir Knight William Stuart , Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of Knights Templars , Aldenham Abbey , Watford , Herts , and Hill-street , Berkeley-square ; Sir Knight Col . VernonVery High and
,, Eminent Deputy Grand Master of Kni ghts Templars , Harefield-park , Uxbridge ; Sir Knight Lieut .-Colonel U . Clerk , Member of the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 rd Degree , Royal Arsenal , Woolwich ; Viscount Hohnesdale , M . P ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Mark MastersBerkeley-square ; Sir Kniht the
, g Right Hon . Lord Londesborough , Grand Seneschal , Berkeley-square . Then followed a list of seven provisional directors , bankers , architect , and honorary solicitor , and secrefary . "The petitioners wjre John Laud , a decorator , whose claim was for a sum of £ 223 lis . 2 d . expended
in decorating offices and premises at 14 , Bedford-row , and James Middleton ( Storey & Son ) , glass and china manufacturer , a creditor for £ 22 4 s . 6-kl . for goods supplied . Upon service of this petition at 14 , Bedford-row , the housekeeper returned the document , stating that he knew nothing of any Masonic Company
beyond having heard casually that there was a company in the house who had sold everythiuo- to a Mr . Stuart ; aud accordingly he returned the petition . "The petition was unopposed . " Pray , dear Sir and Brother , allow space in your next issue for insertion of this letter , as really such scandals tend to bring everlasting discredit upon the Craft . Yours fraternally , A . L . S .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . s * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CAI / EXDAE , DIAES . POCKET BOOK FOR 1 S 69 . —This useful and comprehensive publication is now issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FEEE - MASOXS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents . BRETHREN' are reminded that the Lodge Music published a
few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . — "We are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will bo glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve
upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions receivedjwill be published . MASONIC AEC ___ -EOI . OG . ICAI ; INSTITUTE . —OH another page will be found an account of the Inaugural meeting upon the 29 fch ult . The next meeting will take place upon Friday , the 26 th inst ., when Bro . George Lambert will read a paper upon .
" The Ritual of the Three Degrees , used by King Frederick of Prussia . " Applications for cards of admission by non-members , must be sent to the Honorary Secretaries not later than Saturday , the 20 th inst . Brethren who may wish to exhibit MSS ., & c , at this meeting , are requested to intimate their intention to the Honorary Secretaries , also by the 20 th inst .
THE Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Claiaen ' s , "Dubourg ' s Hotel , voted one guinea to the Masonic Lifeboat Fund , and Bro . Pigall , of the same lodge , gave a donation of 5 s . A MEETING of the Supreme Grand Council will be held at 33 , Golden-square , AV . C , on Tuesday , 9 th inst ., at 2 p . m .
NEPTUNE LODGB ( NO . 22 ) . —This ancient lodge met on Thursday evening , the 28 fch ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars , and it was very numerously attended . Bro . Charles L . Marshall , AV . M ., presided , and opened the lodge . Afterwards he gave up the chair to Bro . Partridge , P . M ., who almost claims it as a prescriptive right on this occasion . The other P . M . 's present were Bros . Wilcox , Treas . ; Goodwin , AshwellOsborneClarkAllinghamNormanPrattand
, , , , , , Greatrex ; and the following visitors : —Bros . Jervis , Enoch , 10 ; Maples , P . M ., and Pierce , St . Luke's , 14-1 ; Oxford , AV . M ., Dodson , S . AV . ; Wright , S . D . ; and E . Radford—all of the Jubilee , 72 ; Gluckstein , P M . 51 ; Garland , G 19 ; H . Thompson , P . M . Domatie 177 , iind Southern Star , 1 , 158 ; Francisco , St . John ' s , ' 135 ; Hester , Crescent , 788 ; Cornish , Honour and Generosity , 155 ; and Donaldson , Albion , 9 . There was a large muster of the members of the lodge . The lodge having been
opened in the second degree , Bro . Salter , S . W . and AV . M . elect , was presented to receive from tlia pvesiding W . M ., Bro . Partridge , the benefit of installation . The ancient charges having been rehearsed , the lodge was opened in the third degree , when all below that cf an Installed Master were requested to retire . A Board of Installed Afasterg ( twentyone in number ) was then formed , and Bro . Salter was in duo form installed into the chair as W . M . of the Neptune Lodge for the ensuing year . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and the customary salutes were given , after which the AV . M . appointed his officers as follow ) : —Bros . Thredder ,