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S . AV . ; AVhite , J . W .,- Crowe , S . D . ; Lawrence , J . D . ; AVaterall , I . G . ; Taylor , Dir . of Cers . ; Neats , W . S . ; Wilcox , Treas . ; and Hughes , Sec . The usual charges were then given by Bro . Partridge in a careful and impressive manner . It was agreed that the customary jewel should be presented to Bro . Marshall , the I . P . M ., as a recognition of his services , and after some other business had been transacted , the lodge was closed . Tlio brethren then adjourned to a splendid banquetwhich was
, served in a style to maintain the reputation of Bro . Hart , as the caterer of Radley ' s Hotel . The first toast was " The Queen and the Ci-. ift , " wliich was duly honoured . The AV . M . next gave "The Health of the M . W . the Grand Master , " and said he was sure that it was one that they would receive with a great deal of pleasure , and he alluded to the commemoration testimonial that was about to be presented to him , which showed
how the brethren appreciated his services . The toast was well received . The AV . M . in proposing "The Health of the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Deputy Grand Master , " said he experienced great pleasure in seeing him preside over the Grand Lodge on several occasions . Bro . Marshall , I . P . M ., said the brethren would see by the possession of the implement of labour which he held in his hand , that he was authorised to propose the next toastand he should use it for the of
-, purpose pro posing "The Health of the W . M . " whom they had unanimously elected to till that high office . Ho had gone on step by step until he had finally arrived at the position he then occupied . It was his highest ambition to become W . M ., and he felt sure that the Neptune Lodge would not suffer in his hands . The AV . M . said he would fufil the position of W . M . to the best of his ability , and although he might have many shortcomings , he
would yield to none in his desire to serve tho interests of the Neptune Lodge , and at all times he should be glad to receive a -suggestion from any brother that might tend to that end . He should at all times be most anxious to receive their approbation , and he could assure them that he should ever appreciate their kindness . Tho AV . W . next gave "The Visitors , " and said on the part of the lodge he greeted them with a hearty welcome . Bro . Oxford and Bro . H . Thompson respectively returned thanks , the latter acknowledging the pleasure lie had derived from visiting the lodge , although their mode of working was
somewhat different to that which he was accustomed , yet it contained many beauties which , if permitted , he would gladly engraft on the system to which he was used ; but having passed the chair twice , it was not likely that any emergency would occur that would give him the opportunity of using it . He thanked the brethren on behalf of the visitors for the splendid hospitality with wliich they had been received , and they could assure tha brethren they had thoroughlenjoyed themselves . He thanked
y Bro . AA ' hite for the pleasure afforded him of being present that evening . He saw their I . P . M ., Bro . Marshall , installed , and he had . that night seen him leave the chair . He was sure that the present W . M . would prove a worthy successor , and would continue the hi gh reputation the Neptune Lodge had hitherto maintained . The AV . M . then gave "The P . M . ' s of the Lodge . " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Partridge , the
Installing Master . Bro . Partridge responded , and said it was a pleasure to the P . M . ' s to find the Neptune Lodge was always ready by heart and hand to respond to the call of charity . He congratulated the AV . M . on his position , as he was always anxious to promote the prosperity of the Neptune Lodge , and keep up b y its efficiency , its position in the Craft . The AV . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Wilcox , tho Treasurer , " who
returned thanks , and said he would always take care , by inducing the brethren to avoid extravagant expenditure , to keep the balance on the right side at the bunker ' s . The AV . M . next gave "The Officers of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Hughes and Thredder returned thanks . The AV . M . gave " The " Masonic Charities , " for which Bro . Neats returned thanks , and Bro . Hart volunteered to serve the office of Steward and represent the lod
ge at ; the ensuing festival for the Girls' School . Bro . Townend will represent the lodge at the festival for the Boys ' School . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , some excellent songs were sung during the evening . THE OLD KING ' S ARMS LODGE ( No . 2 S ) . —A meeting of this old lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavernon Mondaythe
, , 25 _ th ult ., Bro . G . H . Wright , AV . M ., in the chair . The ' lodge being opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . H . B . Dunn was passed F . C . This being the installation meeting , Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M ., occupied the chair as Installing Master , and ably discharged the duties of the office . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Edmund Farmer ( of the firm of
Debenham , Tewson , and Farmer ) was duly installed W . M . The new AV . AI . then appointed aud invested his officers as follows : — Bros . G . H . AVright , I . P . M . ; Charles Tighe . S . AV . ; Jas . Horwood , J . W . ; W . Paas , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . Jaques , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Thompson , S . D . ; S . H . Miller , J . D . ; H . B . Dunn , I . G . Bro . Woodstock was elected to the office of Tyler . Amongst the other members present were—Bros . J . G . Marsh , P . M . ; Geo . GurneyP . M . ; Dr . O'ConnorP . M . ; J . AVheeler , P . M . ; E .
, , _ Twentyman , and R . Farquharson . A resolution was carried unanimously that tho usual gold jewel of the lodge be presented to Bro . G . H . AVi-iglifc , the late WM ., in testimony of the esteem of the brethren . The meeting was rendered the more interesting , inasmuch as this lodge attained its centenary in the year 1825 , and all the members present were decorated with the regulation centenary jewel , under the special warrant of the Grand Master . As a mark of respect to Bro . PaasTreas . and
, , Bro . Jaques , Sec , jewels were presented to them at the expense of tho lodge . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their company were—Bros . AV . H . Trego , 1 ; J . It . Farlow , P . M . 11 ; W . H . Anthony , 35 ; W . Jones , P . M . 108 ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . 192 ; J . A . Farnfield , P . M . 251 ; H . A . Heard , 419 ; AV . Council , 890 ; Thos . Bullen , 1150 ; J . S . Da well , George Tedderand Vernon . The lodge being closed in due formthe
, , brethren adjourned to an excellent dinner . The usual toast * were given by tbe W . M ., and the brethren were delightfully entertained by the music of Bros . Farquharson , Tedder , and Vernon , accompanied also by Miss . R . Isaacs , and Miss Lancefield . The meeting altogether was a very agreeable one , and the company spent a very happy evening .
LODGE OP PEOSPEEITY ( NO . 65 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern . Bro . R . AV . Goddard , AV . M ., in the chair . Mr . James Edwards , after being balloted for and accepted , was duly initiated . The AV . M . then passed Bros . Muggleton and Potts , and raised Bros . Squire , Goldstein , and Huggett , in a very excellent manner . The business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren , numbering fifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by
Bro . Crawford . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Bellerby , in a very appropriate manner , proposed "The Health of tbe W . M . " The AV , M . briefly returned thanks . There were several visitors present . Bro . Baker , P . M ., Prov . G . Lodge of Calcutta returned thanks . Bro . J . L . Mather , S . W ., returned thanks for the officers of the lodge , in a very able manner , and from his working in the lodge the brethren anticipate a very excellent Master | for the ensuing year . Several very excellent songs were sung by the brethren , and a very pleasant evening was the result .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was hold on Tuesday , the 19 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AV . M , supported by his officers , opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Frederick AValters , P . AL , then took the chair , and in his usual able manner initiated Messrs . E . Loewenstark and Brown into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . T . J . SabineAV . M .
, , then resumed his chair , when Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., presented Bro . David Rose , J . W . and W . M . elect , to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AV . M ., then in a masterly manner , which elicited praise and approbation from all present , duly installed Bro . D . Rose as the AV . M . for the ensuing year , who was pleased to appoint and invest the following members as his officersviz .: —Bros . F . H . EbsworthS . W . ( re-appointed );
, , M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ( re-appointed ); Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; G . Free , S . D . ; R . Ord , J . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ; R . Stevens , Dir . of Cers . ; A . L . Dussek , W . S . ; W . Aidhouse , Tyler ; XV . J . Lalng , P . M ., Assist . Tyler . A six guinea Past Masters' jewel , of exquisite beauty aud symmetry , was then presented ' to Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., by the W . M ., in a suitable speech , and the gift was duly acknowledged by th »
recipient . This jewel was manufactured by Bros . A . Loewenstark aud S . ns , the eminent medallists , of Devereux-court , Strand , and was a splendid specimen of their skill and workmanship . It was universally admired . Also a Past Master ' s collar aud jewel was handed to the W . M . by Bro . H . N . Goulty , an esteemed member from Brighton , on behalf of the several members who live in that town , and where also Bro . T . J . mark of their
Sabine , I . P . M ., resides , to present to him as a esteem , and also to testify the high estimation in which he was held by all of the members residing in that town . Bro . D . Rose , AV . M ., in an excellent speech , presented the collar aud
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S . AV . ; AVhite , J . W .,- Crowe , S . D . ; Lawrence , J . D . ; AVaterall , I . G . ; Taylor , Dir . of Cers . ; Neats , W . S . ; Wilcox , Treas . ; and Hughes , Sec . The usual charges were then given by Bro . Partridge in a careful and impressive manner . It was agreed that the customary jewel should be presented to Bro . Marshall , the I . P . M ., as a recognition of his services , and after some other business had been transacted , the lodge was closed . Tlio brethren then adjourned to a splendid banquetwhich was
, served in a style to maintain the reputation of Bro . Hart , as the caterer of Radley ' s Hotel . The first toast was " The Queen and the Ci-. ift , " wliich was duly honoured . The AV . M . next gave "The Health of the M . W . the Grand Master , " and said he was sure that it was one that they would receive with a great deal of pleasure , and he alluded to the commemoration testimonial that was about to be presented to him , which showed
how the brethren appreciated his services . The toast was well received . The AV . M . in proposing "The Health of the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Deputy Grand Master , " said he experienced great pleasure in seeing him preside over the Grand Lodge on several occasions . Bro . Marshall , I . P . M ., said the brethren would see by the possession of the implement of labour which he held in his hand , that he was authorised to propose the next toastand he should use it for the of
-, purpose pro posing "The Health of the W . M . " whom they had unanimously elected to till that high office . Ho had gone on step by step until he had finally arrived at the position he then occupied . It was his highest ambition to become W . M ., and he felt sure that the Neptune Lodge would not suffer in his hands . The AV . M . said he would fufil the position of W . M . to the best of his ability , and although he might have many shortcomings , he
would yield to none in his desire to serve tho interests of the Neptune Lodge , and at all times he should be glad to receive a -suggestion from any brother that might tend to that end . He should at all times be most anxious to receive their approbation , and he could assure them that he should ever appreciate their kindness . Tho AV . W . next gave "The Visitors , " and said on the part of the lodge he greeted them with a hearty welcome . Bro . Oxford and Bro . H . Thompson respectively returned thanks , the latter acknowledging the pleasure lie had derived from visiting the lodge , although their mode of working was
somewhat different to that which he was accustomed , yet it contained many beauties which , if permitted , he would gladly engraft on the system to which he was used ; but having passed the chair twice , it was not likely that any emergency would occur that would give him the opportunity of using it . He thanked the brethren on behalf of the visitors for the splendid hospitality with wliich they had been received , and they could assure tha brethren they had thoroughlenjoyed themselves . He thanked
y Bro . AA ' hite for the pleasure afforded him of being present that evening . He saw their I . P . M ., Bro . Marshall , installed , and he had . that night seen him leave the chair . He was sure that the present W . M . would prove a worthy successor , and would continue the hi gh reputation the Neptune Lodge had hitherto maintained . The AV . M . then gave "The P . M . ' s of the Lodge . " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Partridge , the
Installing Master . Bro . Partridge responded , and said it was a pleasure to the P . M . ' s to find the Neptune Lodge was always ready by heart and hand to respond to the call of charity . He congratulated the AV . M . on his position , as he was always anxious to promote the prosperity of the Neptune Lodge , and keep up b y its efficiency , its position in the Craft . The AV . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Wilcox , tho Treasurer , " who
returned thanks , and said he would always take care , by inducing the brethren to avoid extravagant expenditure , to keep the balance on the right side at the bunker ' s . The AV . M . next gave "The Officers of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Hughes and Thredder returned thanks . The AV . M . gave " The " Masonic Charities , " for which Bro . Neats returned thanks , and Bro . Hart volunteered to serve the office of Steward and represent the lod
ge at ; the ensuing festival for the Girls' School . Bro . Townend will represent the lodge at the festival for the Boys ' School . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close , some excellent songs were sung during the evening . THE OLD KING ' S ARMS LODGE ( No . 2 S ) . —A meeting of this old lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavernon Mondaythe
, , 25 _ th ult ., Bro . G . H . Wright , AV . M ., in the chair . The ' lodge being opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . H . B . Dunn was passed F . C . This being the installation meeting , Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M ., occupied the chair as Installing Master , and ably discharged the duties of the office . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Edmund Farmer ( of the firm of
Debenham , Tewson , and Farmer ) was duly installed W . M . The new AV . AI . then appointed aud invested his officers as follows : — Bros . G . H . AVright , I . P . M . ; Charles Tighe . S . AV . ; Jas . Horwood , J . W . ; W . Paas , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . Jaques , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Thompson , S . D . ; S . H . Miller , J . D . ; H . B . Dunn , I . G . Bro . Woodstock was elected to the office of Tyler . Amongst the other members present were—Bros . J . G . Marsh , P . M . ; Geo . GurneyP . M . ; Dr . O'ConnorP . M . ; J . AVheeler , P . M . ; E .
, , _ Twentyman , and R . Farquharson . A resolution was carried unanimously that tho usual gold jewel of the lodge be presented to Bro . G . H . AVi-iglifc , the late WM ., in testimony of the esteem of the brethren . The meeting was rendered the more interesting , inasmuch as this lodge attained its centenary in the year 1825 , and all the members present were decorated with the regulation centenary jewel , under the special warrant of the Grand Master . As a mark of respect to Bro . PaasTreas . and
, , Bro . Jaques , Sec , jewels were presented to them at the expense of tho lodge . The visitors who honoured the lodge with their company were—Bros . AV . H . Trego , 1 ; J . It . Farlow , P . M . 11 ; W . H . Anthony , 35 ; W . Jones , P . M . 108 ; H . Muggeridge , P . M . 192 ; J . A . Farnfield , P . M . 251 ; H . A . Heard , 419 ; AV . Council , 890 ; Thos . Bullen , 1150 ; J . S . Da well , George Tedderand Vernon . The lodge being closed in due formthe
, , brethren adjourned to an excellent dinner . The usual toast * were given by tbe W . M ., and the brethren were delightfully entertained by the music of Bros . Farquharson , Tedder , and Vernon , accompanied also by Miss . R . Isaacs , and Miss Lancefield . The meeting altogether was a very agreeable one , and the company spent a very happy evening .
LODGE OP PEOSPEEITY ( NO . 65 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 28 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern . Bro . R . AV . Goddard , AV . M ., in the chair . Mr . James Edwards , after being balloted for and accepted , was duly initiated . The AV . M . then passed Bros . Muggleton and Potts , and raised Bros . Squire , Goldstein , and Huggett , in a very excellent manner . The business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren , numbering fifty , sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by
Bro . Crawford . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Bellerby , in a very appropriate manner , proposed "The Health of tbe W . M . " The AV , M . briefly returned thanks . There were several visitors present . Bro . Baker , P . M ., Prov . G . Lodge of Calcutta returned thanks . Bro . J . L . Mather , S . W ., returned thanks for the officers of the lodge , in a very able manner , and from his working in the lodge the brethren anticipate a very excellent Master | for the ensuing year . Several very excellent songs were sung by the brethren , and a very pleasant evening was the result .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was hold on Tuesday , the 19 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AV . M , supported by his officers , opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Frederick AValters , P . AL , then took the chair , and in his usual able manner initiated Messrs . E . Loewenstark and Brown into ancient Freemasonry . Bro . T . J . SabineAV . M .
, , then resumed his chair , when Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., presented Bro . David Rose , J . W . and W . M . elect , to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . T . J . Sabine , AV . M ., then in a masterly manner , which elicited praise and approbation from all present , duly installed Bro . D . Rose as the AV . M . for the ensuing year , who was pleased to appoint and invest the following members as his officersviz .: —Bros . F . H . EbsworthS . W . ( re-appointed );
, , M . A . Loewenstark , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ( re-appointed ); Donkin , P . M ., Sec . ; G . Free , S . D . ; R . Ord , J . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ; R . Stevens , Dir . of Cers . ; A . L . Dussek , W . S . ; W . Aidhouse , Tyler ; XV . J . Lalng , P . M ., Assist . Tyler . A six guinea Past Masters' jewel , of exquisite beauty aud symmetry , was then presented ' to Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., by the W . M ., in a suitable speech , and the gift was duly acknowledged by th »
recipient . This jewel was manufactured by Bros . A . Loewenstark aud S . ns , the eminent medallists , of Devereux-court , Strand , and was a splendid specimen of their skill and workmanship . It was universally admired . Also a Past Master ' s collar aud jewel was handed to the W . M . by Bro . H . N . Goulty , an esteemed member from Brighton , on behalf of the several members who live in that town , and where also Bro . T . J . mark of their
Sabine , I . P . M ., resides , to present to him as a esteem , and also to testify the high estimation in which he was held by all of the members residing in that town . Bro . D . Rose , AV . M ., in an excellent speech , presented the collar aud