Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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jewel of P . M . to Bro . T . , T . Sabine , who appropriately acknowledged the gift . Bro . J . J . Tustin was announced to be the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival to aid the Koyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons ; ho having come forward at a minute ' s notice to fill up the place of another brother , who had been compelled through iU health to resign this Stewardship . As a proof ( if
any were needed ) that Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., takes a very deep interest in the welfare of his mother lodge , lie signified his intention to represent this lodge as its Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution iu 1870 . He being a popular and most deservedly respected member of this lodge , it cannot bo doubted but what he will be certain and sure to receive an
immense amount of support , and have a heavy list . He was most successful as a Steward when he represented this lodge at the Girls' and Boys' Schools festivals . The indefatigable Bro . 3 T . AValtcrs , P . M ., gave a notice of motion , " That the sum of ten . pounds be given to the Female Annuity Fund from the lodge funds , so as to complete the purchase of a vice-presidentship of that Charity . " This lodge already possesses the vicepresidentshiof the Boys' and also the Girls' so when the
p , amount named is carried , a third vice-presidentship will be added to the lodge . Besides these A " . P . in the Boys / nearly all the officers of the time being are life-governors of that Charity , and several hold the same position in the Girls . ' It must be very gratifying to Bro . T . J . Sabine to know that during his prosperous year of office no less than twenty guineas was voted and paid to the Boys' School ; twenty guineas was also voted
and paid to the Girls' School ; and twenty pounds was voted and paid to the Female annuity—in all sixty-two pounds to the Masonic Charities , besides some large amounts given from the Charity fund . These facts speak volumes of themselves of the admirable manner in which the great Masonic duty—Charity —has been carried out under tho good guidance of a wellintentioned AV . M . It must prove to young Masons what can be
done when a right cause is taken in hand . A ery few , if any , lodge in the London district lias done so much for tiie Masonic Charities , when the smallness of the subscriptions to the lodge ( which are as low as any lodge ) are taken into consideration . Some new candidates for initiation were proposed for making at the next meeting , and the lodge was duly closed . There were presentbesides those alreadnamedBros . Dr . DixonPM
, y , , .. ; Knott , AVilliams , Boyle , Chipperfield , Cooper , Herbert , Edwards , Keeble , Moore , and very many others . Amongst a long string of visitors were Bros . J . AV . Avery , P . M , ; Griffin , W . Holland , J . Terry , B . M ., and several others too numerous to mention . LODGE O _? FAITIT ( No . 111 ) . —On Thursday , the 21 st ult .,
a number of the brethren , of the above lodge assembled at tho Sugar Loaf Tavern , Great St . Helen ' s , to present Bro . Harris , P . M ., with a . handsome and costly Past Master's jewel , in addition to the one usually given in Masonic lodges on the retirement from office of the presiding Master , as a mark of the private esteem and respect tliey bear towards him , and the eminently practical services he has rendered to the lodge during his year of office . Bro . E . GottheilP . M . 141 presided . After the
, , usual loyal toasts , the Chairman rose and said : —Brethren , ive have assembled this evening for the purpose of doing honour to our Immediate Past Master , not only to manifest the sincerity of our attachment to him as a private individual , but to proclaim our appreciation of the undoubtedly practical services he has rendered to the Lodge of Faith during his year of office . It affords me , therefore , the highest gratification that you have selected to
me preside on this interesting occasion , iind it is with sincere pleasure that I now propose to you "The Health of Bro . Harris . " I must confess that the Lodge of Faith , as a lodge , has not suitabl y recognised his services . It is true we presented him with the usual Past Master ' s jewel , which is given as a matter of course to every retiring AV . M ., whatever his abilities . AVhen Bro . Harris entered the duties of his officehe
upon , found the affairs of the lodge in a most unsatisfactory condition —insolvent , the furniture out of repair , and altogether in a hopeless state of decay ; but by his untiring energy , steady perseverance , and resolute will , he succeeded , during his term of office , iu entirely re-instating the lodge , and on his retirement left the Treasurer , who up to that period was money-lender rather than Treasurerwith a considerable balance iii hand
, . Now , no previous Past Master , myself included , had deemed it his duty , or possessed the courage , to undertake this work of re-instating the lodge ; but the various improvements effected , and useful reforms introduced , especially iu the financial department , and that in the face of a semi-organised , formidably
opposing element existing in the lodge at the time , redound to the credit of the Immediate Past Master . I have , therefore , great pleasure iu proposing " The Health and Prosperity of Bro . Harris , " and at the same time to present him with this testimonial of our esteem and respect . Alay yon , Bro . Harris , live many years in the enjoyment of all that is dear to us in this life , and when it pleases the Great Architect of the Universe to call yon hencemay your children cherish thisin memory of
, , the honour bestowed upon you on this occasion . Bi-o . Harris then rose and said : —Bro . Chairman and Brethren , it affords me a vast amount of pleasure in having the honour of responding to the very handsomo manner in wliich my health has been proposed , and the cordial way iu which il-was received ; likewise to thank you for the great and exceptional compliment which yon have been pleased to bestow upon me , in specially inviting me
hero among you to receive this magnificent jewel , which I shall ever wear upon ray breast with recollections of extreme pleasure . This gift is the more gratifying as a proof that my humble efforts to restore the prosperity of the Lodge of Faith have not been entirely unappreciated , and its value is still more enhanced by the recollection that the lodge being 103 years old , I am the first Past Master who , at any rate of late years , is selected to receive a testimonial . I thank you sincerely for the kindness you have always evinced towards we , and the
expression of your approval of my past conduct will stimulate me as I'M . to pursue the same course which lias called forth this token of respect . Bro . Harris then entered into a lengthy explanation of tho relative positions of the lodge on his entering iu and retiring from the office of W . M ., showing how the lodge may be raised to one of the first and most flourishing in the Crafthow , without crowding it with new members or initiates , a certain amount might be annually subscribed to the general
Masonic charities without material deductions from the accustomed convivialities which take place subsequent to tbe business of the lodge . Bro . Harris concluded by stating his opinion that a brother ought not to accept the position of AV . AI . without having previously made himself acquainted with the nature of the work he undertakes , and ought to possess a full conviction that he is able aud willing to cope with the difficulties that may beset him . He again thanked tho brethren ! from the bottom of his
heart for the great mark of distinction they have been pleased to show him , assuring them that it will ever be his study to merit and retain their approbation by continuing to use hishumble efforts in promoting the prosperity of the Lodge of Faith . The healths of the WM ., his officers , and P . M . ' s of the lodge wore successively proposed and responded to by various brethren ; and after a vote of thanks to the Chairman , a very agreeable evening terminated .
LODGE OF PRUDENT BRETIIEEX ( NO . l-lo ) , —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bro . C . J . Sliarpe being in the chair of K . S . The minutes of the previous meeting and the report of the audit committee were read and confirmed . This being the installation meeting , the AV . M . elect , Bro . XV . P . Allender , was installed in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being ably performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Sharpe , in a most admirable manner . The AV . M . appointed
and invested Bros . T . Moore , S . AV . ; R . Walters , J . W . ; J . Boyd , P . M ., Treas . ; G . C . States , P . M ., Sec . ; J . J , Brown , Assist . Sec ; W . J . Brown , S . D . ; J . Cambridge , J . D . ; G . Pitt , I . G . j G . Wood , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Lancaster , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . AVatson , P . M ., AV . S . ; Hoare , Tyler . A notice of motion was then given for tho lodge to present five guineas to the Masonic Lifeboat fund . It was also proposed that a testimonial should be presented to the Secretary , Bro . G . C . States , for his great
attention to tho duties of that office . The motion was seconded , put , and carried unanimously . The lodge being closed the brethren partook of one of Bro . Gosden's choice banquets , and on the removal of the cloth the usual toasts were given and responded to . The visitors were , Bros . F . H . Gilbarf-, AV . M . 53-1 ; D . Di . ketfc , 25 ; T . Hedden , 733 ; J . Denton , 837 ; G . C . Banks , 193 ; J . Goodwin , 831 ; G . J . Watson , P . M ., Treas . 11 ; XV . Tweed , P . M . 9-1-6 ; G . Brook , 185 ; E . Bagshaw , J . R . Reid , R . P . Glendinning ; and D . W . Pearse , W . M . 657 .
LODGE OF JOPPA ( NO . 188 ) . —This excellent working lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on the 1 st inst ., tho AV . M ., Bro . Charles Relph , in the chair , who performed the ceremony of passing Bros . Van Stavern , Heineiiiann , and Davis in a very excellent manner . Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M ., proposed that a sura of ten guineas be given from the funds of the lodge to the Grand Master ' s Commemoration Fund , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
jewel of P . M . to Bro . T . , T . Sabine , who appropriately acknowledged the gift . Bro . J . J . Tustin was announced to be the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival to aid the Koyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the widows of Freemasons ; ho having come forward at a minute ' s notice to fill up the place of another brother , who had been compelled through iU health to resign this Stewardship . As a proof ( if
any were needed ) that Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., takes a very deep interest in the welfare of his mother lodge , lie signified his intention to represent this lodge as its Steward for the Royal Benevolent Institution iu 1870 . He being a popular and most deservedly respected member of this lodge , it cannot bo doubted but what he will be certain and sure to receive an
immense amount of support , and have a heavy list . He was most successful as a Steward when he represented this lodge at the Girls' and Boys' Schools festivals . The indefatigable Bro . 3 T . AValtcrs , P . M ., gave a notice of motion , " That the sum of ten . pounds be given to the Female Annuity Fund from the lodge funds , so as to complete the purchase of a vice-presidentship of that Charity . " This lodge already possesses the vicepresidentshiof the Boys' and also the Girls' so when the
p , amount named is carried , a third vice-presidentship will be added to the lodge . Besides these A " . P . in the Boys / nearly all the officers of the time being are life-governors of that Charity , and several hold the same position in the Girls . ' It must be very gratifying to Bro . T . J . Sabine to know that during his prosperous year of office no less than twenty guineas was voted and paid to the Boys' School ; twenty guineas was also voted
and paid to the Girls' School ; and twenty pounds was voted and paid to the Female annuity—in all sixty-two pounds to the Masonic Charities , besides some large amounts given from the Charity fund . These facts speak volumes of themselves of the admirable manner in which the great Masonic duty—Charity —has been carried out under tho good guidance of a wellintentioned AV . M . It must prove to young Masons what can be
done when a right cause is taken in hand . A ery few , if any , lodge in the London district lias done so much for tiie Masonic Charities , when the smallness of the subscriptions to the lodge ( which are as low as any lodge ) are taken into consideration . Some new candidates for initiation were proposed for making at the next meeting , and the lodge was duly closed . There were presentbesides those alreadnamedBros . Dr . DixonPM
, y , , .. ; Knott , AVilliams , Boyle , Chipperfield , Cooper , Herbert , Edwards , Keeble , Moore , and very many others . Amongst a long string of visitors were Bros . J . AV . Avery , P . M , ; Griffin , W . Holland , J . Terry , B . M ., and several others too numerous to mention . LODGE O _? FAITIT ( No . 111 ) . —On Thursday , the 21 st ult .,
a number of the brethren , of the above lodge assembled at tho Sugar Loaf Tavern , Great St . Helen ' s , to present Bro . Harris , P . M ., with a . handsome and costly Past Master's jewel , in addition to the one usually given in Masonic lodges on the retirement from office of the presiding Master , as a mark of the private esteem and respect tliey bear towards him , and the eminently practical services he has rendered to the lodge during his year of office . Bro . E . GottheilP . M . 141 presided . After the
, , usual loyal toasts , the Chairman rose and said : —Brethren , ive have assembled this evening for the purpose of doing honour to our Immediate Past Master , not only to manifest the sincerity of our attachment to him as a private individual , but to proclaim our appreciation of the undoubtedly practical services he has rendered to the Lodge of Faith during his year of office . It affords me , therefore , the highest gratification that you have selected to
me preside on this interesting occasion , iind it is with sincere pleasure that I now propose to you "The Health of Bro . Harris . " I must confess that the Lodge of Faith , as a lodge , has not suitabl y recognised his services . It is true we presented him with the usual Past Master ' s jewel , which is given as a matter of course to every retiring AV . M ., whatever his abilities . AVhen Bro . Harris entered the duties of his officehe
upon , found the affairs of the lodge in a most unsatisfactory condition —insolvent , the furniture out of repair , and altogether in a hopeless state of decay ; but by his untiring energy , steady perseverance , and resolute will , he succeeded , during his term of office , iu entirely re-instating the lodge , and on his retirement left the Treasurer , who up to that period was money-lender rather than Treasurerwith a considerable balance iii hand
, . Now , no previous Past Master , myself included , had deemed it his duty , or possessed the courage , to undertake this work of re-instating the lodge ; but the various improvements effected , and useful reforms introduced , especially iu the financial department , and that in the face of a semi-organised , formidably
opposing element existing in the lodge at the time , redound to the credit of the Immediate Past Master . I have , therefore , great pleasure iu proposing " The Health and Prosperity of Bro . Harris , " and at the same time to present him with this testimonial of our esteem and respect . Alay yon , Bro . Harris , live many years in the enjoyment of all that is dear to us in this life , and when it pleases the Great Architect of the Universe to call yon hencemay your children cherish thisin memory of
, , the honour bestowed upon you on this occasion . Bi-o . Harris then rose and said : —Bro . Chairman and Brethren , it affords me a vast amount of pleasure in having the honour of responding to the very handsomo manner in wliich my health has been proposed , and the cordial way iu which il-was received ; likewise to thank you for the great and exceptional compliment which yon have been pleased to bestow upon me , in specially inviting me
hero among you to receive this magnificent jewel , which I shall ever wear upon ray breast with recollections of extreme pleasure . This gift is the more gratifying as a proof that my humble efforts to restore the prosperity of the Lodge of Faith have not been entirely unappreciated , and its value is still more enhanced by the recollection that the lodge being 103 years old , I am the first Past Master who , at any rate of late years , is selected to receive a testimonial . I thank you sincerely for the kindness you have always evinced towards we , and the
expression of your approval of my past conduct will stimulate me as I'M . to pursue the same course which lias called forth this token of respect . Bro . Harris then entered into a lengthy explanation of tho relative positions of the lodge on his entering iu and retiring from the office of W . M ., showing how the lodge may be raised to one of the first and most flourishing in the Crafthow , without crowding it with new members or initiates , a certain amount might be annually subscribed to the general
Masonic charities without material deductions from the accustomed convivialities which take place subsequent to tbe business of the lodge . Bro . Harris concluded by stating his opinion that a brother ought not to accept the position of AV . AI . without having previously made himself acquainted with the nature of the work he undertakes , and ought to possess a full conviction that he is able aud willing to cope with the difficulties that may beset him . He again thanked tho brethren ! from the bottom of his
heart for the great mark of distinction they have been pleased to show him , assuring them that it will ever be his study to merit and retain their approbation by continuing to use hishumble efforts in promoting the prosperity of the Lodge of Faith . The healths of the WM ., his officers , and P . M . ' s of the lodge wore successively proposed and responded to by various brethren ; and after a vote of thanks to the Chairman , a very agreeable evening terminated .
LODGE OF PRUDENT BRETIIEEX ( NO . l-lo ) , —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 26 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bro . C . J . Sliarpe being in the chair of K . S . The minutes of the previous meeting and the report of the audit committee were read and confirmed . This being the installation meeting , the AV . M . elect , Bro . XV . P . Allender , was installed in the chair of K . S ., the ceremony being ably performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Sharpe , in a most admirable manner . The AV . M . appointed
and invested Bros . T . Moore , S . AV . ; R . Walters , J . W . ; J . Boyd , P . M ., Treas . ; G . C . States , P . M ., Sec . ; J . J , Brown , Assist . Sec ; W . J . Brown , S . D . ; J . Cambridge , J . D . ; G . Pitt , I . G . j G . Wood , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Lancaster , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; W . AVatson , P . M ., AV . S . ; Hoare , Tyler . A notice of motion was then given for tho lodge to present five guineas to the Masonic Lifeboat fund . It was also proposed that a testimonial should be presented to the Secretary , Bro . G . C . States , for his great
attention to tho duties of that office . The motion was seconded , put , and carried unanimously . The lodge being closed the brethren partook of one of Bro . Gosden's choice banquets , and on the removal of the cloth the usual toasts were given and responded to . The visitors were , Bros . F . H . Gilbarf-, AV . M . 53-1 ; D . Di . ketfc , 25 ; T . Hedden , 733 ; J . Denton , 837 ; G . C . Banks , 193 ; J . Goodwin , 831 ; G . J . Watson , P . M ., Treas . 11 ; XV . Tweed , P . M . 9-1-6 ; G . Brook , 185 ; E . Bagshaw , J . R . Reid , R . P . Glendinning ; and D . W . Pearse , W . M . 657 .
LODGE OF JOPPA ( NO . 188 ) . —This excellent working lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on the 1 st inst ., tho AV . M ., Bro . Charles Relph , in the chair , who performed the ceremony of passing Bros . Van Stavern , Heineiiiann , and Davis in a very excellent manner . Bro . Lewis Alexander , P . M ., proposed that a sura of ten guineas be given from the funds of the lodge to the Grand Master ' s Commemoration Fund , which