Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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was carried unanimously . Bro . Albert , P . M ., was then chosen Steward , to further augment the amount of subscriptions for that laudable object . The brethren then adjourned to a slight repast , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wove given , the toast of " The Benevolent Fund attached to this lodge , " ivas very ably responded to by Bro . B . XV . Aaron , P . M . and Treas . of that fund . The health of the W . M . having been proposedthe W . M . returned thanks in a very neat and
appro-, priate manner . The W . AI- then proposed " The Health of tho Nisitors , who were—Bros . Fillipausky , 36 , St . David's , Edinburgh ; A . E . ILirriss , P . M . 11-1 ; A ' allentine , 1-11 ; Barczinsky , 77 ; Stevens , 19 ; and Spencer , 79-1 . Bros . Stevens and Fillipausky returned thanks for the visitors . There was some very excellent singing by Bros . Spencer , A un Stnvern , Neumark , & c , aud a very pleasant evening was spent .
ROXAL UNION LODGE ( NO . 3 S 2 ) . —This flourishing and numerous lodge was opened at half-past three o ' clock p . m ., by the W . M ., on the 18 th January . There were present : Bros James Glaisher , W . AI . ; M . Ohrean , S . AV . ; G . Pehronbach , J . W . ; B . Claisen , P . M . Treas . ; AV . II . Coulton , S . D . ; G . J . Jaquin , J . D . ; Coombes , P . M . Hon . Sec . ; R . Lonsdale , I . G . ; J . Saqui , Org . ; W . Bonner , Steward ; Weedon , P . M . ; Wirtzfeld , P . M . ; Adams , P , G . P . ; AVm . Smith , O . S . P . G . S . ; Woodman , P . M . ;
Allen , Hicks , Swallow , Mott , King Junr ., Gale , Lucas , Lloyd , Davis , Murphy and others . Bro . F . B . Treatt of the Gooch Lodge , No . 1 , 238 , at the request of the W . M . of that lodge with Bro , Lloyd were questioned in the second degree and raised to the degree of M . M . Tho lodge being reduced again to the second degree , Bros . Smith , James , Woodward and Glenie were questioned and passed . Three gentlemen were ballotted for , M . M . Marshall was initiated . The election of AV . M . and
Treasurer took place . The new by-laws were read and confirmed . A P . M . ' s jawel was unanimously voted to Bro . Gflaisher for the able and efficient manner lie performed the duties of W . M . during his year of office . The following visitors ¦ w ere present : Bros . W . Lowler , Northern Lodge of China , 170 ; Braham , Montefiore ; Ferguison , Domatie 177 , After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , were responded to , and the brethren separated . -
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 158 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , January 26 , at the Montpellier Tavern , AValworth . Bro . T . H . Pulsford , W . M presided , supported by Bros . H . Thompson and H . Potter , P . M . 's and a goodly muster of the brethren , besides several visitors . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the reading of the minutes the lodge was opened in the second degree and Bros . Slesser and Horne passed to F . C . The lodge was afterwards
opened in the third degree , and Bro . Pigott was raised to the sublime degree of a 11 . M . The lodge was lowered to tho first degree , and four gentlemen who were candidates were respectively initiated . It was resolved to recommend a petition which an old Mason was about to present to allow him to become a candidate for the benefits of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . On the motion of Bro . 11 . Thompson P . M . and Treas ., it was agreed that the meeting of the lodge in the month
of July , should be discontinued , and a meeting in October be substituted for it . Some propositions for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which did Bro . Allatt , the worthy host infinite credit . On the withdrawal of the cloth the AV , M . gave the loyal and formal toasts , after which Bro . II ' Thompson , called upon the brethren to do honour to the " toast of the health of Bro . PulsfordWMand alluded to the
, .., excellent way in which he had discharged his duties that evening . The toast was very cordially received and the W . M . returned thanks . The W . M . gave the health of the newly initiated brethren , for which they severally returned thanks . The , W . M . next gave " The Health of the P . M . 's of the lodge , Bros . Thompson and Potter , " and alluded to the fact that Bro . Thompson was the founder of it , and had entitled himself to the respect and esteem of ail the brethren of the lodge . Bro . H .
Thompson , P . M . returned thanks , and at the same time disclaimed all the credit of founding the lodge , for at every step he had been ably supported by Bro . Pulsford , and be trusted during his year of office it would maintain its present prosperity . Some other toasts were given and the evening was spent in the most complete harmony . THE URBAN LODGE ( NO . 1 , 196 ) . —The installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . Richard Henry Marsh , took place on the 20 th
ult . The lodge having been opened by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . E . Carpenter , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the audit committee was read and adopted . Bro . J . B . Ward , No . 525 , Hong Kong , was balloted for , and elected as a joining member . Bro . Krister was then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The installation ceremony was next proceeded with , Bro . James Terry , P . M ., officiating as Installing Master . The newly-installed W . M . then
proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Carpenter , I . P . M . ; AVm . Sawyer , S . W . ; C . Braid , J . AV . ; Dr . Johnson , Treas . ; J . Terry , P . M ., Sec ; C . Ware , S . D . ; De Floury , J . D . ; ICuster , Org . ; J . Callingham , I . G . ; and Beckett , Tyler . Mr . Dearbcrg was then initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the newly-installed AV . M ., in a most masterly manner . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to a banquet , served in Bro . AVickens' best style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and tho enjoyment of the evening was considerably enhanced by the excellent singing of several brethren .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . IVESWICK . —Greta Lodge ( No . 1 , 073 ) . —At an installation meeting held on Monday evening the llch ult ., Bro . John Bunks was duly elected VV . M . of the above lodge , D . Prov . G . M . Greaves acting with his wonted efficiency as Installing Master . The new AV , M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . Wallace , S . W . ; John AVood , J . AV . ; Lamonby , Sec . ; Mayson , S . D .. Crosthwaite , J . D . & Treas . ; and AV . Gaspey , I . G .
DEVONSHIRE . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 32 S ) . —At the first meeting of tiie brethren of this lodge after the installation of their new AVM ., a very pleasing incident occurred , commemoratingas it does the able and judicious manner in which this lodge has been presided over for the past two years by Bro . the Rev . Robert Bowden , of Stoke-Gabriel , who hails this as his mother lodge . At the conclusion of the usual business , and previous to
the lodge being closed , Bro . Glanfield , P . M ., rose , and , after speaking in the most glowing terms of the great zeal and interest displayed by Bro . Bowden in the lodge , and the estimation in which he is universally held by his brethren , and his mdefatigability and punctual attendance ( having during- the past year only been absent from one bi-monthly meeting , although frequently having to walk to and from the lodge a distance of 15 or 16 milesand that through lanes and roads at times
, almost impassable ) , presented , on the part of the brethren , a life-size portrait , framed , in oils , of the above rev . brother , which is to bo hung in the lodge room . Bro . Greenfield , AV . M ., then , in eulogistic term ., expressed the pleasure it gave him on his taking the chair for the first time to be the recipient of such a memento of Masonic zeal , and should ever look up to that as the portrait of a brother who but to know ivas to esteem and love , and that it would ever act as a stimulus to him , and he trusted to
others to follow iu his Masonic footsteps . The rev . brother , who was taken somewhat by surprise by this unexpected expression of esteem , in most eloquent language stated the satisfaction it had caused him to think that his services had not only been appreciated by the brethren , but that they should so delicately and kindly have honoured him by such a presentation , and that tbe great compliment thus paid him would never be effaced from his and that it would ever be a pleasing reminiscence
memory , to think of the goodwill and respect wliich hud thus been displayed towards him . After some business of a financial character relative to the salary of the Tyler , the Lodge was closed in harmony and brotherly love , and the brethren retired to their ante-room for the usual refreshment .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge assembled at the George Hotel , on AVednesday , the 6 th ult . There were present—Bro . Newman , in the chair ; Bros . Ri . v , Bigley , Ray , See . ; Eustace , Calthorpe , Richardson , Coast , Kain , Lugton , Crick , Gill . Visitors—Bros . Quilter , Black Cobb , W . M . 51 ; Cole , 51 . The lodge was opened in due
form in the first degree , and the summons convening the emer-
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was carried unanimously . Bro . Albert , P . M ., was then chosen Steward , to further augment the amount of subscriptions for that laudable object . The brethren then adjourned to a slight repast , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wove given , the toast of " The Benevolent Fund attached to this lodge , " ivas very ably responded to by Bro . B . XV . Aaron , P . M . and Treas . of that fund . The health of the W . M . having been proposedthe W . M . returned thanks in a very neat and
appro-, priate manner . The W . AI- then proposed " The Health of tho Nisitors , who were—Bros . Fillipausky , 36 , St . David's , Edinburgh ; A . E . ILirriss , P . M . 11-1 ; A ' allentine , 1-11 ; Barczinsky , 77 ; Stevens , 19 ; and Spencer , 79-1 . Bros . Stevens and Fillipausky returned thanks for the visitors . There was some very excellent singing by Bros . Spencer , A un Stnvern , Neumark , & c , aud a very pleasant evening was spent .
ROXAL UNION LODGE ( NO . 3 S 2 ) . —This flourishing and numerous lodge was opened at half-past three o ' clock p . m ., by the W . M ., on the 18 th January . There were present : Bros James Glaisher , W . AI . ; M . Ohrean , S . AV . ; G . Pehronbach , J . W . ; B . Claisen , P . M . Treas . ; AV . II . Coulton , S . D . ; G . J . Jaquin , J . D . ; Coombes , P . M . Hon . Sec . ; R . Lonsdale , I . G . ; J . Saqui , Org . ; W . Bonner , Steward ; Weedon , P . M . ; Wirtzfeld , P . M . ; Adams , P , G . P . ; AVm . Smith , O . S . P . G . S . ; Woodman , P . M . ;
Allen , Hicks , Swallow , Mott , King Junr ., Gale , Lucas , Lloyd , Davis , Murphy and others . Bro . F . B . Treatt of the Gooch Lodge , No . 1 , 238 , at the request of the W . M . of that lodge with Bro , Lloyd were questioned in the second degree and raised to the degree of M . M . Tho lodge being reduced again to the second degree , Bros . Smith , James , Woodward and Glenie were questioned and passed . Three gentlemen were ballotted for , M . M . Marshall was initiated . The election of AV . M . and
Treasurer took place . The new by-laws were read and confirmed . A P . M . ' s jawel was unanimously voted to Bro . Gflaisher for the able and efficient manner lie performed the duties of W . M . during his year of office . The following visitors ¦ w ere present : Bros . W . Lowler , Northern Lodge of China , 170 ; Braham , Montefiore ; Ferguison , Domatie 177 , After the lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , were responded to , and the brethren separated . -
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 158 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , January 26 , at the Montpellier Tavern , AValworth . Bro . T . H . Pulsford , W . M presided , supported by Bros . H . Thompson and H . Potter , P . M . 's and a goodly muster of the brethren , besides several visitors . The lodge was opened in due form , and after the reading of the minutes the lodge was opened in the second degree and Bros . Slesser and Horne passed to F . C . The lodge was afterwards
opened in the third degree , and Bro . Pigott was raised to the sublime degree of a 11 . M . The lodge was lowered to tho first degree , and four gentlemen who were candidates were respectively initiated . It was resolved to recommend a petition which an old Mason was about to present to allow him to become a candidate for the benefits of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . On the motion of Bro . 11 . Thompson P . M . and Treas ., it was agreed that the meeting of the lodge in the month
of July , should be discontinued , and a meeting in October be substituted for it . Some propositions for the next meeting having been made , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , which did Bro . Allatt , the worthy host infinite credit . On the withdrawal of the cloth the AV , M . gave the loyal and formal toasts , after which Bro . II ' Thompson , called upon the brethren to do honour to the " toast of the health of Bro . PulsfordWMand alluded to the
, .., excellent way in which he had discharged his duties that evening . The toast was very cordially received and the W . M . returned thanks . The W . M . gave the health of the newly initiated brethren , for which they severally returned thanks . The , W . M . next gave " The Health of the P . M . 's of the lodge , Bros . Thompson and Potter , " and alluded to the fact that Bro . Thompson was the founder of it , and had entitled himself to the respect and esteem of ail the brethren of the lodge . Bro . H .
Thompson , P . M . returned thanks , and at the same time disclaimed all the credit of founding the lodge , for at every step he had been ably supported by Bro . Pulsford , and be trusted during his year of office it would maintain its present prosperity . Some other toasts were given and the evening was spent in the most complete harmony . THE URBAN LODGE ( NO . 1 , 196 ) . —The installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . Richard Henry Marsh , took place on the 20 th
ult . The lodge having been opened by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . E . Carpenter , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the audit committee was read and adopted . Bro . J . B . Ward , No . 525 , Hong Kong , was balloted for , and elected as a joining member . Bro . Krister was then raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The installation ceremony was next proceeded with , Bro . James Terry , P . M ., officiating as Installing Master . The newly-installed W . M . then
proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Carpenter , I . P . M . ; AVm . Sawyer , S . W . ; C . Braid , J . AV . ; Dr . Johnson , Treas . ; J . Terry , P . M ., Sec ; C . Ware , S . D . ; De Floury , J . D . ; ICuster , Org . ; J . Callingham , I . G . ; and Beckett , Tyler . Mr . Dearbcrg was then initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the newly-installed AV . M ., in a most masterly manner . The lodge having been closed , the brethren sat down to a banquet , served in Bro . AVickens' best style . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , and tho enjoyment of the evening was considerably enhanced by the excellent singing of several brethren .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . IVESWICK . —Greta Lodge ( No . 1 , 073 ) . —At an installation meeting held on Monday evening the llch ult ., Bro . John Bunks was duly elected VV . M . of the above lodge , D . Prov . G . M . Greaves acting with his wonted efficiency as Installing Master . The new AV , M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . Wallace , S . W . ; John AVood , J . AV . ; Lamonby , Sec . ; Mayson , S . D .. Crosthwaite , J . D . & Treas . ; and AV . Gaspey , I . G .
DEVONSHIRE . TORQUAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 32 S ) . —At the first meeting of tiie brethren of this lodge after the installation of their new AVM ., a very pleasing incident occurred , commemoratingas it does the able and judicious manner in which this lodge has been presided over for the past two years by Bro . the Rev . Robert Bowden , of Stoke-Gabriel , who hails this as his mother lodge . At the conclusion of the usual business , and previous to
the lodge being closed , Bro . Glanfield , P . M ., rose , and , after speaking in the most glowing terms of the great zeal and interest displayed by Bro . Bowden in the lodge , and the estimation in which he is universally held by his brethren , and his mdefatigability and punctual attendance ( having during- the past year only been absent from one bi-monthly meeting , although frequently having to walk to and from the lodge a distance of 15 or 16 milesand that through lanes and roads at times
, almost impassable ) , presented , on the part of the brethren , a life-size portrait , framed , in oils , of the above rev . brother , which is to bo hung in the lodge room . Bro . Greenfield , AV . M ., then , in eulogistic term ., expressed the pleasure it gave him on his taking the chair for the first time to be the recipient of such a memento of Masonic zeal , and should ever look up to that as the portrait of a brother who but to know ivas to esteem and love , and that it would ever act as a stimulus to him , and he trusted to
others to follow iu his Masonic footsteps . The rev . brother , who was taken somewhat by surprise by this unexpected expression of esteem , in most eloquent language stated the satisfaction it had caused him to think that his services had not only been appreciated by the brethren , but that they should so delicately and kindly have honoured him by such a presentation , and that tbe great compliment thus paid him would never be effaced from his and that it would ever be a pleasing reminiscence
memory , to think of the goodwill and respect wliich hud thus been displayed towards him . After some business of a financial character relative to the salary of the Tyler , the Lodge was closed in harmony and brotherly love , and the brethren retired to their ante-room for the usual refreshment .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge assembled at the George Hotel , on AVednesday , the 6 th ult . There were present—Bro . Newman , in the chair ; Bros . Ri . v , Bigley , Ray , See . ; Eustace , Calthorpe , Richardson , Coast , Kain , Lugton , Crick , Gill . Visitors—Bros . Quilter , Black Cobb , W . M . 51 ; Cole , 51 . The lodge was opened in due
form in the first degree , and the summons convening the emer-