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Acknowledged by Bros . Donaldson , Green , Fothergill , Roberts , and Simms . By the AV . M ., "The Officers of the Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . R . J . Chambers , S . W . By Bro . Pickford , "The Masonic Charities . " By Bro . Middleton , " The newlyinitiated Brother , " acknowledged by Bro . S . J . A \ ood , in the absence of Bro . Sayers . By Bro . Homfray , "The Host , "
acknowledged by Bro . Hallen . The last toast , " To all poor and distressed Mason * , " was , iii the absence of the Tyler , given by Bro . Middleton . It should be stated that the " concord of sweet sounds" was not wanting at this fraternal gathering . Bro . Groves , who is a host in himself , presided at the pianoforte , and sang a variety of favourite airs . He also accompanied several of the brethren who kindly volunteered to swell the harmony of the evening , amongst whom were Bros . S . G . Homfray , G . Fothergill , George Hoskins , Colonel Lyne , AA . Pickford , and others . The brethren separated at an early hour , after a most pleasant evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . WELUNGTON QUAY . —Ti / ne Lodge ( No . 991 ) . —Tbe annual festival of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Bro . G . A . Allen , W . M . presided , and there was a numerous attendance of brethren , several being from the neighbouring lodges . The lodge was opened in due form , after which Lieut . Col . Potter was initiated into the mysteries of the first degree . The customary business having been
transacted , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , the W . M . Bro . J . Robertson was presented to the I . M . Bro . James Roddam , P . M . 240 and 1119 , by Bro . Hansen , P . M . 431 and 991 , and P . Z . The qualifications and ancient laws and regulations having been read over to him , to all of which he gave his assent , the LAI . duly obligated and conducted him to the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom ,
the brethren then duly proclaimed , and saluted the AV . AI . in the different degrees , and the officers having been duly charged by the I . M . the W . M . then preceded to install the officers as follows : Bros . G . A . Allon , I . P . M . ; AV . Clelland , S . W . ; Twizell , J . W . pro tern . ; Allon , Treas . ; Burrongs ; Sec . ; Fenwick , S . D . ; Jarvis , J . D . ; Clark , I . G . ; Heslop , Tyler . The AV . M ., officers , and brethren were duly charged in their respective duties by the I . M . and a vote of thanks having been
, accorded to Bro . Roddam for the manner iu which he had conducted the duties of I . M ., the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the dining hall , where a most sumptuous repast was tastefully laid up by Bro . T . AVilkinson , when about forty brethren partook of tbe same . Bro . Robertson , W . M . accepted the chair , and Bro . AV . Clelland , S . AA . the vice-chair , aud among the brethren present were : —Bros . A . Clapham , P . Prov . G . J . AV , Northumberland :
Noach S . Lotinga , AV . M . 424 , Gateshead : Dr . Robson , P . M . 431 ; J . Gibson , P . M , 431 ; Bragg , 431 ; Bradshaw , 48 ; S . N . Lotinga , 424 , & c . The cloth having been cleared and the dessert on , thanks were returned to the G . A . by the AV . AI . The AV . M , then proposed "The Queen , " which was drunk with great applause , the healths of the G . M . of England , and then D . G . M . of England , and G . AI . of Ireland and Scotland , the Prov . G . M . ' s of Northumberland and Durham were duliven
y g by the W . M ., and the remainder of Masonic toasts having been given by the W . M ., and the remainder of Masonic toasts having been gone through , the W . M , then called on Bro . Noach S . Lotinga , AVAL 424 to give the next toast , being that of the "Masonic Charities , " and which really are the back bone of our order , and having always taken a great interest in them , I am sorry to see they are and have been so badly supported in
Northumberland . At tlvs stage Bro . A . Claphim , P . Prov . G . S . AV . Northumberland , interrupted the speaker , saying Northumberland was the head of the three . Bro . P . M . Lotinga requested Bro , Claph . m to be silent , and he would do justice to the toast and to Northumberland . Bro . Lotinga then said that in 1867 Northumberland , with 11 lodges , did not contribute one farthing to the Girls' School , or Aged Freemasons , aud their Widows
, but the Prov . G . M . being steward for the Boys' School was well supported by lodges and Grand Lodge , and showed a large list in 1868 . Bro . Strachan being steward for the Girls' had also been well supported by himself and others , he having at the time a candidate for the school , but before that time T do not see much in the subscribers register for Northumberland . There is the Masonic Girls ' School , where upwards of 1000 girls had been educated , and out of that number not one had gone from the path of virtue .
Then comes the Institution for Support and Maintenance of Aged Freemasons and their Widows , and lastly that noble institution the Boys' School , which had a debt of £ 10 , 000 , and if this debt was paid would be able to make the school available ; for 150 boys , and hope by the noble examples of Lancashire and Yorkshire , and other provinces that the institution would be freed from this debt and prosper . Brethren at Grand Lodge
meeting I had the pleasure of meeting your ImmecJiafe P . M . Bro . Allon , and introduced him to Bro . Farnfield , Soe . to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . Bro . Allon partly promised to become steward for the said institution :,, and I am proud to say to you that he afterwards consented ^ , and is now the steward for the said institution , and I hope hewill be well suppoi ted by you , and that at the festival he willhave a good list ; also , brethren , I humbly trust you will support '
mc for the boys , having consented to stand as steward for the-Boys , as a life governor , and life subscriber of all our charities ; . I feel great pleasure in assisting to get that institution freed ' - from the burden which rests so heavily on it . Brethren , I have the great pleasure in proposing " The health and prosperity of the Masonic Charities , " and couple that toast with " Bro . P . M . Allon , Steward for . Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . " Bro . Allonin replying to the toast so ably proposed bBro . PAT ,
, y . Lotinga , said as a young lodge Tyno Lodge sent governors totbe institution , and had this day initiated one who had subscribed to his list before he was initiated , and , as Bro . Lotinga : says , is most happy to receive donations on behalf of the institution , and thank them kindly for support already received :.. After the usual toasts had been gone through , and a jovial evening spent , the brethren parted in love and harmony .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BRISTOL—Roi / al Sussex Lodge of Hospitality ( No . 187 . )—The members of this lodge held their annual banquet at the AVhite Lion Hotel , Broad-street , on the 27 th ult . under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bvo . F . Howard . The dinner , -which was tastefully arranged and admirably served , reflected muck credit on the manager , Mr . Rudd , and was greatly appreciated :: by the brethren present . The W . AI . was supported by a strong
muster of the brethren , including AV . A . F . Powell , _ D : P . G . M . j Rev . C . R . Daw , P . G . C . ; H . R . James , P . M ., 18-7 ; Rev .- — Spring ; Captain Muttlebury , P . P . G . R ., Bath ; F . G . Powell , AV . M ., SS ; R . Hewitt , W . M ., 103 ; P . D . Alexander ; AV . Bow-don , P . M . ; H . R . Fargus , P . M . ; T . Prichavd , P . M . ; C . H . Low , P . M . ; J . J . Peters , P . M .: E . M . Harwood , P . M . ; : AV . Barge , P . AL ; J . A . Gardiner , P . M . ; J . Randall , P . S . W ., J . BellP . J . AV . ; R . A . AVrightAV . M . ; 504 P . P . G . P . ; J . Brooke ;
, , , 610 ; A . AV . AA ' aite , 610 ; U . Uichardsoii , 610 ; G . Pffcifler , 610 ; AV . Aiaby , 68 ; AA . Howell , 326 ; C . G . Barnett , 187 ; E . A . B-. irnett , ' 187 ; J . A . Clarke , P . G . S . AV ; J . A . Page , P . P . G . AV . ; W . I-I . Clarke ; J . D ., 187 ; R . A \ . Butterworth , 187 ; R . G . Barnes , 187 : J . J . Peters , P . S . D . ; J . A . Gardiner , P . S . D . ;
E-. CVipps , 1 S 7 ; Hy . Wilshire , 290 ; J . Gunning , 187 ; W . Ii , Amines , 187 ; S . Lowther , 187 ; T . Gullifer , 610 ; G . E . Roe , 610 ; H . C . Pope , 326 ; T . Edwards , 610 ; W . A . Scott , P . G . D . ; V Belfield , 103 ; R . Fendick , P . M ., 103 ; and John Yalland , 6 ' 8 The usual toasts were proposed and responded to : —The brethren finally separated , having enjoyed a most agreeable evening , GLASTONEITKY . —Pilgrims' Lodge ( No . 172 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday , the 26 th ult .,
at the Alasonic Room , George Hotel , the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Captain Bridges , presiding , in consequence Of the severe indisposition of the AV . AI ., Bro . Bloxham . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Dr . Thomas Marscbn Edwards was passed to F . C . Mr . A . Bailey , of Glastonbury , was then initiated , as also the Rev . H . P . Hughes , LL . D ., and Air . Austin , of Baltonsborough . The ceremonies , which were admirably performed , being completedthe lodge was closedand the brethren
ad-, , journed to a recherche banquet , served up by Bro . Bailey , George Hotel . The usual toasts were given , songs sung by Bro . Bristow and others , and the banquet passed off with eclat . Thevisiting brethren were—Bros . Bristow , \ A . AI . 445 ; Knight nuii George , 416 ; Smith , 622 ; Burnett and Salisbury , 291 .
AVARAVICKSHIRE , ASTON . —ILolte Lodge , ( No . 1 , 246 ) . —The consecration of this new lodge and the installation of Bro . Thomas Partridge . is AV . M . took place , at the Holte Hotel , Aston , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . The D . Prov . G . Master Bro . Major Machen accom-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Acknowledged by Bros . Donaldson , Green , Fothergill , Roberts , and Simms . By the AV . M ., "The Officers of the Lodge , " acknowledged by Bro . R . J . Chambers , S . W . By Bro . Pickford , "The Masonic Charities . " By Bro . Middleton , " The newlyinitiated Brother , " acknowledged by Bro . S . J . A \ ood , in the absence of Bro . Sayers . By Bro . Homfray , "The Host , "
acknowledged by Bro . Hallen . The last toast , " To all poor and distressed Mason * , " was , iii the absence of the Tyler , given by Bro . Middleton . It should be stated that the " concord of sweet sounds" was not wanting at this fraternal gathering . Bro . Groves , who is a host in himself , presided at the pianoforte , and sang a variety of favourite airs . He also accompanied several of the brethren who kindly volunteered to swell the harmony of the evening , amongst whom were Bros . S . G . Homfray , G . Fothergill , George Hoskins , Colonel Lyne , AA . Pickford , and others . The brethren separated at an early hour , after a most pleasant evening .
NORTHUMBERLAND . WELUNGTON QUAY . —Ti / ne Lodge ( No . 991 ) . —Tbe annual festival of this lodge was held on the 14 th inst ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Bro . G . A . Allen , W . M . presided , and there was a numerous attendance of brethren , several being from the neighbouring lodges . The lodge was opened in due form , after which Lieut . Col . Potter was initiated into the mysteries of the first degree . The customary business having been
transacted , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , the W . M . Bro . J . Robertson was presented to the I . M . Bro . James Roddam , P . M . 240 and 1119 , by Bro . Hansen , P . M . 431 and 991 , and P . Z . The qualifications and ancient laws and regulations having been read over to him , to all of which he gave his assent , the LAI . duly obligated and conducted him to the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom ,
the brethren then duly proclaimed , and saluted the AV . AI . in the different degrees , and the officers having been duly charged by the I . M . the W . M . then preceded to install the officers as follows : Bros . G . A . Allon , I . P . M . ; AV . Clelland , S . W . ; Twizell , J . W . pro tern . ; Allon , Treas . ; Burrongs ; Sec . ; Fenwick , S . D . ; Jarvis , J . D . ; Clark , I . G . ; Heslop , Tyler . The AV . M ., officers , and brethren were duly charged in their respective duties by the I . M . and a vote of thanks having been
, accorded to Bro . Roddam for the manner iu which he had conducted the duties of I . M ., the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the dining hall , where a most sumptuous repast was tastefully laid up by Bro . T . AVilkinson , when about forty brethren partook of tbe same . Bro . Robertson , W . M . accepted the chair , and Bro . AV . Clelland , S . AA . the vice-chair , aud among the brethren present were : —Bros . A . Clapham , P . Prov . G . J . AV , Northumberland :
Noach S . Lotinga , AV . M . 424 , Gateshead : Dr . Robson , P . M . 431 ; J . Gibson , P . M , 431 ; Bragg , 431 ; Bradshaw , 48 ; S . N . Lotinga , 424 , & c . The cloth having been cleared and the dessert on , thanks were returned to the G . A . by the AV . AI . The AV . M , then proposed "The Queen , " which was drunk with great applause , the healths of the G . M . of England , and then D . G . M . of England , and G . AI . of Ireland and Scotland , the Prov . G . M . ' s of Northumberland and Durham were duliven
y g by the W . M ., and the remainder of Masonic toasts having been given by the W . M ., and the remainder of Masonic toasts having been gone through , the W . M , then called on Bro . Noach S . Lotinga , AVAL 424 to give the next toast , being that of the "Masonic Charities , " and which really are the back bone of our order , and having always taken a great interest in them , I am sorry to see they are and have been so badly supported in
Northumberland . At tlvs stage Bro . A . Claphim , P . Prov . G . S . AV . Northumberland , interrupted the speaker , saying Northumberland was the head of the three . Bro . P . M . Lotinga requested Bro , Claph . m to be silent , and he would do justice to the toast and to Northumberland . Bro . Lotinga then said that in 1867 Northumberland , with 11 lodges , did not contribute one farthing to the Girls' School , or Aged Freemasons , aud their Widows
, but the Prov . G . M . being steward for the Boys' School was well supported by lodges and Grand Lodge , and showed a large list in 1868 . Bro . Strachan being steward for the Girls' had also been well supported by himself and others , he having at the time a candidate for the school , but before that time T do not see much in the subscribers register for Northumberland . There is the Masonic Girls ' School , where upwards of 1000 girls had been educated , and out of that number not one had gone from the path of virtue .
Then comes the Institution for Support and Maintenance of Aged Freemasons and their Widows , and lastly that noble institution the Boys' School , which had a debt of £ 10 , 000 , and if this debt was paid would be able to make the school available ; for 150 boys , and hope by the noble examples of Lancashire and Yorkshire , and other provinces that the institution would be freed from this debt and prosper . Brethren at Grand Lodge
meeting I had the pleasure of meeting your ImmecJiafe P . M . Bro . Allon , and introduced him to Bro . Farnfield , Soe . to the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . Bro . Allon partly promised to become steward for the said institution :,, and I am proud to say to you that he afterwards consented ^ , and is now the steward for the said institution , and I hope hewill be well suppoi ted by you , and that at the festival he willhave a good list ; also , brethren , I humbly trust you will support '
mc for the boys , having consented to stand as steward for the-Boys , as a life governor , and life subscriber of all our charities ; . I feel great pleasure in assisting to get that institution freed ' - from the burden which rests so heavily on it . Brethren , I have the great pleasure in proposing " The health and prosperity of the Masonic Charities , " and couple that toast with " Bro . P . M . Allon , Steward for . Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . " Bro . Allonin replying to the toast so ably proposed bBro . PAT ,
, y . Lotinga , said as a young lodge Tyno Lodge sent governors totbe institution , and had this day initiated one who had subscribed to his list before he was initiated , and , as Bro . Lotinga : says , is most happy to receive donations on behalf of the institution , and thank them kindly for support already received :.. After the usual toasts had been gone through , and a jovial evening spent , the brethren parted in love and harmony .
SOMERSETSHIRE . BRISTOL—Roi / al Sussex Lodge of Hospitality ( No . 187 . )—The members of this lodge held their annual banquet at the AVhite Lion Hotel , Broad-street , on the 27 th ult . under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bvo . F . Howard . The dinner , -which was tastefully arranged and admirably served , reflected muck credit on the manager , Mr . Rudd , and was greatly appreciated :: by the brethren present . The W . AI . was supported by a strong
muster of the brethren , including AV . A . F . Powell , _ D : P . G . M . j Rev . C . R . Daw , P . G . C . ; H . R . James , P . M ., 18-7 ; Rev .- — Spring ; Captain Muttlebury , P . P . G . R ., Bath ; F . G . Powell , AV . M ., SS ; R . Hewitt , W . M ., 103 ; P . D . Alexander ; AV . Bow-don , P . M . ; H . R . Fargus , P . M . ; T . Prichavd , P . M . ; C . H . Low , P . M . ; J . J . Peters , P . M .: E . M . Harwood , P . M . ; : AV . Barge , P . AL ; J . A . Gardiner , P . M . ; J . Randall , P . S . W ., J . BellP . J . AV . ; R . A . AVrightAV . M . ; 504 P . P . G . P . ; J . Brooke ;
, , , 610 ; A . AV . AA ' aite , 610 ; U . Uichardsoii , 610 ; G . Pffcifler , 610 ; AV . Aiaby , 68 ; AA . Howell , 326 ; C . G . Barnett , 187 ; E . A . B-. irnett , ' 187 ; J . A . Clarke , P . G . S . AV ; J . A . Page , P . P . G . AV . ; W . I-I . Clarke ; J . D ., 187 ; R . A \ . Butterworth , 187 ; R . G . Barnes , 187 : J . J . Peters , P . S . D . ; J . A . Gardiner , P . S . D . ;
E-. CVipps , 1 S 7 ; Hy . Wilshire , 290 ; J . Gunning , 187 ; W . Ii , Amines , 187 ; S . Lowther , 187 ; T . Gullifer , 610 ; G . E . Roe , 610 ; H . C . Pope , 326 ; T . Edwards , 610 ; W . A . Scott , P . G . D . ; V Belfield , 103 ; R . Fendick , P . M ., 103 ; and John Yalland , 6 ' 8 The usual toasts were proposed and responded to : —The brethren finally separated , having enjoyed a most agreeable evening , GLASTONEITKY . —Pilgrims' Lodge ( No . 172 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its quarterly meeting on Tuesday , the 26 th ult .,
at the Alasonic Room , George Hotel , the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Captain Bridges , presiding , in consequence Of the severe indisposition of the AV . AI ., Bro . Bloxham . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Dr . Thomas Marscbn Edwards was passed to F . C . Mr . A . Bailey , of Glastonbury , was then initiated , as also the Rev . H . P . Hughes , LL . D ., and Air . Austin , of Baltonsborough . The ceremonies , which were admirably performed , being completedthe lodge was closedand the brethren
ad-, , journed to a recherche banquet , served up by Bro . Bailey , George Hotel . The usual toasts were given , songs sung by Bro . Bristow and others , and the banquet passed off with eclat . Thevisiting brethren were—Bros . Bristow , \ A . AI . 445 ; Knight nuii George , 416 ; Smith , 622 ; Burnett and Salisbury , 291 .
AVARAVICKSHIRE , ASTON . —ILolte Lodge , ( No . 1 , 246 ) . —The consecration of this new lodge and the installation of Bro . Thomas Partridge . is AV . M . took place , at the Holte Hotel , Aston , on Wednesday , the 29 th ult . The D . Prov . G . Master Bro . Major Machen accom-