Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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few minutes for consideration . Bro . Buchan observed , that he ought to have a copy of the document , and also at least twentyfour hours to think over it . Tiie lodge , however , disallowed both suggestions ; on which Bro . Buchan , having solemnly pierused the " form of apology , " handed it back , respectfully declining to attach his name to such a document . Thereupon Bro . Jas . Anderson proposed that a special meeting- be held , to which Bro . Buchan be summoned to answer for himself anent
this matter ; and that he be tried and dealt with in accordance with Masonic law , which was agreed to . It was then decided that the said special meeting should be hold on Thursday , 4 th February , 1 S 69 . Thereafter the R . AV . AL , referring to au article which appeared in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of the Oth Jan ., pp . 29 and 30 , by " Crux , " and wliich he also read to tho lodge , said that ho considered the said article to bo a personal
reflection on himself ; and that ho therefore intended , if possible , to find out the author , so that proceedings might be taken against him , as he ( Bro . Baird ) believed the said article to be a libel . Bro . Baird then threw himself upon the lodge , and trusted that the brethren would support him under tho circumstances , which was vociferously responded to . Some brethren were then affiliated , after which the lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —The Lodge Caledonian Mail-may ( No . 354 ) . — This lodge held its usual meeting in the JIasonie Hall , 213 , Buchanan-stroet , on AA ' ednesday , the 20 th ult . On account of the death of a near relation of the R . W . JI . elect , it was only at this meeting that the installation of office-bearers was completed . The following brethren wore instnlled by Bro . James E . AA ilson , now P . JI . of the lodge , and Bro . AVilliam Robertson , P . M . 333 : — Bros . J . HamiltonR . AV . M . j James E . AVilsonP . M . ; AV R .
, , Thomson , D . M . ; Dr . R . F . Paterson , S . JI . ; D . K . Speirs , S . AV . ; John Crichton , J . AV . ; A . Carmichael , Treas . ; P . Sanderson , Sec . ; J . Miller , S . D . ; Andrew Mackay , J . D . ; Rev . A . E . AVilson , Chaplain ; John Price , Architect ; D . Buchanan , B . B . ; Gourlay , S . B . ; David Martin , Dir . of Cers . ; A . A . Smith , Dir . of Music ; Alexander Murie , C . S . ; Matthew Mann , J . S . ; A . S . Walker , P . G . S . ; John Henderson , I . G . ; AV . F . Gemmell , Tyler . John , S . Hunter , T . B . Sim , R . Wilson , J . H . Geddis and Colin
More , members of Committee . Previous to the election there was a talk of a contest for some of the offices , notably for that of Master , for which two candidates were proposed , either of them being well qualified to fill the office . The first of the two , however , found that his private duties would not allow him to give , what he considered , the necessary time required to fulfil the onerous duties of the chair , and therefore declined it , kindly consenting to act as II . M ., an offi . ee in which , from his groat
experience , be will be of great service to the lodge , and an efficient support to the newly-installed Master . The popularity of the newly-elected R . W . M . was evinced by this crowded and enthusiastic meeting , at which four gentlemen were initiated , and a visiting brother presented to the lodge a very fine set of silver square and compasses , embellished with emblems of the Craft . Bro . Hamilton in feeling terms returned thanks for the honour doneand hopedif sparedto show by deedsrather than by
, , , , words , the interest he felt in 354 , and expressed a hope that the brethren would bear with him if he failed to reach that point of excellence attained by P . JI . Bra . AAllson in the past two years in working the lodge . The initiation of candidates was conducted by Bro . AAllson , P . M ., as also the affiliation of Bro . Galloway , whose brotherly kindness to the lodge was highly extolled . From the auditors' report it appeared that the retiring- JSaster was leaving the lodge about £ 100 richer than when he took
office , and that 100 names had been added to the roll of membership during his occupation of the chair . The lodge being put under the genial sway of the J . AV ., the customary toasts on such occasions were given and responded to . Bro . Wilson , P . M ., iu responding to "The Past Office Bearers , " remarked that , though now taking his place among those under the " sere and yellow leaf , " nothing would give him greater pleasure than still to take his pait iu the work of a lodge among whom he had
made so many true friends and spout so many happy hours , and that he could never forget their brotherly kindness to him . The memory of Captain Speirs , 11 . AV . Prav . G . M ., was received with solemn honours . The "lost toast" was then given , and the lodge called back to labour and closed in due and ancient form .
SIB AA ^ ALTBE SCOTT , whose centenary celebration is now the topic of the day , was initiated in the Lodge Edinburgh St . David ' s , No . 36 ; Robert Burns in the Canongate Kilwinning ,
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOVLE ' S LODGE , ( NO . SI-, )—A lodge was held on Tuesday the 29 th Dec , for the purpose of Installing tho AV . JI . elect and passing- to the second degree Bro . Le JIaitre . The lodge was opened at 2-30 by the AV . JI . Bro . Martin : there were present Bros . Gallicnne , ' P . Dep . Prov . G . M ; Stickland , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M ., aud Treas . ; Churchouse , P . JI . ; Gardner , & elect
S . AV . , XVM . ; Glencross , J . W ; Clarko , Millington , S . D ; JIuiitz , J . G . ; Parker , J . D . ; Cohen , Barter , Le Maitre ; Baujour , Lucas & Coles , visitors . Bros . Smythson , P . M ., 16 S and Henry , J . AA ., & AA . M . elect 168 . The minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed , and Bro . Le JIaitre , was duly passed to the degree of F . C , The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd . and 3 rd . degrees respectiveand Bro
; . Gardner was regularly installed into the chair of K . S . as AA . JI . of Doyle ' s Lodge , for the ensuing year with all the usual rites and ceremonies of salutation which the JIasonie ritual enjoins on such occasions . The P . Dep . Prov . G . JI ., was the Installing Master , and having thus written , it would be superfluous to enlarge on the eloquent and inpressive manner iu which the ceremony was worked . The AV . JI . appointed as his officers
Bros . Glencross , S . AA . ; Millington , J . AV . ; Parker , S . D . ; Muntz , J . D . ; Cohen , I . G . ; Sarchel , Sec , and Clarke , Assistant Sec . At the last previous lodge , Bro . Hutchinson , was elected Treasurer and Manger Tyler . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned until 6 when the Annual Banquet was to be held in the lodge room . The dinner wliich hud been entrusted to the catering of " Sister Edward " by the committee
appointed to carry out the arrangements was a very capitalalmost too profuse a one—and was served up in good st yle . The loving cup was then passed round and partaken of by all witli tho exception of two brothers , whose extremely strict ideas as to the propriety of " sacrificing to Bacchus , " prevented them from " sipping the Goblet , " but whose heartily-expressed good wishes for " peace on earth and good will towards all men " were it is certain none the less sincere for their conscientious
abstinence . Amongst tho toasts which were proposed and most cordially responded to were the Queen and Craft , Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , Lord Zetland , G . JI ., and Grand Lodge , the AV . JI . ' s health , the Past Master ' s , tho AA ardens and the Deacons , health . The health of the P . Dep . Pro . G . JI . was the one which during the evening elicited the greatest enthusiasm—it was proposed by Bro . Hutchinson and responded to by tho worthy P . Deputy , in terms
so eloquent , and in a manner so impassioned that the feelings of all were acutely touched . The tenor of his remarks throughout tho whole of his speech was truly Masonic , but as he touched chiefly on subjects which would not much interest the general reader of the Magazine an Epitome of it is not hero given . The health of Bro . Horner was also very warmly received . A letter was read by Bro . Clarke , which had been received from him —explaining the reason whhe could not attend the banquet
y as he had hoped to have done , and all were grieved to hear it was of a nature which caused him much sorrow , On the whole a throughly harmonious and enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated much pleased at the very agreeable success wliich had attended- their annual re-union .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The Grand Chapter met on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at eight o'clock . There wore present , M . E . Comps . Rev . J . Huyslie , Grand J ., as Z . ; Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . Supt . Cheshire , as H . ; Geo . AV . K . Potter . P . G . P . S ., . as J . ; H . Browse , G . S . B . ; H . Muggeridge , G . Std . Bearer ; J . Thomas , Dir . of Cers . ; B . Head andE . S . Snell ; W . E . Wnlmsley . J . Savage , P . G . S . B . 's ; and N .
Bradford , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; William Smith ( O . H . ) , J . Brett , . 1 . Nunn , J . Keeue , Ii . G . Buss , W . JI . Bywater , W . Mann , H . Radeliffe , F . Adlard , II . J . Dumas , G . Lambert , G . S . States , F . Bennoch , AA . C . Barlow , E . J . Barron , and J . M . Case . Grand Chapter having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the lust convocation were read , and after a short discussion , they were confirmed . The report of the Committee of General Purposes > as next read .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
few minutes for consideration . Bro . Buchan observed , that he ought to have a copy of the document , and also at least twentyfour hours to think over it . Tiie lodge , however , disallowed both suggestions ; on which Bro . Buchan , having solemnly pierused the " form of apology , " handed it back , respectfully declining to attach his name to such a document . Thereupon Bro . Jas . Anderson proposed that a special meeting- be held , to which Bro . Buchan be summoned to answer for himself anent
this matter ; and that he be tried and dealt with in accordance with Masonic law , which was agreed to . It was then decided that the said special meeting should be hold on Thursday , 4 th February , 1 S 69 . Thereafter the R . AV . AL , referring to au article which appeared in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE of the Oth Jan ., pp . 29 and 30 , by " Crux , " and wliich he also read to tho lodge , said that ho considered the said article to bo a personal
reflection on himself ; and that ho therefore intended , if possible , to find out the author , so that proceedings might be taken against him , as he ( Bro . Baird ) believed the said article to be a libel . Bro . Baird then threw himself upon the lodge , and trusted that the brethren would support him under tho circumstances , which was vociferously responded to . Some brethren were then affiliated , after which the lodge was duly closed .
GLASGOW . —The Lodge Caledonian Mail-may ( No . 354 ) . — This lodge held its usual meeting in the JIasonie Hall , 213 , Buchanan-stroet , on AA ' ednesday , the 20 th ult . On account of the death of a near relation of the R . W . JI . elect , it was only at this meeting that the installation of office-bearers was completed . The following brethren wore instnlled by Bro . James E . AA ilson , now P . JI . of the lodge , and Bro . AVilliam Robertson , P . M . 333 : — Bros . J . HamiltonR . AV . M . j James E . AVilsonP . M . ; AV R .
, , Thomson , D . M . ; Dr . R . F . Paterson , S . JI . ; D . K . Speirs , S . AV . ; John Crichton , J . AV . ; A . Carmichael , Treas . ; P . Sanderson , Sec . ; J . Miller , S . D . ; Andrew Mackay , J . D . ; Rev . A . E . AVilson , Chaplain ; John Price , Architect ; D . Buchanan , B . B . ; Gourlay , S . B . ; David Martin , Dir . of Cers . ; A . A . Smith , Dir . of Music ; Alexander Murie , C . S . ; Matthew Mann , J . S . ; A . S . Walker , P . G . S . ; John Henderson , I . G . ; AV . F . Gemmell , Tyler . John , S . Hunter , T . B . Sim , R . Wilson , J . H . Geddis and Colin
More , members of Committee . Previous to the election there was a talk of a contest for some of the offices , notably for that of Master , for which two candidates were proposed , either of them being well qualified to fill the office . The first of the two , however , found that his private duties would not allow him to give , what he considered , the necessary time required to fulfil the onerous duties of the chair , and therefore declined it , kindly consenting to act as II . M ., an offi . ee in which , from his groat
experience , be will be of great service to the lodge , and an efficient support to the newly-installed Master . The popularity of the newly-elected R . W . M . was evinced by this crowded and enthusiastic meeting , at which four gentlemen were initiated , and a visiting brother presented to the lodge a very fine set of silver square and compasses , embellished with emblems of the Craft . Bro . Hamilton in feeling terms returned thanks for the honour doneand hopedif sparedto show by deedsrather than by
, , , , words , the interest he felt in 354 , and expressed a hope that the brethren would bear with him if he failed to reach that point of excellence attained by P . JI . Bra . AAllson in the past two years in working the lodge . The initiation of candidates was conducted by Bro . AAllson , P . M ., as also the affiliation of Bro . Galloway , whose brotherly kindness to the lodge was highly extolled . From the auditors' report it appeared that the retiring- JSaster was leaving the lodge about £ 100 richer than when he took
office , and that 100 names had been added to the roll of membership during his occupation of the chair . The lodge being put under the genial sway of the J . AV ., the customary toasts on such occasions were given and responded to . Bro . Wilson , P . M ., iu responding to "The Past Office Bearers , " remarked that , though now taking his place among those under the " sere and yellow leaf , " nothing would give him greater pleasure than still to take his pait iu the work of a lodge among whom he had
made so many true friends and spout so many happy hours , and that he could never forget their brotherly kindness to him . The memory of Captain Speirs , 11 . AV . Prav . G . M ., was received with solemn honours . The "lost toast" was then given , and the lodge called back to labour and closed in due and ancient form .
SIB AA ^ ALTBE SCOTT , whose centenary celebration is now the topic of the day , was initiated in the Lodge Edinburgh St . David ' s , No . 36 ; Robert Burns in the Canongate Kilwinning ,
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOVLE ' S LODGE , ( NO . SI-, )—A lodge was held on Tuesday the 29 th Dec , for the purpose of Installing tho AV . JI . elect and passing- to the second degree Bro . Le JIaitre . The lodge was opened at 2-30 by the AV . JI . Bro . Martin : there were present Bros . Gallicnne , ' P . Dep . Prov . G . M ; Stickland , P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M ., aud Treas . ; Churchouse , P . JI . ; Gardner , & elect
S . AV . , XVM . ; Glencross , J . W ; Clarko , Millington , S . D ; JIuiitz , J . G . ; Parker , J . D . ; Cohen , Barter , Le Maitre ; Baujour , Lucas & Coles , visitors . Bros . Smythson , P . M ., 16 S and Henry , J . AA ., & AA . M . elect 168 . The minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed , and Bro . Le JIaitre , was duly passed to the degree of F . C , The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd . and 3 rd . degrees respectiveand Bro
; . Gardner was regularly installed into the chair of K . S . as AA . JI . of Doyle ' s Lodge , for the ensuing year with all the usual rites and ceremonies of salutation which the JIasonie ritual enjoins on such occasions . The P . Dep . Prov . G . JI ., was the Installing Master , and having thus written , it would be superfluous to enlarge on the eloquent and inpressive manner iu which the ceremony was worked . The AV . JI . appointed as his officers
Bros . Glencross , S . AA . ; Millington , J . AV . ; Parker , S . D . ; Muntz , J . D . ; Cohen , I . G . ; Sarchel , Sec , and Clarke , Assistant Sec . At the last previous lodge , Bro . Hutchinson , was elected Treasurer and Manger Tyler . Tho lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned until 6 when the Annual Banquet was to be held in the lodge room . The dinner wliich hud been entrusted to the catering of " Sister Edward " by the committee
appointed to carry out the arrangements was a very capitalalmost too profuse a one—and was served up in good st yle . The loving cup was then passed round and partaken of by all witli tho exception of two brothers , whose extremely strict ideas as to the propriety of " sacrificing to Bacchus , " prevented them from " sipping the Goblet , " but whose heartily-expressed good wishes for " peace on earth and good will towards all men " were it is certain none the less sincere for their conscientious
abstinence . Amongst tho toasts which were proposed and most cordially responded to were the Queen and Craft , Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , Lord Zetland , G . JI ., and Grand Lodge , the AV . JI . ' s health , the Past Master ' s , tho AA ardens and the Deacons , health . The health of the P . Dep . Pro . G . JI . was the one which during the evening elicited the greatest enthusiasm—it was proposed by Bro . Hutchinson and responded to by tho worthy P . Deputy , in terms
so eloquent , and in a manner so impassioned that the feelings of all were acutely touched . The tenor of his remarks throughout tho whole of his speech was truly Masonic , but as he touched chiefly on subjects which would not much interest the general reader of the Magazine an Epitome of it is not hero given . The health of Bro . Horner was also very warmly received . A letter was read by Bro . Clarke , which had been received from him —explaining the reason whhe could not attend the banquet
y as he had hoped to have done , and all were grieved to hear it was of a nature which caused him much sorrow , On the whole a throughly harmonious and enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated much pleased at the very agreeable success wliich had attended- their annual re-union .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . The Grand Chapter met on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at eight o'clock . There wore present , M . E . Comps . Rev . J . Huyslie , Grand J ., as Z . ; Lord de Tabley , Prov . G . Supt . Cheshire , as H . ; Geo . AV . K . Potter . P . G . P . S ., . as J . ; H . Browse , G . S . B . ; H . Muggeridge , G . Std . Bearer ; J . Thomas , Dir . of Cers . ; B . Head andE . S . Snell ; W . E . Wnlmsley . J . Savage , P . G . S . B . 's ; and N .
Bradford , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; William Smith ( O . H . ) , J . Brett , . 1 . Nunn , J . Keeue , Ii . G . Buss , W . JI . Bywater , W . Mann , H . Radeliffe , F . Adlard , II . J . Dumas , G . Lambert , G . S . States , F . Bennoch , AA . C . Barlow , E . J . Barron , and J . M . Case . Grand Chapter having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the lust convocation were read , and after a short discussion , they were confirmed . The report of the Committee of General Purposes > as next read .