Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY . Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
The committee reported that they had examined the accounts from the 21 st October , 136 S , to the 19 th January , 1 SG 9 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 21 st October £ 497 4 9 „ Subsequent Receipts , 2 G 6 19 9 £ 764 4 6 By Disbui-sements during the Quarter .,. £ 123 9 8 „ Purchase of £ 300 Consols , at 91 J ... 283 10 0 ,, Balance 357 4 10
£ 764 4 6 which balance is in the bauds of Messrs . "Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee also reported that they had received the following petitions , viz .: — 1 st . From Companions Moore , as Z . ; AVilliam Henry Bagnajl , as H . ; Thomas Masonas J . and eight othersfor a Chapter
, , , to be attached to the Rowley Ledge , No . 1051 , Lancaster , to be called "The Rowley Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms . Athcnaium , Lancaster , on the third Monday in the months of February , May , August , and November . This petition was approved , and the warrant ordered to issue . 2 ndly . From Comps . John Elliott , as Z . ; AVilliam Browning , as H . ; John Rathbone Lougsliawas J . and seven othersfor a
, , , Chapter to be attached to the Jletham Lodge , No . 1205 , East Stonehouse , to be be caUed " The Elliott Chapter , " and to meet at the Metham Lodge Rooms , East Stonehouse , in the county of Devon , on the third Thursday in February , May , August , and November . The warrant was granted . Srdly . From Comps . AVilliam AVade , as Z . ; John Horbury ,
as H . ; William Jones , as J , and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Oombermere Lodge , No . 605 . Seacombe , to be called "The De Tabley Chapter , " and to meet at the Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire , on the first Monday of every month . The warrant was granted . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , and the committee having recommended that the prayers thereof bo respectively granted , it will be seen that their recommendations were complied with by Grand Chapter .
The committee having also received a petition from Comps . Charles John Brown , as Z . ; Harvey Tuckett Duncan , as H . ; Alexander John Greenlaw , as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge Arakan , No . 645 , Akyab , to be called "The Loyal Arakan Chapter , " and to meet " at Akyab , British Burrnah , in the East Indies , on the first AA edncsd . 'iy of every month , recommended that tho prayer of this petition be to the recei
granted , subject pt of the written assent of Comp . Harvey Tuckett Duncan , the proposed II , who has not signed the petition ; which was thereupon done . The committee having also received a memorial from the Chapter of Fidelity , No . 477 , praying for permission to remove tho Chapter from the Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , back to No . 1 , Hamilton- Birkenheadits former lace of and
square , , p meeling , having carefully considered the circumstances under which ' this application is made , and its former removal to Seacombe ; and the Lodge No . 605 , at Seacombe , having now applied for a Chapter to be attached to that lodge , the committee recommended that the permission now prayed for be granted ; and upon the motion of M . E . Comp ., Lord De Tabley , the recommendation was adopted .
The following notice of motion having been received for this quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , from Comp . Francis Bennocb , M . E . Z ., No . 2 , viz .: — "That the meetings of Grand Chapter be held at 7 o'clock p . m ., instead of 8 o'clock , " it was then seconded by Comp . Brett , and , after some discussion , earned by a large majority . In future Grand Chapter will meet at 7 o ' clock , and it is hoped that the resolution carried at last Grand Lod to like effect
ge , a , will be confirmed at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , so that both Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge will meet at the same hour . Grand Chapter was then closed .
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER . —The convocation was bold on Friday January 22 , at Radley's Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars The chapter was opened , and there were present Comps . C . T .
Royal Arch.
Dorey , JI . E . Z . ; J . Lacey , H . ; P . A . Nairne , J . ; F . AA ' alters , P . Z . Treas . S . E . ; P . Browne , S . N . ; M . Scott , P . S . ; R . S . Foreman , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; S . Palmer , D . C . ; E . S . Stidolph , AV . S , and others . Bro . XV . Holland , S . D . 157 was exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The ceremony , as usual here , was well rendered . No visitors were present . The u . - tra . excellent banquet was served up .
Mark Masonry .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , ( No . 58 ) . —The annual lneoling of this lodge was held on Monday , the 11 th inst ., at the Talbot Hotel , Halifax :, when there ivas an average attendance of the members . The lodge was opened at o p . m . After the minutes of the last regular lodge and of the two subsequent lodges of emergency had been read and confirmedthe ballot was taken
, for Bro . Nowell of Huddersfield , which proved unanimous , aud be was subsequently advanced to the degree of Mark Master by Bro . Normantoii , P . JI . The brethren then adjourned for tea . On the return of the members to the lodge , and the usual questions answered in the affirmative by the AV . JI . elect , Bro . John Stott , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Stott was duly obligated and installed as AV . Mfor the ensuing year bBro .
, y Nonnanton , P . JI . after wliich Bro . Perkinton , G . S . G ., was invested as I . P . JI . The brethren were then admitted , and the new AV . JI . commenced his duties by investing his officers asfollows -. —Bros . John Firth , S . AV . ; Alfred Supton , J . AV . ; AV . F . AA ^ ilkinson , M . O . ; AV . H . D . Horsfall , S . O . ; AV . Tasker , J . O . ; F . G . Fleming , ( 3 rd time ) Treas . ; F . AVhitaker , Tieg . ; AV . Cooke , P . JI . P . G . S . O , ( oth time ) Sec ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G .
Jenning , J . D . ; E . JI . Wavt-11 , Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Symraott , I . G-. ; J . Jlorton and W . Dewbirst , Stewards ; J . Greenwood , P . M . Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards spent the evening in a very harmonious manner .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
JIETROPOLITAN . PLANTAGANET CONCLAVE ( NO . 2 ) . —A regular assembly of this conclave was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 11 th ult , under the presidency of Sir Knt . T . AVescombe , G . Standard Bearer , JI . I \ S „ and was numerously attended , several visitors being present , amongst whom ive noticed : Sir Knts . AV . R . Woodman , M . D ., Gt . Assist . Recorder , No . 6 ; Geo . Kenningof the Premier Conclaveand S . G . Foxall of No . 6 .
, , After the usual ballot , Bros . H . Smith , 907 , and Joseph L . AA oods , 30 ° , D . P . G . Master of North Connaught , were duly approved as candidates , and the former being in attendance ivas duly installed a Knt . of the order . The elections for the ensuing year resulted unammouslv as follows : E . Sir Knt . John Boyd , as JI . P . S . ; D . G . Berri " , A . E . ; T . Cubitf , P . S ., Treas . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . It was also resolved to remove the conclave
to the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , where superb and unique accommodation is now provided for JIasonie meetings . Our esteemed Bro . AA oads being in Paris at the time of this assembly , it was resolved to hold a special conclave at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 10 th ult ., for the purpose of installing him , and this resolution was accordingly carried into effect on that daywhen after the accolade of Knihthood had been
, g conferred , Sir Knt . Woods , was in due succession admitted to the ecclesiastical and imperial orders b y Sir lint . R . AA . Little , G . R ., assisted by Sir Knts . J . G . Marsh , G . A . ; H . C . Levander M . A ., G . Assist . Treas . ; Dr . AV . R . A \ oodman , G . A . R ., & c , and the new Prince of the Order of Constantine , expressed his great pleasure at the entire ceremonial .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : — Bro . Frederick Whitaker , AV . M ., Prince Frederick Lodge , No . 307 , Hebden Bridge , £ 1 Is . Announced : Roval Union Lodge of Instruction , £ 1 Is . Bro . Pyall , 5 s . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
The committee reported that they had examined the accounts from the 21 st October , 136 S , to the 19 th January , 1 SG 9 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 21 st October £ 497 4 9 „ Subsequent Receipts , 2 G 6 19 9 £ 764 4 6 By Disbui-sements during the Quarter .,. £ 123 9 8 „ Purchase of £ 300 Consols , at 91 J ... 283 10 0 ,, Balance 357 4 10
£ 764 4 6 which balance is in the bauds of Messrs . "Willis , Percival , and Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The committee also reported that they had received the following petitions , viz .: — 1 st . From Companions Moore , as Z . ; AVilliam Henry Bagnajl , as H . ; Thomas Masonas J . and eight othersfor a Chapter
, , , to be attached to the Rowley Ledge , No . 1051 , Lancaster , to be called "The Rowley Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms . Athcnaium , Lancaster , on the third Monday in the months of February , May , August , and November . This petition was approved , and the warrant ordered to issue . 2 ndly . From Comps . John Elliott , as Z . ; AVilliam Browning , as H . ; John Rathbone Lougsliawas J . and seven othersfor a
, , , Chapter to be attached to the Jletham Lodge , No . 1205 , East Stonehouse , to be be caUed " The Elliott Chapter , " and to meet at the Metham Lodge Rooms , East Stonehouse , in the county of Devon , on the third Thursday in February , May , August , and November . The warrant was granted . Srdly . From Comps . AVilliam AVade , as Z . ; John Horbury ,
as H . ; William Jones , as J , and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Oombermere Lodge , No . 605 . Seacombe , to be called "The De Tabley Chapter , " and to meet at the Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire , on the first Monday of every month . The warrant was granted . The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , and the committee having recommended that the prayers thereof bo respectively granted , it will be seen that their recommendations were complied with by Grand Chapter .
The committee having also received a petition from Comps . Charles John Brown , as Z . ; Harvey Tuckett Duncan , as H . ; Alexander John Greenlaw , as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge Arakan , No . 645 , Akyab , to be called "The Loyal Arakan Chapter , " and to meet " at Akyab , British Burrnah , in the East Indies , on the first AA edncsd . 'iy of every month , recommended that tho prayer of this petition be to the recei
granted , subject pt of the written assent of Comp . Harvey Tuckett Duncan , the proposed II , who has not signed the petition ; which was thereupon done . The committee having also received a memorial from the Chapter of Fidelity , No . 477 , praying for permission to remove tho Chapter from the Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , back to No . 1 , Hamilton- Birkenheadits former lace of and
square , , p meeling , having carefully considered the circumstances under which ' this application is made , and its former removal to Seacombe ; and the Lodge No . 605 , at Seacombe , having now applied for a Chapter to be attached to that lodge , the committee recommended that the permission now prayed for be granted ; and upon the motion of M . E . Comp ., Lord De Tabley , the recommendation was adopted .
The following notice of motion having been received for this quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter , from Comp . Francis Bennocb , M . E . Z ., No . 2 , viz .: — "That the meetings of Grand Chapter be held at 7 o'clock p . m ., instead of 8 o'clock , " it was then seconded by Comp . Brett , and , after some discussion , earned by a large majority . In future Grand Chapter will meet at 7 o ' clock , and it is hoped that the resolution carried at last Grand Lod to like effect
ge , a , will be confirmed at the next meeting of Grand Lodge , so that both Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge will meet at the same hour . Grand Chapter was then closed .
METROPOLITAN . CAVEAC CHAPTER . —The convocation was bold on Friday January 22 , at Radley's Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars The chapter was opened , and there were present Comps . C . T .
Royal Arch.
Dorey , JI . E . Z . ; J . Lacey , H . ; P . A . Nairne , J . ; F . AA ' alters , P . Z . Treas . S . E . ; P . Browne , S . N . ; M . Scott , P . S . ; R . S . Foreman , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; S . Palmer , D . C . ; E . S . Stidolph , AV . S , and others . Bro . XV . Holland , S . D . 157 was exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The ceremony , as usual here , was well rendered . No visitors were present . The u . - tra . excellent banquet was served up .
Mark Masonry .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , ( No . 58 ) . —The annual lneoling of this lodge was held on Monday , the 11 th inst ., at the Talbot Hotel , Halifax :, when there ivas an average attendance of the members . The lodge was opened at o p . m . After the minutes of the last regular lodge and of the two subsequent lodges of emergency had been read and confirmedthe ballot was taken
, for Bro . Nowell of Huddersfield , which proved unanimous , aud be was subsequently advanced to the degree of Mark Master by Bro . Normantoii , P . JI . The brethren then adjourned for tea . On the return of the members to the lodge , and the usual questions answered in the affirmative by the AV . JI . elect , Bro . John Stott , a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Stott was duly obligated and installed as AV . Mfor the ensuing year bBro .
, y Nonnanton , P . JI . after wliich Bro . Perkinton , G . S . G ., was invested as I . P . JI . The brethren were then admitted , and the new AV . JI . commenced his duties by investing his officers asfollows -. —Bros . John Firth , S . AV . ; Alfred Supton , J . AV . ; AV . F . AA ^ ilkinson , M . O . ; AV . H . D . Horsfall , S . O . ; AV . Tasker , J . O . ; F . G . Fleming , ( 3 rd time ) Treas . ; F . AVhitaker , Tieg . ; AV . Cooke , P . JI . P . G . S . O , ( oth time ) Sec ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G .
Jenning , J . D . ; E . JI . Wavt-11 , Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Symraott , I . G-. ; J . Jlorton and W . Dewbirst , Stewards ; J . Greenwood , P . M . Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards spent the evening in a very harmonious manner .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
JIETROPOLITAN . PLANTAGANET CONCLAVE ( NO . 2 ) . —A regular assembly of this conclave was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 11 th ult , under the presidency of Sir Knt . T . AVescombe , G . Standard Bearer , JI . I \ S „ and was numerously attended , several visitors being present , amongst whom ive noticed : Sir Knts . AV . R . Woodman , M . D ., Gt . Assist . Recorder , No . 6 ; Geo . Kenningof the Premier Conclaveand S . G . Foxall of No . 6 .
, , After the usual ballot , Bros . H . Smith , 907 , and Joseph L . AA oods , 30 ° , D . P . G . Master of North Connaught , were duly approved as candidates , and the former being in attendance ivas duly installed a Knt . of the order . The elections for the ensuing year resulted unammouslv as follows : E . Sir Knt . John Boyd , as JI . P . S . ; D . G . Berri " , A . E . ; T . Cubitf , P . S ., Treas . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . It was also resolved to remove the conclave
to the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , where superb and unique accommodation is now provided for JIasonie meetings . Our esteemed Bro . AA oads being in Paris at the time of this assembly , it was resolved to hold a special conclave at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 10 th ult ., for the purpose of installing him , and this resolution was accordingly carried into effect on that daywhen after the accolade of Knihthood had been
, g conferred , Sir Knt . Woods , was in due succession admitted to the ecclesiastical and imperial orders b y Sir lint . R . AA . Little , G . R ., assisted by Sir Knts . J . G . Marsh , G . A . ; H . C . Levander M . A ., G . Assist . Treas . ; Dr . AV . R . A \ oodman , G . A . R ., & c , and the new Prince of the Order of Constantine , expressed his great pleasure at the entire ceremonial .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : — Bro . Frederick Whitaker , AV . M ., Prince Frederick Lodge , No . 307 , Hebden Bridge , £ 1 Is . Announced : Roval Union Lodge of Instruction , £ 1 Is . Bro . Pyall , 5 s . "