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The new AV . M . initiated Mr . Joseph Parsons . Bro : H . Whittle , S . W ., was unanimously elected as the Steward for the Boys ' School festival . Bro . AV . Billington , I . G ., was unanimously elected Steward for the Girls' School festival . Bro . F- Walters , was unanimously elected as the Steward to represent this lodge at the inauguration festival on Wednesday , April llth . It was proposed and carried unanimouslytint a life subscribership be
, purchased from the lodge funds and be presented to Bro . J . Hawker , I . P . M ., of any of the Masonic Charities he might choose to select , as a mark of esteem , respect , and gratitude for the admirable manner in which he hacl conducted the business of the Indue during his year of office . Bro . J . Hawker , in a feeling speech acknowledged this vote , and selected the Boys ' School . Bro . F . AValters , W . M ., then in the name of the
subscribers , presented an elegant Past Master ' s jewel ( manufactured by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Sons ) . The lodge was then duly closed . Besides those mentioned , there were present—Bros . R , Deal , G . Andrews , AV . Alvatt , J . T . Funge , AV . Dalz el , T . C . King , G . Ellis , J . AV . Reed , and other ,-. Visitors , Bros . E . H . Patten , F . G . S . B . ; W . Farnfield , P . Assist , G . Sec . ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treas . 73 ; T . J . Sabine , P . AI . 73 ; J . AV . Dudley , 73 ;
C . Nash , S . D . 79 ; J . Terrv , P . M . 228 ; A . D . Loewenstark-, . P . M . 543 ; T . W . Muslim , 543 ; H . Massev , W . M . 610 ; G . Golville , Treas . 879 ; A . Gard , 879 ; J . Griffin , S . D . 933 ; C . Digby , 933 , and others .
TOWER HAMLETS ENGINEER ' S LODGE ( NO . 902 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting for the first time at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , ( having removed from the " George , " Alderinanbnry , their former place of meeting , ) on Monday the 22 nd ult ., Bro . R . H . Harvey , AV . M . in the chair . After the lodge was opened in the second degree , the AA' . M . vacated the chair , and gave place to Bro . John Stevens , P . W ., 554 , who had been invited to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . S . AA .
Iron , W . M . elect , was duly presented and installed . Bro . S . Poynter , P . M . and Treas ., read an elaborate memorial praying the M . AV . the G . M .. for permission to change the name of the lodge to that of the " Burgoyne "—asking the W . M . to sign it on behalf of the lodge . The brethren then adjourned to partake of a very excellent banquet . Bro . Clemow superintended it . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded
to , on behalf of the Grand officers , by Bro . F . Gotto , P . M . and P . P . S . of Works , the AV . M . proposed the health of Bio . John Stephens thanking him for his services this evening . Bro . Stephens responded . The health of the visitors was responded to by Bros . Barne- ' , P . M ., John Thomas , P . M . and Bro . James Stephens , P . M . In proposing the health ofthe J . P . M ., the AV . M . presented him with a handsome Past Masters Jewellas
, a slight acknowledgement of his services during the term of his office . The J . P . M . briefly responded the health of the P . M . ' s and officers of the lodge were proposed and responded to , and the proceedings of a very agreeable evening terminated . The visitors were : —Bros . J . Bowron , W . M ., 933 ; II . Barans , P . M ., 933 ; C . Lacy , AV . M ., 174 ; Thos . Austin , S . D . 933 ; F . GottoP . M . 5919-IS 1047 and P . G . Supt . ot
, , , , Works ; Robt . Geer , 315 ; John Stevens P . M .. 554 ; C . C . Taylor , S . D ., 141 ; D . Scurr , P . M . 933 ; Thos . Johns , P . M ., 30 ; AV . M'Dona ' . d , P . M ., 30 ; E . Gottheil , P . M ., 141 ; James Stevens . P . M ., 720 , S . W . 1210 , P . Z . 720 ; J . Myerscough , 781 ; John Thomas , P . M ., 507 , M . E . Z ., 720 ; AV . J . Larts , 118 ; M . Barren , 7-12 .
A ILLIEI ! S LODGE ( NO . 1 , 194 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 27 th ult ., at tiie Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth . Bro . Sidney E . Clarke , W . M . opened the lodge , and the ballot being unanimous in favour of Major II . W . Palmer , the AV . M . initiated him . Bro . Frederick AValters P . M . 73 , then took the chair and passed Bro . Tustiu , F . C . Bro . It . AV . Little , P . AI . 975 , presided over the meeting for the remainder ofthe eveningas the W . M . through domestic
, illness was compelled to leave . The presiding W . M . then raised Bro . Bailey to W . M . Bro . F . Walters B . M ., in a good speech proposed the election of Bro . R , W . Little as the Steward , to represent this lodge at the Inauguration Festival , aud all his expenses to be paid by the lodge . This proposition was carried unanimously , Bro . Little in a suitable reply acknowledged this honour . Business ended , the lodge was closed . Visitor : Bro . Tustin , 893 .
IlAPpy is the man who hath sown in his breast the seeds Of hc-ievolente ; the produce thereof shall be charity and love .
DERBYSHIRE . BUXTON . —Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne , ( No . 1233 ) . — -Consecration of Hie lodge . —The want of a lodge in the town having been long felt , certain brethren in Buxton , who were joined by Bros . Millward , senior and junicr , and Johnson , the only remaining neighbouring members of the old lodge , the warrant of which lapsed in 1809 , petitioned the Grand Lodge for a new AYarrant for Buxtonand on the 15 th September 1808 a
, , , AVarrant was granted to " the Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne , No . 1235 , " the name selected being commemorative of its rising , as it were , from the ashes of the old lodge , coupled with that of the Patron Saint of Buxton . Through the liberality of Bro . Millward , the ancient furniture and jewels became the property of the new lodge , at the price at which they had fallen into his possession ; and it may safelbe said that few lodges have
y opened under such promising auspices as " the Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne . " The consecration took place at the Crescent Hotel , and was impressively performed by Bro . H . C . Okeover , 1 ) . Prov . G . M ., assisted by his officers , and in the presence of a large number of brethren from the different lodges in the province ; as well as from Manchester and elsewhere . The ceremony beingcompleted , he proceeded to install the W . M . Bro . John Millward ,
of Longnor , who forthwith selected and installed his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . R . Darwin , S . W . ; R . R , Duke , J . W . ; F . G . Hodgson , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Turner , Treas ., and 8 . 1 ) . ; Josiah Taylor , Sec . and J . D . ; AV . Johnson , I . G . ; A . Blackner , Tyler . The banquet took place at five p . m ., and both iu the cuisine , wines , decoration of the table , aud attendance , reflected the highest credit on the hotel and its resources , and gave the
greatest satisfaction to all present . Upwards of filty brethren and their friends sat down , and the following list is as complete as we have been able to make it . Bros . II . G . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M . ; Gamble , Hewitt , A \ ood , Cox , Saunders , Britton , Campion , Flock , Coulthurst , Horsley , Drew , Ready , Farnsworth , Eastwood , Burton , Gribble , Slinn , & c . Visitors : Bros . Slack , Higginbottom , AVilkie , Nathan , Dickson , Barrowby , Clayton , Thorpe , Seddon , Barker , Brookes , Rooth , Shipton , Ball , FouUls , llazlehurst , Swaiue , Glossop , BramweU , Cropper , __ .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-QN-TYNE . —lodge of Industry , ( Ko . -1-8 ) . —On Monday evening last , the usual monthly meeting of this Ancient-Lodge was held at Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead . In the absence of tiie AV . M . who is on the continent , the chair was occupied by Bro . John Stokoe , P . M ., and there was a largo attendance of brethren . Two gentlemen Messrs . George Woolston and
Munnoch weie initiated . Bros . John Woolston , Jun ., Hartig , and Gregory were passed F . C . The other business of the evening included the election of W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler , and ou balloting it was announced that the brethren had unanimously elected Bros . John Stokoe , AV . M ., G . L . Dunn , Treas ., and Curry as Ty ler . The Finance Committee on the motion ofthe W . AI ., was nominated and empowered to purchase
furniture for the New Hall within certain limits as to cost . Bro . Howard of No . 541 was proposed as a subscribing member , and thereafter the lodge was closed . The New Ha 1 is a beautiful and commodious building in a commanding situation , which will be completed in time for next month ' s Installation and Festival . HANTS .
FOEDIXG BRIDGE . — Vale of Avon Lodge (_ STo . 1 , 112 . )—A meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held on Thurs . iay the 18 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel . Bro . Fredk , Pern , W . AI . presiding , supported hy Bros . Chilcott , S . W ., M . G . Hand ford , , I AV ., Croft , Treas ., C . W . Wyndham , P . M . Sec . P . P . G . Reg . for Wilts , Taylor , Org . & c . Bros . Lewis , Rcvd . AV . Bro . Heath , P . P . G . Chaplain for Dorset , Bros . AVyndhnm ,
P . M . 586 , Ward , P . M . Mitbeam ; Taylor , 580 , & c . ; Bennett , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . David Stevens , of SaUsbury was initiated ; the ceremony being performed by the Revd . W . Bro . Heath iu a faultless manner . The charge was given by Bro . Handford , J . W ., after which the lecture on the tracing board was given by the Revd . Bro . Heath . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to a banquet
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The new AV . M . initiated Mr . Joseph Parsons . Bro : H . Whittle , S . W ., was unanimously elected as the Steward for the Boys ' School festival . Bro . AV . Billington , I . G ., was unanimously elected Steward for the Girls' School festival . Bro . F- Walters , was unanimously elected as the Steward to represent this lodge at the inauguration festival on Wednesday , April llth . It was proposed and carried unanimouslytint a life subscribership be
, purchased from the lodge funds and be presented to Bro . J . Hawker , I . P . M ., of any of the Masonic Charities he might choose to select , as a mark of esteem , respect , and gratitude for the admirable manner in which he hacl conducted the business of the Indue during his year of office . Bro . J . Hawker , in a feeling speech acknowledged this vote , and selected the Boys ' School . Bro . F . AValters , W . M ., then in the name of the
subscribers , presented an elegant Past Master ' s jewel ( manufactured by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark and Sons ) . The lodge was then duly closed . Besides those mentioned , there were present—Bros . R , Deal , G . Andrews , AV . Alvatt , J . T . Funge , AV . Dalz el , T . C . King , G . Ellis , J . AV . Reed , and other ,-. Visitors , Bros . E . H . Patten , F . G . S . B . ; W . Farnfield , P . Assist , G . Sec . ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treas . 73 ; T . J . Sabine , P . AI . 73 ; J . AV . Dudley , 73 ;
C . Nash , S . D . 79 ; J . Terrv , P . M . 228 ; A . D . Loewenstark-, . P . M . 543 ; T . W . Muslim , 543 ; H . Massev , W . M . 610 ; G . Golville , Treas . 879 ; A . Gard , 879 ; J . Griffin , S . D . 933 ; C . Digby , 933 , and others .
TOWER HAMLETS ENGINEER ' S LODGE ( NO . 902 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting for the first time at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , ( having removed from the " George , " Alderinanbnry , their former place of meeting , ) on Monday the 22 nd ult ., Bro . R . H . Harvey , AV . M . in the chair . After the lodge was opened in the second degree , the AA' . M . vacated the chair , and gave place to Bro . John Stevens , P . W ., 554 , who had been invited to perform the ceremony of installation . Bro . S . AA .
Iron , W . M . elect , was duly presented and installed . Bro . S . Poynter , P . M . and Treas ., read an elaborate memorial praying the M . AV . the G . M .. for permission to change the name of the lodge to that of the " Burgoyne "—asking the W . M . to sign it on behalf of the lodge . The brethren then adjourned to partake of a very excellent banquet . Bro . Clemow superintended it . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded
to , on behalf of the Grand officers , by Bro . F . Gotto , P . M . and P . P . S . of Works , the AV . M . proposed the health of Bio . John Stephens thanking him for his services this evening . Bro . Stephens responded . The health of the visitors was responded to by Bros . Barne- ' , P . M ., John Thomas , P . M . and Bro . James Stephens , P . M . In proposing the health ofthe J . P . M ., the AV . M . presented him with a handsome Past Masters Jewellas
, a slight acknowledgement of his services during the term of his office . The J . P . M . briefly responded the health of the P . M . ' s and officers of the lodge were proposed and responded to , and the proceedings of a very agreeable evening terminated . The visitors were : —Bros . J . Bowron , W . M ., 933 ; II . Barans , P . M ., 933 ; C . Lacy , AV . M ., 174 ; Thos . Austin , S . D . 933 ; F . GottoP . M . 5919-IS 1047 and P . G . Supt . ot
, , , , Works ; Robt . Geer , 315 ; John Stevens P . M .. 554 ; C . C . Taylor , S . D ., 141 ; D . Scurr , P . M . 933 ; Thos . Johns , P . M ., 30 ; AV . M'Dona ' . d , P . M ., 30 ; E . Gottheil , P . M ., 141 ; James Stevens . P . M ., 720 , S . W . 1210 , P . Z . 720 ; J . Myerscough , 781 ; John Thomas , P . M ., 507 , M . E . Z ., 720 ; AV . J . Larts , 118 ; M . Barren , 7-12 .
A ILLIEI ! S LODGE ( NO . 1 , 194 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 27 th ult ., at tiie Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth . Bro . Sidney E . Clarke , W . M . opened the lodge , and the ballot being unanimous in favour of Major II . W . Palmer , the AV . M . initiated him . Bro . Frederick AValters P . M . 73 , then took the chair and passed Bro . Tustiu , F . C . Bro . It . AV . Little , P . AI . 975 , presided over the meeting for the remainder ofthe eveningas the W . M . through domestic
, illness was compelled to leave . The presiding W . M . then raised Bro . Bailey to W . M . Bro . F . Walters B . M ., in a good speech proposed the election of Bro . R , W . Little as the Steward , to represent this lodge at the Inauguration Festival , aud all his expenses to be paid by the lodge . This proposition was carried unanimously , Bro . Little in a suitable reply acknowledged this honour . Business ended , the lodge was closed . Visitor : Bro . Tustin , 893 .
IlAPpy is the man who hath sown in his breast the seeds Of hc-ievolente ; the produce thereof shall be charity and love .
DERBYSHIRE . BUXTON . —Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne , ( No . 1233 ) . — -Consecration of Hie lodge . —The want of a lodge in the town having been long felt , certain brethren in Buxton , who were joined by Bros . Millward , senior and junicr , and Johnson , the only remaining neighbouring members of the old lodge , the warrant of which lapsed in 1809 , petitioned the Grand Lodge for a new AYarrant for Buxtonand on the 15 th September 1808 a
, , , AVarrant was granted to " the Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne , No . 1235 , " the name selected being commemorative of its rising , as it were , from the ashes of the old lodge , coupled with that of the Patron Saint of Buxton . Through the liberality of Bro . Millward , the ancient furniture and jewels became the property of the new lodge , at the price at which they had fallen into his possession ; and it may safelbe said that few lodges have
y opened under such promising auspices as " the Phoenix Lodge of St . Anne . " The consecration took place at the Crescent Hotel , and was impressively performed by Bro . H . C . Okeover , 1 ) . Prov . G . M ., assisted by his officers , and in the presence of a large number of brethren from the different lodges in the province ; as well as from Manchester and elsewhere . The ceremony beingcompleted , he proceeded to install the W . M . Bro . John Millward ,
of Longnor , who forthwith selected and installed his officers for the year , viz .: Bros . R . Darwin , S . W . ; R . R , Duke , J . W . ; F . G . Hodgson , M . A ., Chap . ; F . Turner , Treas ., and 8 . 1 ) . ; Josiah Taylor , Sec . and J . D . ; AV . Johnson , I . G . ; A . Blackner , Tyler . The banquet took place at five p . m ., and both iu the cuisine , wines , decoration of the table , aud attendance , reflected the highest credit on the hotel and its resources , and gave the
greatest satisfaction to all present . Upwards of filty brethren and their friends sat down , and the following list is as complete as we have been able to make it . Bros . II . G . Okeover , D . Prov . G . M . ; Gamble , Hewitt , A \ ood , Cox , Saunders , Britton , Campion , Flock , Coulthurst , Horsley , Drew , Ready , Farnsworth , Eastwood , Burton , Gribble , Slinn , & c . Visitors : Bros . Slack , Higginbottom , AVilkie , Nathan , Dickson , Barrowby , Clayton , Thorpe , Seddon , Barker , Brookes , Rooth , Shipton , Ball , FouUls , llazlehurst , Swaiue , Glossop , BramweU , Cropper , __ .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-QN-TYNE . —lodge of Industry , ( Ko . -1-8 ) . —On Monday evening last , the usual monthly meeting of this Ancient-Lodge was held at Grey Horse Inn , Gateshead . In the absence of tiie AV . M . who is on the continent , the chair was occupied by Bro . John Stokoe , P . M ., and there was a largo attendance of brethren . Two gentlemen Messrs . George Woolston and
Munnoch weie initiated . Bros . John Woolston , Jun ., Hartig , and Gregory were passed F . C . The other business of the evening included the election of W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler , and ou balloting it was announced that the brethren had unanimously elected Bros . John Stokoe , AV . M ., G . L . Dunn , Treas ., and Curry as Ty ler . The Finance Committee on the motion ofthe W . AI ., was nominated and empowered to purchase
furniture for the New Hall within certain limits as to cost . Bro . Howard of No . 541 was proposed as a subscribing member , and thereafter the lodge was closed . The New Ha 1 is a beautiful and commodious building in a commanding situation , which will be completed in time for next month ' s Installation and Festival . HANTS .
FOEDIXG BRIDGE . — Vale of Avon Lodge (_ STo . 1 , 112 . )—A meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held on Thurs . iay the 18 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel . Bro . Fredk , Pern , W . AI . presiding , supported hy Bros . Chilcott , S . W ., M . G . Hand ford , , I AV ., Croft , Treas ., C . W . Wyndham , P . M . Sec . P . P . G . Reg . for Wilts , Taylor , Org . & c . Bros . Lewis , Rcvd . AV . Bro . Heath , P . P . G . Chaplain for Dorset , Bros . AVyndhnm ,
P . M . 586 , Ward , P . M . Mitbeam ; Taylor , 580 , & c . ; Bennett , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . David Stevens , of SaUsbury was initiated ; the ceremony being performed by the Revd . W . Bro . Heath iu a faultless manner . The charge was given by Bro . Handford , J . W ., after which the lecture on the tracing board was given by the Revd . Bro . Heath . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to a banquet