Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW GLOBE THEATRE. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED SOCIETIES. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE, &c., MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 3rd MARCH, 1869. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
SCOTLAND . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly communication of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of . Scotland was held in Freemason's Hall , on AVednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., when the following appeared on the agenda paper among other business transacted : —Present from
the Grand Chapter of Tennessee ; communication from the Grand Chapter o'f Tennessee , as to interchanging representatives . Petitions for charters- —Rising Sun , Shnnghae ; St . John , Picton , Nova Scotia ; St . Paul's , Adelaide , Cape of Good Hope . Petition for Mark warrant , St . Andrews , Manchester ,
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Rose Croix Chapter , M . R . D . M—On Friday afternoon , the 20 th ult ., the members of this chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Bell ' s-court , 9 , Newgate-street . Bro . R . J . Banning , P . M . AV . Sov . 30 ° , occupied the chair in the unavoidable absence ofthe M . W . Sov . Bro . W . Foulsham . The chapter
, having- been opened , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed ; after which the M . W-S . elect , Bro . Anthony Clapham , was presented by Bro . Hotham , P . M . W . S ., to the acting M . W . S . for the benefit of installation . The M . AY . S . elect was accordingly installed , and the members saluted him ; after which he appointed as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren , viz .: —Bros . W . Punshon , P . M . AV . S .,
Prelate ; AV . Brignall . jun ., 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; AV . G . Laws , 2 nd Gen . ; H . G . Ludwig , P . M . AV . S ., Treas . ; H . Hotham , P . M . AV . S ., Reg . ; J . Emra Holmes , 31 G . M . ; Adam Winlaw , R . ; R . F . Cooke , M . S ., Capt . of the Guard ; and J . S . Trotter , Equerry . Several matters of importance to the chapter were considered ami disposed of , and the same was closed in form . The brethren then adjourned and partook of a sumptuous banquet presided over
by the M . AV . S .. in an able manner . Alter the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were dul y honoured , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening spent by the brethren , who separated highly satisfied with the day ' s proceedings at nine o ' clock .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BRADFORD . — Conclave of Faith ( No . 29 ) . —This conclave assembled in the Masonic rooms on the Sth inst ., for the purpose of installing the E . C , Sir Knt . Manoah Rhodes . Tho ceremony was ably performed by Sir Knight R . Nelson , D . Prov . G . C . The balance-sheet was presented by Sir Knts . Thomas Hill and J . Gaunt . There were also present—Sir Knts . AVilliam
Mawson , J . C . Taylor , Henry Smith , P . A . Brady , J . R . Armitage , Holmes , and J . Hill , & c . The banquet was served at eight o ' clock , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured , and the Sir Knts . separated at half-past ten .
Public Amusements.
HOLBORN THEATRE . Mr . Watt Phillips has achieved another success in Lis production of Fettered at the above theatre . The plot is carefully written and well supported b y the talented members of the company , including the names of Miss Fanny Josephs , who received several rounds of applause from an enthusiastic audience ) , Miss Lydia Foote , Messrs .
G-. Honey , G . Neville , J . 0 . Cooper , and Mr . Parselle , tho latter actor fully sustaining the reputation he so well merits from his excellent acting in every part he undertakes . It is followed by the burlesque of Lueretia Borijia , M . D ., with all the original caste . Miss Fanny Josephs was loudly applauded for her excellent singing and charming acting . Mr . A . Forrester is the acting manager .
New Globe Theatre.
The play of Cyril's Success is continuing to draw crowded houses from the really good acting of this talented company . Mr . J . F . Clarke and Mrs . Stephens are inimitable in the parts allotted to them ; indeed , eveiy character was well sustained , and at its conclusion they were called before the curtain . It was followed by laughable burlesque entitled Brown mid flic Brahmins ,
by E . Reece , Esq ., Messrs- J . F . Clarke . David Fisher , Bro . Hurlestoiie , ifcc , keeping the suulieiico in a continual roar of laughter . Bro- J . F . llurlestone is the acting manager .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , Sth March . — Royal Geographic il Society at 8 . 30 . Sir R . J . Murchison , Bart ., President , iu the chair . Papers to be read : —1 . "On the Colorado and Great liasius of North America , " by Dr . AV . A . Bell ; 2 . "On the formation of Fjords , Canons , and River-terraces , " by I ! . Brown , E-q . TUESDAY , 9 th March . —Institution of Civil Engineers at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 10 th March . —Society of Arts at 8 . Geological Society at 8 .
THURSDAY , llth March . — Royal Society at 8 . 30 . FRIDAY , 12 th March . —The " Royal Institution at 9 . Royal United Service Institution at 3 . ( W . Cave Thomas , Esq ., Captain' 19 th . Middlesex HW . ) "Suggestions for Improving our System of Recruiting . "
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd March, 1869.
ENGLAND . ( Abbreviations . —F . M . H , Freemasons' Hall ; M . IL , Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Booms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METROPOLITAN . Sunday , March . 1 th . LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . — joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st .,
Union-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , March Sth . LODG-ES . —St . George and Corner Stone , F . M . H . ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland , ' F . M . H . ; St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Royal Naval , F . M . H . ; Confidence , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; St . Andrew ' s East , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Peekham , Edinbro' Castle Tav ., Peckham-rye . LODGES ~
or INSTRUCTION- . — Union AYaterloo , ( lor M . M . ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich . Prosperity , White Hart , Bishopsgatest . Temple , Old George , St . Mary Ase . Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-road , Deptford . Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Motcombe-st . Belgrave-sq .. Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st . Grosvenor-sq . IndustryDick ' s Coffee HouseFleet-st
, , . Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho . Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill . AVesthourne , Running- Horse , Duke-st . Grosvenor-sq . Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AVest-sq ., Southwark . High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham , Tower Hamlet Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercialroad , East . CHAPTER . —Mount Sion , Radley's Ho ., Bridgest ., Blackfriars .
Tuesday , March 9 th . LODGES—Old Union , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Burlington , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Union , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; St . James's Union , F . M . H . ; Percy , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . St . Michael , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-et . ; United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tav .. Clerkenwell ; Nine Muses , Clarendon Ho ., Bond-st . ; AVellington , AVhite
Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Doric , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . Market Tav ., Bermondsey . LODGES or INSTRUCTION . — Strong Man , AVhite Horse , Little Britain . Pythagorean . Prince of Orange , Greenwich . Faith , Albert Arms , A'ictoriast ., AVestminster . Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell . Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbnry . Euphrates , AVhite Hart Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , British Oak , Silver Lion Tav ., Pennyfield , Poplar . Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
SCOTLAND . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly communication of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of . Scotland was held in Freemason's Hall , on AVednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., when the following appeared on the agenda paper among other business transacted : —Present from
the Grand Chapter of Tennessee ; communication from the Grand Chapter o'f Tennessee , as to interchanging representatives . Petitions for charters- —Rising Sun , Shnnghae ; St . John , Picton , Nova Scotia ; St . Paul's , Adelaide , Cape of Good Hope . Petition for Mark warrant , St . Andrews , Manchester ,
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Rose Croix Chapter , M . R . D . M—On Friday afternoon , the 20 th ult ., the members of this chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Bell ' s-court , 9 , Newgate-street . Bro . R . J . Banning , P . M . AV . Sov . 30 ° , occupied the chair in the unavoidable absence ofthe M . W . Sov . Bro . W . Foulsham . The chapter
, having- been opened , the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed ; after which the M . W-S . elect , Bro . Anthony Clapham , was presented by Bro . Hotham , P . M . W . S ., to the acting M . W . S . for the benefit of installation . The M . AY . S . elect was accordingly installed , and the members saluted him ; after which he appointed as his officers for the ensuing year the following brethren , viz .: —Bros . W . Punshon , P . M . AV . S .,
Prelate ; AV . Brignall . jun ., 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; AV . G . Laws , 2 nd Gen . ; H . G . Ludwig , P . M . AV . S ., Treas . ; H . Hotham , P . M . AV . S ., Reg . ; J . Emra Holmes , 31 G . M . ; Adam Winlaw , R . ; R . F . Cooke , M . S ., Capt . of the Guard ; and J . S . Trotter , Equerry . Several matters of importance to the chapter were considered ami disposed of , and the same was closed in form . The brethren then adjourned and partook of a sumptuous banquet presided over
by the M . AV . S .. in an able manner . Alter the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were dul y honoured , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening spent by the brethren , who separated highly satisfied with the day ' s proceedings at nine o ' clock .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BRADFORD . — Conclave of Faith ( No . 29 ) . —This conclave assembled in the Masonic rooms on the Sth inst ., for the purpose of installing the E . C , Sir Knt . Manoah Rhodes . Tho ceremony was ably performed by Sir Knight R . Nelson , D . Prov . G . C . The balance-sheet was presented by Sir Knts . Thomas Hill and J . Gaunt . There were also present—Sir Knts . AVilliam
Mawson , J . C . Taylor , Henry Smith , P . A . Brady , J . R . Armitage , Holmes , and J . Hill , & c . The banquet was served at eight o ' clock , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured , and the Sir Knts . separated at half-past ten .
Public Amusements.
HOLBORN THEATRE . Mr . Watt Phillips has achieved another success in Lis production of Fettered at the above theatre . The plot is carefully written and well supported b y the talented members of the company , including the names of Miss Fanny Josephs , who received several rounds of applause from an enthusiastic audience ) , Miss Lydia Foote , Messrs .
G-. Honey , G . Neville , J . 0 . Cooper , and Mr . Parselle , tho latter actor fully sustaining the reputation he so well merits from his excellent acting in every part he undertakes . It is followed by the burlesque of Lueretia Borijia , M . D ., with all the original caste . Miss Fanny Josephs was loudly applauded for her excellent singing and charming acting . Mr . A . Forrester is the acting manager .
New Globe Theatre.
The play of Cyril's Success is continuing to draw crowded houses from the really good acting of this talented company . Mr . J . F . Clarke and Mrs . Stephens are inimitable in the parts allotted to them ; indeed , eveiy character was well sustained , and at its conclusion they were called before the curtain . It was followed by laughable burlesque entitled Brown mid flic Brahmins ,
by E . Reece , Esq ., Messrs- J . F . Clarke . David Fisher , Bro . Hurlestoiie , ifcc , keeping the suulieiico in a continual roar of laughter . Bro- J . F . llurlestone is the acting manager .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , Sth March . — Royal Geographic il Society at 8 . 30 . Sir R . J . Murchison , Bart ., President , iu the chair . Papers to be read : —1 . "On the Colorado and Great liasius of North America , " by Dr . AV . A . Bell ; 2 . "On the formation of Fjords , Canons , and River-terraces , " by I ! . Brown , E-q . TUESDAY , 9 th March . —Institution of Civil Engineers at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 10 th March . —Society of Arts at 8 . Geological Society at 8 .
THURSDAY , llth March . — Royal Society at 8 . 30 . FRIDAY , 12 th March . —The " Royal Institution at 9 . Royal United Service Institution at 3 . ( W . Cave Thomas , Esq ., Captain' 19 th . Middlesex HW . ) "Suggestions for Improving our System of Recruiting . "
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd March, 1869.
ENGLAND . ( Abbreviations . —F . M . H , Freemasons' Hall ; M . IL , Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Booms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METROPOLITAN . Sunday , March . 1 th . LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . — joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st .,
Union-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , March Sth . LODG-ES . —St . George and Corner Stone , F . M . H . ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland , ' F . M . H . ; St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Royal Naval , F . M . H . ; Confidence , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; St . Andrew ' s East , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; Peekham , Edinbro' Castle Tav ., Peckham-rye . LODGES ~
or INSTRUCTION- . — Union AYaterloo , ( lor M . M . ) , King ' s Arms , Woolwich . Prosperity , White Hart , Bishopsgatest . Temple , Old George , St . Mary Ase . Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-road , Deptford . Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Motcombe-st . Belgrave-sq .. Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st . Grosvenor-sq . IndustryDick ' s Coffee HouseFleet-st
, , . Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho . Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill . AVesthourne , Running- Horse , Duke-st . Grosvenor-sq . Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AVest-sq ., Southwark . High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham , Tower Hamlet Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercialroad , East . CHAPTER . —Mount Sion , Radley's Ho ., Bridgest ., Blackfriars .
Tuesday , March 9 th . LODGES—Old Union , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Burlington , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Union , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . ; St . James's Union , F . M . H . ; Percy , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . St . Michael , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-et . ; United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tav .. Clerkenwell ; Nine Muses , Clarendon Ho ., Bond-st . ; AVellington , AVhite
Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Doric , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . Market Tav ., Bermondsey . LODGES or INSTRUCTION . — Strong Man , AVhite Horse , Little Britain . Pythagorean . Prince of Orange , Greenwich . Faith , Albert Arms , A'ictoriast ., AVestminster . Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell . Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbnry . Euphrates , AVhite Hart Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , British Oak , Silver Lion Tav ., Pennyfield , Poplar . Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle ,