Article LIST OF LODGE, &c., MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 3rd MARCH, 1869. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd March, 1869.
: Hackney . City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley , Moorgate-st . Royal Albert , White Hart Tav ., Abchurclilane . New Wandsworth , F . M . Ho ., New AVandsworth . CHAPTER . — Jerusalem , F . M . H . CHAPTERS 01 ? INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' slane . Mount Sion , AVhite Hart Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . Rose of Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Wednesday , March 10 th . Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Com . R . M . B . Inst , at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Perseverance , F . M . H . ; Enoch , F . M . H . ; Union Waterloo , M . H , Woolwich ; Kent , Three'funs' Tav ., Southwark ; Vitruvian , White Hart Tav ., Lambeth ; Justice , AAliite Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Euphrates , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Pilgrim , Ship and
Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Belgrave , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleetst . ; Merchant Navy , Silver Tav ., Limehouse ; Lily L . of Richmond , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Mouteiiore , F . M . H . ; Beacontree , Pri . Ho ., Leytonstone . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . — Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-st ., Mile Eudrd . ; Confidence , Sugar Loat ^ Great St . Helens ; United StrengthBull and GateKentish Town ; Prince Frederick
, , AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John's Wood ; Wcw Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peek ham , Ediuboro' Castle Tav ., Beckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Cathei'ine-st ., Poplar . CHAPTER or INSTRUCTION .
—St . James's Union , Swan 'lav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , March lltli . LODGES . —Royal Athelstan , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Regularity , F . M . H . ; Friendship , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Bank of England , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Polish National , F . M . H . ; Canonbury , Exeter Ho ., Strand ; Dalhousie , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Capper , Marine Ho . A \ est Ham . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION .
—Fi-, delity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of Y ork , Borough-rd ., ' Southwark ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bondst ., W . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-end-rd . ; A itruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s ( for M . M . ) , Globe Tav ., Royal-hill , Gieenwich ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , Johnst ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Gt . St .
Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., West India Dock-rd ., Poplar ; Whittington , Thatched House Tav ., 9 , Red Lion-st . ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; City of London , Shepherd aud Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . CHAPTERS . —Royal Jubilee , Horns' Tav ., Kennington ; Yarborough , George Tav ., Com .-rd . E ., Stepney . CHAPTEES OP INSTRUCTION . —Domatic , City Arms , AVest-sq . ; Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., Wapping-wall .
Friday , March \ 2 lli . LODGES—Britannic , F . M . ' lI . ; Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Bedford , F . M . H . ; Domatic , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Chelsea . ; Temperance , Alctoria Tav ., A ietoria-rd „ Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham-st . ; Union's ( Emulation Lo . of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Horn ' s
Tav ., Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tav ., Broadway , Deptford ; Belgrave , Hand and Racquet , AAliitcomb-st ., Leieester-sq . ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Ranelagh , AAlndsor Castle , King-st ., Hammersmith : Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark-, White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria ( Metropolitan Lo . of Instruction ) , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , March 13 th . LODGES . —London , F . M . H . ; Phoenix , F . M . H . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . PROVINCIAL . EAST LANCASHIRE . ASHTON-UN'DER-LYNE . —Tues ., Chapter ; Perseverance , Pitt and
Nelson Ho . BOLTON . —J / OB ., Lodge : Antiquity , Bull's Hd . Inn . Tues ., Chapter : St . John , Three Tuns Inn . BURNLEY . —Thus ., Lodge : Borough , Bull Ho . Tues ., Chapter : Nativity , Cross Keys Inn . \ iVBX . —Wed ., Lodge : St . John , Queen ' s Ho . CHEETHAM . —Thurs ., Lodge : Derby ; Tues ., Chapter : Derby ( both Waterloo Ho . ) . HULME . —Fri ., Lodge : Blair , Town Hall . MANCHESTER . — Wed . , Caledonian , F . M . H . Thurs ., Lodge : St . David , F . M . H . Wed .
Chapter : Social , Queen ' s Head ; Templars : Mon ., Encampment , Jerusalem . ROCHDALE . —Wed ., Chapters : Unity , Ma . Rooms ; Hope , Spread Eagle Inn . RUSHOEJIE . — Thurs ., Lodge : Callendar , Public Ha . SALPORD . —Mon ., Lodge : Zetland , Roval A eteran Inn . WEST LANCASHIRE . BARROW-IN-FURNESS . —2 W . S-Lod-. HartingtonRoyal Ho .
, ge , FuiWOOD . — 'I ' ties ., Lodge : Royal Preston , Garrison Ho . KIRKDALE . —Thurs ., Lodge : Prince of AVales , St . Mary ' s School Ro ., Everton A ' ly . ——LANCASTER . — Wed ., Lodge : Fortitude , Music Hi . LIVERPOOL . —Lodges : Hon ., Sincerity , Ma . Tern . ; Tues ., Merchants , Ala . Tern ; Alliance , Ma . Tern . ; Wed ., Temple , Ma . Tem , ; Thurs ., Croxteth United ServiceMa . Tem . ; HarmonicAdelhi Ho . ; Fri . Chapter :
, , p , Mariners . PATRICUOET . —Thurs ., Lodge : Bridgewator . Bridgewater Ho . PRESTON . — Lodges : Mon ., Peace and Unity , Militia Mess Ro . ; Chapter : Wed ., Royal Architect , Assem . Bin . WARRINGTON . —Mon ., Chapter : Elias Ashmole , Chapter Ro ., Saukey-st .
CHESHIRE . BIRKENHEAD . — Tues ., Chapter : Zion ; Thurs ., Lodge : Mersey ( both Masonic Cham ., Itamil tott-sq . ) . SCOTLAND . EDINBURGH . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Stephen , University Ho . ; St . Clare , F . M . H . Tues ., Lodge : St . Mary ' s Caapel , Ship Ho . Chapter : Naval and Military , F . M . H . Wed ., Lodges :
Canongate , Kil .: St . John ' s Chap ., F . M . H . Thurs ., Journeymen , Carrnbers Close , Iligh-st . ; Caledonian , Albert Ho . ; Templars Chap . Gen ., F . M . H . GLASGOW . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , 19 , Croy-pl . Tues ., Athole , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Neptune , 46 , Clyde-pl . ; Robert Burns , Baillieston ; Glasgow , Antigua-pl . Chapter : St . Andrew , 170 , Buchanan-st . Wed ., Lodges : Scotia , 170 , Buchanan-st . ; St . George , 218 , Buchanan-st . Fri ., Lodge : St . Mary , Particle . Chapter Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-st .
IRELAND . DUBLIN . —Mon ., Lodge : No . 100 . Tues ., Lodge : No . 215 Wed ., Lodges : No . 120 , No . 143 . Fri ., G . M . Lodge . Templars Encamp . N . 4 , all meet at F . M . H ., Dame-street . BELFAST . — 'Vv . es ., Chapters : Prince of AA ales' Own , M . H . Wed ., The Temple , M . R . ; Thurs ., Lodge : Ark , M . H . Fri ., Lodge of Instruction : Prince of Wales' Own , M . H . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . — Mon . Lodges
, Union , Deny ; Old , No . 407 ., M . H ., Donegal . Tues ,, Unity , Derry . Thurs ., Harmony , Donegal ; A emon , Coleraine ; Combcrcladdy , Derry ; Royal Blue , Coleraine . Fri ., St . John ' s , Londonderry . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor . ]
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . HENRY TILL . We deeply regret to announce the death , at the age of 36 years , of Bro . Henry Till , of Lodge Faith , which event took place at his residence , Denbigh-place , Pimlico , on Monday , the 22 nd ult . His remains were interred iu Brompton Cemetery on Monday last , and amongst numerous friends present were Bros . Wilcox , Smith , and others .
To Correspondents.
AVE cannot engage to insert any communication which is not legibly written , and on one side of the paper . Numerous complaints have been made with regard to the spelling of names in lodge reports ; but for such errors we are not to blame . W e do everything iu our power to prevent any inaccuracy , and , we think , if a brother considers his
communication worthy of being put iu print , it is , we consider , at the same time worthy of being plainly written . As brevity is the soul of wit , the same proverb applies to the press . We have already stated our final intention with regard to anonymous communications . No notice will be taken of them .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd March, 1869.
: Hackney . City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley , Moorgate-st . Royal Albert , White Hart Tav ., Abchurclilane . New Wandsworth , F . M . Ho ., New AVandsworth . CHAPTER . — Jerusalem , F . M . H . CHAPTERS 01 ? INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin ' slane . Mount Sion , AVhite Hart Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . Rose of Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Wednesday , March 10 th . Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Com . R . M . B . Inst , at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Perseverance , F . M . H . ; Enoch , F . M . H . ; Union Waterloo , M . H , Woolwich ; Kent , Three'funs' Tav ., Southwark ; Vitruvian , White Hart Tav ., Lambeth ; Justice , AAliite Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Euphrates , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Pilgrim , Ship and
Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Belgrave , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleetst . ; Merchant Navy , Silver Tav ., Limehouse ; Lily L . of Richmond , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Mouteiiore , F . M . H . ; Beacontree , Pri . Ho ., Leytonstone . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . — Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-st ., Mile Eudrd . ; Confidence , Sugar Loat ^ Great St . Helens ; United StrengthBull and GateKentish Town ; Prince Frederick
, , AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John's Wood ; Wcw Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark's , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peek ham , Ediuboro' Castle Tav ., Beckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Cathei'ine-st ., Poplar . CHAPTER or INSTRUCTION .
—St . James's Union , Swan 'lav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , March lltli . LODGES . —Royal Athelstan , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Regularity , F . M . H . ; Friendship , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Bank of England , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; Polish National , F . M . H . ; Canonbury , Exeter Ho ., Strand ; Dalhousie , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Capper , Marine Ho . A \ est Ham . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION .
—Fi-, delity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of Y ork , Borough-rd ., ' Southwark ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bondst ., W . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-end-rd . ; A itruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s ( for M . M . ) , Globe Tav ., Royal-hill , Gieenwich ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , Johnst ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Gt . St .
Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., West India Dock-rd ., Poplar ; Whittington , Thatched House Tav ., 9 , Red Lion-st . ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; City of London , Shepherd aud Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . CHAPTERS . —Royal Jubilee , Horns' Tav ., Kennington ; Yarborough , George Tav ., Com .-rd . E ., Stepney . CHAPTEES OP INSTRUCTION . —Domatic , City Arms , AVest-sq . ; Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., Wapping-wall .
Friday , March \ 2 lli . LODGES—Britannic , F . M . ' lI . ; Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-st . ; Bedford , F . M . H . ; Domatic , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Chelsea . ; Temperance , Alctoria Tav ., A ietoria-rd „ Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresham-st . ; Union's ( Emulation Lo . of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Horn ' s
Tav ., Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tav ., Broadway , Deptford ; Belgrave , Hand and Racquet , AAliitcomb-st ., Leieester-sq . ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Ranelagh , AAlndsor Castle , King-st ., Hammersmith : Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark-, White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria ( Metropolitan Lo . of Instruction ) , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , March 13 th . LODGES . —London , F . M . H . ; Phoenix , F . M . H . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . PROVINCIAL . EAST LANCASHIRE . ASHTON-UN'DER-LYNE . —Tues ., Chapter ; Perseverance , Pitt and
Nelson Ho . BOLTON . —J / OB ., Lodge : Antiquity , Bull's Hd . Inn . Tues ., Chapter : St . John , Three Tuns Inn . BURNLEY . —Thus ., Lodge : Borough , Bull Ho . Tues ., Chapter : Nativity , Cross Keys Inn . \ iVBX . —Wed ., Lodge : St . John , Queen ' s Ho . CHEETHAM . —Thurs ., Lodge : Derby ; Tues ., Chapter : Derby ( both Waterloo Ho . ) . HULME . —Fri ., Lodge : Blair , Town Hall . MANCHESTER . — Wed . , Caledonian , F . M . H . Thurs ., Lodge : St . David , F . M . H . Wed .
Chapter : Social , Queen ' s Head ; Templars : Mon ., Encampment , Jerusalem . ROCHDALE . —Wed ., Chapters : Unity , Ma . Rooms ; Hope , Spread Eagle Inn . RUSHOEJIE . — Thurs ., Lodge : Callendar , Public Ha . SALPORD . —Mon ., Lodge : Zetland , Roval A eteran Inn . WEST LANCASHIRE . BARROW-IN-FURNESS . —2 W . S-Lod-. HartingtonRoyal Ho .
, ge , FuiWOOD . — 'I ' ties ., Lodge : Royal Preston , Garrison Ho . KIRKDALE . —Thurs ., Lodge : Prince of AVales , St . Mary ' s School Ro ., Everton A ' ly . ——LANCASTER . — Wed ., Lodge : Fortitude , Music Hi . LIVERPOOL . —Lodges : Hon ., Sincerity , Ma . Tern . ; Tues ., Merchants , Ala . Tern ; Alliance , Ma . Tern . ; Wed ., Temple , Ma . Tem , ; Thurs ., Croxteth United ServiceMa . Tem . ; HarmonicAdelhi Ho . ; Fri . Chapter :
, , p , Mariners . PATRICUOET . —Thurs ., Lodge : Bridgewator . Bridgewater Ho . PRESTON . — Lodges : Mon ., Peace and Unity , Militia Mess Ro . ; Chapter : Wed ., Royal Architect , Assem . Bin . WARRINGTON . —Mon ., Chapter : Elias Ashmole , Chapter Ro ., Saukey-st .
CHESHIRE . BIRKENHEAD . — Tues ., Chapter : Zion ; Thurs ., Lodge : Mersey ( both Masonic Cham ., Itamil tott-sq . ) . SCOTLAND . EDINBURGH . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Stephen , University Ho . ; St . Clare , F . M . H . Tues ., Lodge : St . Mary ' s Caapel , Ship Ho . Chapter : Naval and Military , F . M . H . Wed ., Lodges :
Canongate , Kil .: St . John ' s Chap ., F . M . H . Thurs ., Journeymen , Carrnbers Close , Iligh-st . ; Caledonian , Albert Ho . ; Templars Chap . Gen ., F . M . H . GLASGOW . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , 19 , Croy-pl . Tues ., Athole , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Neptune , 46 , Clyde-pl . ; Robert Burns , Baillieston ; Glasgow , Antigua-pl . Chapter : St . Andrew , 170 , Buchanan-st . Wed ., Lodges : Scotia , 170 , Buchanan-st . ; St . George , 218 , Buchanan-st . Fri ., Lodge : St . Mary , Particle . Chapter Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-st .
IRELAND . DUBLIN . —Mon ., Lodge : No . 100 . Tues ., Lodge : No . 215 Wed ., Lodges : No . 120 , No . 143 . Fri ., G . M . Lodge . Templars Encamp . N . 4 , all meet at F . M . H ., Dame-street . BELFAST . — 'Vv . es ., Chapters : Prince of AA ales' Own , M . H . Wed ., The Temple , M . R . ; Thurs ., Lodge : Ark , M . H . Fri ., Lodge of Instruction : Prince of Wales' Own , M . H . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . — Mon . Lodges
, Union , Deny ; Old , No . 407 ., M . H ., Donegal . Tues ,, Unity , Derry . Thurs ., Harmony , Donegal ; A emon , Coleraine ; Combcrcladdy , Derry ; Royal Blue , Coleraine . Fri ., St . John ' s , Londonderry . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor . ]
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . HENRY TILL . We deeply regret to announce the death , at the age of 36 years , of Bro . Henry Till , of Lodge Faith , which event took place at his residence , Denbigh-place , Pimlico , on Monday , the 22 nd ult . His remains were interred iu Brompton Cemetery on Monday last , and amongst numerous friends present were Bros . Wilcox , Smith , and others .
To Correspondents.
AVE cannot engage to insert any communication which is not legibly written , and on one side of the paper . Numerous complaints have been made with regard to the spelling of names in lodge reports ; but for such errors we are not to blame . W e do everything iu our power to prevent any inaccuracy , and , we think , if a brother considers his
communication worthy of being put iu print , it is , we consider , at the same time worthy of being plainly written . As brevity is the soul of wit , the same proverb applies to the press . We have already stated our final intention with regard to anonymous communications . No notice will be taken of them .