Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 4 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * y All communications to "bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CAI . - _ XD _ . II , Dt-V . ur , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can he obtained at the office of the FJIEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOK BOYS . —The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival will be held at die Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March the 10 th . The Rig-lit Hon . Earl de Grey and Itipon , R . W . D . G . M . will preside . MASONIC Ln-E BOAT FUND . —We are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the
purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will he glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
GIRLS' SCHOOL —WO desire to bring before the notice of our 'numerous readers as worthy of their support , the ease of Alice Ritsou Molineaux , aged eight years , a candidate tor admission at the ensuing Election for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive -Engineer to the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway
Company . He died very suddenly in November 1807 , leaving a Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of those are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the interest of all Freemasons , and mire especially , perhaps that portion of
them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro . Molineaux was a very rising man in his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widr . v and largo family provided for . He belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which he had been a member f mr years . Bro . George Hawkins of the London Bright in an . I Smth Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission .
We understand this to be a truly deserving ease for fraternal sympathy . We are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a candidate for election , comes up again in April . She has tha support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the case is a very deserving one . Also the case of Theresa Mary Claisen , which is warmly recommended ,
and which is peculiarly distressing . THE following is the text of the circular issued by the Grand Secretary relative to the inauguration of the new buildings of the Grand Lodge of England , to the W . M . ' s of every lodge under its constitution : — "I am directed to inform you , that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14 th of April for the
inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street . It is the intention of the Most Worshipful Grand Master to appoint twent y Stewards ; the remainder will be nominated by the various lodges . If , therefore , it is the desire of your lodge to name a Steward to serve on the occasion , you will have the goodness to forward the name of the brother , on or before Saturday , the 6 th day of March . If the number of Stewards returned should exceed eighty , ' the selection will be decided by
Masonic Mems.
ballot . The Most Worshipful Grand Master has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about . 66 6 s . " JorrA LODGE or INSTRUCTION ( No . 1 SS ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis ' s , Rose and Crown , Fort-street , Union-street ,
Bishopsgate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P . M . 205 , Preceptor . OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . —We beg to refer to our advertising columns uncut ' this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic . support . BRETHREN' are reminded that tho Lodge Music published a
few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . Gd . MASONIC ARCUJEOLOGICAL I NSTITUTE . —The third meeting of the Institute will be held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., when Bro . Bcsant will read a paper upon the recent discoveries in connection with the Palestine Exploration Fund . Brethren who may wish to be present , must communicate the same to the Honorary Secretaries not later than Wednesday , the 17 th inst .
Grand Lodge Of England.
The quarterly communication of the United Grand Lodge of England took place ou Wednesday evening , in Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . The attendance of members was more numerous than has been witnessed for many years past ' and the scene in the room for clothing was somewhat amusing , for as the time for tho commencement of business approached , a
dozen at a time were energetic in their appeals to the attendants to take charge of their property , and these officials seemed completely bewildered at the claims made upon them . When the hall was entered it was found to be thoroughly occupied on both sides by brethren five or six deep , and on the procession proceeding and the Grand Muster arriving , some difficulty was experienced in .
making its way towards the dais . The Grand Master having taken his place , everything . was soon perfectly iu order , and all the brethren settled down into their places . The M . W ., the Grand Master , was accompanied by the Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Itipon , Deputy Grand Master , and the dais was completely crowded , but we are unable to give the names of the whole of the present and past Officers for want of space . Amongst them , however , we observed the
Earl of Sherbourne , P . G . Master for Gloucestershire ; the Earl of . Limerick , P . G . M . for Bristol ; Augustus Smith , P . G . M . for Cornwall ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; Richard James Spiers , P . G . S . B . & D . P . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Colonel Burdett , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Robert John Bag-haw , P . G . M . for Essex ; Samuel Raw son , P . District G . M . for China ;
II . Murray , D . G . M . for China ; W . Mercer , P . District G . M . for China ; John Udall , P . G . D . ; tho Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . Robert J . Simpson and the Rev . Thomas Ravoushuw , G . Chaplains , Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Adams , P . G . Purst . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . ; W . Farnfield , P . Assist . G . Sec ; G . W . Latham , and Henry Browse ,
G . Deacons ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . W . ; Samuel Toinkins , G . Treas . ; . Eneas J . M'lntyre , G . Reg , ; . John Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; John Hervey , G . Sec .-. John Savage , P . G . D . ; J . Bankino Stebbing , P . G . D . ; George Cox , P . G . D . ; Frederick P . C ' ockerell , G . Supt . of Works ; John Emmons , P . G . Purst . ; J .
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; William Smith , CE ., P . G . S .. ; William Young , P . G . S . B . ; Albert W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cere . ; Thomas Fenn , Assist . G . D . of Cei' 3 . ; John Symonds , P . Assist . D . of Cers . ; Thomas
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * y All communications to "bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CAI . - _ XD _ . II , Dt-V . ur , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can he obtained at the office of the FJIEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOK BOYS . —The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival will be held at die Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March the 10 th . The Rig-lit Hon . Earl de Grey and Itipon , R . W . D . G . M . will preside . MASONIC Ln-E BOAT FUND . —We are requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the
purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ) will he glad to receive the names of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
GIRLS' SCHOOL —WO desire to bring before the notice of our 'numerous readers as worthy of their support , the ease of Alice Ritsou Molineaux , aged eight years , a candidate tor admission at the ensuing Election for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive -Engineer to the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway
Company . He died very suddenly in November 1807 , leaving a Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of those are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the interest of all Freemasons , and mire especially , perhaps that portion of
them belonging to or in any way connected with railways . Bro . Molineaux was a very rising man in his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widr . v and largo family provided for . He belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , No . 315 , of which he had been a member f mr years . Bro . George Hawkins of the London Bright in an . I Smth Coast Railway , Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission .
We understand this to be a truly deserving ease for fraternal sympathy . We are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a candidate for election , comes up again in April . She has tha support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the case is a very deserving one . Also the case of Theresa Mary Claisen , which is warmly recommended ,
and which is peculiarly distressing . THE following is the text of the circular issued by the Grand Secretary relative to the inauguration of the new buildings of the Grand Lodge of England , to the W . M . ' s of every lodge under its constitution : — "I am directed to inform you , that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14 th of April for the
inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queen-street . It is the intention of the Most Worshipful Grand Master to appoint twent y Stewards ; the remainder will be nominated by the various lodges . If , therefore , it is the desire of your lodge to name a Steward to serve on the occasion , you will have the goodness to forward the name of the brother , on or before Saturday , the 6 th day of March . If the number of Stewards returned should exceed eighty , ' the selection will be decided by
Masonic Mems.
ballot . The Most Worshipful Grand Master has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about . 66 6 s . " JorrA LODGE or INSTRUCTION ( No . 1 SS ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis ' s , Rose and Crown , Fort-street , Union-street ,
Bishopsgate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P . M . 205 , Preceptor . OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . —We beg to refer to our advertising columns uncut ' this testimonial , which deserves universal Masonic . support . BRETHREN' are reminded that tho Lodge Music published a
few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . Gd . MASONIC ARCUJEOLOGICAL I NSTITUTE . —The third meeting of the Institute will be held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., when Bro . Bcsant will read a paper upon the recent discoveries in connection with the Palestine Exploration Fund . Brethren who may wish to be present , must communicate the same to the Honorary Secretaries not later than Wednesday , the 17 th inst .
Grand Lodge Of England.
The quarterly communication of the United Grand Lodge of England took place ou Wednesday evening , in Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . The attendance of members was more numerous than has been witnessed for many years past ' and the scene in the room for clothing was somewhat amusing , for as the time for tho commencement of business approached , a
dozen at a time were energetic in their appeals to the attendants to take charge of their property , and these officials seemed completely bewildered at the claims made upon them . When the hall was entered it was found to be thoroughly occupied on both sides by brethren five or six deep , and on the procession proceeding and the Grand Muster arriving , some difficulty was experienced in .
making its way towards the dais . The Grand Master having taken his place , everything . was soon perfectly iu order , and all the brethren settled down into their places . The M . W ., the Grand Master , was accompanied by the Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Itipon , Deputy Grand Master , and the dais was completely crowded , but we are unable to give the names of the whole of the present and past Officers for want of space . Amongst them , however , we observed the
Earl of Sherbourne , P . G . Master for Gloucestershire ; the Earl of . Limerick , P . G . M . for Bristol ; Augustus Smith , P . G . M . for Cornwall ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; Richard James Spiers , P . G . S . B . & D . P . G . M . for Oxfordshire ; Colonel Burdett , Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Robert John Bag-haw , P . G . M . for Essex ; Samuel Raw son , P . District G . M . for China ;
II . Murray , D . G . M . for China ; W . Mercer , P . District G . M . for China ; John Udall , P . G . D . ; tho Rev . Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . Robert J . Simpson and the Rev . Thomas Ravoushuw , G . Chaplains , Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Adams , P . G . Purst . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . ; W . Farnfield , P . Assist . G . Sec ; G . W . Latham , and Henry Browse ,
G . Deacons ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . W . ; Samuel Toinkins , G . Treas . ; . Eneas J . M'lntyre , G . Reg , ; . John Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; John Hervey , G . Sec .-. John Savage , P . G . D . ; J . Bankino Stebbing , P . G . D . ; George Cox , P . G . D . ; Frederick P . C ' ockerell , G . Supt . of Works ; John Emmons , P . G . Purst . ; J .
Mason , P . G . S . B . ; William Smith , CE ., P . G . S .. ; William Young , P . G . S . B . ; Albert W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cere . ; Thomas Fenn , Assist . G . D . of Cei' 3 . ; John Symonds , P . Assist . D . of Cers . ; Thomas