Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
and , having been unanimously elected , Avas exalted by the M . E . Z . in a very impressive style , after Avhich the lectures Avere delivered , the mystical and historical by Comp . Hamer , and the symbolical by Comp . Pearson . Bro . Marshall ivas proposed for exaltation by Comp . Loedhain , seconded by Comp . Hamer , P . Z . The sum of ten pounds Avas unanimously voted to the Fund of Benevolence for Aged Freemasons and their Widowsand two pounds to a distressed companiona P . Z . of
, , a neighbouring province . The chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to refreshment , Avbere the talent of Comp . AVoods , the Avorthy host , ivas Avell displayed . After the usual toasts , the health of the visitors Avas ably responded to by Comp . Piatt , who expressed his great admiration of tho working , especially that of the subordinate officers , upon Avhose careful attention the business of the chapter depends for
comfort as AVCII as for good work . The companions separated at an early hour . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEAVPORT . —Silurian Chapter ( No . 471 . )— The usual monthly convocation of the Companions of this chapter took place on the 39 th ult . at the Masonic HallDock-streetAA'hen Bro . D . L .
, , , James , of the Silurian Lodge ivas balloted for and unanimously elected , and aftei-Avards exalted to the sublime degree of a R . A . Mason . The ceremony being ably performed by tho ME . Z .. and his officers . Two other candidates Avere proposed for admission at the next meeting , and after discussing and adopting aiiOAV code of by-laAVS the chapter Avas duly closed at 9 . 30 p . m .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHAVAEK LODGE OP MARK MASTERS ( No . 23 ) . — Bro . Dr . Frederick JohnLilley , W . M ., presided , and opened this lodge punctually at half-past six o ' clock p . m ., at the Green Man Tavern , Toooley-street , SontliAvark . Tlie minutes of the last meeting Avere read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for ten candidatesand declared to be unanimouslin
, y favour of their admission . Bros . E . Palmer ( No . 33 ) and A . Thomson ( No . 211 ) being in attendance , ivere regularly advanced to the ancient ancl honourable degree of Mark Master Freemasons , the Avork , as usual by the W . M ., being Avell and ably done . A . Avery , S . W ., Avas unanimously elected W . M . A . D . LoeAvenstark , P . M ., Treas ., AV . AS unanimously elected Treasurer for the third time . Bro . W . . 1 . Lang , P . M ., AVUS unanimously
re-elected Tyler . The Audit Committee Avas elected , and appointed to meet on Thursday , October 3 rd . Business being ended , the lodge Avas closed . There were present ;—Bros . II . Massey , as S . W . ; R . Ord , Reg ., as J . W . ; F . Besant , Chap . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; A . D . Loen-enstark , P . M ., Tieas . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . O . ; T . H . Meredith , I . G . ; G . Schuek , ' E . Harris , W . Dalziel , and several others . Yisfcors—Bros . E . "Watts , AV . M . ( 8 ); C , A . Cottebrune . P . M . ( 8 ); W . Turner ( 24 ) , J . Donkin ( 22 ) , G . W . Wheeler , and others .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —" Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 ) . —On Friday , the 29 th nit ., the meeting of this small but promising Mark Lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall . The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Moore , M . D ., presided , and there Avere present : —Bros . Alfred Larkum , Sphinx Lodse ( No . 107 , I . C . ) Ceylon , as S . W . J . YV- Cameron , Sec , as " J . W . ; W . Stonier ' Leigh . 5 I . O . ;
R . B . Harpley , S . O . ; Edward Hudson , J . O . ; Geo . Kirk , Reg . of Marks ; Samuel Gourley , M . D ., S . D . ; John Miller , Steward : Geo . Carter , I . G . ; & c . The only business after the confirmation of the minutes was to ballot for Bro . Robert Gallon , late [ of Lodge de Loraine ( So . 541 ) , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , AA'ho , being accepted , AA-. AS then advanced by tho W . M . to the honourable degree of a M . M . in a skilful and Avorkmanlike manner . A candidate Avas proposed as a suitable person to be
advanced afc the next meeting to this ancient and beautiful degree , after AA'hich the dues were distributed , and the lodge Avas closed with solemn prayer . A most agreeable hour was then spent at refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL .- Minerva Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 12 ) . —A meeting of this lodge ivas held on Monday evening , the 1 st
Mark Masonry.
inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , at which were present-. —Bros . Walter Reynolds , AA ' . M . ; W . Scott , S . W . ; J . Lin wood , J . W . ; M . C . Peck , P . M ., Sec : W . K . Broivn , M . O . ; H . Haigli , S . O . ; J . Walker , J . O . ; G . Hardy , Dir . of Cers . ; S . R , Heiisen , S . D . ; I . N . Scherlmg , as J . D . ; , T . Can-, Org . ; J . Bum , Steward ; W . 11 . North , I . G . ; Faulkner ancl W . Johnson , Tylers ; F . Jackson , A . R . isinnsson , W . Drary , J . Norton 0 . HammeitonR . ViseC . A . Droyerand J .
Thomp-, , , , son . The loclge having been opened in due form , the ballotbox ivas prepared for the following- brethren , all of whom had been properly proposed , viz .. —Bros . W . E . Woolf , C . Leggot , A . Wallis , A . Gemmell , Thomas Ross , and Thomas Sanderson —the latter as a serving brother—all of ivhom ivere unanimously accepted . Bros . Dosser , Woolf , Leggott , Gemmell , and Sanderson being presentwere then admitted , ancl regularly
, advanced to this honourable degree by the W . M ., the Secretary giving an explanation of the mystic cypher peculiar to this degree . Four brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , ami the loclge was closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquethall , and the remainder of the evening was passed in harmony . SCARBOROUGH . —Star in theDast Lodge ( So . 95 ) . —A regular
lodge of Mark Master ivas holden at Scarborough , on Weclnesdav evening , the 27 th ult ., by Bros . AVilliam Foster Rooke , W ' . M . ; J . W . Woodall , S . AV . ; R . H . Peacock , J . W . ; John A . Chapman , as M . O . ; James Frederick Spun-, S . O . ; T . "IV . Farthing , J . O . ; William Peacock , S . D . ; J . Raper , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; H . C . Martin , Sec , & c . The Mark Masters loclge was duly opened , and the minutes of tho previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . William Jackson was balloted for and advanced to the degree of Mark Master , after which the lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock .
MADRAS AND BRITISH BURMAH . PROCEEDINGS OP THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP MARK MASTERS . Afc a quarterly communication of the Prov . G . Lodge of Mark Masters , E . G ., for Madras and British Burmah , held afc the Masonic Temple , in the cantonment of Rangoon , on Tuesday , the 15 th January , the folloAving were present : —Bros . Capt . H .
T . Duncan , D . Prov . G . M ., in the Eastern chair ; 11 . Berrill , Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Pascal , Prov . J . G . W . ; S . Porter , Prov . G . M . O . ; J . R . Kay , Prov . G . S . O . ; A . Gair , Prov . G . JO . ; H . Gotlbier , Prov . G . Sec ; D . Fraser , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; J . Stacev , Prov . G . S . D . ; D . Paul , Prov . G . J . D . ; D . Paul , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Williams , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . Morris , Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . G . Lodge was opened with prayer , and in due form , and the proceedings of the last communication were read and confirmed .
The D . Prov . G . Master expressed the regret of the Prov . G . Master that indisposition prevented his being present . He had , however , begged to express his satisfaction at the continued success of the Order throughout tho province . There are now nine lodges in the province , and an application has been made since our last meeting for a lodge at Port Blair , in the Andaman Islands , and a dispensation was now issued for its formation , pending the arrival of the warrant from the Grand Mark Lodge
of England . The Prov . G . Master has also received the intimation of another Mark Lodge about to be applied for . These two lodges Avill make up for two of the three lodges lately transferred to the allegiance of the Prov . G . Master of the iicivly formed province of Bengal . They are the Umballa Lodge , at Umballa ; the Stanley Loclge , afc Meenit ; and the Capestone Lodge , at Calcutta . AU Prov . G . and Past G . Ollicers have UOAV been authorised to AVCIU- gold cord on tlie outer edges of the
ribbon on their aprons and collars . The cord for the aprons and collars of the Prov . G . Lodge has been received , and will be affixed by the next communication . By command of the Pi-ov G . Master , the D . Prov . G . Master , appointed the follou-ing as Prov . G . Officers for tho ensuing year-. — Bro . Capt . Duncan , D . Prov . G . M . Capt . A . 0 . Saunders Prov . S . G . W .
„ , „ C . Scott , „ J . G . W . „ Dr . Dickinson , ,, G . M . O . „ Capt . Forbes , „ G . S . O . „ Major Pigott , „ G . J . O . ., C . Pascal , elected and invested , ., G . Treas . ,, H . Gotlbier , , ' , Q . Sec „ R . C . Babington , „ G . S . D .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
and , having been unanimously elected , Avas exalted by the M . E . Z . in a very impressive style , after Avhich the lectures Avere delivered , the mystical and historical by Comp . Hamer , and the symbolical by Comp . Pearson . Bro . Marshall ivas proposed for exaltation by Comp . Loedhain , seconded by Comp . Hamer , P . Z . The sum of ten pounds Avas unanimously voted to the Fund of Benevolence for Aged Freemasons and their Widowsand two pounds to a distressed companiona P . Z . of
, , a neighbouring province . The chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to refreshment , Avbere the talent of Comp . AVoods , the Avorthy host , ivas Avell displayed . After the usual toasts , the health of the visitors Avas ably responded to by Comp . Piatt , who expressed his great admiration of tho working , especially that of the subordinate officers , upon Avhose careful attention the business of the chapter depends for
comfort as AVCII as for good work . The companions separated at an early hour . MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEAVPORT . —Silurian Chapter ( No . 471 . )— The usual monthly convocation of the Companions of this chapter took place on the 39 th ult . at the Masonic HallDock-streetAA'hen Bro . D . L .
, , , James , of the Silurian Lodge ivas balloted for and unanimously elected , and aftei-Avards exalted to the sublime degree of a R . A . Mason . The ceremony being ably performed by tho ME . Z .. and his officers . Two other candidates Avere proposed for admission at the next meeting , and after discussing and adopting aiiOAV code of by-laAVS the chapter Avas duly closed at 9 . 30 p . m .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THE SOUTHAVAEK LODGE OP MARK MASTERS ( No . 23 ) . — Bro . Dr . Frederick JohnLilley , W . M ., presided , and opened this lodge punctually at half-past six o ' clock p . m ., at the Green Man Tavern , Toooley-street , SontliAvark . Tlie minutes of the last meeting Avere read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were taken for ten candidatesand declared to be unanimouslin
, y favour of their admission . Bros . E . Palmer ( No . 33 ) and A . Thomson ( No . 211 ) being in attendance , ivere regularly advanced to the ancient ancl honourable degree of Mark Master Freemasons , the Avork , as usual by the W . M ., being Avell and ably done . A . Avery , S . W ., Avas unanimously elected W . M . A . D . LoeAvenstark , P . M ., Treas ., AV . AS unanimously elected Treasurer for the third time . Bro . W . . 1 . Lang , P . M ., AVUS unanimously
re-elected Tyler . The Audit Committee Avas elected , and appointed to meet on Thursday , October 3 rd . Business being ended , the lodge Avas closed . There were present ;—Bros . II . Massey , as S . W . ; R . Ord , Reg ., as J . W . ; F . Besant , Chap . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; A . D . Loen-enstark , P . M ., Tieas . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . O . ; T . H . Meredith , I . G . ; G . Schuek , ' E . Harris , W . Dalziel , and several others . Yisfcors—Bros . E . "Watts , AV . M . ( 8 ); C , A . Cottebrune . P . M . ( 8 ); W . Turner ( 24 ) , J . Donkin ( 22 ) , G . W . Wheeler , and others .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —" Eclectic Lodge ( No . 39 ) . —On Friday , the 29 th nit ., the meeting of this small but promising Mark Lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall . The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Moore , M . D ., presided , and there Avere present : —Bros . Alfred Larkum , Sphinx Lodse ( No . 107 , I . C . ) Ceylon , as S . W . J . YV- Cameron , Sec , as " J . W . ; W . Stonier ' Leigh . 5 I . O . ;
R . B . Harpley , S . O . ; Edward Hudson , J . O . ; Geo . Kirk , Reg . of Marks ; Samuel Gourley , M . D ., S . D . ; John Miller , Steward : Geo . Carter , I . G . ; & c . The only business after the confirmation of the minutes was to ballot for Bro . Robert Gallon , late [ of Lodge de Loraine ( So . 541 ) , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , AA'ho , being accepted , AA-. AS then advanced by tho W . M . to the honourable degree of a M . M . in a skilful and Avorkmanlike manner . A candidate Avas proposed as a suitable person to be
advanced afc the next meeting to this ancient and beautiful degree , after AA'hich the dues were distributed , and the lodge Avas closed with solemn prayer . A most agreeable hour was then spent at refreshment .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL .- Minerva Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 12 ) . —A meeting of this lodge ivas held on Monday evening , the 1 st
Mark Masonry.
inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , at which were present-. —Bros . Walter Reynolds , AA ' . M . ; W . Scott , S . W . ; J . Lin wood , J . W . ; M . C . Peck , P . M ., Sec : W . K . Broivn , M . O . ; H . Haigli , S . O . ; J . Walker , J . O . ; G . Hardy , Dir . of Cers . ; S . R , Heiisen , S . D . ; I . N . Scherlmg , as J . D . ; , T . Can-, Org . ; J . Bum , Steward ; W . 11 . North , I . G . ; Faulkner ancl W . Johnson , Tylers ; F . Jackson , A . R . isinnsson , W . Drary , J . Norton 0 . HammeitonR . ViseC . A . Droyerand J .
Thomp-, , , , son . The loclge having been opened in due form , the ballotbox ivas prepared for the following- brethren , all of whom had been properly proposed , viz .. —Bros . W . E . Woolf , C . Leggot , A . Wallis , A . Gemmell , Thomas Ross , and Thomas Sanderson —the latter as a serving brother—all of ivhom ivere unanimously accepted . Bros . Dosser , Woolf , Leggott , Gemmell , and Sanderson being presentwere then admitted , ancl regularly
, advanced to this honourable degree by the W . M ., the Secretary giving an explanation of the mystic cypher peculiar to this degree . Four brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting , ami the loclge was closed in clue form and with solemn prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the banquethall , and the remainder of the evening was passed in harmony . SCARBOROUGH . —Star in theDast Lodge ( So . 95 ) . —A regular
lodge of Mark Master ivas holden at Scarborough , on Weclnesdav evening , the 27 th ult ., by Bros . AVilliam Foster Rooke , W ' . M . ; J . W . Woodall , S . AV . ; R . H . Peacock , J . W . ; John A . Chapman , as M . O . ; James Frederick Spun-, S . O . ; T . "IV . Farthing , J . O . ; William Peacock , S . D . ; J . Raper , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; H . C . Martin , Sec , & c . The Mark Masters loclge was duly opened , and the minutes of tho previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . William Jackson was balloted for and advanced to the degree of Mark Master , after which the lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock .
MADRAS AND BRITISH BURMAH . PROCEEDINGS OP THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP MARK MASTERS . Afc a quarterly communication of the Prov . G . Lodge of Mark Masters , E . G ., for Madras and British Burmah , held afc the Masonic Temple , in the cantonment of Rangoon , on Tuesday , the 15 th January , the folloAving were present : —Bros . Capt . H .
T . Duncan , D . Prov . G . M ., in the Eastern chair ; 11 . Berrill , Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Pascal , Prov . J . G . W . ; S . Porter , Prov . G . M . O . ; J . R . Kay , Prov . G . S . O . ; A . Gair , Prov . G . JO . ; H . Gotlbier , Prov . G . Sec ; D . Fraser , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; J . Stacev , Prov . G . S . D . ; D . Paul , Prov . G . J . D . ; D . Paul , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Williams , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . Morris , Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . G . Lodge was opened with prayer , and in due form , and the proceedings of the last communication were read and confirmed .
The D . Prov . G . Master expressed the regret of the Prov . G . Master that indisposition prevented his being present . He had , however , begged to express his satisfaction at the continued success of the Order throughout tho province . There are now nine lodges in the province , and an application has been made since our last meeting for a lodge at Port Blair , in the Andaman Islands , and a dispensation was now issued for its formation , pending the arrival of the warrant from the Grand Mark Lodge
of England . The Prov . G . Master has also received the intimation of another Mark Lodge about to be applied for . These two lodges Avill make up for two of the three lodges lately transferred to the allegiance of the Prov . G . Master of the iicivly formed province of Bengal . They are the Umballa Lodge , at Umballa ; the Stanley Loclge , afc Meenit ; and the Capestone Lodge , at Calcutta . AU Prov . G . and Past G . Ollicers have UOAV been authorised to AVCIU- gold cord on tlie outer edges of the
ribbon on their aprons and collars . The cord for the aprons and collars of the Prov . G . Lodge has been received , and will be affixed by the next communication . By command of the Pi-ov G . Master , the D . Prov . G . Master , appointed the follou-ing as Prov . G . Officers for tho ensuing year-. — Bro . Capt . Duncan , D . Prov . G . M . Capt . A . 0 . Saunders Prov . S . G . W .
„ , „ C . Scott , „ J . G . W . „ Dr . Dickinson , ,, G . M . O . „ Capt . Forbes , „ G . S . O . „ Major Pigott , „ G . J . O . ., C . Pascal , elected and invested , ., G . Treas . ,, H . Gotlbier , , ' , Q . Sec „ R . C . Babington , „ G . S . D .