Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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year in the Provincial Grand Lodge banquet , but the arrangement was , it seems , not generally approved of , the members of the Silurian , although they attended the Provincial Grand banquet in large numbers , not being content to forego their own annual lodge dinner . Tho testimonial , too , afforded an additional reason why the dinner should bo held as usual . At four p . m . there was a Lodge of Emergency in the Masonic Hallivhere tho AV . M . officiated . Tho ceremonies having been
, - inly gone through , and the lodge closed according to the usage - the Craft , the brethren adjourned to the King's Head Hotel , ivhcreupwards of fifty sat down to an excellent repast , provided in Bro . Lloyd's best style . Amongst those present were Bros . John Griffiths , W . JI . -171 , iu the chair ; Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . for Monmouthshire , and P . Jf . 471 ; John Middleton , AV . JI . 633 , and P . Prov . G . Sec . for Lincolnshire ; R . B . Evans ,
P . JI . 471 , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Samuel Coombs , P . M . 471 , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Samuel Huncorn , P . JI . 471 , and Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Win . Williams , Sec . 4-71 , and Prov . G . Sec . ; AVilliam Pickford , P . Jf . and Treas . -1-71 , and Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . 4-71 ; Thomas Benyon , P . M . 4-71 , and Prov . G . Purst , ; G . W . Jones , B . Thomas , S . W . 4 / 71 ; "W yndham Jones , Prov . G . Steward ; William AVest , P . JI . 4-71 , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; John Uyndham , P . M . 471 ; Thomas Allen , P . JI . 15 , London ; H . J . GrovesP . JI . 6 S 3 and Prov . G . Org . ;
, , David Roberts , W . JI . Glamorgan Lodge ; Thomas G . South , P . JI . Glamorgan Lodge , and Prov . J . G . W . for Eastern Division of South Wales ; William Gaskell , P . Jf . Glamorgan Lodge , and Prov . S . G . AV . for Eastern Division of South AVales ; A . Calder , Thomas Hodge , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Eastern Division of South AVales ; William H . Martin , AV . JI . Bute Lodge ; J . Fisher , Sec . Glamorgan Lodge ; J . Baker , J . Davies , A . Glass , R . Stephens , Thomas AVilliams , Sec . GS 3 ; J . JIaddocks , J . W . GS 3 ; Villiers
J . , GS 3 ; H . J . Parnell , S . D . 4-71 ; J . S- Stone , J . D . 471 ; S . Goss , AV . J . Lloyd , L . B . Moore , J . L . Lloyd , G . J . Hands , J . Gobbett , I . G . ; T . Wilkes , W . G . Edwards , , T . Terrv , J . AVatkins , E . Whitehall , William AVatkins , AVilliam Roberts , AVilliam Randall , Steward ; Thomas Thomas . A . JIcDonald , J . Sanders , Henry Deliver , AVilliam How , and Henry Collier , all of 4-71 ;& c . After the cloth had been removed , tho CI . AI . IMAN proposed
ill succession , ' - 'The Queen and Craft , " "The Prince and Princess of AA " alcs and Boyal Family , " "The JEW . the Grand JIaster of England , and tiie R . W . tiie Deputy Grand JIaster , and Members of Grand Lodge , " all of ivhieh toasts were received with due honours . "The Army , Navy , and A oluiifcers , " coupled with the name of Bros . Lyne aud Wyndham Jones , both of whom returned thanks , the former on behalf of the Navy , and the latter for the A ' olunteers .
"The Bishop and Clergy and tho Ministers of all Denominations , coupled wilh the health of tho Rev . Bio . Samuel Fox , Chaplain of the Silurian Lodge . " Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , in responding , referred to Jlasonry in those prominent features of the institution which lead to morality and religion , and made some happy allusions to the implements and emblems of the Craft . His address was received with loud cheers .
Song by Jlr . Groves— "Jfy ancestors were Englishmen . " Bro . Lv :,- ] . gave "The A'isitors , coupled with the name of Bro . Roberts , W . JI . of the Glamorgan Lodge , and Vvo . Jim-tin , AV . M . of tho Bute Lodge . " In the course of his remarks Bro . Lyne said that Cardiff had its infirmary , whilst Newport had only such an institution in view . Ho also referred to the Fancy Fair and Ball got up at Newport to obtain the requisite funds for supplying so great a desideratum . He mentioned
these things in the hope that their friends from Ciu-difi ; who were always ready to aid in a good work , would assist them on the occasion referred to . ( Cheers . ) Bro . ROBERTS , in responding to the toast , acknowledged the hospitality of their Newport brethren . Bro . JIAHTIX also returned thanks . The Bute Lodge always regarded the Silurian with feelings of gratitude , inasmuch as
they had come to the Silurian for assistance at the commencement , and had been most fraternally treated . The Silurian had been kind enough to attend the opening of the lodge some years ago , and they trusted in another month or so , with the assistance of liro . llancorn , to have the honour of seeing them at the laying tiie foundation-stone o '; ' their new JIasonie Hall . ( Cheers . ) Bro . GASKELL being loudly called for , said that there were other brethren connected with the Glamorgan Lodge older than
himself , who could do more justice to tho toast . Iu fact , so long had he heard his own voice in connection with JIasonie festivities , that he began to fancy , ns lie wore into the sere aud 3 'eIIow leaf ( a laugh ) , it was almost time he should sit down quietly and hold his tongue . But nevertheless there was something in Freemasonry which raised one even in old age . ( Cheers . ) Old as he was in Jlasonry , ho felt constrained to rise to his legs when he heard his name mentioned in connection with their
great and glorious cause . He felt it was no common causenot that which merely brought them together as ordinary men of business , but one which induced men to assemble as brethren ( hear , hear } pledged to each other , pledged to support , to befriend , and to assist each other . ( Cheers . ) He was proud to be a JIason ; ho had been a JIason for many years . He had advanced in it almost as far as he could go , and this he could saythat the more he knew of it the more he appreciated it .
, He ivas satisfied of this each day of his life , and it was a feeling , which grew upon him , viz ., that if he or any other man became a good JIason he could not fail to become a good man . And if he knew anything of tho great design of life , it was to become a good man , a useful member of society—one whose honour , probity , uprightness , and genera ! good conduct would be a bright example to his fellow men . ( Applause . ) Bro . Lyne had said a great deal about Cardiff—almost more than Cardiff deserved ,
lie ( Bro . Gaskell ) was conversing with a f viand on his way from the lodge to the hotel as to how well they had done in Newport . He could not help commending them for their zeal on behalf of Jlasonry—that noble lodgo they had built—it was a credit to the land , a credit to Freemasonry . Looking at their own lodge at Cardiff , he really felt himself rather a small body . ( Laughter . ) They at Cardiff , however , were delighted to see their Newport friendswhoivhether from the Silurian or Isca
, , , had always met them with true feelings of cordiality , which was a sine qiia non in Freemasonry . ( Cheers . ) Now that the interchange of festivities had begun it became incumbent to keep those festivities up , and the same remark applied to the companions of the chapter . They would find that the true JIasonie feeling , so ably and well represented by every member of the Newport lodges , was thoroughly reciprocated by the lodges at Cardiff . ( Loud cheers . )
Bro . SOUTH also acknowledged the compliment . Tho CiuiR-iiAj , " gave severally , "The Right AVorshipful tha Provincial Grand Jlaster , " and "Tho A ery AA ' orshipfuI the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , and the Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " The former toast was acknowledged by Bro . Lxxs , and tho . latter by Bro . Coosnss . The CHAIRMAN said the time had arrived whenas members
, , of the Silurian Lodge , they should consider themselves very much wanting in the proper discharge of their duty ivere they not to recognise the services of Bro . W . Williams , the respected Secretary , in a manner more tangible and substantial than by mere ivords . That brother had faithfully discharged his duties for seventeen years with the utmost credit to himself , and with unmixed satisfaction to the lodge . ( Hearhear . ) Bro .
AVil-, liams ( continued the chairman ) in addition to the degree of satisfaction which tho consciousness of having done your duty will afford , you will be able to point to this testimonial which I am about to present to you , as a recognition of your JIasonie . worth by your JIasonie brethren . I think , Bro . Williams , that you have ivell earned this token of respect . I trust you may long live to be a comfort to your family , and to continue to
render those valuable services to the Silurian Lodge , which you have rendered for so many years —( cheers)—and when you are summoned from this sublunary sphere , may you be admitted into the Grand Lodge above , where the Great Architect alone rules and abides for evermore . On behalf of the officers and brethren of the Silurian Lodge , and a few of tho brethren of tho Isca Lodge , who have subscribed , I have very great
pleasure in presenting you with this service of plate . ( Great applause . ) 'The testimonial consisted of elegant and valuable tea and coffee services , which were supplied hy Hunt and Itoskell , of 156 , New Bond-street , through Bro . AVhiteliall , silversmith , of Commercial-street , Newport . The coffee-pot bears the following inscription : — " This service was presented to Brother AVilliam Williams , as an acknowledgment of his services during 17 years
as Secretary of the Silurian Lodge of Free and Accepted JIasons . —Newport , April , 1 S 65 . " Bro . WILLIAMS , who ivas received with a round of applause ,, spoke as follows : —Worshipful Master and Brethren , —Permit
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
year in the Provincial Grand Lodge banquet , but the arrangement was , it seems , not generally approved of , the members of the Silurian , although they attended the Provincial Grand banquet in large numbers , not being content to forego their own annual lodge dinner . Tho testimonial , too , afforded an additional reason why the dinner should bo held as usual . At four p . m . there was a Lodge of Emergency in the Masonic Hallivhere tho AV . M . officiated . Tho ceremonies having been
, - inly gone through , and the lodge closed according to the usage - the Craft , the brethren adjourned to the King's Head Hotel , ivhcreupwards of fifty sat down to an excellent repast , provided in Bro . Lloyd's best style . Amongst those present were Bros . John Griffiths , W . JI . -171 , iu the chair ; Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . for Monmouthshire , and P . Jf . 471 ; John Middleton , AV . JI . 633 , and P . Prov . G . Sec . for Lincolnshire ; R . B . Evans ,
P . JI . 471 , and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Samuel Coombs , P . M . 471 , and P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; Samuel Huncorn , P . JI . 471 , and Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Win . Williams , Sec . 4-71 , and Prov . G . Sec . ; AVilliam Pickford , P . Jf . and Treas . -1-71 , and Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . Samuel Fox , Chap . 4-71 ; Thomas Benyon , P . M . 4-71 , and Prov . G . Purst , ; G . W . Jones , B . Thomas , S . W . 4 / 71 ; "W yndham Jones , Prov . G . Steward ; William AVest , P . JI . 4-71 , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; John Uyndham , P . M . 471 ; Thomas Allen , P . JI . 15 , London ; H . J . GrovesP . JI . 6 S 3 and Prov . G . Org . ;
, , David Roberts , W . JI . Glamorgan Lodge ; Thomas G . South , P . JI . Glamorgan Lodge , and Prov . J . G . W . for Eastern Division of South Wales ; William Gaskell , P . Jf . Glamorgan Lodge , and Prov . S . G . AV . for Eastern Division of South AVales ; A . Calder , Thomas Hodge , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Eastern Division of South AVales ; William H . Martin , AV . JI . Bute Lodge ; J . Fisher , Sec . Glamorgan Lodge ; J . Baker , J . Davies , A . Glass , R . Stephens , Thomas AVilliams , Sec . GS 3 ; J . JIaddocks , J . W . GS 3 ; Villiers
J . , GS 3 ; H . J . Parnell , S . D . 4-71 ; J . S- Stone , J . D . 471 ; S . Goss , AV . J . Lloyd , L . B . Moore , J . L . Lloyd , G . J . Hands , J . Gobbett , I . G . ; T . Wilkes , W . G . Edwards , , T . Terrv , J . AVatkins , E . Whitehall , William AVatkins , AVilliam Roberts , AVilliam Randall , Steward ; Thomas Thomas . A . JIcDonald , J . Sanders , Henry Deliver , AVilliam How , and Henry Collier , all of 4-71 ;& c . After the cloth had been removed , tho CI . AI . IMAN proposed
ill succession , ' - 'The Queen and Craft , " "The Prince and Princess of AA " alcs and Boyal Family , " "The JEW . the Grand JIaster of England , and tiie R . W . tiie Deputy Grand JIaster , and Members of Grand Lodge , " all of ivhieh toasts were received with due honours . "The Army , Navy , and A oluiifcers , " coupled with the name of Bros . Lyne aud Wyndham Jones , both of whom returned thanks , the former on behalf of the Navy , and the latter for the A ' olunteers .
"The Bishop and Clergy and tho Ministers of all Denominations , coupled wilh the health of tho Rev . Bio . Samuel Fox , Chaplain of the Silurian Lodge . " Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , in responding , referred to Jlasonry in those prominent features of the institution which lead to morality and religion , and made some happy allusions to the implements and emblems of the Craft . His address was received with loud cheers .
Song by Jlr . Groves— "Jfy ancestors were Englishmen . " Bro . Lv :,- ] . gave "The A'isitors , coupled with the name of Bro . Roberts , W . JI . of the Glamorgan Lodge , and Vvo . Jim-tin , AV . M . of tho Bute Lodge . " In the course of his remarks Bro . Lyne said that Cardiff had its infirmary , whilst Newport had only such an institution in view . Ho also referred to the Fancy Fair and Ball got up at Newport to obtain the requisite funds for supplying so great a desideratum . He mentioned
these things in the hope that their friends from Ciu-difi ; who were always ready to aid in a good work , would assist them on the occasion referred to . ( Cheers . ) Bro . ROBERTS , in responding to the toast , acknowledged the hospitality of their Newport brethren . Bro . JIAHTIX also returned thanks . The Bute Lodge always regarded the Silurian with feelings of gratitude , inasmuch as
they had come to the Silurian for assistance at the commencement , and had been most fraternally treated . The Silurian had been kind enough to attend the opening of the lodge some years ago , and they trusted in another month or so , with the assistance of liro . llancorn , to have the honour of seeing them at the laying tiie foundation-stone o '; ' their new JIasonie Hall . ( Cheers . ) Bro . GASKELL being loudly called for , said that there were other brethren connected with the Glamorgan Lodge older than
himself , who could do more justice to tho toast . Iu fact , so long had he heard his own voice in connection with JIasonie festivities , that he began to fancy , ns lie wore into the sere aud 3 'eIIow leaf ( a laugh ) , it was almost time he should sit down quietly and hold his tongue . But nevertheless there was something in Freemasonry which raised one even in old age . ( Cheers . ) Old as he was in Jlasonry , ho felt constrained to rise to his legs when he heard his name mentioned in connection with their
great and glorious cause . He felt it was no common causenot that which merely brought them together as ordinary men of business , but one which induced men to assemble as brethren ( hear , hear } pledged to each other , pledged to support , to befriend , and to assist each other . ( Cheers . ) He was proud to be a JIason ; ho had been a JIason for many years . He had advanced in it almost as far as he could go , and this he could saythat the more he knew of it the more he appreciated it .
, He ivas satisfied of this each day of his life , and it was a feeling , which grew upon him , viz ., that if he or any other man became a good JIason he could not fail to become a good man . And if he knew anything of tho great design of life , it was to become a good man , a useful member of society—one whose honour , probity , uprightness , and genera ! good conduct would be a bright example to his fellow men . ( Applause . ) Bro . Lyne had said a great deal about Cardiff—almost more than Cardiff deserved ,
lie ( Bro . Gaskell ) was conversing with a f viand on his way from the lodge to the hotel as to how well they had done in Newport . He could not help commending them for their zeal on behalf of Jlasonry—that noble lodgo they had built—it was a credit to the land , a credit to Freemasonry . Looking at their own lodge at Cardiff , he really felt himself rather a small body . ( Laughter . ) They at Cardiff , however , were delighted to see their Newport friendswhoivhether from the Silurian or Isca
, , , had always met them with true feelings of cordiality , which was a sine qiia non in Freemasonry . ( Cheers . ) Now that the interchange of festivities had begun it became incumbent to keep those festivities up , and the same remark applied to the companions of the chapter . They would find that the true JIasonie feeling , so ably and well represented by every member of the Newport lodges , was thoroughly reciprocated by the lodges at Cardiff . ( Loud cheers . )
Bro . SOUTH also acknowledged the compliment . Tho CiuiR-iiAj , " gave severally , "The Right AVorshipful tha Provincial Grand Jlaster , " and "Tho A ery AA ' orshipfuI the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , and the Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge . " The former toast was acknowledged by Bro . Lxxs , and tho . latter by Bro . Coosnss . The CHAIRMAN said the time had arrived whenas members
, , of the Silurian Lodge , they should consider themselves very much wanting in the proper discharge of their duty ivere they not to recognise the services of Bro . W . Williams , the respected Secretary , in a manner more tangible and substantial than by mere ivords . That brother had faithfully discharged his duties for seventeen years with the utmost credit to himself , and with unmixed satisfaction to the lodge . ( Hearhear . ) Bro .
AVil-, liams ( continued the chairman ) in addition to the degree of satisfaction which tho consciousness of having done your duty will afford , you will be able to point to this testimonial which I am about to present to you , as a recognition of your JIasonie . worth by your JIasonie brethren . I think , Bro . Williams , that you have ivell earned this token of respect . I trust you may long live to be a comfort to your family , and to continue to
render those valuable services to the Silurian Lodge , which you have rendered for so many years —( cheers)—and when you are summoned from this sublunary sphere , may you be admitted into the Grand Lodge above , where the Great Architect alone rules and abides for evermore . On behalf of the officers and brethren of the Silurian Lodge , and a few of tho brethren of tho Isca Lodge , who have subscribed , I have very great
pleasure in presenting you with this service of plate . ( Great applause . ) 'The testimonial consisted of elegant and valuable tea and coffee services , which were supplied hy Hunt and Itoskell , of 156 , New Bond-street , through Bro . AVhiteliall , silversmith , of Commercial-street , Newport . The coffee-pot bears the following inscription : — " This service was presented to Brother AVilliam Williams , as an acknowledgment of his services during 17 years
as Secretary of the Silurian Lodge of Free and Accepted JIasons . —Newport , April , 1 S 65 . " Bro . WILLIAMS , who ivas received with a round of applause ,, spoke as follows : —Worshipful Master and Brethren , —Permit