Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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me to return to you my most sincere and heartfelt thanks for the very handsome present you have been pleased to make mo . I assure you , my thoughts want words , my words their free and honest utterance . By this present I see I have given you satisfaction , and I shall hand down the tea and coffee services with proud satisfaction to my family as a memento of the kindness of my Newport JIasonie brethren . I was initiated into Masonry in the Silurian Lodge in December , IS 12 , and from
that hour to this I have held some office or other . Seventeen years I have been your Secretary , and on the first return made after my initiation to the Grand Lodge , I stood as No . 30 ; now I find on the last return I stand as No . 3 , and am now tho oldest member of that lodge in this room . During the time I have been your Secretary I find I have been present at 232 initiations . Wo have held on an average twelve lodges a year , and during the whole of the above period I have been only absent
five times . I mention this , that some of my younger brethren may make a point of attending more punctually than hitherto . I know there aro honourable exceptions , and that many brothers liave come many miles to attend lodge ; and for myself I can say , next to attending a place of ivorship , there is no place on earth I would prefer attending to a JIasonk lodge . There you will he taught the duty you owe to tho Great Architect of the Universe and to yourself ; to your Maker , by
never mentioning His name without that awe and reverence which is due from a creature to his Creator ; and to yourself , by learning to rule and subdue your passions , to act on the square , and to part on the level with all mankind , but more especially with JIasons . There are few matters connected with Masonry in Newport , during the last twenty years , in ivhieh I have not taken a part . First and foremost stands our noble hall . Many good JIasons , including our highly-respected
Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Lyne , Bro . AV . AA . Morgan , Bro . Floyd Lewis , Bro . Edward Wells , Bro . Pickford , Bro . Collier , Bro . West , Bro . Middleton , Bro . G . W . Jones , and Bro . Hyndman , put their shoulders to tho wheel . Thoy elected me their Secretary in August , 1855 . I did my best , and the result is , we have a hall second to none out of London . The committee and trustees have managed the affair so admirably , that we aro now rapidly paying off the encumbrance thereon ,
and in a few years , if all is well , we shall ballot for and pay off the shareholders , and then the hall will be ours , free from all debt , except the ground rent , insurance , and repairs . I well recollect the laying the foundation stone of that noble building . It was , indeed , a day of great anxiety to me , but it proved a perfect success , and such a JIasonie gathering has never before , oi" sincebeen seen in Newport . The consecration of the hall
, ¦ was another important event . The parties then in office thought that , as no Masonic hall had been consecrated in Newport for nearly half-a-contury , many might never have the opportunity of seeing the ceremony performed again , and therefore I was instructed to use my "best exertions to obtain a large party . Numbers flocked to Newport from oast , west , northand southand this again was a complete success . The
, , chapter attached to the Silurian Lodgo has been revived twice or thrice , and I have always taken my position as one of the Scribes . This office I now hold , I trust , with the approval of the JI . E . Z . and tho other Principals and companions . Two or three lodges of instruction have been formed from time to time , and I have always lent a helping hand to carry them on . Another is now in progressand youWorshipful Master
, , , may book me for any berth from I . G . to the working Secretary . My kind friend , the Very AA orshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , very kindly recommended my name to our worthy Right AA orsliipful the Provincial Grand JIaster as a fit and proper . person to be appointed Provincial Grand Secretary . I have had the honour of holding that office for twelve months , and last December I was reappointed for another year . It
appears to me it is not at all improbable I shall die in harness . I trust tho day may he far distant ; but as you approve of my services , I shall continue to place them as long as I am able at your disposal . I will not give you the particulars of the trouble I have had with Jlasonry on tho above and various other occasions , but some months I have sent out nearly 500 circulars . This may appear nothing to some
brethren , but it really is a matter requiring time and attention , and the reason why I get over so much work is , the members of my family are all JIasons at heart , and when I tell them I want such and such things done , thoy set about helping me right merrily , and everything is completed as soon as possible . And now , Worshipful JIaster , allow me to congratulate
the brethren on the cordial unanimity existing between the Silurian and Isca Lodges . Jlay it be cemented more and more closely and firmly , and may every spark of ill-feeling , if any evor existed , be extinguished for ever ; and brethren I must also congratulate you ou having such a good working JIason as our AVorshipful Master in the chair . You have also a worth y Immediate Past JIaster , Bro . II . B . Evans , you have several excellent Past JIastersyou have a Treasurer not to bo excelled
, , you admit you havo a good Secretary , you have a good Chaplain , good officers , and many good working brothers , and everything to ensure success . I wish you all God speed . Go on and prosper , and if I can aid you in any manner pray command me . Bro . MCDONALD gave " The Health of Brother Coombs , " and adverted to the earldays of Jlasonry in Newport . He had
y known Bro . Coombs working in connection with the Craft in this town for twenty-five years . ( Applause . ) Bro . Cooiras having acknowledged , other toasts followed , amongst which were the following : — " The Committee of Management ; " "The Chairman ; " "Tho Worshipful JIaster , Officers , and Brethren of the Silurian Lodge ; " "The Worshipful Jlaster , Officers , and Brethren of the Isca Lodge ; " "The '
Ladies ; " "The Press ; " "To all Poor and Distressed Brethren , " & c . A portrait of Bro . W . Pickford , by Bvo . Villiers , artist , ^ of Commercial-street , Newport , was exhibited in the room . The likeness is most striking , and the painting reflects much credit on the artist . The brother is represented in full JIasonie costume , as Prov . G . Treasurer . The portrait , which is life size , is from an enlarged photograph , obtained by means of the solar
camera . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGK . AA e omitted in our report of the annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held April Wth , to give the list of the officers for the ensuing year . They are as follows : —
Bro . Bentley Shaw D . Prov . G . M . „ T . W . Tew Prov . S . G . W . „ Thomas Pcrkinton „ J . G . W . „ Rev . C . E . Camidge ) G . Chaplains . „ Ilev . A . Smith ) '' „ J . G . Berry „ G . Treasurer . John Fredman G . Registrar .
„ „ „ R . R . Nelson , G . Secretary . „ G . H . AVesterman „ S . G . D . „ Isidor Ahrens „ . T . G . D . „ John Wordsworth „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ John Wilson „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Jlanoah Rhodes ,, G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ,. William Foster „ G . Sivord Bearer .
„ Jeremiah Rhodes „ G . Organist . „ A \ illiara Patmau „ G . Purst . „ T . A . Bottomley „ G . Assist . Purst . „ J . JI . Woodhead „ G . Standard Bearer . „ G . JIutley Waud ") „ J . D . Gates |
" " : ^ " : ! ¦ „ G . Stewards . „ John llurpin | „ J . E . Smith | „ Joint Denton J » * : «»* A *™ } „ G . Tyto . „ Joshua Lee i J
SIIEFEIELD . — Centenary of Vie Britannia Lodge ( Xo . 139 ) . — On Thursday , tho 27 th ult ., the members of the mystic fraternity assembled at the Freemasons' Hull , Surrey-street , to commemorate the centenary of the oldest lodge in Sheffield . This auspicious event would have been celebrated on the 19 th inst ., but was deferred to enable ihe brethren to assist their Prov . G . JI ., Earl do Grey and Ripon , to lay the foundation stone of a new Jlechauics' Institution at Hudderslield on that
day . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock , and addresses were delivered by Bros . Bentley Shaw , of Hudderslield , I ) . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire ; AVm . Short , AV . M . j Major AVebster , P . Prov . G . Keg . ; AVilliam Longden , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; and others . Bro . Wm . AVhite , Jun ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., also read an interesting paper , in which he traced the history of tho lodgo from its foundation , April 19 th , 1765 , to tho present time , giving copious extracts from the minute hooks , which have all been carefully preserved , and pointing out the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
me to return to you my most sincere and heartfelt thanks for the very handsome present you have been pleased to make mo . I assure you , my thoughts want words , my words their free and honest utterance . By this present I see I have given you satisfaction , and I shall hand down the tea and coffee services with proud satisfaction to my family as a memento of the kindness of my Newport JIasonie brethren . I was initiated into Masonry in the Silurian Lodge in December , IS 12 , and from
that hour to this I have held some office or other . Seventeen years I have been your Secretary , and on the first return made after my initiation to the Grand Lodge , I stood as No . 30 ; now I find on the last return I stand as No . 3 , and am now tho oldest member of that lodge in this room . During the time I have been your Secretary I find I have been present at 232 initiations . Wo have held on an average twelve lodges a year , and during the whole of the above period I have been only absent
five times . I mention this , that some of my younger brethren may make a point of attending more punctually than hitherto . I know there aro honourable exceptions , and that many brothers liave come many miles to attend lodge ; and for myself I can say , next to attending a place of ivorship , there is no place on earth I would prefer attending to a JIasonk lodge . There you will he taught the duty you owe to tho Great Architect of the Universe and to yourself ; to your Maker , by
never mentioning His name without that awe and reverence which is due from a creature to his Creator ; and to yourself , by learning to rule and subdue your passions , to act on the square , and to part on the level with all mankind , but more especially with JIasons . There are few matters connected with Masonry in Newport , during the last twenty years , in ivhieh I have not taken a part . First and foremost stands our noble hall . Many good JIasons , including our highly-respected
Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Lyne , Bro . AV . AA . Morgan , Bro . Floyd Lewis , Bro . Edward Wells , Bro . Pickford , Bro . Collier , Bro . West , Bro . Middleton , Bro . G . W . Jones , and Bro . Hyndman , put their shoulders to tho wheel . Thoy elected me their Secretary in August , 1855 . I did my best , and the result is , we have a hall second to none out of London . The committee and trustees have managed the affair so admirably , that we aro now rapidly paying off the encumbrance thereon ,
and in a few years , if all is well , we shall ballot for and pay off the shareholders , and then the hall will be ours , free from all debt , except the ground rent , insurance , and repairs . I well recollect the laying the foundation stone of that noble building . It was , indeed , a day of great anxiety to me , but it proved a perfect success , and such a JIasonie gathering has never before , oi" sincebeen seen in Newport . The consecration of the hall
, ¦ was another important event . The parties then in office thought that , as no Masonic hall had been consecrated in Newport for nearly half-a-contury , many might never have the opportunity of seeing the ceremony performed again , and therefore I was instructed to use my "best exertions to obtain a large party . Numbers flocked to Newport from oast , west , northand southand this again was a complete success . The
, , chapter attached to the Silurian Lodgo has been revived twice or thrice , and I have always taken my position as one of the Scribes . This office I now hold , I trust , with the approval of the JI . E . Z . and tho other Principals and companions . Two or three lodges of instruction have been formed from time to time , and I have always lent a helping hand to carry them on . Another is now in progressand youWorshipful Master
, , , may book me for any berth from I . G . to the working Secretary . My kind friend , the Very AA orshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , very kindly recommended my name to our worthy Right AA orsliipful the Provincial Grand JIaster as a fit and proper . person to be appointed Provincial Grand Secretary . I have had the honour of holding that office for twelve months , and last December I was reappointed for another year . It
appears to me it is not at all improbable I shall die in harness . I trust tho day may he far distant ; but as you approve of my services , I shall continue to place them as long as I am able at your disposal . I will not give you the particulars of the trouble I have had with Jlasonry on tho above and various other occasions , but some months I have sent out nearly 500 circulars . This may appear nothing to some
brethren , but it really is a matter requiring time and attention , and the reason why I get over so much work is , the members of my family are all JIasons at heart , and when I tell them I want such and such things done , thoy set about helping me right merrily , and everything is completed as soon as possible . And now , Worshipful JIaster , allow me to congratulate
the brethren on the cordial unanimity existing between the Silurian and Isca Lodges . Jlay it be cemented more and more closely and firmly , and may every spark of ill-feeling , if any evor existed , be extinguished for ever ; and brethren I must also congratulate you ou having such a good working JIason as our AVorshipful Master in the chair . You have also a worth y Immediate Past JIaster , Bro . II . B . Evans , you have several excellent Past JIastersyou have a Treasurer not to bo excelled
, , you admit you havo a good Secretary , you have a good Chaplain , good officers , and many good working brothers , and everything to ensure success . I wish you all God speed . Go on and prosper , and if I can aid you in any manner pray command me . Bro . MCDONALD gave " The Health of Brother Coombs , " and adverted to the earldays of Jlasonry in Newport . He had
y known Bro . Coombs working in connection with the Craft in this town for twenty-five years . ( Applause . ) Bro . Cooiras having acknowledged , other toasts followed , amongst which were the following : — " The Committee of Management ; " "The Chairman ; " "Tho Worshipful JIaster , Officers , and Brethren of the Silurian Lodge ; " "The Worshipful Jlaster , Officers , and Brethren of the Isca Lodge ; " "The '
Ladies ; " "The Press ; " "To all Poor and Distressed Brethren , " & c . A portrait of Bro . W . Pickford , by Bvo . Villiers , artist , ^ of Commercial-street , Newport , was exhibited in the room . The likeness is most striking , and the painting reflects much credit on the artist . The brother is represented in full JIasonie costume , as Prov . G . Treasurer . The portrait , which is life size , is from an enlarged photograph , obtained by means of the solar
camera . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGK . AA e omitted in our report of the annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held April Wth , to give the list of the officers for the ensuing year . They are as follows : —
Bro . Bentley Shaw D . Prov . G . M . „ T . W . Tew Prov . S . G . W . „ Thomas Pcrkinton „ J . G . W . „ Rev . C . E . Camidge ) G . Chaplains . „ Ilev . A . Smith ) '' „ J . G . Berry „ G . Treasurer . John Fredman G . Registrar .
„ „ „ R . R . Nelson , G . Secretary . „ G . H . AVesterman „ S . G . D . „ Isidor Ahrens „ . T . G . D . „ John Wordsworth „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ John Wilson „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ Jlanoah Rhodes ,, G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ,. William Foster „ G . Sivord Bearer .
„ Jeremiah Rhodes „ G . Organist . „ A \ illiara Patmau „ G . Purst . „ T . A . Bottomley „ G . Assist . Purst . „ J . JI . Woodhead „ G . Standard Bearer . „ G . JIutley Waud ") „ J . D . Gates |
" " : ^ " : ! ¦ „ G . Stewards . „ John llurpin | „ J . E . Smith | „ Joint Denton J » * : «»* A *™ } „ G . Tyto . „ Joshua Lee i J
SIIEFEIELD . — Centenary of Vie Britannia Lodge ( Xo . 139 ) . — On Thursday , tho 27 th ult ., the members of the mystic fraternity assembled at the Freemasons' Hull , Surrey-street , to commemorate the centenary of the oldest lodge in Sheffield . This auspicious event would have been celebrated on the 19 th inst ., but was deferred to enable ihe brethren to assist their Prov . G . JI ., Earl do Grey and Ripon , to lay the foundation stone of a new Jlechauics' Institution at Hudderslield on that
day . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock , and addresses were delivered by Bros . Bentley Shaw , of Hudderslield , I ) . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire ; AVm . Short , AV . M . j Major AVebster , P . Prov . G . Keg . ; AVilliam Longden , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; and others . Bro . Wm . AVhite , Jun ., P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., also read an interesting paper , in which he traced the history of tho lodgo from its foundation , April 19 th , 1765 , to tho present time , giving copious extracts from the minute hooks , which have all been carefully preserved , and pointing out the