Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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great value of a connected series of records of this description , for not only do these minutes give a vast amount of information relative to the progress of Jlasonry in Sheffield , Rotherham , AVorksop , Barnsley , York , and other places , hut they shed much light upon the history of the town itself , and illustrate the lives of some of those men who have in former times played a conspicuous part in local affairs . After tho closing of the
lodge a large number of the members of the Craft assembled at the Black Swan Hotel , under the presidency of Bi-o . AA m . Short , W . JI ., who was supported by all the brethren named above , and by Bros . G . Stewart , P . Prov . G . Org . ; T . Shipton , AV . JI . Scarsdale Lodge , Chesterfield ; E . Farrar , AV . JI . Phcenix Lodge , Rotherhani ; the Rev . P . Browne , M . A . ; Arnison , AV . JI . Royal Brunswick Lodge , Sheffield ; Hay , P . JI . ;
Drury , P . JI . ; Garnet , S . W . ; and many visiting brethren . A tempting repast was placed on the table by Bro . Morris , ancl the usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given and responded to with grout enthusiasm , and agreeably interspersed with appropriate music . The JLAA " . Grand Master has granted a warrant to the members of the Britannia Lodge , authorising them to wear a centenary jewel of very beautiful design , commemorative of this event .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
JIETROPOLITAN . MEETING OJ ? THE SCTREJIE COUNCIL OP THE XXXIir . The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° held a meeting at the London Coffee-house , Ludgate-hill , on Thursday , the 27 th of April , when the Reverend AA'illiam Henry AVentworth Atkins Bowyer , Rector of Clapham , and Thomas AVillis Fleming , Provincial Grand Jlaster of the Isle of AAlghtwere installed
, SS . GG . II . GG . On the same day the 111 . Bros . AA . Smith , C . B ., and C . J . Banister , were advanced to the 31 ° . On Friday , the 2 Sth , the Supreme Council held a meeting of brethren of the 30 ° . There were present Dr . H . B . Leeson , JI . P . Sov . G . Com . ; Lieut .-Col . Ii . A . Bowyer , Lieut . G . Com . ; H . G . Vernon , G . Treas . Gen . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , H . E . ; JRev . AV . H . A . AV . Bowyer , H . E . ; and C . J . Vigne , retired 33 ° . '
Dr . AVinslow Lewis , 33 rd Sec . Gen . Northern division of the United States ; Dr . JR . H . Goolden , C . Goolden , AV . JIasefield , R . Costa , and Hvde Pullen , all of the 32 ° ; Colonel Goddard , Captain A . H . King , AV . Smith , C . E ., and AV . Bollaert , of the 31 ° ; Charles Beaumont , Richard Spencer , Lieut .-Col . Jleehan , J . AV . Figg , JI . II . Shuttleworth , Rev . J . Hill Grice , C . II . Cox , Jlatthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Council , and several
others of the SO ' . There were eleven Rose Croix candidates present , amongst them the Ex . and Verf . Bros . Salting and Guibelei . Although summoned for four o'clock , it was a quarter past five before the business commenced , and several brethren left , owing to tho unwarrantable delay . Dr . Leeson , the M . JP . Sov . G . Com ., assisted by Bros . Hyde Pullen , and R . Costa , performed the ceremony , after which the usual banquet took place .
Royal Arch.
GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held in the " Zetland , " one of the new lodge rooms , on AVednesday last , there being present , Comps . P . H . Hall , acting as Z . ; the Rev . J . Huyshe , as II . ; F . Pattison . J . ; Clarke , E . ; Scott , N . ; Potter , P . Soj ; X Smith and JN . Bradford , Assist . Sojs ;
Maudslay , Le Veau , Gole , Mclntyre , J . Havers , Slight , Savage , Spiers , Young , & c . The Chapter having been duly opened and the laws of the Grand Chapter read , the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The appointment of the Graud Officers ivas next proceeded
with and stands as follows : —Earl of Zetland , Z . ; the Earl de Grey and Ripon , H . ; Comps . J . Haver ,., J . ; Clarke , K ; Roxburgh , N . ; Sir JI . Hicks Beach , P . Soj ; A ictor AVillianison and A . AA . AA ' oods . Assist . Sojs . ; S , Tomkins , Treas . ; Jlclntyre .
Royal Arch.
Reg . ; G . Cox , Sword Bearer ; J . Merry weather , Standard Bearer ; C . Beaumont , Dir . of Cirs . ; and C . Payne , Janitor . Comp . Havers being present was installed as third principal . The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken , as read and adopted . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 17 th January to the 18 th April , 1865 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — - Balance 17 th January £ 318 5 2 Subsequent Receipts .., 343 IS 6 £ G 62 3 8
Purchase of £ 300 , Three per Cent . Consols £ 179 15 0 Disbursements during the Quarter 124 9 6 Balance , ,,., 357 19 2
£ 662 3 8 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival , & Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Grand Chapter having , at the convocation holden iu May last , resolved that Comp . R . AV . Little bo employed for one year to assist in those duties of the office appertaining to the business
of Grand Chapter , the committee recommend that the appointment be made a permanent one , and that Comp . Little be allowed a salary of £ 25 per annum . Tho committee beg also to report that they have received an application from the Chapter of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , Rotherhithe , praying for permission to remove to Deptford . The
application is in order , and the lodge having given its consent to such proposed removal , the committee recommend that the prayer of the applicants be granted . The committee heg also to report that they have received the following petitions for new chapters , namely : — 1 st . From Companions Albert Schmitt as Z , John Durell as
H , Clement Le Sueur as J , and sixteen others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , to be called the " Cesaree Chapter , " and to meet at the JIasonie Temple , Stopford-road , St . Heller ' s , Jersey , on the 2 nd Thursday- in JIarch , Juno , September , and December .
2 nd . From Companions AVilliam Henry Smith as Z , William Joseph AVhalley as H , Jesse F . AVaite as J , and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Pelham Pillar Lodge ( No . 792 ) , Great Grimsby , to be called tho " Oliver Chapter , " and to meet in Bull Ring-lane , Great Grimsby , on the 3 rd Thursday in February , April Juno , August , October , and December .
3 rd . From Companions John Read as Z , James Stevens as II , Joseph Nunn as J , and six others for a chapter to bo attached to the Panmure Lodge ( No . 720 ) , Brixton , to bo called the Panmure Chapter , to moot . at the Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-road , Brixton , on tho 2 nd Jlonday in every third month .
4 th . From Comps . AA . T . Greaves as Z ., E . Busher as IL , J . Boives as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , Kendal , to be called tho Kendal Castle Chapter , to meet at tho JIasonie Rooms , Kendal , on the last Friday iu the months of JIarch , Juno , September , and December .
Sth . —From Coinps . , T . Cr . Richards as Z ., S . Chappie as II ., R . Lose as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to tiie Brunswick Lodge ( No . 139 ) , Plymouth , to be called the Brunswick Chapter , to meet at the JIasonie Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , on the last Wednesday in the months of January , April , July , and October .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
great value of a connected series of records of this description , for not only do these minutes give a vast amount of information relative to the progress of Jlasonry in Sheffield , Rotherham , AVorksop , Barnsley , York , and other places , hut they shed much light upon the history of the town itself , and illustrate the lives of some of those men who have in former times played a conspicuous part in local affairs . After tho closing of the
lodge a large number of the members of the Craft assembled at the Black Swan Hotel , under the presidency of Bi-o . AA m . Short , W . JI ., who was supported by all the brethren named above , and by Bros . G . Stewart , P . Prov . G . Org . ; T . Shipton , AV . JI . Scarsdale Lodge , Chesterfield ; E . Farrar , AV . JI . Phcenix Lodge , Rotherhani ; the Rev . P . Browne , M . A . ; Arnison , AV . JI . Royal Brunswick Lodge , Sheffield ; Hay , P . JI . ;
Drury , P . JI . ; Garnet , S . W . ; and many visiting brethren . A tempting repast was placed on the table by Bro . Morris , ancl the usual loyal and JIasonie toasts were given and responded to with grout enthusiasm , and agreeably interspersed with appropriate music . The JLAA " . Grand Master has granted a warrant to the members of the Britannia Lodge , authorising them to wear a centenary jewel of very beautiful design , commemorative of this event .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
JIETROPOLITAN . MEETING OJ ? THE SCTREJIE COUNCIL OP THE XXXIir . The Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° held a meeting at the London Coffee-house , Ludgate-hill , on Thursday , the 27 th of April , when the Reverend AA'illiam Henry AVentworth Atkins Bowyer , Rector of Clapham , and Thomas AVillis Fleming , Provincial Grand Jlaster of the Isle of AAlghtwere installed
, SS . GG . II . GG . On the same day the 111 . Bros . AA . Smith , C . B ., and C . J . Banister , were advanced to the 31 ° . On Friday , the 2 Sth , the Supreme Council held a meeting of brethren of the 30 ° . There were present Dr . H . B . Leeson , JI . P . Sov . G . Com . ; Lieut .-Col . Ii . A . Bowyer , Lieut . G . Com . ; H . G . Vernon , G . Treas . Gen . ; Capt . N . G . Philips , H . E . ; JRev . AV . H . A . AV . Bowyer , H . E . ; and C . J . Vigne , retired 33 ° . '
Dr . AVinslow Lewis , 33 rd Sec . Gen . Northern division of the United States ; Dr . JR . H . Goolden , C . Goolden , AV . JIasefield , R . Costa , and Hvde Pullen , all of the 32 ° ; Colonel Goddard , Captain A . H . King , AV . Smith , C . E ., and AV . Bollaert , of the 31 ° ; Charles Beaumont , Richard Spencer , Lieut .-Col . Jleehan , J . AV . Figg , JI . II . Shuttleworth , Rev . J . Hill Grice , C . II . Cox , Jlatthew Cooke , Org . to Sup . G . Council , and several
others of the SO ' . There were eleven Rose Croix candidates present , amongst them the Ex . and Verf . Bros . Salting and Guibelei . Although summoned for four o'clock , it was a quarter past five before the business commenced , and several brethren left , owing to tho unwarrantable delay . Dr . Leeson , the M . JP . Sov . G . Com ., assisted by Bros . Hyde Pullen , and R . Costa , performed the ceremony , after which the usual banquet took place .
Royal Arch.
GRAND CHAPTER . A quarterly convocation of Grand Chapter was held in the " Zetland , " one of the new lodge rooms , on AVednesday last , there being present , Comps . P . H . Hall , acting as Z . ; the Rev . J . Huyshe , as II . ; F . Pattison . J . ; Clarke , E . ; Scott , N . ; Potter , P . Soj ; X Smith and JN . Bradford , Assist . Sojs ;
Maudslay , Le Veau , Gole , Mclntyre , J . Havers , Slight , Savage , Spiers , Young , & c . The Chapter having been duly opened and the laws of the Grand Chapter read , the minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . The appointment of the Graud Officers ivas next proceeded
with and stands as follows : —Earl of Zetland , Z . ; the Earl de Grey and Ripon , H . ; Comps . J . Haver ,., J . ; Clarke , K ; Roxburgh , N . ; Sir JI . Hicks Beach , P . Soj ; A ictor AVillianison and A . AA . AA ' oods . Assist . Sojs . ; S , Tomkins , Treas . ; Jlclntyre .
Royal Arch.
Reg . ; G . Cox , Sword Bearer ; J . Merry weather , Standard Bearer ; C . Beaumont , Dir . of Cirs . ; and C . Payne , Janitor . Comp . Havers being present was installed as third principal . The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was taken , as read and adopted . The Committee of General Purposes beg to report that they
have examined the accounts from the 17 th January to the 18 th April , 1865 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — - Balance 17 th January £ 318 5 2 Subsequent Receipts .., 343 IS 6 £ G 62 3 8
Purchase of £ 300 , Three per Cent . Consols £ 179 15 0 Disbursements during the Quarter 124 9 6 Balance , ,,., 357 19 2
£ 662 3 8 which balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival , & Co ., bankers of the Grand Treasurer . The Grand Chapter having , at the convocation holden iu May last , resolved that Comp . R . AV . Little bo employed for one year to assist in those duties of the office appertaining to the business
of Grand Chapter , the committee recommend that the appointment be made a permanent one , and that Comp . Little be allowed a salary of £ 25 per annum . Tho committee beg also to report that they have received an application from the Chapter of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , Rotherhithe , praying for permission to remove to Deptford . The
application is in order , and the lodge having given its consent to such proposed removal , the committee recommend that the prayer of the applicants be granted . The committee heg also to report that they have received the following petitions for new chapters , namely : — 1 st . From Companions Albert Schmitt as Z , John Durell as
H , Clement Le Sueur as J , and sixteen others , for a chapter to be attached to the Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 590 ) , Jersey , to be called the " Cesaree Chapter , " and to meet at the JIasonie Temple , Stopford-road , St . Heller ' s , Jersey , on the 2 nd Thursday- in JIarch , Juno , September , and December .
2 nd . From Companions AVilliam Henry Smith as Z , William Joseph AVhalley as H , Jesse F . AVaite as J , and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Pelham Pillar Lodge ( No . 792 ) , Great Grimsby , to be called tho " Oliver Chapter , " and to meet in Bull Ring-lane , Great Grimsby , on the 3 rd Thursday in February , April Juno , August , October , and December .
3 rd . From Companions John Read as Z , James Stevens as II , Joseph Nunn as J , and six others for a chapter to bo attached to the Panmure Lodge ( No . 720 ) , Brixton , to bo called the Panmure Chapter , to moot . at the Loughborough Hotel , Loughborough-road , Brixton , on tho 2 nd Jlonday in every third month .
4 th . From Comps . AA . T . Greaves as Z ., E . Busher as IL , J . Boives as J ., and six others , for a chapter to be attached to the Union Lodge ( No . 129 ) , Kendal , to be called tho Kendal Castle Chapter , to meet at tho JIasonie Rooms , Kendal , on the last Friday iu the months of JIarch , Juno , September , and December .
Sth . —From Coinps . , T . Cr . Richards as Z ., S . Chappie as II ., R . Lose as J ., and eight others , for a chapter to be attached to tiie Brunswick Lodge ( No . 139 ) , Plymouth , to be called the Brunswick Chapter , to meet at the JIasonie Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , on the last Wednesday in the months of January , April , July , and October .