Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the committee recommend that the prayers thereof he respectively granted . Tho committee have also received a petition from Companions Samuel Darley Forbes as Z , George Alexander Gale as H , Joseph Thomas ICirkman as J , and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Carnarvon Lodgo ( No . SOJ ) ,
Havant , to ho called the Carnarvon Chapter , to meet at the Black Dog Inn , Havant , tin the 3 rd Tuesday in the months of February , May , August , and November . This petition is regular iu form , and is recommended by the Graud Superintendent of the province , but the sanction of tho Carnarvon Lodgo does not accompany it . This has been
written for , and subject to its being sent in , in sufficient time , the committee recommend that the prayer of the petition bo granted . The committee have likewise received a petition from Comp . Philip Benham as Z , AVilliam Adams as II , Cornelius Donaldson as J , and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Prince
of Wales' Lodge ( No . 1003 ) , Jersey , to bo called , the Prince of Ay / ales' Chapter , to meet at the Masonic Temple , StopCovd-voad , St . Helier ' s Jersey , on the 2 nd Wednesday in the months of February , Jlay , August , and November . This petition is recommended by the Grand Superintendent
of the province , but tho name of one of the petitioners has not yet been returned for registration by tho chapter in which he was exalted . Subject to tiie registration of such name before the meeting of the Grand Chapter , tho committee recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted . ( Signed ) AVM . PULTENEV SCOTT , President .
Freemasons' Hall , London , April 19 ! h , ISJiy . The regular business having been concluded , it was unanimously resolved—That the thanks of this committee are due and avo hereby tendered to tho Excellent Companion AV . Pulteney Scott , the President , for the unremitting attention he has given to all matters of business that have been brought
forward during his year of office , as well as for his kind and ourteous bearing to all tho members . ( Signed ) BENJAIIIN HEAD , Past Grand Sivord Bearer . JVeeiimsoiis' Hall , London , April Villi , 1 SG 3 . The various chapters prayed for were granted .
The Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing year was then formed , and consists of the three Grand Principals e . vofjleio ; Comps . Scott , Head , and Levean , appointed by the G . Z . ; and Comps . Savage , Gole , Adlard , Young , Merry-weather , ana J . Smith elected . Grand Chapter was then closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
DEA'ONSIIIRE . ^ OKICE TOWN , DEVOxroitT . —Lodge St . Aidnjn ( No . 01 ) . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held ou Monday , the 21 th ult ., at seven o'clock p . m . After the confirmation of the minutes , a ballot was taken for three candidates for advancement . The same being satisfactory , and the candidates in attendance , they were introduced , and advanced to the
degree of JIark JIaster . The ceremony was most effectively worked by the V . W . H . B . Kent , ably assisted by the V . W . Bros . Chappie , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; P . Prov . G . Reg . ; and P . M . of 48 and 04 ; the Senior Warden , who delivered the charge ; and the Junior Warden , who explained the symbolism of the working tools . The business of the evening having been brought to a conclusion , the brethren retired to refreshment . Several appropriate toasts were given , and heartily received ; that of the Provincial Grand Lodge was responded to by the A . W .
Mark Masonry.
Bros . Chappie , P . Prov . G . Reg ., and Heath , Assist . G . Sec . of the province . The S . W . took occasion , in proposing the health . of the AV . M ., to congratulate him on his newly-acquired rank of P . G . Officer , saying he felt assured that the assembled brethren , as well as himself , most sincerely wished him continued , health -and happiness with his recently-acquired honours .
JIONAGHAN . NEVJBT / ISS LOTIG" ( No . 791 ) . —Tho members of this very popular lodge held a special meeting in the Town Hall , Newbliss , on Thursday , April 13 th , for tho purpose of initiating into the mysteries of the Craft a number of persons from the neighbourhood of Enniskerry , County AVieklow , who purpose forming a lodge in that locality . At the hour of three o'clock the lodge was opened in duo form , Bro . Andrew K . Robinson ,
AV . JI ., presiding , the following brethren taking their respective posts on the occasion .- —Brcs . John Patterson , S . W . ; Richard Ivor , J . AA . ; Robert Kev , S . D . ; Joseph Crawford , J . D . The ceremony of initiation ivas ably performed by Bro . Patterson , 831 , Clones , and embellished with such an amount of JIasonie reading and study ai cave the entire proceedings a beauty and sublimity never before known in country lodges . Bros . Quigley , Walker , Buckly , and Richards , were raised to the degree of
JIaster JIasons . The ceremony occupied the brethren a considerable time . Labour having concluded , and the time of refreshment having arrived , at the hour of eight o'clock the brethren sat down to dinner , which was served up by Bro . Gillespie in his usual style . Covers were laid for twenty-five , but oiling to the invitation of some special guests that numberwas exceeded . After ample justice being done to the goodthings so liberally provided , and the cloth being removed , the social part of the evening commenced . The chair was filled by
the AV . M ., Bro . Robinson ; tho vice-char . " by Bro . Richard Crawford , P . JI . The following toasts were given : — " The Qr . een and the Craft , " " The Prince and Princess of AVales , " "The Duke of Lciustev , " with full Masonic honours , "Our County Wickloiv Brethren who have favoured us with their company , " given with honours . Bros . Walker and Buckley returned thanks in very suitable terms . They said thoy had often heard abc-ut the Northbut now thoy could speak of it
, from experience , as from the kind reception they had received that evening , -and the pains taken to make them " all right " both in a JIasonie and social point of view , they had nearly made up their minds not to return to the South . Bro . AValker , in c ^ n : lu :-:: o-. i , proposed " The Health of tho AA orshipful JIaster , " to which . Bro . Robinson responded iu eloquent terms . "The A ' iee-Chair" ivas then given and responded to by Bro . Crawford :
in his v . xv . a ' i happy manner . " Tiie Press" came next , which called forth , from Bro . Robert Ivor a very forcible and eloquent speech bearing on the subject , tho delivery of which was very warmly applauded by the brethren . Jfany other minor toasts having been given and responded to , ivhieh called forth some excellent addresses , interspersed with appropriate songs , the evening passed over in a very harmonious and brotherly manner , and at an early hour the concluding toast , "Our next Merry Meeting , " was given , when tho brethren separated in " love and u-. iitv . "
The Week.
TJIE CouitT . —The Queen and Royal family remain at Osborne , The Prince and Princess of AA ales have returned to Buckingham . Palace . On Tuesday their Royal Hignesses visited the Strand Tlieatre . It has been officially announced that the Duke of . Cambridge will accompany the Prince of AVales to Dublin on tho occasion of the opening of the International Exhibition iu
that city . Their Eoyal Highnesses will arrive in Dublin on Monday next . IirPEiilAL PARLlAirE . vr . — -In the HOITSE OF LOBDS on Thursday , the 27 th , Lord Russell gave notice of his intention to move , an address to tho Crown , on Monday , expressing " sorrow and indignation " at tho assassination of Jlr . Lincoln , and praying her JIajcsty to convey that expression of feeling to the Govern-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
The foregoing petitions being in all respects regular , the committee recommend that the prayers thereof he respectively granted . Tho committee have also received a petition from Companions Samuel Darley Forbes as Z , George Alexander Gale as H , Joseph Thomas ICirkman as J , and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the Carnarvon Lodgo ( No . SOJ ) ,
Havant , to ho called the Carnarvon Chapter , to meet at the Black Dog Inn , Havant , tin the 3 rd Tuesday in the months of February , May , August , and November . This petition is regular iu form , and is recommended by the Graud Superintendent of the province , but the sanction of tho Carnarvon Lodgo does not accompany it . This has been
written for , and subject to its being sent in , in sufficient time , the committee recommend that the prayer of the petition bo granted . The committee have likewise received a petition from Comp . Philip Benham as Z , AVilliam Adams as II , Cornelius Donaldson as J , and six others for a chapter to be attached to the Prince
of Wales' Lodge ( No . 1003 ) , Jersey , to bo called , the Prince of Ay / ales' Chapter , to meet at the Masonic Temple , StopCovd-voad , St . Helier ' s Jersey , on the 2 nd Wednesday in the months of February , Jlay , August , and November . This petition is recommended by the Grand Superintendent
of the province , but tho name of one of the petitioners has not yet been returned for registration by tho chapter in which he was exalted . Subject to tiie registration of such name before the meeting of the Grand Chapter , tho committee recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted . ( Signed ) AVM . PULTENEV SCOTT , President .
Freemasons' Hall , London , April 19 ! h , ISJiy . The regular business having been concluded , it was unanimously resolved—That the thanks of this committee are due and avo hereby tendered to tho Excellent Companion AV . Pulteney Scott , the President , for the unremitting attention he has given to all matters of business that have been brought
forward during his year of office , as well as for his kind and ourteous bearing to all tho members . ( Signed ) BENJAIIIN HEAD , Past Grand Sivord Bearer . JVeeiimsoiis' Hall , London , April Villi , 1 SG 3 . The various chapters prayed for were granted .
The Committee of General Purposes for the ensuing year was then formed , and consists of the three Grand Principals e . vofjleio ; Comps . Scott , Head , and Levean , appointed by the G . Z . ; and Comps . Savage , Gole , Adlard , Young , Merry-weather , ana J . Smith elected . Grand Chapter was then closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
DEA'ONSIIIRE . ^ OKICE TOWN , DEVOxroitT . —Lodge St . Aidnjn ( No . 01 ) . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held ou Monday , the 21 th ult ., at seven o'clock p . m . After the confirmation of the minutes , a ballot was taken for three candidates for advancement . The same being satisfactory , and the candidates in attendance , they were introduced , and advanced to the
degree of JIark JIaster . The ceremony was most effectively worked by the V . W . H . B . Kent , ably assisted by the V . W . Bros . Chappie , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; P . Prov . G . Reg . ; and P . M . of 48 and 04 ; the Senior Warden , who delivered the charge ; and the Junior Warden , who explained the symbolism of the working tools . The business of the evening having been brought to a conclusion , the brethren retired to refreshment . Several appropriate toasts were given , and heartily received ; that of the Provincial Grand Lodge was responded to by the A . W .
Mark Masonry.
Bros . Chappie , P . Prov . G . Reg ., and Heath , Assist . G . Sec . of the province . The S . W . took occasion , in proposing the health . of the AV . M ., to congratulate him on his newly-acquired rank of P . G . Officer , saying he felt assured that the assembled brethren , as well as himself , most sincerely wished him continued , health -and happiness with his recently-acquired honours .
JIONAGHAN . NEVJBT / ISS LOTIG" ( No . 791 ) . —Tho members of this very popular lodge held a special meeting in the Town Hall , Newbliss , on Thursday , April 13 th , for tho purpose of initiating into the mysteries of the Craft a number of persons from the neighbourhood of Enniskerry , County AVieklow , who purpose forming a lodge in that locality . At the hour of three o'clock the lodge was opened in duo form , Bro . Andrew K . Robinson ,
AV . JI ., presiding , the following brethren taking their respective posts on the occasion .- —Brcs . John Patterson , S . W . ; Richard Ivor , J . AA . ; Robert Kev , S . D . ; Joseph Crawford , J . D . The ceremony of initiation ivas ably performed by Bro . Patterson , 831 , Clones , and embellished with such an amount of JIasonie reading and study ai cave the entire proceedings a beauty and sublimity never before known in country lodges . Bros . Quigley , Walker , Buckly , and Richards , were raised to the degree of
JIaster JIasons . The ceremony occupied the brethren a considerable time . Labour having concluded , and the time of refreshment having arrived , at the hour of eight o'clock the brethren sat down to dinner , which was served up by Bro . Gillespie in his usual style . Covers were laid for twenty-five , but oiling to the invitation of some special guests that numberwas exceeded . After ample justice being done to the goodthings so liberally provided , and the cloth being removed , the social part of the evening commenced . The chair was filled by
the AV . M ., Bro . Robinson ; tho vice-char . " by Bro . Richard Crawford , P . JI . The following toasts were given : — " The Qr . een and the Craft , " " The Prince and Princess of AVales , " "The Duke of Lciustev , " with full Masonic honours , "Our County Wickloiv Brethren who have favoured us with their company , " given with honours . Bros . Walker and Buckley returned thanks in very suitable terms . They said thoy had often heard abc-ut the Northbut now thoy could speak of it
, from experience , as from the kind reception they had received that evening , -and the pains taken to make them " all right " both in a JIasonie and social point of view , they had nearly made up their minds not to return to the South . Bro . AValker , in c ^ n : lu :-:: o-. i , proposed " The Health of tho AA orshipful JIaster , " to which . Bro . Robinson responded iu eloquent terms . "The A ' iee-Chair" ivas then given and responded to by Bro . Crawford :
in his v . xv . a ' i happy manner . " Tiie Press" came next , which called forth , from Bro . Robert Ivor a very forcible and eloquent speech bearing on the subject , tho delivery of which was very warmly applauded by the brethren . Jfany other minor toasts having been given and responded to , ivhieh called forth some excellent addresses , interspersed with appropriate songs , the evening passed over in a very harmonious and brotherly manner , and at an early hour the concluding toast , "Our next Merry Meeting , " was given , when tho brethren separated in " love and u-. iitv . "
The Week.
TJIE CouitT . —The Queen and Royal family remain at Osborne , The Prince and Princess of AA ales have returned to Buckingham . Palace . On Tuesday their Royal Hignesses visited the Strand Tlieatre . It has been officially announced that the Duke of . Cambridge will accompany the Prince of AVales to Dublin on tho occasion of the opening of the International Exhibition iu
that city . Their Eoyal Highnesses will arrive in Dublin on Monday next . IirPEiilAL PARLlAirE . vr . — -In the HOITSE OF LOBDS on Thursday , the 27 th , Lord Russell gave notice of his intention to move , an address to tho Crown , on Monday , expressing " sorrow and indignation " at tho assassination of Jlr . Lincoln , and praying her JIajcsty to convey that expression of feeling to the Govern-