Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 →
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fflie Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondent ! . HISTORY OF THE KNIGHT TEMPLARS . TO THB RDITOR OF THB FllEEMASONS' BUGAZIME AND MASONIC M-RIIOR . Dear Sir and Brother , —I desire , with Bro . A » 5 < , to
¦ express the great pleasure with which I have perused our talented Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ' s " History of the Knights Templars . " It does him great credit , and is well worthy , as A > J < suggests , of being published singly in book form . Bro . Haye ' s answer to A » 5 s on page 411 of the Magazine contains three very important pieces of information : —
1 st . " There never was , and there never has been , up till the end of the seventeenth or beginning of the eighteenth century any connection between the Templars and Preemasons . " 2 nd . "The true descendants of the ancient Templars are the barristers of the Temple . " 3 rd . " There was no secret doctrine among the ancient Templars . ''
Which three sentences gives a great deal of information in a very small space , and highly worthy of being well pondered and digested by all interested . We look forward with great interest to Bro . Haye's fifth hook . I would feel gratified if Bro . Haye could inform
me if there was ever any connection between the ancient Hospitallers and the Preemasons in Scotland , and , if so ,, of what sort ? Also , if there was any secret doctrine among the ancient Hospitallers ? Tours fraternally , PIOTUS .
'TO THE EDITOB OF THB F __ EE __ __ SO _ . S * MXGAZIXE AND HASOJTIC 31 ISBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Allow me to correct an inadvertent mistake made by me in the Magazine for May 23 rd . In alluding to our esteemed Bro . Schmitt , I spoke of his estates as having been " larger than 'the whole island of Jersey . " Permit me now to
explain that it is the estates of Bro . the Count De Sesmaisons , of La Cesaree Lodge , which are of the extent alluded to . At the same time I crave the pardon of my dear Bro . Schmitt for the unfortunate error in my notes . Yours fraternally , J . A . H .
MASONIC LIFE-BOAT . 10 THE EDITOE OF THE _ . EEES _ ASO _ . S' 1 _ AGAZI _ -E A _ fD HASO .. IC MIBBOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —In the Express of Tuesday last , under the heading " Odd Fellows , A . M . C ., at Cheltenham , " I read the following : — " The Directors
had paid over £ 620 for the 'Manchester Unity' lifeboat , which waa to be launched early in August , and will be stationed at "Cleethorps , near Grimsby , on the Lincolnshire coast . " Comment upon the above is superfluous . Yours fraternally , LECTOE .
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
EOYAL MASONIC INSHTUTIOH' BOB BOYS . —We have been requested to bring the case of C . W . E . Betty , a candidate for the next election , before the Craft . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Dr . H . Hopkins , 3 , Plymouth-road , Totnes . On the occasion of tbe laying the foundation stone of the Eoyal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , on June 17 th , Grand Lodge will be opened prior to tbe ceremony .
WE understand that Eed Cross Conclaves will shortly be established in the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey—tbe popular Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., will in all probability , be appointed Inspector-General for Guernsey . THE installation by Bro . the Eight Hon . the Barl of Dalhousie . K . T ., Grand M . M . of Scotland , of Bro . Hector F .
McLean , as Prov . G . M . of the province of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , took place on Tuesday , the 26 th ult „ in the County Hall , Lanark ; the attendance of brethren was very numerous , and we hope to be able to give a full report of the proceedings in our next .
United Grand Lodge.
The quarterly communication of the United Grand Lodge of England took place on Wednesday evening , June 3 , in Freemasons' Hall , and there was an unusual full attendance for this season of the year . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on entering the , hall , preceded by his Sword Bearer , was greeted with
the most hearty , cheering , and his lordship looked in the enjoyment of excellent health . He took his seat upon the throne , surrounded by a number of Provincial Grand Masters and Grand Officers . Bro . John Fawcett , Prov . G . M . for Durham , was the acting D . G . M ., Bro . Havers , as S . G . W ., and Bro . J . le Gendre Starkie , J . G . W . ; and there were present , amongst many others ,
the following brethren : —Lord de Tabley , Prov ; G . M . for Cheshire ; the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G . M . for Bristol ; Daniel Hart , Dist . G . M . for Trinidad ; Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; iEneas J . M'Intyre , the Eev .
Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ,- the Eev . Eoberfc J . Simpson and the Kev . Thomas F . Eamshaw , P . G . Chaplains John Emmens , P : G . Pursts ; John L . Hopwood , P . G . D . ; Benjamin Head , P . G . D ., the Eev . C . E . Davy , P . G . Chaplain ; John Symonds , P . Ass . G . D . C ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; H . Browse , J . G . D ; E . J . Fraser , P . G . D . ; William Young , P . G . S . B . ;
William Farnfield , P . Ass . G . Sec . ; J . Coward , G . Org . ; Albert W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas , Ass . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John M'Clabon , P . G . D . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Eich . A . Williamson , P . G . W . ; ' Eev . E . Bedford , P . G . Chaplain ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; BicUard . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; George Cox , P . G . S . B . ; Samuel Tomkins , G . Treasurer ; William Gray Clarke , G .
Sec . ; J . Smith , " P . G . Purst . ; Thos . A . Adams , P . G . Purst . j Dr . Goldsbro ' , J . E . Saunders , Nann , Thos . Lewis , 0 . Pursts . Meggy , & c . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with solemn prayer .
THE LAST QUARTERLY COHIHINICATIOS . The G . Secretary read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 4 th of March , which were c » a < inned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
fflie Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondent ! . HISTORY OF THE KNIGHT TEMPLARS . TO THB RDITOR OF THB FllEEMASONS' BUGAZIME AND MASONIC M-RIIOR . Dear Sir and Brother , —I desire , with Bro . A » 5 < , to
¦ express the great pleasure with which I have perused our talented Bro . Anthony Oneal Haye ' s " History of the Knights Templars . " It does him great credit , and is well worthy , as A > J < suggests , of being published singly in book form . Bro . Haye ' s answer to A » 5 s on page 411 of the Magazine contains three very important pieces of information : —
1 st . " There never was , and there never has been , up till the end of the seventeenth or beginning of the eighteenth century any connection between the Templars and Preemasons . " 2 nd . "The true descendants of the ancient Templars are the barristers of the Temple . " 3 rd . " There was no secret doctrine among the ancient Templars . ''
Which three sentences gives a great deal of information in a very small space , and highly worthy of being well pondered and digested by all interested . We look forward with great interest to Bro . Haye's fifth hook . I would feel gratified if Bro . Haye could inform
me if there was ever any connection between the ancient Hospitallers and the Preemasons in Scotland , and , if so ,, of what sort ? Also , if there was any secret doctrine among the ancient Hospitallers ? Tours fraternally , PIOTUS .
'TO THE EDITOB OF THB F __ EE __ __ SO _ . S * MXGAZIXE AND HASOJTIC 31 ISBOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —Allow me to correct an inadvertent mistake made by me in the Magazine for May 23 rd . In alluding to our esteemed Bro . Schmitt , I spoke of his estates as having been " larger than 'the whole island of Jersey . " Permit me now to
explain that it is the estates of Bro . the Count De Sesmaisons , of La Cesaree Lodge , which are of the extent alluded to . At the same time I crave the pardon of my dear Bro . Schmitt for the unfortunate error in my notes . Yours fraternally , J . A . H .
MASONIC LIFE-BOAT . 10 THE EDITOE OF THE _ . EEES _ ASO _ . S' 1 _ AGAZI _ -E A _ fD HASO .. IC MIBBOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —In the Express of Tuesday last , under the heading " Odd Fellows , A . M . C ., at Cheltenham , " I read the following : — " The Directors
had paid over £ 620 for the 'Manchester Unity' lifeboat , which waa to be launched early in August , and will be stationed at "Cleethorps , near Grimsby , on the Lincolnshire coast . " Comment upon the above is superfluous . Yours fraternally , LECTOE .
Masonic Mems.
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
EOYAL MASONIC INSHTUTIOH' BOB BOYS . —We have been requested to bring the case of C . W . E . Betty , a candidate for the next election , before the Craft . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Dr . H . Hopkins , 3 , Plymouth-road , Totnes . On the occasion of tbe laying the foundation stone of the Eoyal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , on June 17 th , Grand Lodge will be opened prior to tbe ceremony .
WE understand that Eed Cross Conclaves will shortly be established in the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey—tbe popular Bro . Gallienne , P . D . Prov . G . M ., will in all probability , be appointed Inspector-General for Guernsey . THE installation by Bro . the Eight Hon . the Barl of Dalhousie . K . T ., Grand M . M . of Scotland , of Bro . Hector F .
McLean , as Prov . G . M . of the province of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , took place on Tuesday , the 26 th ult „ in the County Hall , Lanark ; the attendance of brethren was very numerous , and we hope to be able to give a full report of the proceedings in our next .
United Grand Lodge.
The quarterly communication of the United Grand Lodge of England took place on Wednesday evening , June 3 , in Freemasons' Hall , and there was an unusual full attendance for this season of the year . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on entering the , hall , preceded by his Sword Bearer , was greeted with
the most hearty , cheering , and his lordship looked in the enjoyment of excellent health . He took his seat upon the throne , surrounded by a number of Provincial Grand Masters and Grand Officers . Bro . John Fawcett , Prov . G . M . for Durham , was the acting D . G . M ., Bro . Havers , as S . G . W ., and Bro . J . le Gendre Starkie , J . G . W . ; and there were present , amongst many others ,
the following brethren : —Lord de Tabley , Prov ; G . M . for Cheshire ; the Earl of Limerick , Prov . G . M . for Bristol ; Daniel Hart , Dist . G . M . for Trinidad ; Llewellyn Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; iEneas J . M'Intyre , the Eev .
Sir John Warren Hayes , Bart ., P . G . Chaplain ,- the Eev . Eoberfc J . Simpson and the Kev . Thomas F . Eamshaw , P . G . Chaplains John Emmens , P : G . Pursts ; John L . Hopwood , P . G . D . ; Benjamin Head , P . G . D ., the Eev . C . E . Davy , P . G . Chaplain ; John Symonds , P . Ass . G . D . C ; E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; H . Browse , J . G . D ; E . J . Fraser , P . G . D . ; William Young , P . G . S . B . ;
William Farnfield , P . Ass . G . Sec . ; J . Coward , G . Org . ; Albert W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas , Ass . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John M'Clabon , P . G . D . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Eich . A . Williamson , P . G . W . ; ' Eev . E . Bedford , P . G . Chaplain ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; BicUard . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . ; George Cox , P . G . S . B . ; Samuel Tomkins , G . Treasurer ; William Gray Clarke , G .
Sec . ; J . Smith , " P . G . Purst . ; Thos . A . Adams , P . G . Purst . j Dr . Goldsbro ' , J . E . Saunders , Nann , Thos . Lewis , 0 . Pursts . Meggy , & c . The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form and with solemn prayer .
THE LAST QUARTERLY COHIHINICATIOS . The G . Secretary read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 4 th of March , which were c » a < inned .