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BEDFORDSHIRE . LEIGHTON BUZZARD . —Beaudesert Lodge ( No . 10 S 7 ) . —Tlie regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Eoom of the Corn Exchange , on Monday , May Ilth . Bro . Arthur Whyley , Prov . G . Reg ., W . M . in the chair . Bros . Bernard T . Fountain , Prov . G . Treasurer , S . W . ; — Gotto , J . W . ;
F . Gotto , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Works , Hon . Sec . ; Henry Poynter , I . G ., & c , & c . Visitor : Bro . John Bowes , P . M . ; Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland . The lodge was opened in form with the usual solemnities , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A discussion now took place as to the desirability of closing the lodge for the months of JuneJul }' and Augustwhichafter due considerationwas
, , , , , assented to . There being no further business Bro . Bowes tendered hearty good wishes from the Union Lodge , 129 , Kendal and the Lodge of Lights , 148 , Warrington , and the lodge was closed in form according to ancient custom , and the brethren separated in harmony .
KENT . DARTPORD . —Lodge of Emulation ( No . 299 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge for the installation of the W . M . elect and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year , was held at the Bull Hotel on Tuesday , the 26 th ult .,, when a numerous company assembled , consisting of many influential members of the Craftrepresentatives of several London and provincial
, lodges . The lodge was opened at three o'clock by the W . M . Bro . Peter Harvey , P . G . D . Cers ., who , after the usual preliminary business proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro G . W . C . Bonner , which ceremony was most impressively performed , calling forth high eulogiums from the brethren . The newlyinstalled master having appointed his officers , and the business of the lodge over , the brethren proceeded to a splendid banquet ,
which will long be remembered by those present , it being served in Bro . Bray's best style with the most recherche delicacies , while the tables were profusely decorated with the choicest flowers . The W . M . was supported by tbe P . M ' s . of tbe lodge and numerous visitors , including Bros . W . A . Hill , Prov . G . Chap- ; Thomas F . Nefctleingliam , 77 , P . Prov . S . G . W .: L . A . Hart , 77 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Snow , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Hills , 77 ,
P . Prov . J . S . D . ; G . Ashdown ,. P . Prov . ; G . Pourst , G . S . Wright , W . M ., 77 ; Thomas Pottinger , P . M ., 77 ; Charles Relph , S . W ., 188 ; H . G . Hollingum , J . D ., 77 ; & c , & c . After the usual loyal toasts the W . Master , in proposing the health of the Installing Master , Bro . Peter Harvey , said that no words of his could express the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren , not only for his zeal for Masonry , but also in his
private life , he had great pleasure in affixing to his collar a striking proof of this in the shape of a handsome jewel , with a complimentary inscription thereon , and concluded by saying that he hoped the lodge would long continue to have the benefit of his ( Bro . Harvey ' s ) valuable services . Some excellent songs were sung by the brethren , and after a most enjoyable evening they parted in that true Masonic spirit for which this lodge is so justly distinguished .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON—Lodge of Lights , No . 148 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankeystreet ; Bro . James Hepherd , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . David W . Finney , S . W . ; W . Richardson as J . W . ; H . B . White , P . M . ; Prov . G . D . C . John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . C . & W . ; Thomas JonesJ . D .- Joseph RobinsonIGWSHawkins
, , , .. ; . . , Horatio Syred , J . Laithwaite , R . Richardson , T . Domville , W . Woods , G . Woolf , W . Savage , T . Morris , A . F . Huttman , John Leigh Wilson , W . H . Spring , James Johnson , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Peter Carter , 941 . The lodge was opened in form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . John Leigh Wilson as a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of the Order , which was unanimousl
proved y in favour of tbat gentleman , and , he being present , was initiated by Bro . John Bowes , at the request of the W . M . The working tools were presented , and explained by the acting J . W ., Bro . W . Eichardson , and the charge was delivered by the S . W ., Bro . D . W . Finney . The See . drew attention to the fact that the M . W . Grand Matter would lay the foundation
stone of the Eoyal Albert Asylum at Lancaster , with full masonic honours , on Wednesday , June 17 th inst . There being no further business the lodge was duly closed , aud ihe brethren departed in harmony .
NOETH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE .. The E . W . Bro . Sir Watkin William Wynn , Bart , M-7 P-, having appointed Friday , tlie 24 th ult ., for holding his Prov . G . Lodge , tbe members of the St . John ' s ( Xo . 601 ) , and of several other lodges assembledto the number of sixtyin the
, , lodge room at the Bull Hotel , Wellington . The R . W . Prov . G . Master and several other officers of the Prov . G . Lodge were unavoidably absent , their presence being required at Hie public reception of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Caernarvon . This , though a great disappointment , was to some degree lessened , when it became known that the highly esteemed and E . W . Bro . E . H . Dymockthe D . Prov . G . M . had arrived and
, would preside on the occasion . Bro . Staney , the IV . Jf . of the St . John's Lodge opened a Craft lodge in the three degree ? , soon after which the D . Prov . G . Master and the following members of the Prov . G . Lodge entered in procession : — Bros . E . H . Dyraock , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M .: T . W . J . Goldsbro' as Prov . G . S . W . ; W . Brightwell as P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . P . White as Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . — Benson as Prov . G .
Chap . ; Charles Wigan as Prov . G . See . ; B . H . B Owen as Prov . S . G . D . ; — Knowles as P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Charles Dut . ton as P . Prov . G . S . D ., Cheshire ; Charles Oakelev as P . S . G . B . ; — Stanway as P . P . G . P . ; — Atkins as P . A . P . G . P . ; Thomas Blakeraan Brown as P . G . S . ; Edward Price as P . G . S . The following Masters , Past Masters , and brethren were also present : —
Bros . Slaney , W . M ., 601 ; Wood , M . V ., P . M .. 262 ; J . M . Edward ? , W . M ., 998 ; T . C . Eyfcon . P . M ., 601 ; Francis Smith , PM ., 998 ; Bellis , P . M ., 601 ; Rowland Millington , P . M ., 601 ; D . P . Owen , S . W . 998 ; Blakeway , 262 ; Barber , G 01 ; George Higgins , Anglesea Lodge , 1 , 113 ; John Millington , 601 ; J . Murless , Denbigh , 1 , 143 ; Lawrence and Yates , St . iiiUmrga Lodge , 1 , 120 ; Roberts , Denbigh Lodge , 1143 ; Slowinmi , 262 ; Hayley , 601 ; and others whose names we were unable to
obtain . The R . W ,. Bro . Dymock , having opened the Prov . G . Lodge , explained the cause of the regretted absence of the Prov . G . Master , V . W . Bro . J . P . White read his voport ( as Prov . G . Treas . ) , from whicli it appeared that the funds of the Prov . G . Lodge , notwithstanding increased contributions to the Charitie- - , had very considerably augmented since DecemberI 860 and he
ex-, , pressed the great pleasure he felt in announcing tlie prosperous state of Masonry in the province , and at the same time of mentioning the punctuality with which the secretaries of tbe various lodges had made their returns to the Prov . G . Lodge , which had enabled bim to make up tbe accounts some weeks ago . The D . P . G . Master expressed the pleasure he felt in hearing the satisfactory statements of the Prov . G . Treas . as to the prosperous condition of tlie Grand Lodge funds , and it was
unanimously agreed that the report of the P . G . Treas . should be entered upon the minutes . Tbe following brethren were nominated and appointed Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing term : —
V . W . Bros . William Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W ;; B . H . Bulkeley Owen , Prov . J . G . W . ; Revs . Benson and John Mocedith Edwards ( W . M . 998 ) , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . P . White , Prov . G . Treas . ; Charles Oakeley , Prov . G . Begist . ; Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec ; Mellor , Hamer , Thomas Blakeman Brown , Prov . G . S . of W . ; Rowland Millington , Prov . G . S . B . ; Eichard Forrest , Prov . G . Org . ; Tiptocl , P . M ., 262 ; Edward Pryce and E . Elias , Prov . G . S . ; Mallard , Prov . G . T .
Bro . William Brightwell , P . Prov . S-G . W ., spoke in highly complimentary terms of the valuable services of Bro . White , Prov . G . Treas ., and proposed that a Prov . G . Lodge Jewel should be presented to him . The proposition was seconded by the E . W . D . P . G . Master and carried unanimously . The D . P . G . Master at a subsequent period alluded to the very long and valued services of Bro . Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec , and proposed that a Prov . Grand Lodge Jewel be also presented to him
as a mark of the esteem of the Prov . G . Lodge , which was seconded by Bro . B . H . B . Owen , Prov . J . G . W ., and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , to the number of sixty , adjourned to tbo Assembly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BEDFORDSHIRE . LEIGHTON BUZZARD . —Beaudesert Lodge ( No . 10 S 7 ) . —Tlie regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Assembly Eoom of the Corn Exchange , on Monday , May Ilth . Bro . Arthur Whyley , Prov . G . Reg ., W . M . in the chair . Bros . Bernard T . Fountain , Prov . G . Treasurer , S . W . ; — Gotto , J . W . ;
F . Gotto , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Works , Hon . Sec . ; Henry Poynter , I . G ., & c , & c . Visitor : Bro . John Bowes , P . M . ; Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland . The lodge was opened in form with the usual solemnities , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . A discussion now took place as to the desirability of closing the lodge for the months of JuneJul }' and Augustwhichafter due considerationwas
, , , , , assented to . There being no further business Bro . Bowes tendered hearty good wishes from the Union Lodge , 129 , Kendal and the Lodge of Lights , 148 , Warrington , and the lodge was closed in form according to ancient custom , and the brethren separated in harmony .
KENT . DARTPORD . —Lodge of Emulation ( No . 299 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge for the installation of the W . M . elect and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year , was held at the Bull Hotel on Tuesday , the 26 th ult .,, when a numerous company assembled , consisting of many influential members of the Craftrepresentatives of several London and provincial
, lodges . The lodge was opened at three o'clock by the W . M . Bro . Peter Harvey , P . G . D . Cers ., who , after the usual preliminary business proceeded to instal the W . M . elect , Bro G . W . C . Bonner , which ceremony was most impressively performed , calling forth high eulogiums from the brethren . The newlyinstalled master having appointed his officers , and the business of the lodge over , the brethren proceeded to a splendid banquet ,
which will long be remembered by those present , it being served in Bro . Bray's best style with the most recherche delicacies , while the tables were profusely decorated with the choicest flowers . The W . M . was supported by tbe P . M ' s . of tbe lodge and numerous visitors , including Bros . W . A . Hill , Prov . G . Chap- ; Thomas F . Nefctleingliam , 77 , P . Prov . S . G . W .: L . A . Hart , 77 , P . Prov . S . G . D . ; J . Snow , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Hills , 77 ,
P . Prov . J . S . D . ; G . Ashdown ,. P . Prov . ; G . Pourst , G . S . Wright , W . M ., 77 ; Thomas Pottinger , P . M ., 77 ; Charles Relph , S . W ., 188 ; H . G . Hollingum , J . D ., 77 ; & c , & c . After the usual loyal toasts the W . Master , in proposing the health of the Installing Master , Bro . Peter Harvey , said that no words of his could express the high esteem in which he was held by the brethren , not only for his zeal for Masonry , but also in his
private life , he had great pleasure in affixing to his collar a striking proof of this in the shape of a handsome jewel , with a complimentary inscription thereon , and concluded by saying that he hoped the lodge would long continue to have the benefit of his ( Bro . Harvey ' s ) valuable services . Some excellent songs were sung by the brethren , and after a most enjoyable evening they parted in that true Masonic spirit for which this lodge is so justly distinguished .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON—Lodge of Lights , No . 148 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankeystreet ; Bro . James Hepherd , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . David W . Finney , S . W . ; W . Richardson as J . W . ; H . B . White , P . M . ; Prov . G . D . C . John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg . C . & W . ; Thomas JonesJ . D .- Joseph RobinsonIGWSHawkins
, , , .. ; . . , Horatio Syred , J . Laithwaite , R . Richardson , T . Domville , W . Woods , G . Woolf , W . Savage , T . Morris , A . F . Huttman , John Leigh Wilson , W . H . Spring , James Johnson , Tyler . Visitor : Bro . Peter Carter , 941 . The lodge was opened in form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . John Leigh Wilson as a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of the Order , which was unanimousl
proved y in favour of tbat gentleman , and , he being present , was initiated by Bro . John Bowes , at the request of the W . M . The working tools were presented , and explained by the acting J . W ., Bro . W . Eichardson , and the charge was delivered by the S . W ., Bro . D . W . Finney . The See . drew attention to the fact that the M . W . Grand Matter would lay the foundation
stone of the Eoyal Albert Asylum at Lancaster , with full masonic honours , on Wednesday , June 17 th inst . There being no further business the lodge was duly closed , aud ihe brethren departed in harmony .
NOETH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE .. The E . W . Bro . Sir Watkin William Wynn , Bart , M-7 P-, having appointed Friday , tlie 24 th ult ., for holding his Prov . G . Lodge , tbe members of the St . John ' s ( Xo . 601 ) , and of several other lodges assembledto the number of sixtyin the
, , lodge room at the Bull Hotel , Wellington . The R . W . Prov . G . Master and several other officers of the Prov . G . Lodge were unavoidably absent , their presence being required at Hie public reception of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Caernarvon . This , though a great disappointment , was to some degree lessened , when it became known that the highly esteemed and E . W . Bro . E . H . Dymockthe D . Prov . G . M . had arrived and
, would preside on the occasion . Bro . Staney , the IV . Jf . of the St . John's Lodge opened a Craft lodge in the three degree ? , soon after which the D . Prov . G . Master and the following members of the Prov . G . Lodge entered in procession : — Bros . E . H . Dyraock , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M .: T . W . J . Goldsbro' as Prov . G . S . W . ; W . Brightwell as P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . P . White as Prov . G . Treas . ; Rev . — Benson as Prov . G .
Chap . ; Charles Wigan as Prov . G . See . ; B . H . B Owen as Prov . S . G . D . ; — Knowles as P . Prov . S . G . D . ; Charles Dut . ton as P . Prov . G . S . D ., Cheshire ; Charles Oakelev as P . S . G . B . ; — Stanway as P . P . G . P . ; — Atkins as P . A . P . G . P . ; Thomas Blakeraan Brown as P . G . S . ; Edward Price as P . G . S . The following Masters , Past Masters , and brethren were also present : —
Bros . Slaney , W . M ., 601 ; Wood , M . V ., P . M .. 262 ; J . M . Edward ? , W . M ., 998 ; T . C . Eyfcon . P . M ., 601 ; Francis Smith , PM ., 998 ; Bellis , P . M ., 601 ; Rowland Millington , P . M ., 601 ; D . P . Owen , S . W . 998 ; Blakeway , 262 ; Barber , G 01 ; George Higgins , Anglesea Lodge , 1 , 113 ; John Millington , 601 ; J . Murless , Denbigh , 1 , 143 ; Lawrence and Yates , St . iiiUmrga Lodge , 1 , 120 ; Roberts , Denbigh Lodge , 1143 ; Slowinmi , 262 ; Hayley , 601 ; and others whose names we were unable to
obtain . The R . W ,. Bro . Dymock , having opened the Prov . G . Lodge , explained the cause of the regretted absence of the Prov . G . Master , V . W . Bro . J . P . White read his voport ( as Prov . G . Treas . ) , from whicli it appeared that the funds of the Prov . G . Lodge , notwithstanding increased contributions to the Charitie- - , had very considerably augmented since DecemberI 860 and he
ex-, , pressed the great pleasure he felt in announcing tlie prosperous state of Masonry in the province , and at the same time of mentioning the punctuality with which the secretaries of tbe various lodges had made their returns to the Prov . G . Lodge , which had enabled bim to make up tbe accounts some weeks ago . The D . P . G . Master expressed the pleasure he felt in hearing the satisfactory statements of the Prov . G . Treas . as to the prosperous condition of tlie Grand Lodge funds , and it was
unanimously agreed that the report of the P . G . Treas . should be entered upon the minutes . Tbe following brethren were nominated and appointed Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing term : —
V . W . Bros . William Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W ;; B . H . Bulkeley Owen , Prov . J . G . W . ; Revs . Benson and John Mocedith Edwards ( W . M . 998 ) , Prov . G . Chap . ; J . P . White , Prov . G . Treas . ; Charles Oakeley , Prov . G . Begist . ; Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec ; Mellor , Hamer , Thomas Blakeman Brown , Prov . G . S . of W . ; Rowland Millington , Prov . G . S . B . ; Eichard Forrest , Prov . G . Org . ; Tiptocl , P . M ., 262 ; Edward Pryce and E . Elias , Prov . G . S . ; Mallard , Prov . G . T .
Bro . William Brightwell , P . Prov . S-G . W ., spoke in highly complimentary terms of the valuable services of Bro . White , Prov . G . Treas ., and proposed that a Prov . G . Lodge Jewel should be presented to him . The proposition was seconded by the E . W . D . P . G . Master and carried unanimously . The D . P . G . Master at a subsequent period alluded to the very long and valued services of Bro . Charles Wigan , Prov . G . Sec , and proposed that a Prov . Grand Lodge Jewel be also presented to him
as a mark of the esteem of the Prov . G . Lodge , which was seconded by Bro . B . H . B . Owen , Prov . J . G . W ., and carried unanimously . The Prov . G . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , to the number of sixty , adjourned to tbo Assembly