Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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West Indies.
my recovery from the recent serious illness with which the Almighty was pleased to afflict me . For that recovery , believe me . I am trcly , sincerely , and heartfeltedly grateful , not only on account of being still spared as head of my own family , but as the local ruler of that ancient and honourable craft to which we respectively belong . You do me too much honour , howeverin supposing that if it
, bad been decreed otherwise , the loss to our fraternity would have been an irreparable one , because , although I am satisfied that you could not have found a more ardent and faithful disciple of Freemasonry than myself , to fill the position I hold amongst your , there are many of tbe brethren who are capable of discharging the duties of that high office with credit and ability , if not with tbe same enthusiasm and experience that , you admit
, have always characterisee my career as District Grand Master . AVith tlie assistance of the Great Arrhitect , to whom all of us are subject , I hope very speedily to resume my wonted place in the bosom of our lodge , and to thank you verbally for those kind and sympathetic words you have just conveyed to me . In the meantime accept this very imperfect expression of my thanksand believe me when I say tbat your graceful and
spon-, taneous congratulations have deeply affected me , and will be treasured as an evidence of how much I am respected and beloved by the brethren of the District Grand Lodge of this Province . I remain mv dear Brethren , yours ever Fraternally , DANIEL HART , D . G . M .
Mark Masonry.
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND . CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 60 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tbe Sth ult ., at their rooms , Castle-street , when the chair was occupied by Bro . G . G . Hayward , who was assisted by Bros . T . Blacklock . ' W . M . elect , as S . W . ; H . Fleming , J . W . ; F . W . HaywardP . M . Prov . S . G . D ., as M . O . ; J . A . WheatlyS . O . ;
, , , A . VVoodhouse , J . O . and acting Sec . ; AV . Court , S . D . ; J . Porter , J . D . ; W . Murray , I . P . M ., G . S . ; T . Cockburn , I . G . : and J . Barnes , Tyler . The minutes of the last regular and committee meeting were confirmed . This being the night of installation , Bro . T . Blackloe . k was escorted to the pedestal by Bros . F . W . Hayward and Murray , and after signifying assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by Bro . G . G .
Hayward . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows , viz .: —¦ Bros . H . Fleming , S . W . ; W . Johnson , J . W . ; J . A . AVheatley , M . O . ; A . Woodhouse , S . O . and acting Sec . ; G . Turnbull , J . O . ; Rev . W . Cookett , Chap . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., re-elected Treas . for the fourth time ; W . Pratchitt , Reg . of Marks ; AV . Court , S . D . ; J . Porter , J . D . ; T . Cockburn , I . G . ; and John BarnesTlerre-elected for the third time- The Installing
, y , Master then gave the charge to each officer . Bro . F . AV . Hayward then brought before the lodge the condition of the Eoyal Freemasons' School for Female Children , and was sorry to say it was in want of aid , and as he ( Bro . H . ) intended to ask each of tbe lodges in Carlisle to contribute something towards defraying that debt , so , therefore , he begged to propose that two guineas be presented by this lodge . After
much discussion it was finally decided upon , that a donation of one guinea should be presented , and also that one guinea annually be subscribed to make the W . M . . pro . tern , a governor . A proposition by Bro . G . G . Hayward , seconded by Bro . J . Porter , " that this lodge , No . 50 , do invite the Grand Lodge to meet here iu the first vacant year ; " carried was unanimously . After other business had been completed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the adjoining room , where coffee and other refreshment had been provided , and after spending an hour in conviviality , all parted in harmonv .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge since its removal from Leicest er was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 7 th ult ., when there were present Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . who presided ; AV . Pettifor , W . M ., as P . M . ; Rev . W . K . Robinson , W . M . elect ; Rev . W . Langley , as S . W . ; H . Douglas , as J . W ., and the following members of the Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) , Leicester ; Bros .
Mark Masonry.
Duff , as M . O . ; AV . B . Smith , as S . O . ; Herbert , as J . O . ; Weare . as S . D . ; Manning , as I . G . ; J . Hunt , and C . Bembridge , Tyler , Tbe lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting , including the election of the W . M ., and the transfer of the warrant , read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the following brethren , all of the Rutland Craft Lodge ( No . 1130 ) as candidatesviz ,: T . MarkhamW . AdcockE . W .
, , , , Johnson , J . F . Foist , C . L . Ferneley , W . Sharman , and J . M . Leadbetter , all of whom were elected and advanced as Mark Masters , together with Bros . Bright and Mann , who had been elected at the last lodge . The P . G . M ., assisted by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Pettifor , then proceeded to instal Bro . the Eev . W . Kay Eobinson , into the chair of the Adom ' ram , and was duly proclaimed and elected . The W . M . then appointed and
invested the following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year : Eev . W . Langley , S . W . and chaplain , Douglas ; J . AA . Adcock , M . O . ; Bright , S . O . ; Fast , J . O . ; Sharman , Sec . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Markham , J . D . ; Ferneley , Dir . Cers . ; Mann , J . G . Bro , Leadbeater was also elected , and invested as Treasurer . Three brethren of the Rutland Lodge having been proposed as candidates , and the revised by-laws having been adopted , tho lodge was closed in due form , after which Prov . G . M . and the visiting brethren from Leicester were entertained at a banquet by the members of thc lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . A iCTORlA CHAHTER ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —A regular meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The chapter was duly opened by the principals , aud the . companions were then admitted , after which ballots were taken for two candidates , and Bro . M . Bamberger being in attendance was exalted in R . A . Masonry . Tbe
election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : Comps . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; Oliver H . Clark , J . ( provided a dispensation be granted by the Grand Z . of the Order ) ; Pendlebury , S . E . Long , S . N . ; Brett , P . Z ., Treas . ; Goltheil , P . S . ; Grant , Janitor . Higman , Goltheil , and Harris , Auditors . A Past Principal ' s Jewel was voted to Comp . Pendlebury , the retiring Z ., for his efficient services during the past year . The chapter was then
closed , and the companions above-named , together with Comps . Noebmer , Bolleter , and visiting Comp . Dodd , D . C , of 975 , adjourned to an unpretending but substantial repast , and a very pleasant evening was , as is usual with the " Victorias ' , " enjoyed by all present . A chapter of emergency will be held on Friday , tbe 26 tb inst ., for the purpose of exalting Bro . W . Norman Leslie , of 592 who is going abroadand any other candidate
, , who may present themselves for exaltation . We congratulate this young chapter upon the signal success which has attended its labours during the brief period which has elapsed since its consecration hy Comps . Little , P . Z ., and Hubbard , P . Z ., in October , 1867 .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., when there were present Companions Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H ., as M . E . Z . ; Clephan and Bankart , P . Z . ' s ; AYeare , M . E . Z . elect : Rev . J . Spittal , H . ; L . A . Clark ,, ! . ; Barfoot , as E . ; Tolleras N . ; Rev . W . LangleyPSStrettanRide !
, , .. ; , Gamble , and others . The chapter having been opened in solemn form and with prayer , a board of installed principals was held and Comps . Weare , Spittal , and Clarke weie regularly installed in their respective chairs of Z ., H . and J . by Comp . Kelly , assisted by Comps . Clepham and Bankart , P . Z . 's . On the Board of Installed Principals being closed , and the other companions having been admitted , a ballot was taken for Partrid
Bros . S . S . ge , F . J , Baines , and AV . Sculthorpe , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , 523 , and Bro . J . J . F . Scott , of the Howe and Cbarmvood Lodge , 1007 , Loughborough , who were all duly elected . Bros . Partridge and Baines being in at tendance were exalted by Comp . Kelly , alter which the Eev . Comp . Spittal delivered the historical lectures , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical and mystical lectures . Tbe duties of P . S . were ( for the first time ) most efficiently performed by the Eev . Comp . Langley , who was elected to that office at the last meeting . There being no further business the chapter was closed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
West Indies.
my recovery from the recent serious illness with which the Almighty was pleased to afflict me . For that recovery , believe me . I am trcly , sincerely , and heartfeltedly grateful , not only on account of being still spared as head of my own family , but as the local ruler of that ancient and honourable craft to which we respectively belong . You do me too much honour , howeverin supposing that if it
, bad been decreed otherwise , the loss to our fraternity would have been an irreparable one , because , although I am satisfied that you could not have found a more ardent and faithful disciple of Freemasonry than myself , to fill the position I hold amongst your , there are many of tbe brethren who are capable of discharging the duties of that high office with credit and ability , if not with tbe same enthusiasm and experience that , you admit
, have always characterisee my career as District Grand Master . AVith tlie assistance of the Great Arrhitect , to whom all of us are subject , I hope very speedily to resume my wonted place in the bosom of our lodge , and to thank you verbally for those kind and sympathetic words you have just conveyed to me . In the meantime accept this very imperfect expression of my thanksand believe me when I say tbat your graceful and
spon-, taneous congratulations have deeply affected me , and will be treasured as an evidence of how much I am respected and beloved by the brethren of the District Grand Lodge of this Province . I remain mv dear Brethren , yours ever Fraternally , DANIEL HART , D . G . M .
Mark Masonry.
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORLAND . CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 60 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tbe Sth ult ., at their rooms , Castle-street , when the chair was occupied by Bro . G . G . Hayward , who was assisted by Bros . T . Blacklock . ' W . M . elect , as S . W . ; H . Fleming , J . W . ; F . W . HaywardP . M . Prov . S . G . D ., as M . O . ; J . A . WheatlyS . O . ;
, , , A . VVoodhouse , J . O . and acting Sec . ; AV . Court , S . D . ; J . Porter , J . D . ; W . Murray , I . P . M ., G . S . ; T . Cockburn , I . G . : and J . Barnes , Tyler . The minutes of the last regular and committee meeting were confirmed . This being the night of installation , Bro . T . Blackloe . k was escorted to the pedestal by Bros . F . W . Hayward and Murray , and after signifying assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by Bro . G . G .
Hayward . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows , viz .: —¦ Bros . H . Fleming , S . W . ; W . Johnson , J . W . ; J . A . AVheatley , M . O . ; A . Woodhouse , S . O . and acting Sec . ; G . Turnbull , J . O . ; Rev . W . Cookett , Chap . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., re-elected Treas . for the fourth time ; W . Pratchitt , Reg . of Marks ; AV . Court , S . D . ; J . Porter , J . D . ; T . Cockburn , I . G . ; and John BarnesTlerre-elected for the third time- The Installing
, y , Master then gave the charge to each officer . Bro . F . AV . Hayward then brought before the lodge the condition of the Eoyal Freemasons' School for Female Children , and was sorry to say it was in want of aid , and as he ( Bro . H . ) intended to ask each of tbe lodges in Carlisle to contribute something towards defraying that debt , so , therefore , he begged to propose that two guineas be presented by this lodge . After
much discussion it was finally decided upon , that a donation of one guinea should be presented , and also that one guinea annually be subscribed to make the W . M . . pro . tern , a governor . A proposition by Bro . G . G . Hayward , seconded by Bro . J . Porter , " that this lodge , No . 50 , do invite the Grand Lodge to meet here iu the first vacant year ; " carried was unanimously . After other business had been completed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the adjoining room , where coffee and other refreshment had been provided , and after spending an hour in conviviality , all parted in harmonv .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Howe Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge since its removal from Leicest er was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the 7 th ult ., when there were present Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . who presided ; AV . Pettifor , W . M ., as P . M . ; Rev . W . K . Robinson , W . M . elect ; Rev . W . Langley , as S . W . ; H . Douglas , as J . W ., and the following members of the Fowke Lodge ( No . 19 ) , Leicester ; Bros .
Mark Masonry.
Duff , as M . O . ; AV . B . Smith , as S . O . ; Herbert , as J . O . ; Weare . as S . D . ; Manning , as I . G . ; J . Hunt , and C . Bembridge , Tyler , Tbe lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting , including the election of the W . M ., and the transfer of the warrant , read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the following brethren , all of the Rutland Craft Lodge ( No . 1130 ) as candidatesviz ,: T . MarkhamW . AdcockE . W .
, , , , Johnson , J . F . Foist , C . L . Ferneley , W . Sharman , and J . M . Leadbetter , all of whom were elected and advanced as Mark Masters , together with Bros . Bright and Mann , who had been elected at the last lodge . The P . G . M ., assisted by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Pettifor , then proceeded to instal Bro . the Eev . W . Kay Eobinson , into the chair of the Adom ' ram , and was duly proclaimed and elected . The W . M . then appointed and
invested the following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year : Eev . W . Langley , S . W . and chaplain , Douglas ; J . AA . Adcock , M . O . ; Bright , S . O . ; Fast , J . O . ; Sharman , Sec . ; Johnson , S . D . ; Markham , J . D . ; Ferneley , Dir . Cers . ; Mann , J . G . Bro , Leadbeater was also elected , and invested as Treasurer . Three brethren of the Rutland Lodge having been proposed as candidates , and the revised by-laws having been adopted , tho lodge was closed in due form , after which Prov . G . M . and the visiting brethren from Leicester were entertained at a banquet by the members of thc lodge .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . A iCTORlA CHAHTER ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —A regular meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The chapter was duly opened by the principals , aud the . companions were then admitted , after which ballots were taken for two candidates , and Bro . M . Bamberger being in attendance was exalted in R . A . Masonry . Tbe
election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : Comps . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; Oliver H . Clark , J . ( provided a dispensation be granted by the Grand Z . of the Order ) ; Pendlebury , S . E . Long , S . N . ; Brett , P . Z ., Treas . ; Goltheil , P . S . ; Grant , Janitor . Higman , Goltheil , and Harris , Auditors . A Past Principal ' s Jewel was voted to Comp . Pendlebury , the retiring Z ., for his efficient services during the past year . The chapter was then
closed , and the companions above-named , together with Comps . Noebmer , Bolleter , and visiting Comp . Dodd , D . C , of 975 , adjourned to an unpretending but substantial repast , and a very pleasant evening was , as is usual with the " Victorias ' , " enjoyed by all present . A chapter of emergency will be held on Friday , tbe 26 tb inst ., for the purpose of exalting Bro . W . Norman Leslie , of 592 who is going abroadand any other candidate
, , who may present themselves for exaltation . We congratulate this young chapter upon the signal success which has attended its labours during the brief period which has elapsed since its consecration hy Comps . Little , P . Z ., and Hubbard , P . Z ., in October , 1867 .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., when there were present Companions Kelly , P . Z . and P . G . H ., as M . E . Z . ; Clephan and Bankart , P . Z . ' s ; AYeare , M . E . Z . elect : Rev . J . Spittal , H . ; L . A . Clark ,, ! . ; Barfoot , as E . ; Tolleras N . ; Rev . W . LangleyPSStrettanRide !
, , .. ; , Gamble , and others . The chapter having been opened in solemn form and with prayer , a board of installed principals was held and Comps . Weare , Spittal , and Clarke weie regularly installed in their respective chairs of Z ., H . and J . by Comp . Kelly , assisted by Comps . Clepham and Bankart , P . Z . 's . On the Board of Installed Principals being closed , and the other companions having been admitted , a ballot was taken for Partrid
Bros . S . S . ge , F . J , Baines , and AV . Sculthorpe , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , 523 , and Bro . J . J . F . Scott , of the Howe and Cbarmvood Lodge , 1007 , Loughborough , who were all duly elected . Bros . Partridge and Baines being in at tendance were exalted by Comp . Kelly , alter which the Eev . Comp . Spittal delivered the historical lectures , and Comp . Kelly the symbolical and mystical lectures . Tbe duties of P . S . were ( for the first time ) most efficiently performed by the Eev . Comp . Langley , who was elected to that office at the last meeting . There being no further business the chapter was closed