Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED SOCIETIES FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 13TH, 1868. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 13TH, 1868. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
in ancient and solemn form , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment under the presidency of the newly-installed M . E . Z ., Comp . Weare .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
METEOPOLITAN . EoSE AND LILT CONCLAVE ( NO . 3 ) . —A regular assembly of this conclave was held on Saturday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . Dr . Sidney E . Clarke , G . Prefect , M . P . S ., assisted by the following officers—Sir Knts . R . Ord , A . E . and Treasurer ; Cotterbrune
C . A . , S . G . ; E . Gurney , J . G . ; J . Terry , P . S .. Eecorder ; E . AV . Little , G . R ., as High Prelate ; T . F . Giles , ' Prefect ; Alfred Thompson , S . B . ; J . McKurnan , Herald ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Ballots were then taken for several candidates , and the under-mentioned brethren being in attendance were regularly installed as Knts . of the Order , viz ., —Captain Fras . G . Irwin , P . M . 153 , P . P . J . AVarden , Andalusia ; and Lieutenant John H . Macfarlane , S . D . 103 , Bristol .
A College of Viceroys was then held , and Sir Knts . Irwin and Macfarlane were received into the Priestly Order of Eusebius . A Senate of Sovereigns was then opened for the enthronement of Sir Knt . Irwin , he being about to preside as M . P . S . over a new conclave at AVeston-super-Mare , in which Sir Knt . Macfarlane ¦ will hold the position of V . E . The senate , college , and conclave were respectively closed , and the chevaliers adiourned to a sumptuous banquet , served in the style for which the Greyhound Hotel has attained so great a celebrity . Iu fact we need only
mention the fact that the Lodge of Harmony and the Iris chapter , comprising the elite of the aristocracy in their ranks , are held at Bro . Noyce's famed establishment . After the removal of the cloth , the M . P . S . gave the usual toasts , Sir Knt . Little returning thanks for the Grand Council as the only representative present . Sir Knt . H . A . Allman , of the Roman Eagle Conclave No . 6 , responded for the "Visitors , " and expressed his great satisfaction at the cordial reception accorded to him as a guest .
In proposing the health of the " Newly-installed Companions , " the M . P . S . expatiated on their high Masonic standing , and congratulated the Eose and Lily Conclave upon having given birth to two such distinguished children , whose entrance into the Order was but a prelude to the formation of another Eed Cross conclave in a distant part of the country . The toast was rereceived with great applause , and appropriately acknowledged
by Sir Knt . Little , as Sir Kuts . Irwin and Macfarlane had been compelled to leave in order to catch a train . The health of the worthy M . P . S . was greeted with enthusiasm , as was also the toast of the "Host" who had so bountifully catered for the Knights , aud Sir Knt . Noyce returned thanks for the compliment . After spending a very pleasant evening , the Knt . Companions separated about 9 o'clock .
COENWALL . TRURO . —Phcenix Conclave ( No . 57 ) . —An assembly of this conclave was held at the Masonic Hall , Truro , the 29 th ult ., at half-past 6 . In the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., the chair was taken by Bro . William James Hughan , P . S ., <__ c , and , after the formal opening , the acting M . P . S . installed Bros . E . T . Carlyon , Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , and Richard John , J . W . 13 ,
as Knights of the Order . It was agreed by the members to restore the number of the conclave to thirty-three , and some ten were balloted for as members immediately after that decision had been arrived at . Bro . WentwOrth Little , the indefatigable Grand Recorder of the Order , was balloted for , and unanimously accepted , as the first and only honorary life member of the conclave , for his uniform attention and ready response to all the wants of the brethren in the west of EnglandFrederick
. Martin Williams , Esq ., _!__ . _? ., during the same evening , was admitted as a joining member , amidst the warm expression of approval from the brethren present . The acting M . P . S . engaged to deliver an address at the next meeting relative to tbe historical position of the degree .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Grey Friars Lodge 1 , 101 , have forwarded £ 5 5 s , towards the above Fund .
Poetry .
PLEAD FOR THE ERRING . ( See the Masonic Precept , " Anger , " No . XXIV ., in Brov Purton Cooper ' s 3 rd Masonic Decade ) . Plead for the erring—in every prayer Thou offerest up for thy Father's care ; In tbe midst of thine happiness and joy ,
AVhen heavenly yearnings thy thoughts employ , AVhen thy spirit is held in Virtue ' s thrall , And thine hopes point upward—then pray for all . All are erring , thou perhaps will say ; All have neglected God's will to obey . True ;—but some are more guilty still , Have trespassed more greatly against His will ; Yet they are not beyond Mercy's recall . Plead for the erring—pray for all .
Yes ! plead for the erring—every day , AVhen even they wrong thee , kneel and pray . Remember thy Saviour thus pleaded before , Ere His torturing sacrifice was o'er . Ev'ry one sinneth—thou , too , may'st fall . Plead for the erring—pray for all . T . J . SWAIN .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 13th, 1868.
MONDAY , Sfcli—Geographical Society , at 8 f .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending June 13th, 1868.
MONDAY , June Sfcli . —Lodges : —St . Alban ' s , 29 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Peckham , 879 , Edinbro ' Oastle , Peekham-rye . TUESDJIY , June 9 th . —Lodges : —Ranelagh , 834 , Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith . Wellington , 548 , White Sivan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , June 10 th . —Com . Royal Mas- Ben .
Instat 3- Lodges : —Doric , 933 , Masons' Hall , Basinghallstreet . Montefiore , 1 , 017 , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY , June 11 th . —Lodges : —Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Lily-Lodge of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . Chapter : —Royal Jubilee , 72 , Horns' Tavern ,
Kennington . FRIDAY , June 12 th . —Lodges : —Caledonian , 134 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Chapters : — Friendship , 6 , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , Britannic , 33 , Freemasons' Hall . SATUKDAY , June 13 th . —Lodges : —London , 108 , Freemasons' Hall . Caveac , 176 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars .
To Correspondents.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , AA . C . LODGE REPORTS standing over until our next—No . 721 , 1 , 161 . Chapters 148 , 721 , 984 . Knight Templars—Tyrone Encampment . L . A . ALPORD ( Logansport ) . —Masonic Gems received with thanks . H . C . MJVRYPORT . —We cannot answer your questionbut would
, refer you to the G . Sec , Bro . L . L . Hillgeuhoff , Berlin . AVE regret that consequent upon our proof of music not reaching Bro . Johnson in time , we are reluctantly compelled to allow it to stand over until our next issue . THE " History of the Knight Templars" will be resumed next week , ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
in ancient and solemn form , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment under the presidency of the newly-installed M . E . Z ., Comp . Weare .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
METEOPOLITAN . EoSE AND LILT CONCLAVE ( NO . 3 ) . —A regular assembly of this conclave was held on Saturday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey . The conclave was duly opened by Sir Knt . Dr . Sidney E . Clarke , G . Prefect , M . P . S ., assisted by the following officers—Sir Knts . R . Ord , A . E . and Treasurer ; Cotterbrune
C . A . , S . G . ; E . Gurney , J . G . ; J . Terry , P . S .. Eecorder ; E . AV . Little , G . R ., as High Prelate ; T . F . Giles , ' Prefect ; Alfred Thompson , S . B . ; J . McKurnan , Herald ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Ballots were then taken for several candidates , and the under-mentioned brethren being in attendance were regularly installed as Knts . of the Order , viz ., —Captain Fras . G . Irwin , P . M . 153 , P . P . J . AVarden , Andalusia ; and Lieutenant John H . Macfarlane , S . D . 103 , Bristol .
A College of Viceroys was then held , and Sir Knts . Irwin and Macfarlane were received into the Priestly Order of Eusebius . A Senate of Sovereigns was then opened for the enthronement of Sir Knt . Irwin , he being about to preside as M . P . S . over a new conclave at AVeston-super-Mare , in which Sir Knt . Macfarlane ¦ will hold the position of V . E . The senate , college , and conclave were respectively closed , and the chevaliers adiourned to a sumptuous banquet , served in the style for which the Greyhound Hotel has attained so great a celebrity . Iu fact we need only
mention the fact that the Lodge of Harmony and the Iris chapter , comprising the elite of the aristocracy in their ranks , are held at Bro . Noyce's famed establishment . After the removal of the cloth , the M . P . S . gave the usual toasts , Sir Knt . Little returning thanks for the Grand Council as the only representative present . Sir Knt . H . A . Allman , of the Roman Eagle Conclave No . 6 , responded for the "Visitors , " and expressed his great satisfaction at the cordial reception accorded to him as a guest .
In proposing the health of the " Newly-installed Companions , " the M . P . S . expatiated on their high Masonic standing , and congratulated the Eose and Lily Conclave upon having given birth to two such distinguished children , whose entrance into the Order was but a prelude to the formation of another Eed Cross conclave in a distant part of the country . The toast was rereceived with great applause , and appropriately acknowledged
by Sir Knt . Little , as Sir Kuts . Irwin and Macfarlane had been compelled to leave in order to catch a train . The health of the worthy M . P . S . was greeted with enthusiasm , as was also the toast of the "Host" who had so bountifully catered for the Knights , aud Sir Knt . Noyce returned thanks for the compliment . After spending a very pleasant evening , the Knt . Companions separated about 9 o'clock .
COENWALL . TRURO . —Phcenix Conclave ( No . 57 ) . —An assembly of this conclave was held at the Masonic Hall , Truro , the 29 th ult ., at half-past 6 . In the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., the chair was taken by Bro . William James Hughan , P . S ., <__ c , and , after the formal opening , the acting M . P . S . installed Bros . E . T . Carlyon , Prov . G . Sec . for Cornwall , and Richard John , J . W . 13 ,
as Knights of the Order . It was agreed by the members to restore the number of the conclave to thirty-three , and some ten were balloted for as members immediately after that decision had been arrived at . Bro . WentwOrth Little , the indefatigable Grand Recorder of the Order , was balloted for , and unanimously accepted , as the first and only honorary life member of the conclave , for his uniform attention and ready response to all the wants of the brethren in the west of EnglandFrederick
. Martin Williams , Esq ., _!__ . _? ., during the same evening , was admitted as a joining member , amidst the warm expression of approval from the brethren present . The acting M . P . S . engaged to deliver an address at the next meeting relative to tbe historical position of the degree .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Grey Friars Lodge 1 , 101 , have forwarded £ 5 5 s , towards the above Fund .
Poetry .
PLEAD FOR THE ERRING . ( See the Masonic Precept , " Anger , " No . XXIV ., in Brov Purton Cooper ' s 3 rd Masonic Decade ) . Plead for the erring—in every prayer Thou offerest up for thy Father's care ; In tbe midst of thine happiness and joy ,
AVhen heavenly yearnings thy thoughts employ , AVhen thy spirit is held in Virtue ' s thrall , And thine hopes point upward—then pray for all . All are erring , thou perhaps will say ; All have neglected God's will to obey . True ;—but some are more guilty still , Have trespassed more greatly against His will ; Yet they are not beyond Mercy's recall . Plead for the erring—pray for all .
Yes ! plead for the erring—every day , AVhen even they wrong thee , kneel and pray . Remember thy Saviour thus pleaded before , Ere His torturing sacrifice was o'er . Ev'ry one sinneth—thou , too , may'st fall . Plead for the erring—pray for all . T . J . SWAIN .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 13th, 1868.
MONDAY , Sfcli—Geographical Society , at 8 f .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending June 13th, 1868.
MONDAY , June Sfcli . —Lodges : —St . Alban ' s , 29 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Peckham , 879 , Edinbro ' Oastle , Peekham-rye . TUESDJIY , June 9 th . —Lodges : —Ranelagh , 834 , Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith . Wellington , 548 , White Sivan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , June 10 th . —Com . Royal Mas- Ben .
Instat 3- Lodges : —Doric , 933 , Masons' Hall , Basinghallstreet . Montefiore , 1 , 017 , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY , June 11 th . —Lodges : —Bank of England , 263 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Lily-Lodge of Richmond , 820 , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey . Capper , 1 , 076 , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . Chapter : —Royal Jubilee , 72 , Horns' Tavern ,
Kennington . FRIDAY , June 12 th . —Lodges : —Caledonian , 134 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . Chapters : — Friendship , 6 , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , Britannic , 33 , Freemasons' Hall . SATUKDAY , June 13 th . —Lodges : —London , 108 , Freemasons' Hall . Caveac , 176 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridgestreet , Blackfriars .
To Correspondents.
* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , AA . C . LODGE REPORTS standing over until our next—No . 721 , 1 , 161 . Chapters 148 , 721 , 984 . Knight Templars—Tyrone Encampment . L . A . ALPORD ( Logansport ) . —Masonic Gems received with thanks . H . C . MJVRYPORT . —We cannot answer your questionbut would
, refer you to the G . Sec , Bro . L . L . Hillgeuhoff , Berlin . AVE regret that consequent upon our proof of music not reaching Bro . Johnson in time , we are reluctantly compelled to allow it to stand over until our next issue . THE " History of the Knight Templars" will be resumed next week , ;