Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
member of it , which induced him to send in bis resignation , which was accepted , and the acceptance was confirmed at a subsequent meeting , and notice thereof was duly sent him . The D . Prov . G . M . of Turkey held that the resignation was invalid , as a reconciliation had been effected in the interim between the brethren . The GRAND REGISTRAR , after hearing tho documents in the case read by the Grand Secretary , moved that the decision of
the D . Prov . G . M . be reversed , which was seconded by Bro . Lloyd . Bro . LAWRIE , the brother in question , stated that the differences had been adjusted in the interim , and the W . M . of tho lodge had in the first instance decided he would not accept his resignation . The GRAND REGISTRAR held that the resignation having been tenderedacceptedand confirmee ! the brother was no longer a
, , , member of the lodge , and he could only rejoin by being proposed ancl balloted for in the usual way . The GRAND MASTER concurred in this view of the case and the decision of the D . Prov . G . M ., was reversed ; tho Grand Master informing Bro . Lawrie that if he wished to rejoin the lodgo he must be proposed and balloted for in the usual way .
MASONIC ASYIUH AT CROYDON . Bro . J . UDALL , P . G . D ., moved that the sum of £ 50 bo given from the Fund of General Purposes , to supply coals to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum at Croydon , which was agreed to . Notices of motion which stood in the names of Bro . Motion , Stebbing , and Lloyd , were Avithdrawn .
BREVET RANK IN THE PROVINCES . Bro . H . G . WARREN , Prov . G . Steward , then moved the following resolution : —To insert at page 54 of the Book of Con . stitutions the following rule— "That every Provincial Grand Master shall by himself , his Deputy Grand Master , or Provincial Grand Secretary , forward to the Most Worshipful Grand Master a copy of the minutes of each Provincial Grand Lodge , within one
month of the holding thereof , together with tbe names of all brethren appointed to Provincial Grand Office , the names and numbers of the Lodges to which they belong , and their respective residences . " He said the motion is one which I consider to be of great importance in order to maintain the prerogative of your lordship , ancl also the rights and position of Grand Lodge . I have brought forward this motion very much in consideration of an expression which fell from your lordship some twelve months '
since , when I called attention to the rule on page 50 of the Book of Constitutions , with respect to non-residence . At that time your lordship expressed a decided opinion against giving a dispensation except under special circumstances , and your lordship expressed a hope that if the present laws should not prove to be effectual , that the brother who then addressed you or some other brother would bring the subject again before Grand Lodgo , in the shape of a direct motion . I have left it now twelve months , in the hopes that other members of the Craft of greater influence would have taken the matter up . Neither
the President of the Board of General Purposes , the Grand Registrar , or any other brother having done so , I have nowplaced this motion before yon , and I may remark that it is founded on the recommendation of a D . Prov . M . standing so high in the estimation of your lordship , that you are understood to havo offered him the command of his province if he chose to accept it . The object of the motion , as your lordship will seeis to place before your officers—for I do not expect
, your lordship will read all such documents—a return of the names of brethren" appointed to offices in the Provincial Grand Lodges , together with their residences , in order that it may be seen whether they have complied with the regulations of the Book of Constitutions , whether they are non-residents , and whether if they have not obtained dispensation , they have paid the fees to tbe Board of Benevolence , for I hold " that every
fee thus unpaid is so much money abstracted from the funds of that Board . ( Hear , hear . ) I am further induced to move this resolution from the faet that at the Grand Lodge in December last , it was solemnly declared that tiie power of granting past grand rank , belonged to your lordship alone , aud yet it is notorious that within six months of the very time that Grand Lodgo passed that resolution , brevet rank has been given in at least one province , and without some means of bringing these things officially before your lordship's notice , there is no power of checking the practice . I have no object of my
The Masonic Mirror.
own m any way to serve hi bringing this resolution forward , but when the Provincial Grand Masters step beyond the Pooh of Constitutions , there is no means of checking them except by such a resolution as that which I now propose . It is true the Booh of Constitutions at page 5 . 1 , says : " Correct minutes of the proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be kept in a book proper for the purpose , which shall be produced , by the Provincial Grand Master , for the inspection of the Grand
Master or Grand Lodge whenever required . " But then these minutes are never required except when some irregularity is brought officially under your lordship's notice , and therefore I confidently recommend the resolution whicli I now propose for tbe acceptance of Grand Lodge . Bro . BANNISTER , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . of Lancashire , and P . Prov . G . D . ot Durham , seconded the motion . Bro . STEBBING- —Before you put the motion , which I am not
desirous of opposing , I should propose that you should insert the words before the word " copy" " a fair summary or . " It would entail a vast amount- of labour on Provincial Grand Secretaries , as I know from twenty years' experience in that office , to copy out all the minutes . With this amendment , which will answer all the purposes , I shall be happy to support tho motion . Bro . HORTON SMITH approved of the proposed alteration . Bro . H . G . WARREN consented , observing ' that what he principally wished to be laid before the Grand Master , was the nature of tbe appointments .
The GRAND MASTER said he approved of the suggestion of Bro . Stebbing , and he entirely concurred with the motion of Bro . Warren . By accident , aud not officially , he had heen made aware of certain irregularities which had taken place in one province , but he had taken most effectual means to bring those irregularities before the Prov . G . M . He would not mention any names , because the matter had not beeu officially brought before him—hut he thought it is duty to take steps to rectify the
abuse , and to put a stop to the irregularity which had taken place . The matter had been brought before him by the Board of General Purposes , though that Board only knew of it by hearsay . At the same time he was glad to be fortified by such a resolution as bad now been proposed by Bro . Warren , which would more effectually meet cases of this kind . The resolution was then put and carried . unanimously . In reply to a question ,
The GRAND MASTER said that it would be competent to appoint the Committee immediately after the confirmation of the motion upon the next quarterly communication . All names of brethren intended to be nominated on the Committee , should he placed beforo the Board of Masters at their meeting previous to the next quarterly communication . He did not mean that any brother not so nominated would be disqualified , but he hoped , as it was so obviously for the convenience of the brethren , that his suggestion would be adhered to . All business being ended , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
FIRST TOWER HAMLETS ENGINEERS LODGE ( NO . 1204 ) . — This young but prospering lodge met at tbe Ship and Turtle , Leadenbail-street , E . C , on Monday , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Lieut . Wigginton , supported by Bros . Grmnbridge , P . M ., S . W . ; Comptou , J . W . ; Lieut . Brinjes , J . D . ; Tripe , M . ' D . ( Hon . Assist . Surgeon ) , Treas . ; Scotche , P . M ., Sec . ; Capt . C I-I . Gregory , P . M ., P . G . D ., & c . Lodge having been opened with solemn Mr . A . Crouchev and Mr . . 1 .
prayer , I-Iearle were balloted for , and afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Ereemasonry . On the motion of tiie W . M ., Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , P . G . D ., was elected an honorary member of the lodge , in recognition of his services to the same as the consecrating officer . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjoui ' ned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant evening , brotherllove reigning It was resolved that every
y supreme . effort should bo made to secure the election of the eldest son of the late Dr . Richardson into the Masonic Institution for Boys , 'flic late brother was first Senior Deacon in this lodge , and was S . AV . elect of the Cadogan Lodge when he died . He was carried off by typhus fever , caught in the discbarge of his professional duties , and has loft a widow and six children ( the youngest only a few weeks old ) very inadequately provided for .
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The Masonic Mirror.
member of it , which induced him to send in bis resignation , which was accepted , and the acceptance was confirmed at a subsequent meeting , and notice thereof was duly sent him . The D . Prov . G . M . of Turkey held that the resignation was invalid , as a reconciliation had been effected in the interim between the brethren . The GRAND REGISTRAR , after hearing tho documents in the case read by the Grand Secretary , moved that the decision of
the D . Prov . G . M . be reversed , which was seconded by Bro . Lloyd . Bro . LAWRIE , the brother in question , stated that the differences had been adjusted in the interim , and the W . M . of tho lodge had in the first instance decided he would not accept his resignation . The GRAND REGISTRAR held that the resignation having been tenderedacceptedand confirmee ! the brother was no longer a
, , , member of the lodge , and he could only rejoin by being proposed ancl balloted for in the usual way . The GRAND MASTER concurred in this view of the case and the decision of the D . Prov . G . M ., was reversed ; tho Grand Master informing Bro . Lawrie that if he wished to rejoin the lodgo he must be proposed and balloted for in the usual way .
MASONIC ASYIUH AT CROYDON . Bro . J . UDALL , P . G . D ., moved that the sum of £ 50 bo given from the Fund of General Purposes , to supply coals to the inmates of the Masonic Asylum at Croydon , which was agreed to . Notices of motion which stood in the names of Bro . Motion , Stebbing , and Lloyd , were Avithdrawn .
BREVET RANK IN THE PROVINCES . Bro . H . G . WARREN , Prov . G . Steward , then moved the following resolution : —To insert at page 54 of the Book of Con . stitutions the following rule— "That every Provincial Grand Master shall by himself , his Deputy Grand Master , or Provincial Grand Secretary , forward to the Most Worshipful Grand Master a copy of the minutes of each Provincial Grand Lodge , within one
month of the holding thereof , together with tbe names of all brethren appointed to Provincial Grand Office , the names and numbers of the Lodges to which they belong , and their respective residences . " He said the motion is one which I consider to be of great importance in order to maintain the prerogative of your lordship , ancl also the rights and position of Grand Lodge . I have brought forward this motion very much in consideration of an expression which fell from your lordship some twelve months '
since , when I called attention to the rule on page 50 of the Book of Constitutions , with respect to non-residence . At that time your lordship expressed a decided opinion against giving a dispensation except under special circumstances , and your lordship expressed a hope that if the present laws should not prove to be effectual , that the brother who then addressed you or some other brother would bring the subject again before Grand Lodgo , in the shape of a direct motion . I have left it now twelve months , in the hopes that other members of the Craft of greater influence would have taken the matter up . Neither
the President of the Board of General Purposes , the Grand Registrar , or any other brother having done so , I have nowplaced this motion before yon , and I may remark that it is founded on the recommendation of a D . Prov . M . standing so high in the estimation of your lordship , that you are understood to havo offered him the command of his province if he chose to accept it . The object of the motion , as your lordship will seeis to place before your officers—for I do not expect
, your lordship will read all such documents—a return of the names of brethren" appointed to offices in the Provincial Grand Lodges , together with their residences , in order that it may be seen whether they have complied with the regulations of the Book of Constitutions , whether they are non-residents , and whether if they have not obtained dispensation , they have paid the fees to tbe Board of Benevolence , for I hold " that every
fee thus unpaid is so much money abstracted from the funds of that Board . ( Hear , hear . ) I am further induced to move this resolution from the faet that at the Grand Lodge in December last , it was solemnly declared that tiie power of granting past grand rank , belonged to your lordship alone , aud yet it is notorious that within six months of the very time that Grand Lodgo passed that resolution , brevet rank has been given in at least one province , and without some means of bringing these things officially before your lordship's notice , there is no power of checking the practice . I have no object of my
The Masonic Mirror.
own m any way to serve hi bringing this resolution forward , but when the Provincial Grand Masters step beyond the Pooh of Constitutions , there is no means of checking them except by such a resolution as that which I now propose . It is true the Booh of Constitutions at page 5 . 1 , says : " Correct minutes of the proceedings of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be kept in a book proper for the purpose , which shall be produced , by the Provincial Grand Master , for the inspection of the Grand
Master or Grand Lodge whenever required . " But then these minutes are never required except when some irregularity is brought officially under your lordship's notice , and therefore I confidently recommend the resolution whicli I now propose for tbe acceptance of Grand Lodge . Bro . BANNISTER , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . of Lancashire , and P . Prov . G . D . ot Durham , seconded the motion . Bro . STEBBING- —Before you put the motion , which I am not
desirous of opposing , I should propose that you should insert the words before the word " copy" " a fair summary or . " It would entail a vast amount- of labour on Provincial Grand Secretaries , as I know from twenty years' experience in that office , to copy out all the minutes . With this amendment , which will answer all the purposes , I shall be happy to support tho motion . Bro . HORTON SMITH approved of the proposed alteration . Bro . H . G . WARREN consented , observing ' that what he principally wished to be laid before the Grand Master , was the nature of tbe appointments .
The GRAND MASTER said he approved of the suggestion of Bro . Stebbing , and he entirely concurred with the motion of Bro . Warren . By accident , aud not officially , he had heen made aware of certain irregularities which had taken place in one province , but he had taken most effectual means to bring those irregularities before the Prov . G . M . He would not mention any names , because the matter had not beeu officially brought before him—hut he thought it is duty to take steps to rectify the
abuse , and to put a stop to the irregularity which had taken place . The matter had been brought before him by the Board of General Purposes , though that Board only knew of it by hearsay . At the same time he was glad to be fortified by such a resolution as bad now been proposed by Bro . Warren , which would more effectually meet cases of this kind . The resolution was then put and carried . unanimously . In reply to a question ,
The GRAND MASTER said that it would be competent to appoint the Committee immediately after the confirmation of the motion upon the next quarterly communication . All names of brethren intended to be nominated on the Committee , should he placed beforo the Board of Masters at their meeting previous to the next quarterly communication . He did not mean that any brother not so nominated would be disqualified , but he hoped , as it was so obviously for the convenience of the brethren , that his suggestion would be adhered to . All business being ended , Grand Lodge was closed in ample form with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
FIRST TOWER HAMLETS ENGINEERS LODGE ( NO . 1204 ) . — This young but prospering lodge met at tbe Ship and Turtle , Leadenbail-street , E . C , on Monday , the 25 th ult ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Lieut . Wigginton , supported by Bros . Grmnbridge , P . M ., S . W . ; Comptou , J . W . ; Lieut . Brinjes , J . D . ; Tripe , M . ' D . ( Hon . Assist . Surgeon ) , Treas . ; Scotche , P . M ., Sec . ; Capt . C I-I . Gregory , P . M ., P . G . D ., & c . Lodge having been opened with solemn Mr . A . Crouchev and Mr . . 1 .
prayer , I-Iearle were balloted for , and afterwards initiated into the mysteries of Ereemasonry . On the motion of tiie W . M ., Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , P . G . D ., was elected an honorary member of the lodge , in recognition of his services to the same as the consecrating officer . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjoui ' ned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant evening , brotherllove reigning It was resolved that every
y supreme . effort should bo made to secure the election of the eldest son of the late Dr . Richardson into the Masonic Institution for Boys , 'flic late brother was first Senior Deacon in this lodge , and was S . AV . elect of the Cadogan Lodge when he died . He was carried off by typhus fever , caught in the discbarge of his professional duties , and has loft a widow and six children ( the youngest only a few weeks old ) very inadequately provided for .