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The Doctrines Of Jesuitism.
Freemasonry has been abused , branded and cursed by the Sovereign Pontiff of the Church of Rome as a " perverse society of men which , having at first been confined to darkness and obsurity , now comes into light for the common ruin of
religion and human society . - " In the allocution delivered in his secret Consistory , in September last , the " . venerable patriarch , " having exhausted in our favour his AA'hole vocabulary of epithets borrowed from the ladies of Billino-se-ate and the
D O Barnes des Holies , and depicted our Institution according to his peculiar notions , impugned the secrecy of our meetings in the following words : —
"What is the object of this association of men belonging to all religions and every belief ? To what end those clandestine meetings and the religious oaths exacted from the initiated , binding them never to reveal anything of what may be discussed ? Wherefore that unheard- of atrocity of penalties and chastisements which the initiated bind themselves to accept should they fail to keep their
oath ? "A society which thus shuns the light of day must surely be impious and criminal . " He Avho . doeth ill , " says the Apostle , " hates the light . " How different from such an association are the pious societies of the faithful Avhich flourish in the Catholic Church . With them there is no reticence , no obscurity , The law which governs them is clear to all ; clear also are the works of charity
practised according to the Gospel doctrines . Thus , the Freemasons are held up and pointed at , by the " infallible" Pope as the instigators of dark deeds , as theacfoocafoYZi ' ct & oZ-iandtheveiyinearnation of the archfiend . It wouldbe carrying-owls toAthens ,
were we to enter at present on any further refutation of the papal assertions ; we have amply done so ourselves , soon after theirissue , and endeavoured from time to time , by extracts from British and foreign , Masonic and non Masonic contemporaries ,
to demonstrate the utter shallowness and wilful falsity of those accusations . But our argument has been thus far but of a ne _ rative character ; in the case of " the Pope v . Preemasonry /'' we have remained defendants and shown only that
there Avas no case to go to the jury , and an enlightened public has not failed to at once return a verdict for the defendant . But now we propose to show , hoAv the projectile aimed at us by our enemies , instead of hitting us , will only rebound on
themselves ; IIOAV the accusation the Pope has put forth against our Institution , so far from applying to us , could be designed but to picture those AYIIO are "bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh . " We are designated as a " society that shuns the light
of day , and must therefore necessarily be impious and criminal . " But let us see what right our reviler has to contrast our Institution to those " pious societies of the faithful that flourish in the Catholic Church . " Our object cannot be to enter
here on any religious controversies , nor do Ave propose at present to allude to the machinations of so-calledZien-euoZcrefsocieties ( such asthe Societe St . Vincent-de-Paul and others ) , originated and propagated in our clays under the auspices ofthe See of
Rome , Avhich , under the garb of charity and Christian love , have for their real aim to support the cause of ultramontane obscurantism , to exercise a baneful influence on the masses and operate
towards the re-establishment of a spiritual power that Avas , at the expense of the temporal powers that be , in a manner " dangerous even for the security of kingdoms . " We propose to lay before our readers the official
tenor of the secret injunctions of that society which , for the last three centuries , has acted as the faithful confederate and the unflinching accomplice ofthe Vatican , throughout its unceasingendeavours to crush and eliminate the progress of
humanity and civilisation , and counteract the diffusion of the true and unsophiscated principles of Christianity . The history of the Order of Jesuits is Avell known to our readers . Let us
only state that this society , founded m 1540 by Ignatius Loyola , and endowed with a charter and special privileges by the Popes Paul III . and Julius III ., has for its avoAved object to assist the Church of Rome in its struggles against
Protestantism ; but that its real aim aud tendency has been at all times to propagate the Pope ' s poAver and its own by fair means and foul , and that they have never shrunk from the very darkest deeds and the most horrid crimes in their
endeavours to attain their object . The Order having been suppressed by Clement XIV ., in 1774 , Avas re-established by Pius VII ., in 1814 ; and since that epoch , the Jesuits have never abandoned the hold they took on the Catholic Church—in fact
the See of Rome has been from that time ( with the sole exception of the short period 1846-18-50 ) , but the organ and mouthpiece of the Order ; the Sovereign Pontiff has not pretended to be anything but the henchman of the Jesuits' General ;
and in our days the pygmies , Pio Nono and Cardinal Beckx , par nohile fratrum , have continued Avith unceasing vigour , but happily without a shadow of success , the work , in the accomplish-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Doctrines Of Jesuitism.
Freemasonry has been abused , branded and cursed by the Sovereign Pontiff of the Church of Rome as a " perverse society of men which , having at first been confined to darkness and obsurity , now comes into light for the common ruin of
religion and human society . - " In the allocution delivered in his secret Consistory , in September last , the " . venerable patriarch , " having exhausted in our favour his AA'hole vocabulary of epithets borrowed from the ladies of Billino-se-ate and the
D O Barnes des Holies , and depicted our Institution according to his peculiar notions , impugned the secrecy of our meetings in the following words : —
"What is the object of this association of men belonging to all religions and every belief ? To what end those clandestine meetings and the religious oaths exacted from the initiated , binding them never to reveal anything of what may be discussed ? Wherefore that unheard- of atrocity of penalties and chastisements which the initiated bind themselves to accept should they fail to keep their
oath ? "A society which thus shuns the light of day must surely be impious and criminal . " He Avho . doeth ill , " says the Apostle , " hates the light . " How different from such an association are the pious societies of the faithful Avhich flourish in the Catholic Church . With them there is no reticence , no obscurity , The law which governs them is clear to all ; clear also are the works of charity
practised according to the Gospel doctrines . Thus , the Freemasons are held up and pointed at , by the " infallible" Pope as the instigators of dark deeds , as theacfoocafoYZi ' ct & oZ-iandtheveiyinearnation of the archfiend . It wouldbe carrying-owls toAthens ,
were we to enter at present on any further refutation of the papal assertions ; we have amply done so ourselves , soon after theirissue , and endeavoured from time to time , by extracts from British and foreign , Masonic and non Masonic contemporaries ,
to demonstrate the utter shallowness and wilful falsity of those accusations . But our argument has been thus far but of a ne _ rative character ; in the case of " the Pope v . Preemasonry /'' we have remained defendants and shown only that
there Avas no case to go to the jury , and an enlightened public has not failed to at once return a verdict for the defendant . But now we propose to show , hoAv the projectile aimed at us by our enemies , instead of hitting us , will only rebound on
themselves ; IIOAV the accusation the Pope has put forth against our Institution , so far from applying to us , could be designed but to picture those AYIIO are "bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh . " We are designated as a " society that shuns the light
of day , and must therefore necessarily be impious and criminal . " But let us see what right our reviler has to contrast our Institution to those " pious societies of the faithful that flourish in the Catholic Church . " Our object cannot be to enter
here on any religious controversies , nor do Ave propose at present to allude to the machinations of so-calledZien-euoZcrefsocieties ( such asthe Societe St . Vincent-de-Paul and others ) , originated and propagated in our clays under the auspices ofthe See of
Rome , Avhich , under the garb of charity and Christian love , have for their real aim to support the cause of ultramontane obscurantism , to exercise a baneful influence on the masses and operate
towards the re-establishment of a spiritual power that Avas , at the expense of the temporal powers that be , in a manner " dangerous even for the security of kingdoms . " We propose to lay before our readers the official
tenor of the secret injunctions of that society which , for the last three centuries , has acted as the faithful confederate and the unflinching accomplice ofthe Vatican , throughout its unceasingendeavours to crush and eliminate the progress of
humanity and civilisation , and counteract the diffusion of the true and unsophiscated principles of Christianity . The history of the Order of Jesuits is Avell known to our readers . Let us
only state that this society , founded m 1540 by Ignatius Loyola , and endowed with a charter and special privileges by the Popes Paul III . and Julius III ., has for its avoAved object to assist the Church of Rome in its struggles against
Protestantism ; but that its real aim aud tendency has been at all times to propagate the Pope ' s poAver and its own by fair means and foul , and that they have never shrunk from the very darkest deeds and the most horrid crimes in their
endeavours to attain their object . The Order having been suppressed by Clement XIV ., in 1774 , Avas re-established by Pius VII ., in 1814 ; and since that epoch , the Jesuits have never abandoned the hold they took on the Catholic Church—in fact
the See of Rome has been from that time ( with the sole exception of the short period 1846-18-50 ) , but the organ and mouthpiece of the Order ; the Sovereign Pontiff has not pretended to be anything but the henchman of the Jesuits' General ;
and in our days the pygmies , Pio Nono and Cardinal Beckx , par nohile fratrum , have continued Avith unceasing vigour , but happily without a shadow of success , the work , in the accomplish-