Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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the brethren also , for the cordial manner in which they had received the toast , and ho could not leave the chair this evening Avithout expressing his thanks to the S . AV . ( Bro . F . X . Latriele ) , the J . AA . ( Bro . Barnes , sen . ) , and the other officers , for the very efficient support they had rendered him in his capacity of W . ii . He complimented the Dalhousie Lodgo of Instruction upon their having as their J . AV ., so accomplished a Mason as Bro . Barnessenwho capable of ivingand to ive
, ., was g , willing g instruction to the brethren at all times . Bvo . F . Y . " Latreile , S . AV ., in returning thanks , said he hardly knew how to sufficiently express himself in recognition of the services rendered , and instruction given him , by brethren whom he saw present , and by the aid of which ho had become qualifled to fill the office he now held in the lodge . It would be his constant aim to prove himself worthy of the confidence which had been
placed in him . Bro . Barnes , sen ., J . W ., followed Bro . Latriele , and with reference to the compliment paid him by the AV . M ., as to his abilities for instruction , he felt that too much honour had been done him , though lie Avould admit he had striven hard to become an efficient Mason , believing that every brother who Avas desirous of taking office should qualify himself so as to stand the test of meritand he could not sit down without
, saying that he was indebted to the veteran Bro . Saqui for his instruction in the truths of Freemasonry , and that it was mainly Diving to that instruction he had been enabled to fill the position he had held in his mother lodge and other lodges . Bro . Veevers begged to reciprocate the sentiments expressed by their respected AV . M . with reference to Bro . Barnes' ability as an
instructor and his ever willingness to instruct , and he would only add that it was to Bro . Barnes that he was indebted for the progress he had been able to make in the Craft . The AA . Master , rising , returned sincere and heartfelt thanks for the kind support rendered to him this evening by the brethren present generally , and Bro . Host Bristo in particular . Bro . Ireland was followed by Bro . Turner , ivho expressed himself in his peculiarly graphic and engaging manner in commendation of Bro . Bristo ' s
admirable catering upon this occasion . Bro . Host Bristo modestly returned thanks . He had striven to please the brethren and meet their wishes in every possible way , and was gratified to find that they considered he had succeeded , and it would bo his constant aim to continue to moot their approbation . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of the Stewards , " and complimented them upon their exertions , and the manner in
Avhich they had fulfilled their duties , which had tended so very materially towards the comfort of all present this evening . 'Bro . Crouch , AVine Steward , returned thanks , and alluded to the painful circumstance , owing to its having pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to have removed from him his child , which had latterly prevented his attending as often as he could have Avishod the meetings of the Lodgo of Instruction . Some other toasts were given bBro . Gilchrist and other brethren
y , and cordially received and responded to . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings of this memorable evening to a happy close before the hour of high twelve , and the brethren dispersed in peace and harmony , their enjoyment having been materially aided by the vocal powers of Bros . Cogan , F . Y . Latriele , Bristo , Veevers , Wright , Stevenson , and other obliging brethren .
CHESHIRE . BIHEES-HEAD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 477 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on tlmrsday evening the Sth 'alt . at their well furnished rooms in Hamilton-square . The W . M . tho Eev . G . II . Hobson being absent through illness , the lodge was opened by Bro . Meacock , P . M ., a zealous brother , whose heart is always with Preemasonry , and although ho was
called upon at a moment ' s notice to take the M . AAVs chair for the first time for two years , he performed the duties with perfect accuracy , and with an impressiveness Avhich elicited the admiration of all the brethren . Mr . Dunnage and Mi-. David Macartney , the latter a gentleman well known by travellers on the London and North AA ' cstern Eailway for his obliging manners as conductor of the express trains , were duly admitted to light . The lodgo also received an acquisition to its numbers , in the person of Bro . T . S . Muir , L . L . D .. who showed himself equally at home in the business of the lodge , and in his powers of
conducing to the harmony of the ' festive board . The business being over , an adjournment was made to the refreshment table , supplied by Bro . ' AVilliams of the Palatine Hotel , about which we need only say that ho almost surpassed himself , and the attendance , too often neglected on similar occasions , was unexceptionable , owing to the careful superintendance of Bro . Barlow . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honouredBroMeacockafter alluding in feeling terms to the
, . , absence of the AA . M ., Bro . Hobson , proposed " The Health oE the Initiates , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Dunnage in a neat speech , and by Bro . Macartney in singing one of those beautiful Scotch melodies which reach the heart of every true Mason . By tho way , much amusement Avas caused by tho peculiar manner in which Bro . Macartney acknowledged the " test . " Bro . Lewin , P . M ., being allowed possession of the
gavel , proposed "The Health of the Acting AA ' . M ., Bro . Meacock , " and being one of the oldest members of the lodge , referred to the time when Bro . Meacock , in the second month of his year of office , v . 'as called upon to give the three degrees , without the assistance of any P . M ., which allusion elicited strong marks of approbation from several old members , who remembered the strange circumstance , and the unavoidable reasons which had prevented the usual attendance of the Past
Masters . The meeting Avas so successful , that the usual hour of adjournment ( ten o ' clock ) slipped by unnoticed , and a full hour or more elapsed before the final toast was given by the highly respected Tyler , Bro . Clarke , AVIIO , we may remark , was one of the earliest members of the lodge , if not one of the founders . It is one of the peculiarities of this lodge that they never require the services of professional singers , musical talent
being abundant among the members . Masonry seems to flourish in Birkenhead , this being the seventh meeting of the Mersey Lodgo during this year . Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution . —A little more than three years ago several members of the Birkenhead lodges of Freemasons came to the determination of founding an institution similar to one already in existence in West Lancashire , having for its object "the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons . " The
Lancashire institution was founded ni ISoO , and has now an available capital of upwards of - 65 , 000 . The Cheshire one , founded in 1 SG 3 , is also progressing , having funds for the promotion of its object of about £ 500 . On AVednesday the 28 th ult . the annual meeting of the governors was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , Crewe , presided over by tho Eight Hon . Lord de Tablev , the Prov . G . M ., and amongst the others present Bros , the hem . Wilbraham EgertonM . P . S . W . 321 ; Capt . Richard
, , Cope , G . S . E . ; John Smith , P . Prov . G . Eeg ., E . G . AVilloughby , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . II . Griffifths , Prov . G . Sec , TViss , Prov . G . Org ., John P . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . B . Hignett , Prov . J . G . D ., and a largo number of masters of lodges and other brethren connected with tbe province . Tbe report of the committee was read and confirmed , from which it appeared that the funds actually invested for the benefit of the
institution .. mount to £ ' 1-73 3 s . lid ., a gratifying fact , considering that this is only its third year of existence , showing an increase of £ 129 os . after fully providing for the education of four children . EOAAV additional children were elected at the meeting , making a total of eight now on the foundation . The children , we may remark , are educated in the religion of their parents . The most gratifing report was mado of the good conduct of
y those Avho had already received benefit from the institution , and also of the progress made by them at school . The report further stated that the committee felt that they would be neglecting their duty if they failed to record their deep sense of the valuable services rendered by their Secretary , Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . M . 537 , Avhose untiring energy has so materially helped to form and consolidate the institution . Mainly through
his instrumentality an amateur theatrical performance Avas arranged in the Birkenhead theatre in September last , Avhich gave general satisfaction , and resulted in the nett profit of £ ol los . lid . They also desire to express their warm thanks to Bros . J . L . Howard , P . M . 537 , T . E . Hignett , 5 D 7 , and to several brethren of the province of AVest Lancashire , who kindly assisted in carrying out the detailsand materially
con-, tributed to tho success of that performance . Lodge of Uiiilg ( No . 321 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was hold on tho 2 Sth ult . The honourable Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . A banquet was afterwards served at five o'clock . The proceedings were brought to au early close .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the brethren also , for the cordial manner in which they had received the toast , and ho could not leave the chair this evening Avithout expressing his thanks to the S . AV . ( Bro . F . X . Latriele ) , the J . AA . ( Bro . Barnes , sen . ) , and the other officers , for the very efficient support they had rendered him in his capacity of W . ii . He complimented the Dalhousie Lodgo of Instruction upon their having as their J . AV ., so accomplished a Mason as Bro . Barnessenwho capable of ivingand to ive
, ., was g , willing g instruction to the brethren at all times . Bvo . F . Y . " Latreile , S . AV ., in returning thanks , said he hardly knew how to sufficiently express himself in recognition of the services rendered , and instruction given him , by brethren whom he saw present , and by the aid of which ho had become qualifled to fill the office he now held in the lodge . It would be his constant aim to prove himself worthy of the confidence which had been
placed in him . Bro . Barnes , sen ., J . W ., followed Bro . Latriele , and with reference to the compliment paid him by the AV . M ., as to his abilities for instruction , he felt that too much honour had been done him , though lie Avould admit he had striven hard to become an efficient Mason , believing that every brother who Avas desirous of taking office should qualify himself so as to stand the test of meritand he could not sit down without
, saying that he was indebted to the veteran Bro . Saqui for his instruction in the truths of Freemasonry , and that it was mainly Diving to that instruction he had been enabled to fill the position he had held in his mother lodge and other lodges . Bro . Veevers begged to reciprocate the sentiments expressed by their respected AV . M . with reference to Bro . Barnes' ability as an
instructor and his ever willingness to instruct , and he would only add that it was to Bro . Barnes that he was indebted for the progress he had been able to make in the Craft . The AA . Master , rising , returned sincere and heartfelt thanks for the kind support rendered to him this evening by the brethren present generally , and Bro . Host Bristo in particular . Bro . Ireland was followed by Bro . Turner , ivho expressed himself in his peculiarly graphic and engaging manner in commendation of Bro . Bristo ' s
admirable catering upon this occasion . Bro . Host Bristo modestly returned thanks . He had striven to please the brethren and meet their wishes in every possible way , and was gratified to find that they considered he had succeeded , and it would bo his constant aim to continue to moot their approbation . The AV . M . next proposed " The Health of the Stewards , " and complimented them upon their exertions , and the manner in
Avhich they had fulfilled their duties , which had tended so very materially towards the comfort of all present this evening . 'Bro . Crouch , AVine Steward , returned thanks , and alluded to the painful circumstance , owing to its having pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to have removed from him his child , which had latterly prevented his attending as often as he could have Avishod the meetings of the Lodgo of Instruction . Some other toasts were given bBro . Gilchrist and other brethren
y , and cordially received and responded to . Tho Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings of this memorable evening to a happy close before the hour of high twelve , and the brethren dispersed in peace and harmony , their enjoyment having been materially aided by the vocal powers of Bros . Cogan , F . Y . Latriele , Bristo , Veevers , Wright , Stevenson , and other obliging brethren .
CHESHIRE . BIHEES-HEAD . —Mersey Lodge ( No . 477 . )—The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on tlmrsday evening the Sth 'alt . at their well furnished rooms in Hamilton-square . The W . M . tho Eev . G . II . Hobson being absent through illness , the lodge was opened by Bro . Meacock , P . M ., a zealous brother , whose heart is always with Preemasonry , and although ho was
called upon at a moment ' s notice to take the M . AAVs chair for the first time for two years , he performed the duties with perfect accuracy , and with an impressiveness Avhich elicited the admiration of all the brethren . Mr . Dunnage and Mi-. David Macartney , the latter a gentleman well known by travellers on the London and North AA ' cstern Eailway for his obliging manners as conductor of the express trains , were duly admitted to light . The lodgo also received an acquisition to its numbers , in the person of Bro . T . S . Muir , L . L . D .. who showed himself equally at home in the business of the lodge , and in his powers of
conducing to the harmony of the ' festive board . The business being over , an adjournment was made to the refreshment table , supplied by Bro . ' AVilliams of the Palatine Hotel , about which we need only say that ho almost surpassed himself , and the attendance , too often neglected on similar occasions , was unexceptionable , owing to the careful superintendance of Bro . Barlow . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honouredBroMeacockafter alluding in feeling terms to the
, . , absence of the AA . M ., Bro . Hobson , proposed " The Health oE the Initiates , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Dunnage in a neat speech , and by Bro . Macartney in singing one of those beautiful Scotch melodies which reach the heart of every true Mason . By tho way , much amusement Avas caused by tho peculiar manner in which Bro . Macartney acknowledged the " test . " Bro . Lewin , P . M ., being allowed possession of the
gavel , proposed "The Health of the Acting AA ' . M ., Bro . Meacock , " and being one of the oldest members of the lodge , referred to the time when Bro . Meacock , in the second month of his year of office , v . 'as called upon to give the three degrees , without the assistance of any P . M ., which allusion elicited strong marks of approbation from several old members , who remembered the strange circumstance , and the unavoidable reasons which had prevented the usual attendance of the Past
Masters . The meeting Avas so successful , that the usual hour of adjournment ( ten o ' clock ) slipped by unnoticed , and a full hour or more elapsed before the final toast was given by the highly respected Tyler , Bro . Clarke , AVIIO , we may remark , was one of the earliest members of the lodge , if not one of the founders . It is one of the peculiarities of this lodge that they never require the services of professional singers , musical talent
being abundant among the members . Masonry seems to flourish in Birkenhead , this being the seventh meeting of the Mersey Lodgo during this year . Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution . —A little more than three years ago several members of the Birkenhead lodges of Freemasons came to the determination of founding an institution similar to one already in existence in West Lancashire , having for its object "the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons . " The
Lancashire institution was founded ni ISoO , and has now an available capital of upwards of - 65 , 000 . The Cheshire one , founded in 1 SG 3 , is also progressing , having funds for the promotion of its object of about £ 500 . On AVednesday the 28 th ult . the annual meeting of the governors was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , Crewe , presided over by tho Eight Hon . Lord de Tablev , the Prov . G . M ., and amongst the others present Bros , the hem . Wilbraham EgertonM . P . S . W . 321 ; Capt . Richard
, , Cope , G . S . E . ; John Smith , P . Prov . G . Eeg ., E . G . AVilloughby , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . II . Griffifths , Prov . G . Sec , TViss , Prov . G . Org ., John P . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . B . Hignett , Prov . J . G . D ., and a largo number of masters of lodges and other brethren connected with tbe province . Tbe report of the committee was read and confirmed , from which it appeared that the funds actually invested for the benefit of the
institution .. mount to £ ' 1-73 3 s . lid ., a gratifying fact , considering that this is only its third year of existence , showing an increase of £ 129 os . after fully providing for the education of four children . EOAAV additional children were elected at the meeting , making a total of eight now on the foundation . The children , we may remark , are educated in the religion of their parents . The most gratifing report was mado of the good conduct of
y those Avho had already received benefit from the institution , and also of the progress made by them at school . The report further stated that the committee felt that they would be neglecting their duty if they failed to record their deep sense of the valuable services rendered by their Secretary , Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . M . 537 , Avhose untiring energy has so materially helped to form and consolidate the institution . Mainly through
his instrumentality an amateur theatrical performance Avas arranged in the Birkenhead theatre in September last , Avhich gave general satisfaction , and resulted in the nett profit of £ ol los . lid . They also desire to express their warm thanks to Bros . J . L . Howard , P . M . 537 , T . E . Hignett , 5 D 7 , and to several brethren of the province of AVest Lancashire , who kindly assisted in carrying out the detailsand materially
con-, tributed to tho success of that performance . Lodge of Uiiilg ( No . 321 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was hold on tho 2 Sth ult . The honourable Wilbraham Egerton , M . P ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . A banquet was afterwards served at five o'clock . The proceedings were brought to au early close .