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CHAISE ELAND . CAHUSLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., a regular lodge meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Castle-street , when Bro . Wm . Cockett , AV . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., took tho chair , supported bv Bro . AV . Murray , I . P . M .-G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; W . Garrick , S . D . ; Dr . Thomas D . Wheatley , J . D . ; Thomas Dean , Sec ; G . T . Clark , Assist . Sec . ; A . AA oodhouse , I . G . ; G . Somerville and W . Irwin , Stewards
; Thomas Plorny , Tyler . The following brethren ivere also present : —Bros . M . Higins ; AA . Johnston , Thomas M'Gowan , E . Calvert , M . Fisher , j . A . Wheatley , B . H . Cooke , J . Barnes , G . Mvn-chio , J . Atkinson , J . Brown , and J . Sherrington . The visitors were Bros . AV . J . Greaves , 339 , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . B . Hayne , 339 , P . Prov . G Purst . ; and J _ B . Paisley , 3 71 . The lodgo was duly opened by the AV . M . according to ancient customand after the minutes of former meeting
, a Avere read and confirmed , Bro . AA . I ! . Hayward being a candid date for the second degree , the necessary questions were put and answered in excellent style , without a fault or a prompter . He retired , was prepared , and duly passed by Bro . G . G . Hayward , S . AA . Bro . John Gibson was next called upon to answer the test questions , previous to his being raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . BroFWHayward performing
, . . . that ceremony in his usual efficient style . The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree , when the W . M . wishing to retire , kindly asked Bro . Dr . AV . J . Greaves , D . P . G . M , to take the chair , to which he assented . The ballot was taken for Bro . AV . Pulford , of 682 , as a joining member , and Mv . Wm . Court , joiner and builder , of Carlisle , whicli proved unanimous in their favour . The latter was duly prepared , admitted
, and initiated by Bro . John Slade in a manner that was an honour to him . The W . M . asked for the first , second , and third time if any brother had anything to propose for the good of Masonry or this lodge iu particular , when Bro . S . AA . proposed , seconded by Bro . A . AVoodhouse , that Bro . J . B . Paisley , of 371 , do become a joining member . There being no other business before tho lodge , it , vas closed with prayer by Bro . W . J . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . The brethren retired to refreshment , and , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , agreeably interspersed with enlivening songs , separated in love and
harmony at a seasonable hour . LOXGIWJT . —Holy Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —On tbe 22 nd ult ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held for the purpose of passing Bro . E . Mitchell Hill , of Carlisle , to the degree of F . C . At the request of the brethren the chair was taken by Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M ., as AA . M . pro tem ., supported by the following officers of 310 , viz ., Bros . T . Blaeklock , P . M ., as S . AV . ; G . G . HaywardJ . W . as JAVAAVoodhouse
, , .. ; .. , I . G ., as S . D . ; IV . Murray , jun ., I . P . M ., as J . D . ; and Bro . G . Armstrong , 310 , as I . G . ; J . Pendrigh Sec , W . Nixon , Tyler , both of 4-12 ; and the following Past Masters , viz .: Bros . J . Carruthers , T . Eobinson , AA' . Murray , E . Forster E . M . Hill , all of 412 ; and W . E . Hayward , 310 . The lodge Avas duly opened with solemn prayer , and after tiie confirmation of tho minutes of a former meeting , Bro . Ii . M . Hill being in attendancetho test "
, question were put to , and answered by him correctly , and the lodge being opened in the second degree , he was advanced in that solemn and impressive manner so characteristic of the AV . M : The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree . Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the AA ' . M ., worked for the benefit of the brethren of 412 , tho first section of the first degreeThere being no other businessthe
. , lodge was closed in due form , and tho brethren retired to a banquet prepared in an adjoining room . Ample justice was done by the brethren to the good things provided ' , and which Avere most acceptable , tho more especially as several of the brethren , and more particularly those representing No . 310 , had travelled a very considerable distance . The cloth being drawn , appropriate toasts and speeches were ivenBroFAVHayward '
g . . . . proposed " Tho Prosperity of the Hol y Temple Lodge , and the Health of its Members , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros : YV . Murray , sen ,, P . M . ( who is in bis eighty-fifth year ) , and T . Eobinson , P . M ., the oldest member of the lodge . The toast was received with musical honours . The toast bavin " been responded to , "The Health of the Visiting Brethren /' was proposed bBroJPendrihPM 412 thanking them
y . . g , .. , for their kindness in coming so fai . Bro . F . AV . Hayward returned thanks on their behalf . The Carlisle brethren being then compelled to leave , the proceedinge of a very happy evening were then brought to a close , after the usual Tyler's toast , and all parted in harmony . The brethren of No . 310
arrived safely at Carlisle at an early hour in the morning , thanks to good steeds , a steady driver , clear road , and fine night , much pleased with their journey to Longtown , an isolated spot in the north of England ' , where the truths of Masonry have been expounded for a number of years .
ESSEX . BiuaimuGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 26 fch ult . at the Swan Inn . Tho lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Lake , AA ' . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was then opened and closed in the second and third degrees respectively . The balloting papers for the Girls' and the Boys' Schoolwere then brought forward
, , when it was proposed by Bro . Ames , and seconded by Bro . Clancy , that a committee be appointed to examine the balloting papers previously to voting ; and it was then proposed by Bro . Claney that the past and present officers be on the committee . It was next proposed by Bro . Ames , and seconded by Bro . Francis , that the committee meet ou the evening of the 2 nd inst . at the Freemasons' Tavern for that purpose . Bro . G . Eiches proposedand BroFrancis seconded the motionthat a
, . , lodge of instruction be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tueday , the 10 th inst . There being no other business before the lodge , the 'brethren adjourned to refreshment . Bio . Lake , AV . M ., presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received and responded to . The harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by several choice songs volunteered by the brethren—Bros . Francis , Griggs , AVinter , York ,
Eiches , and Closson more especially distinguishing themselves . The customary Tyler's toast brought the proceedings of this happy meeting to a timely end , and the brethren dispersed in love and harmony . The folioAving is a list of those present : — Bros . Lake , AV . M . ; G . Eiches , S . W . ; H . York , J . AV . ; James Francis , S . D . ; AV . Bragg , J . D . ; W . Minter , I . G . ; the . following P . M . ' s , viz .: —Bros . Blyth , Ames , Bishop , and Walford ; Bro . Claney , P . M . and Treas . ; J . E . AAlseman , Sec . ; and Bros . Stammers , Eodgev , E . Salmon , Parker , Closson , AVenlock , Griggs , Fox Ahlons , and . Dove , with Bro . llm-mcr , 'Tyler .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . FHSETAVOOI .. —PLeslcelh Lodge ( No . 950 ) . —Tho festival in honours of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of the AA . M . ( Bro . James Dougty ) took place on Thursday the 29 th March . Lodge opened 3 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Byrnes , P . M . 314 , Preston ; assisted by Bros . Bamlew , P . M . and McGlinehy , P . M . The
officers for the year were duly invested , viz . , Bros . L . Jackson , S . AA . ; AV . II . Poole , J . AV . ; ' \ V . Badger , S . D . ; B . Eobinson , J . D . ; John Bond , Sec . ; AA . Shuttieworth , I . G . ; and James Gibson , Tyler ; each receiving in turn a word of encouragement and advice ; after some business of a merely routine nature the lodge was adjourned from labour to refreshment , and at 6 p . m . tho brethren sat down to a truly sumptuous repast , provided in the most liberal and recherche style by the hostess Mrs .
Whiteside , the brethren fully appreciating the compliment paid them by that worthy lady ; the cloth being drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in that hearty manner so peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Byrnes in responding to the toast of "The Installing Officers , " took occasion to observe : that young lodges were often too anxious to receive members without that strict inquiry , as to moral Avorth and respectability , which ought always to form one of the most necessary qualifications
in a candidate for Masonic honour , let the materials be good and the building would stand , otherwise it would fall . During the evening several Masonic and other songs were given in good stylo , after the last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the lodge was closed ivith much harmony , shortly before twelve o'clock .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOKESKEV . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —This lodge met on Easter Monday , being " the Monday nearest full moon , " at eight o ' clock in the evening , at the Golden Lion inn , Bros . Cooke , AV . M . ; AV . AVetliei-il ' l , S . AV . j J . Eowntree , J . AV ; G . Simpson , I . P . M . ; J . H . Hanuyside , P . M ., Sec ; AV . D . Duck , S . D . ; II . Fawcett , _? . __ ., J . D . ; A . A . Boyle , M . S . C . S . E ., J . G . ; and AV . Harrison , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot taken for a candidate for Free-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHAISE ELAND . CAHUSLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., a regular lodge meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Castle-street , when Bro . Wm . Cockett , AV . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., took tho chair , supported bv Bro . AV . Murray , I . P . M .-G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; W . Garrick , S . D . ; Dr . Thomas D . Wheatley , J . D . ; Thomas Dean , Sec ; G . T . Clark , Assist . Sec . ; A . AA oodhouse , I . G . ; G . Somerville and W . Irwin , Stewards
; Thomas Plorny , Tyler . The following brethren ivere also present : —Bros . M . Higins ; AA . Johnston , Thomas M'Gowan , E . Calvert , M . Fisher , j . A . Wheatley , B . H . Cooke , J . Barnes , G . Mvn-chio , J . Atkinson , J . Brown , and J . Sherrington . The visitors were Bros . AV . J . Greaves , 339 , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . B . Hayne , 339 , P . Prov . G Purst . ; and J _ B . Paisley , 3 71 . The lodgo was duly opened by the AV . M . according to ancient customand after the minutes of former meeting
, a Avere read and confirmed , Bro . AA . I ! . Hayward being a candid date for the second degree , the necessary questions were put and answered in excellent style , without a fault or a prompter . He retired , was prepared , and duly passed by Bro . G . G . Hayward , S . AA . Bro . John Gibson was next called upon to answer the test questions , previous to his being raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . BroFWHayward performing
, . . . that ceremony in his usual efficient style . The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree , when the W . M . wishing to retire , kindly asked Bro . Dr . AV . J . Greaves , D . P . G . M , to take the chair , to which he assented . The ballot was taken for Bro . AV . Pulford , of 682 , as a joining member , and Mv . Wm . Court , joiner and builder , of Carlisle , whicli proved unanimous in their favour . The latter was duly prepared , admitted
, and initiated by Bro . John Slade in a manner that was an honour to him . The W . M . asked for the first , second , and third time if any brother had anything to propose for the good of Masonry or this lodge iu particular , when Bro . S . AA . proposed , seconded by Bro . A . AVoodhouse , that Bro . J . B . Paisley , of 371 , do become a joining member . There being no other business before tho lodge , it , vas closed with prayer by Bro . W . J . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M . The brethren retired to refreshment , and , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , agreeably interspersed with enlivening songs , separated in love and
harmony at a seasonable hour . LOXGIWJT . —Holy Temple Lodge ( No . 412 ) . —On tbe 22 nd ult ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held for the purpose of passing Bro . E . Mitchell Hill , of Carlisle , to the degree of F . C . At the request of the brethren the chair was taken by Bro . F . W . Hayward , P . M ., as AA . M . pro tem ., supported by the following officers of 310 , viz ., Bros . T . Blaeklock , P . M ., as S . AV . ; G . G . HaywardJ . W . as JAVAAVoodhouse
, , .. ; .. , I . G ., as S . D . ; IV . Murray , jun ., I . P . M ., as J . D . ; and Bro . G . Armstrong , 310 , as I . G . ; J . Pendrigh Sec , W . Nixon , Tyler , both of 4-12 ; and the following Past Masters , viz .: Bros . J . Carruthers , T . Eobinson , AA' . Murray , E . Forster E . M . Hill , all of 412 ; and W . E . Hayward , 310 . The lodge Avas duly opened with solemn prayer , and after tiie confirmation of tho minutes of a former meeting , Bro . Ii . M . Hill being in attendancetho test "
, question were put to , and answered by him correctly , and the lodge being opened in the second degree , he was advanced in that solemn and impressive manner so characteristic of the AV . M : The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree . Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the AA ' . M ., worked for the benefit of the brethren of 412 , tho first section of the first degreeThere being no other businessthe
. , lodge was closed in due form , and tho brethren retired to a banquet prepared in an adjoining room . Ample justice was done by the brethren to the good things provided ' , and which Avere most acceptable , tho more especially as several of the brethren , and more particularly those representing No . 310 , had travelled a very considerable distance . The cloth being drawn , appropriate toasts and speeches were ivenBroFAVHayward '
g . . . . proposed " Tho Prosperity of the Hol y Temple Lodge , and the Health of its Members , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros : YV . Murray , sen ,, P . M . ( who is in bis eighty-fifth year ) , and T . Eobinson , P . M ., the oldest member of the lodge . The toast was received with musical honours . The toast bavin " been responded to , "The Health of the Visiting Brethren /' was proposed bBroJPendrihPM 412 thanking them
y . . g , .. , for their kindness in coming so fai . Bro . F . AV . Hayward returned thanks on their behalf . The Carlisle brethren being then compelled to leave , the proceedinge of a very happy evening were then brought to a close , after the usual Tyler's toast , and all parted in harmony . The brethren of No . 310
arrived safely at Carlisle at an early hour in the morning , thanks to good steeds , a steady driver , clear road , and fine night , much pleased with their journey to Longtown , an isolated spot in the north of England ' , where the truths of Masonry have been expounded for a number of years .
ESSEX . BiuaimuGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on the 26 fch ult . at the Swan Inn . Tho lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Lake , AA ' . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was then opened and closed in the second and third degrees respectively . The balloting papers for the Girls' and the Boys' Schoolwere then brought forward
, , when it was proposed by Bro . Ames , and seconded by Bro . Clancy , that a committee be appointed to examine the balloting papers previously to voting ; and it was then proposed by Bro . Claney that the past and present officers be on the committee . It was next proposed by Bro . Ames , and seconded by Bro . Francis , that the committee meet ou the evening of the 2 nd inst . at the Freemasons' Tavern for that purpose . Bro . G . Eiches proposedand BroFrancis seconded the motionthat a
, . , lodge of instruction be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tueday , the 10 th inst . There being no other business before the lodge , the 'brethren adjourned to refreshment . Bio . Lake , AV . M ., presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and cordially received and responded to . The harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by several choice songs volunteered by the brethren—Bros . Francis , Griggs , AVinter , York ,
Eiches , and Closson more especially distinguishing themselves . The customary Tyler's toast brought the proceedings of this happy meeting to a timely end , and the brethren dispersed in love and harmony . The folioAving is a list of those present : — Bros . Lake , AV . M . ; G . Eiches , S . W . ; H . York , J . AV . ; James Francis , S . D . ; AV . Bragg , J . D . ; W . Minter , I . G . ; the . following P . M . ' s , viz .: —Bros . Blyth , Ames , Bishop , and Walford ; Bro . Claney , P . M . and Treas . ; J . E . AAlseman , Sec . ; and Bros . Stammers , Eodgev , E . Salmon , Parker , Closson , AVenlock , Griggs , Fox Ahlons , and . Dove , with Bro . llm-mcr , 'Tyler .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . FHSETAVOOI .. —PLeslcelh Lodge ( No . 950 ) . —Tho festival in honours of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of the AA . M . ( Bro . James Dougty ) took place on Thursday the 29 th March . Lodge opened 3 . 30 p . m ., when the ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Byrnes , P . M . 314 , Preston ; assisted by Bros . Bamlew , P . M . and McGlinehy , P . M . The
officers for the year were duly invested , viz . , Bros . L . Jackson , S . AA . ; AV . II . Poole , J . AV . ; ' \ V . Badger , S . D . ; B . Eobinson , J . D . ; John Bond , Sec . ; AA . Shuttieworth , I . G . ; and James Gibson , Tyler ; each receiving in turn a word of encouragement and advice ; after some business of a merely routine nature the lodge was adjourned from labour to refreshment , and at 6 p . m . tho brethren sat down to a truly sumptuous repast , provided in the most liberal and recherche style by the hostess Mrs .
Whiteside , the brethren fully appreciating the compliment paid them by that worthy lady ; the cloth being drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in that hearty manner so peculiar to the Craft . Bro . Byrnes in responding to the toast of "The Installing Officers , " took occasion to observe : that young lodges were often too anxious to receive members without that strict inquiry , as to moral Avorth and respectability , which ought always to form one of the most necessary qualifications
in a candidate for Masonic honour , let the materials be good and the building would stand , otherwise it would fall . During the evening several Masonic and other songs were given in good stylo , after the last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the lodge was closed ivith much harmony , shortly before twelve o'clock .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOKESKEV . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —This lodge met on Easter Monday , being " the Monday nearest full moon , " at eight o ' clock in the evening , at the Golden Lion inn , Bros . Cooke , AV . M . ; AV . AVetliei-il ' l , S . AV . j J . Eowntree , J . AV ; G . Simpson , I . P . M . ; J . H . Hanuyside , P . M ., Sec ; AV . D . Duck , S . D . ; II . Fawcett , _? . __ ., J . D . ; A . A . Boyle , M . S . C . S . E ., J . G . ; and AV . Harrison , Tyler . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot taken for a candidate for Free-