Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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masonry , which was unanimous in his favour . Bro . G . Tweddell , jun ., who had been initiated into ancient Freemasonry at the preceding monthly meeting of the lodge , was then called to the pedestal , and having passed a highly satisfactory examination in the test questions to the first degree , was entrusted Avith the usual further marks of confidence , and retired until the lodge was opened to the second degree . Bro . G . Tweddell , jun ., was then re-admitted in due form , and passed to the degree of a
F . C . ; after which the lodge was closed down to the first degree . At the former meeting of the lodge , it having been resolved to procure for the adornment of the lodge room , a photographic portrait of Bro . Marwood , late D . Prov . G . M ., and one of the oldest P . M . ' s of the lodge , and also to present to the brother a neatly engrossed address on his leaving Cleveland , Bro . G . M . Tweddell , F . S . A . Scot , and Newe ., read the following address , which meeting Avith tbe full approbation of all the brethren
assembled , Avas ordered to be engrossed at the expense of the lodge .: — "To George Marwood , of Busby Hall , Esq ., J . P ., late Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the North and East Hidings of Yorkshire . Right AVorshipful Sir and Brother , — At a time when you are leaving for a few years your ancestral borne , and therefore have resigned the high office which you have for several years held in this province , alike to your own
honour and the advancement of Freemasonry , the officers , Past Masters , and the other brethren of the Cleveland Lodge , No . 543 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , cannot allow you to depart without some expression of gratitude to you for your unceasing labours for our venerable Craft , and also sincerely to Avish you continued health and happiness during your absence from among us . In common ivith our brethren throughout the province , we will ever regret your departure , and remember
with pleasure those labours you have given to tho Craft with such fervency and zeal . Moreover , we cannot forget that it Avas in our own lodge that you first saw the light of Masonry , and commenced those earnest endeavours which have been attended
with such good results to the province in general , and to our own lodge in particular . Nor is it amongst your ' dear brothers of the mystic tie' alone that your departure is deeply regretted ; for you have so steadily through life practised every Masonic virtue , that we are certain the uninitiated , and especially the sick and distressed , unite with us in wishing both yourself and family a safe and a speedy return . In the meantime , may the Almighty Architect of the Universe have you and yours in His
divine keeping . " Tho preceding , when properly engrossed , is to be signed by the AV . M . on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , Avho cordially endorse the sentiments of the address . A candidate for initiation into ancient Freemasonry having been proposed , the lodge Avas closed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BIACKBUEN . —Perseverance Chapiter ( No . 345 ) . —A convention of the above chapter Avas held on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , under the able presidency of Comps . Thomas , P . M ., P . G . Reg . Oxfordshire , as Z . ; Bertwistto , H . ; Garsden , J . There were also present the following companions : Sir A \ illiam Feilden , Bart ., P . M . ; Charles Tiplady ,
P . M . ; E . H . Hutchinson , AV . M . ; Eichard Rudcliffe , P . M . ; Thomas Eobinson , S . AV . ; J . Callis , E . ; J . Procter , J . B . Carr , & c . The convocation having been duly opened , Bros . Eichard Burrows , Cornet Montagu , and H . J . Fielden were exalted to the degree of R . A . Masons , the ceremony being most ably performed by Comp . Thomas , and efficiently supported by Comps . Carr , Bertwistte , and Garsden . After the ceremony , the following companions were nominated for office for the ensuing
year : J . Yates , P . Z . ; Bertwistte , Z . ; Garsden , J . ; Tiplady , H . ; Carr , 1 st Soj . ; Copeland , 2 nd Soj . ; Callis , E . ; and Eobinson , N . Business being concluded , a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Comps . Thomas and Carr for the admirable manner in which they had conducted the ceremony , and for their general and zealous attention to the interests of this chapter . The brethren then adjourned , and partook of a slight repast , and spent a very pleasant hour together .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
IRELAND . DUBEIS ' . —An emergency convocation of tho College of Philosophical Masons , Grand Elected Knights K . H . of the 30 ° , was
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
held on Friday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Grand East of the Order , situate in the valley of Dublin , at half-past three p . m ., for the purpose of exalting to this degree such of the seven candidates elected at the last regular convocation , on February Sfch , as could attend ou this occasion . There were present at the meeting Bros . A \ illiam S . Sandes , 31 ° , Sublime President of the College , on the throne ; Edward Hornsby , G . S . AV . ; and Henry AVestropp , 31 ° , G . J . AV ; also the 111 . Bros . John Fitz Henry
Townsend , Q . C ., LL . D ., Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council , 33 ° ; Sir AVilliam Hort , Dart ., 33 ° , Grand Treasurer , H . E . ; Thomas Mostyn , 33 ° , Grand Secretary , H . E . ; Edmund J . Armstrong , 33 ° ; Sir Edward Borough , Bart ., 32 ° ; Thomas , E . ; Beatty , M . D ., 31 ° ; Lucius H . Deering , 31 ° , the Registrar of the College ; and other members . Bro . J . H . Healy , 30 ° , member of the English College , was present as a visitor on this occasion . The following five candidates out of
the seven elected being in attendance , were regularly exalted to this sublime degree by the officers of the College , assistedby the members of the Supreme Grand Council present , according to ancient form : —Bros . J . C . C . Townsend , No . 1 Chapter , Cork ; Arthur Bushe , S . G . D ., and Maxwell Charles Close , Original Chapter , Dublin ; George Johnson , M . T ) ., and Theohilus EStGeorgeNo . 2 ChapterDublin . The convocation
p . . , , was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Hie second Thursday in May , the next regular day of meeting of the College . The members afterwards dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening . The triennial convocation of Prince Masons is expected to take place in Dublin towards the end oi the present month .
Knights Templar
NORTHUMBERLAND . __ EAA'CAS TIE-O _ S -TX _ E . —Hoyal Kent Encampment ( No . 44 ) . — The annual conclave of this ancient encampment AVUS held on Good Friday at the Freemasons' Hall , Bell's-courfc , _ Newgatestreet . There were a considerable number of the Sir Knights present . The encampment was opened by the E . C , Sir Knt . Henry Hotham . A ballot was taken for Comp . J . F . Froolich
( Conde de Morreltz ) , of the De Sussex Chapter , which Avas found to be unanimous in his favour , and lie being in attendance , was admitted , and duly installed into the Order . The E . C . then proceeded to instal his successor , Sir Kat . Edward Shotton , the beautiful ceremony being very impressively performed . The E . C . then appointed his officers as follows : — Sir Knts . Henry Hotham , P . E . C . and Treas . ; William Punshon ,
Prior ; AA'illiam Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; C . J . Bannister , 2 nd Grand Captain of England , Chancellor ; Jens Jensen , 1 st Captain ; Robert J . Banning , M . D ., 2 nd Captain ; Jas . II . Thompson ,. Expert ; AVilliam Foulsham , Eeg . ; George Lawes , Capt . of Lines ; AA'ill . Henry Marwood , 1 st Herald ; J . F . Frmlich , 2 nd Herald ; Anthony Clapham , Std . Bearer ; J . S . Trotter , Equerry . Upon the conclusion of the business of the encampment the Sir Knts . dined together in the Hall .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESABEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The lodge was opened at a quarter past seven on thursday , March 29 th , by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., acting as AV . M-, assisted Binet , P . M ., acting as S . AV ., Bro . Oatley , J . W ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the last meeting Avere read and confirmed . Bro . Danguy , after having passed a satisfactory examination on the first degreeand been entrustedretired for preparation . The
, , lodgo was opened in the second degree , Bvo . C . Le SUCAAV , W . M .,, entered and took the chair ; Bro . Danguy was re-introduced and duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , evidence having been given as to the fitness of the following gentlemen , a ballot was taken for Messrs . P . G . Gibaut and E . J . Ahier as candidates for initiation , Avhich was in each case favourable . The latter was then introducedand
, regularly initiated into Freemasonry by the AV . M . On the proposition of Bro . Manuel , seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the lodge resolved to render every possible assistance in the preparation of an exposition of works of industry and art , to be held in the Masonic Temple in August next , and to hold its meetings
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
masonry , which was unanimous in his favour . Bro . G . Tweddell , jun ., who had been initiated into ancient Freemasonry at the preceding monthly meeting of the lodge , was then called to the pedestal , and having passed a highly satisfactory examination in the test questions to the first degree , was entrusted Avith the usual further marks of confidence , and retired until the lodge was opened to the second degree . Bro . G . Tweddell , jun ., was then re-admitted in due form , and passed to the degree of a
F . C . ; after which the lodge was closed down to the first degree . At the former meeting of the lodge , it having been resolved to procure for the adornment of the lodge room , a photographic portrait of Bro . Marwood , late D . Prov . G . M ., and one of the oldest P . M . ' s of the lodge , and also to present to the brother a neatly engrossed address on his leaving Cleveland , Bro . G . M . Tweddell , F . S . A . Scot , and Newe ., read the following address , which meeting Avith tbe full approbation of all the brethren
assembled , Avas ordered to be engrossed at the expense of the lodge .: — "To George Marwood , of Busby Hall , Esq ., J . P ., late Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the North and East Hidings of Yorkshire . Right AVorshipful Sir and Brother , — At a time when you are leaving for a few years your ancestral borne , and therefore have resigned the high office which you have for several years held in this province , alike to your own
honour and the advancement of Freemasonry , the officers , Past Masters , and the other brethren of the Cleveland Lodge , No . 543 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , cannot allow you to depart without some expression of gratitude to you for your unceasing labours for our venerable Craft , and also sincerely to Avish you continued health and happiness during your absence from among us . In common ivith our brethren throughout the province , we will ever regret your departure , and remember
with pleasure those labours you have given to tho Craft with such fervency and zeal . Moreover , we cannot forget that it Avas in our own lodge that you first saw the light of Masonry , and commenced those earnest endeavours which have been attended
with such good results to the province in general , and to our own lodge in particular . Nor is it amongst your ' dear brothers of the mystic tie' alone that your departure is deeply regretted ; for you have so steadily through life practised every Masonic virtue , that we are certain the uninitiated , and especially the sick and distressed , unite with us in wishing both yourself and family a safe and a speedy return . In the meantime , may the Almighty Architect of the Universe have you and yours in His
divine keeping . " Tho preceding , when properly engrossed , is to be signed by the AV . M . on behalf of the brethren of the lodge , Avho cordially endorse the sentiments of the address . A candidate for initiation into ancient Freemasonry having been proposed , the lodge Avas closed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BIACKBUEN . —Perseverance Chapiter ( No . 345 ) . —A convention of the above chapter Avas held on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Old Bull Hotel , Blackburn , under the able presidency of Comps . Thomas , P . M ., P . G . Reg . Oxfordshire , as Z . ; Bertwistto , H . ; Garsden , J . There were also present the following companions : Sir A \ illiam Feilden , Bart ., P . M . ; Charles Tiplady ,
P . M . ; E . H . Hutchinson , AV . M . ; Eichard Rudcliffe , P . M . ; Thomas Eobinson , S . AV . ; J . Callis , E . ; J . Procter , J . B . Carr , & c . The convocation having been duly opened , Bros . Eichard Burrows , Cornet Montagu , and H . J . Fielden were exalted to the degree of R . A . Masons , the ceremony being most ably performed by Comp . Thomas , and efficiently supported by Comps . Carr , Bertwistte , and Garsden . After the ceremony , the following companions were nominated for office for the ensuing
year : J . Yates , P . Z . ; Bertwistte , Z . ; Garsden , J . ; Tiplady , H . ; Carr , 1 st Soj . ; Copeland , 2 nd Soj . ; Callis , E . ; and Eobinson , N . Business being concluded , a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Comps . Thomas and Carr for the admirable manner in which they had conducted the ceremony , and for their general and zealous attention to the interests of this chapter . The brethren then adjourned , and partook of a slight repast , and spent a very pleasant hour together .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
IRELAND . DUBEIS ' . —An emergency convocation of tho College of Philosophical Masons , Grand Elected Knights K . H . of the 30 ° , was
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
held on Friday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Grand East of the Order , situate in the valley of Dublin , at half-past three p . m ., for the purpose of exalting to this degree such of the seven candidates elected at the last regular convocation , on February Sfch , as could attend ou this occasion . There were present at the meeting Bros . A \ illiam S . Sandes , 31 ° , Sublime President of the College , on the throne ; Edward Hornsby , G . S . AV . ; and Henry AVestropp , 31 ° , G . J . AV ; also the 111 . Bros . John Fitz Henry
Townsend , Q . C ., LL . D ., Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council , 33 ° ; Sir AVilliam Hort , Dart ., 33 ° , Grand Treasurer , H . E . ; Thomas Mostyn , 33 ° , Grand Secretary , H . E . ; Edmund J . Armstrong , 33 ° ; Sir Edward Borough , Bart ., 32 ° ; Thomas , E . ; Beatty , M . D ., 31 ° ; Lucius H . Deering , 31 ° , the Registrar of the College ; and other members . Bro . J . H . Healy , 30 ° , member of the English College , was present as a visitor on this occasion . The following five candidates out of
the seven elected being in attendance , were regularly exalted to this sublime degree by the officers of the College , assistedby the members of the Supreme Grand Council present , according to ancient form : —Bros . J . C . C . Townsend , No . 1 Chapter , Cork ; Arthur Bushe , S . G . D ., and Maxwell Charles Close , Original Chapter , Dublin ; George Johnson , M . T ) ., and Theohilus EStGeorgeNo . 2 ChapterDublin . The convocation
p . . , , was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Hie second Thursday in May , the next regular day of meeting of the College . The members afterwards dined together , and spent a very pleasant evening . The triennial convocation of Prince Masons is expected to take place in Dublin towards the end oi the present month .
Knights Templar
NORTHUMBERLAND . __ EAA'CAS TIE-O _ S -TX _ E . —Hoyal Kent Encampment ( No . 44 ) . — The annual conclave of this ancient encampment AVUS held on Good Friday at the Freemasons' Hall , Bell's-courfc , _ Newgatestreet . There were a considerable number of the Sir Knights present . The encampment was opened by the E . C , Sir Knt . Henry Hotham . A ballot was taken for Comp . J . F . Froolich
( Conde de Morreltz ) , of the De Sussex Chapter , which Avas found to be unanimous in his favour , and lie being in attendance , was admitted , and duly installed into the Order . The E . C . then proceeded to instal his successor , Sir Kat . Edward Shotton , the beautiful ceremony being very impressively performed . The E . C . then appointed his officers as follows : — Sir Knts . Henry Hotham , P . E . C . and Treas . ; William Punshon ,
Prior ; AA'illiam Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; C . J . Bannister , 2 nd Grand Captain of England , Chancellor ; Jens Jensen , 1 st Captain ; Robert J . Banning , M . D ., 2 nd Captain ; Jas . II . Thompson ,. Expert ; AVilliam Foulsham , Eeg . ; George Lawes , Capt . of Lines ; AA'ill . Henry Marwood , 1 st Herald ; J . F . Frmlich , 2 nd Herald ; Anthony Clapham , Std . Bearer ; J . S . Trotter , Equerry . Upon the conclusion of the business of the encampment the Sir Knts . dined together in the Hall .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESABEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The lodge was opened at a quarter past seven on thursday , March 29 th , by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., acting as AV . M-, assisted Binet , P . M ., acting as S . AV ., Bro . Oatley , J . W ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the last meeting Avere read and confirmed . Bro . Danguy , after having passed a satisfactory examination on the first degreeand been entrustedretired for preparation . The
, , lodgo was opened in the second degree , Bvo . C . Le SUCAAV , W . M .,, entered and took the chair ; Bro . Danguy was re-introduced and duly passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , evidence having been given as to the fitness of the following gentlemen , a ballot was taken for Messrs . P . G . Gibaut and E . J . Ahier as candidates for initiation , Avhich was in each case favourable . The latter was then introducedand
, regularly initiated into Freemasonry by the AV . M . On the proposition of Bro . Manuel , seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the lodge resolved to render every possible assistance in the preparation of an exposition of works of industry and art , to be held in the Masonic Temple in August next , and to hold its meetings